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Don’t Forget! Open Enrollment May 15 – June 15

Don't Forget Open Enrollment FlyerMake your changes for the 2023-24 plan year.

A couple of things you need to be aware of:

  1. You can watch a recording of an open enrollment presentation on the Insurance Services website.
  2. Effective Sept. 1, Dental Select will no longer be offering the Silver Discount Plan. If you are enrolled, please make sure to go online and enroll in one of the other options if you are interested.
  3. As an employee of Jordan School District, you can elect 5x your salary up to $300,000 in life insurance without answering any health questions. Your spouse can elect up to 50% of the employees amount to a max of $50,000 without any health questions.


  1. If you participate in Flex Spending, don't forget you need to elect a new amount every year.
  2. If you don't want to change anything, you don't have to do anything. Please go online and verify that you have all of your dependents listed for the basic life policy the district pays for and update beneficiary information if necessary.

Contact Insurance Services with any questions: