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Teacher Appreciation Letter from the Utah State Legislature

Dear Educators,

As the school year winds down, we want to give you a big heartfelt thank you! Utah is lucky to have some of the best educators in the nation – you truly make an impact on your students’ lives, your communities, and our state.

Education is the foundation of Utah’s success and the gateway to our future, which is why we’ve made significant investments and advancements in public education. We hope you have felt or will feel some of these benefits in your classrooms, such as:

  • Extra preparation days
  • Increased funds for classroom supplies
  • Lower school fees for your students
  • A boost to your salary
  • Additional paid parental leave
  • A new hotline to help you overcome administrative hurdles

Having visited classrooms around the state and seen the amazing work you do first-hand, we genuinely believe that given some of the hurdles we face, such as many more kids per capita than any other state, the teachers of Utah achieve the best results in the country. We recognize challenges still need to be addressed and are committed to continuing to invest in you and your students.

Your input is highly valued and a significant part of the legislative process. Please continue reaching out to share your feedback, thoughts, and concerns with us and your legislator by visiting Additionally, throughout the year, you may receive periodic updates to help keep you informed on education policy in our great state. Again, thank you for all you do. Your sacrifices, hard work, and passion make Utah’s students and education system nothing less than exceptional.

With sincere appreciation,
J. Stuart Adams
Senate President
Mike Schultz
Speaker of the House