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Safety Awareness Message from Auxiliary Services

Please read the following safety awareness message from Auxiliary Services.

Safety begins with me! Signs & GearThis month’s Safety Talk will provide suggestions for being more active and involved in improving the safety of our workplace.

  • Maintaining a safe workplace requires everybody’s effort:
    • Never ignore unsafe conditions –correct it if you can, otherwise notify your supervisor;
    • Communicate unsafe conditions to your supervisor and colleagues;
    • Notify your supervisor if you feel that you can’t do your job safely;
    • Participate in safety activities such as the safety committees, monthly safety talk and other shop meetings;
  • Know what the requirements are for do-ing your job – if you don’t know, then ASK.
    • Attend all of your required safety classes;
    • Immediately report injuries or illnesses and “near misses”; and Set a good example for your colleagues by following all safety requirements.
  • Working too fast or rushing is a common behavior associated with an accident. When you are rushing:
    • Completing the job on time takes priority over completing the job safely;
    • Your thoughts are not on following proper safety procedures;
    • You are more likely to take shortcuts such as not using personal protection equipment (PPE);
    • Mistakes are more likely to occur;
    • Rushing is especially dangerous when per-forming an unfamiliar or non-routine task; and
    • You are less likely to stop and ask for help.
  • Housekeeping is a commonly over-looked aspect of a successful safety program. Poor housekeeping can result in the following:
    • Trip and slip hazards: When there is clutter on the walking surface:
    • Fire hazards: When there are excess boxes and other combustible materials in other areas not designated for storage;
    • Buildup of debris on machines that could make it unsafe to use; and Not being able to find tools and personal protection equipment (PPE);
  • Make some time to clean up after you perform your work!

Jordan School District policy requires employees to immediately report injuries or illnesses: You will NEVER be disciplined for reporting an injury or illness.

  • Always report injuries no matter how minor you think it is;
  • It is in your best interest to seek treatment immediately to prevent a minor injury from becoming more serious;
  • Participate in any follow up investigations - they are accident prevention efforts to correct deficiencies and pre-vent similar incidents from reoccurring;
  • Sometimes aches and pains associated with your job can be corrected by making adjustments to your work station or work practices.

Safe Behaviors:

  • Properly using required personal protection equipment (PPE)
  • Asking for help to lift heavy or awkward objects
  • Performing Lockout/Tagout
  • Doing safety checks before using a tool or machine
  • Cleaning up after finishing work
  • Reporting injuries and near misses
  • Not rushing to complete work
  • Suggesting ideas for improving safety
  • Correcting unsafe conditions
  • Stopping others from doing unsafe acts
  • Knowing and following work procedures

The most important thing is to go home safe and sound at the end of the day.