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Years of Service Pin Requests

Years of Service Pins websiteJordan School District takes great pride in your work and the role you play in education. We are pleased to continue honoring you for your time spent working in the District with “Years of Service Pins.”

As you reach your next employee milestone, please visit the Years of Service Pins website to request the pin representing your completed years of service. Employees can receive a different pin for every five years of service up to 50 years. Remember to include part-time and full-time years!

All employees can request their next pin using the link below.  Here are the guidelines:

  • Full or part time employee years are eligible, but not as a volunteer or a student.
  • Every employee can request a first pin after they are hired. As you complete every five years of service, you are eligible to receive another pin.
  • If you have problems with the form, please send an e-mail to