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Human Resources License Renewal, Early Retirement and Resignation Notification Incentives, Teacher Transfer Fair

The Human Resource Department is contacting valued licensed employees with important information regarding upcoming events and opportunities.

Teachers and other educators whose license will expire on June 30, 2019, are encouraged to begin the license renewal process IMMEDIATELY by going to the USBE website. Personal letters regarding license renewal information have already been sent out. Keep in mind that there is no cost to the employee associated with the background check.

EARLY NOTIFICATION (Resignation/Retirement)
Employees resigning/retiring at the end of the current contract year that give official early notification of resignation/retirement, will be eligible for a tiered incentive. To qualify, notification must be submitted online on or before the following dates:

  • December 15, 2018 $500.00
  • January 15, 2019 $300.00
  • February 15, 2019 $200.00

The incentive will be paid on the last regular paycheck. Notifications of resignation/retirement received after the dates listed above will not qualify for an incentive. The official District resignation/retirement notification form is found in Skyward Employee Access under Task Processes. Please see District policy DP318 for more detailed information regarding resignations. If you do not know your Skyward username or password please contact the Help Desk at 801.567.8737.

The dates of the Teacher Transfer Fairs below are for current Jordan School District teachers seeking a new teaching opportunity! Please have copies of your resume available to distribute. Your JSD ID badge is required. Come explore your options!

  • Elementary & Secondary | January 14, 2019 | West Jordan High (gym), 8136 S. 2700 W., West Jordan | 12 - 6 p.m.
  • Elementary Only | February 20, 2019 | Fort Herriman Middle (gym), 14058 S. Mirabella Drive, Herriman | 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
  • Secondary Only | February 21, 2019 | Copper Hills High (Tech Atrium), 5445 W. New Bingham Hwy, West Jordan | 4 - 6 p.m.
  • Elementary & Secondary | March 28, 2019 Riverton High (gym), 12476 S. Silverwolf Way, Riverton | 4:30-6 p.m.

TEACHER HIRING & TRANSFER TIMELINE Schools who have “hard to fill” openings for 2019-20 or “known vacancies” for either the 2018-19 or 2019-20, may advertise those positions on effective immediately. These positions will be posted for a minimum of five working days before hiring. Current JSD employees are encouraged to apply for positions which you qualify.

  • “Hard to fill openings” consist of positions for the 2019-20 year that are on the District’s Critical Need Priority List (based on the USBE Index of Criticality). “Hard to fill” positions include Math, Special Education, Psychologists, SLP’s, DLI, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Systems, Integrated Science, Agriculture, Computer Programming, Health Science, Auto & Diesel Technology, Title 1, Engineering, and Business.
  • “Known vacancies” are classified or licensed positions that a school must fill regardless of enrollment or FTE allocation. Examples of a “known vacancy” include Media Specialist, CTE Coordinator, Athletic Director, Band Director, Head Coach/Advisor, Head Custodian, etc.