NEW License Renewal Instructions for All Jordan School District Educators
This document outlines the steps necessary to renew an educator license with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) in order to maintain employment with the Jordan School District. If your current educator license is set to expire on June 30, 2025. Please review the following instructions carefully to ensure a seamless renewal process.
Basic Steps for License Renewal For Educators with 5+ Years of Experience
Educators holding a Professional Educator License with experience in a Utah public school district or charter for the past five years will find the renewal process streamlined. You are not required to complete the license renewal form or obtain an administrator’s signature. However, you must complete the following:
- Student & Data Privacy Training:
- Complete the Student Data Privacy Re-licensure Sign-in through the USBE Canvas online course. This course takes approximately one hour to complete.
- Educator Ethics Review:
- Complete the Ethics Review online via the Utah Schools Information Management System (USIMS).
- License Renewal:
- Renew your license online at USIMS.
Basic Steps for License Renewal For Educators with Less Than 5 Years of Experience
If you have not worked for all of the previous five years, you must follow the additional steps below:
- Complete the Professional Educator License (PEL) Renewal Form:
- This form can be completed digitally (PDF) or printed and filled out manually.
- Document a minimum of 100 hours of renewal activity.
- Online Renewal Process in USIMS:
- Finalize the renewal in USIMS only after completing all requirements.
- Ensure the form is reviewed and signed by a licensed administrator or other approved authority.
- Keep the signed/approved form for your records. It is not submitted to USBE unless requested during a monitoring review.
Important Notes
- Documentation: Maintain all documentation and adhere to licensing procedures to avoid any risk of license renewal repeal and referral to the USBE Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission (UPPAC).
- Verification Deadline: The Human Resource Department must receive your licensure renewal verification in CACTUS by June 30, 2025. Failure to do so will result in employment termination at the end of your contract for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Should you have questions please contact Human Resources at 801-567-8150 or