The JSD Teachers for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Team has created a monthly newsletter. The full newsletter for April can be found at the link below. Stories include:
- Top Three Things You Can Do to Enhance Understanding for DHH - Face the DHH speaking. Your expression, and even
lip-reading abilities are essential for understanding. Make language visible. Writing things on the board, using pictures, gesturing, using models, acting, and other visual cues are a huge benefit to DHH students. Increase Processing Time. Often thought of as wait time after a question is posed, letting concepts, ideas, and questions sink in before a response is expected, is important. - Six Ways to Accommodate Instruction - Use visuals to support content. Allow and encourage primary language support. Provide multiple entry points. Make adapted texts available. Offer sentence frames for writing and speaking. Give choice and differentiation in products.
- DHH Students are Most Often ELL Students - Spoken language is not as accessible for DHH students, leaving a learning gap in their native (i.e. English) language acquisition. Deaf children whose native language is a signed language (i.e. ASL), are learning English as a second language.
- Check out all the newsletters at the JSD Deaf & Hard of Hearing Monthly "Tips" Newsletters Page
- April 2023 Incidental Learning Newsletter