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Blomquist Hale Newsletter – Volunteer Work and Your Mental Health

The Blomquist Hale Newsletter for the quarter has arrived. In this issue, you will find articles on:

  • Volunteer Work & Your Mental Health - Volunteer work is a great way to give back to your community and make a difference in the lives of others, but did you know that it can also have a positive impact on your mental health? The main reason most of us volunteer is to help out those in need, but we don’t usually think of how it can benefit ourselves as well. There are many opportunities for you to feel the benefits of volunteering your time in any community from being an official volunteer for a well-known organization to just spending quality time with a friend or relative.
  • Volunteering Makes You Happy - When you volunteer, you are able to see the impact you are making and the difference you are able to make in the lives of others. This can increase feelings of self-esteem and personal satisfaction, as you are able to see the positive impact you are having on your community.
  • Donating to Charity - An alternative way to donate your time when life’s responsibilities make it hard to volunteer work, would to be donate to a charity. You may not directly be doing the actual work while donating to charities, however, you are providing resources that make these organizations’ missions possible whether you are donating money, clothes, or any other supplies. There are a wide range of charitable organizations to choose from.