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Blomquist Hale Newsletter – Dating Your Spouse

Q1 2025 Blomquist Hale NewsletterThe Blomquist Hale Newsletter for the quarter has arrived. In this issue, you will find articles on:

Stay Connected - Many people long for the magic they first experienced early on in their relationship. After time, things evolve and change. Once the kids and career come, there is not much time to do the same things you did early on in the relationship that made it wonderful. It’s easy to get bogged down by our infinite to do lists. Modern day life is hectic. It seems we pride ourselves on how busy we are; we wear being overwhelmed like a badge of honor. In all of the busyness and stress, we often put ourselves and our relationships on the back burner. We then somehow feel surprised that we are disconnected from our partners.

The “Trifecta” of Dating - It is imperative to spend some time enjoying each other’s company with minimal distractions and disruptions. It’s about doing small things often and prioritizing time spent together. How frequently you have a date night is completely dependent on what works best in your relationship. Ideally every week for 2 hours would be great, but if you don’t have the time or resources to make this happen then every couple of weeks or once a month is just fine. The point here is that you make it happen.