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2024 District-Wide Professional Development Day

Aug. 2024 PD Conference FlyerThe district-wide professional development day is on Aug. 13, 2024.

All licensed personnel are required to select and attend a keynote speaker in the morning and are required to attend a corresponding session to their assignment in the afternoon.

If you haven't already registered for a morning keynote:

  1. Please choose and register for a keynote speaker using this link. Keynote speakers are NOT content specific. The topics and location information for each keynote speaker are included in the registration information. To review your selection, log into your Canvas account or review your confirmation email.

Review Your Assigned Afternoon Grade Level/Content Area Schedule

  1. Please review the following flyer to see the lineup of presenters at your content area location. The afternoon breakout sessions on Aug. 13, ARE specific to content area and grade level. You do not need to pre-register for the afternoon breakouts. You will have time to eat lunch and transition to your content location after the morning keynote.