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May 2024 Payroll Newsletter

Paycheck iconMemorial Day Recess
May 27, 2024

Critical Days
Licensed & ESP - May 24 & 28

As Per DP335B and DP335NEG:  Licensed and ESP employees using an Annual/Personal leave day on Critical Days will be docked (Licensed $156 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason and the policy exception are written in the time off description box.

Please refer to policy links above, or use the Critical Days FAQ for further clarification.

Last Five Days of School
May 29 - 31

As per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG:  Annual/Personal leave shall not be taken during the last five days that students are in school unless listed as an exception in policy.

  • Payroll Due: May 2
  • Direct Dep Changes by May 9
  • View Paycheck: May 22
  • Pay Day: May 24

True Time Deadlines
Date Range Apr 1 – May 5
*True Time should be submitted and approved weekly

  • Employee Submittal: May 8
  • First Approval: May 10
  • Final Approval: May 14

Important - Last Day of School
If May 31 is an employee's last working day, all True Time must be submitted and approved by the end of the day.

Substitute Deadlines

Date Range  Due Payday
April 16-30 May 1 May 10
May 1-15 May 16 May 24