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BYU Aspiring Principals Program FlyerWant to be a principal? The BYU School Leadership Program invites educators to learn from current school, district, state, and university leaders about becoming a principal. The Academy is a great way to get a taste of school leadership and learn best practices for applying to principal preparation programs and future leadership positions.

The district will cover the cost of your substitute teacher, and BYU will award a $1,000 scholarship to any participants who are accepted to and attend BYU’s Masters of School Leadership Program.  The application deadline is Aug. 29.

Date of Session Time Where Topic
Specific Dates Differ for Each District
Times Differ for Each District At District Offices Intro to Principal Leadership
UELS 1: Visionary Leadership
Oct. 9 Evening 4-6 p.m. Virtual UELS 2: Teaching & Learning
Nov. 6 Full Day BYU Campus UELS 5: School Improvement
Dec. 4 Evening 4-6 p.m. Virtual UELS 3: Management for Learning
UELS 4: Community Engagement
Jan. 8 Evening Virtual UELS 7 Equity & Cultural Responsiveness
Feb. 5 Full Day BYU Campus UELS 6: Ethical Leadership

Envelope with Warning MessageInformation Systems would like to take a moment to ask everyone to please be mindful of email phishing scams.

At the beginning of the school year we always see an uptick in these types of scams. In particular groups or individuals may try to take advantage of students, parents, and employees by encouraging the purchase of gift cards.

Please remember that Jordan School District employees will never send emails requesting your login name, password, financial information, or gift cards.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while looking out for phishing emails:

  • Is the email asking for personal information or other unusual requests?
  • Have you used a second method of communication to verify the source of the email like making a phone call?
  • Is the email offering money or asking you to send money?
  • Do you normally email with this person or does it communicate an abnormal sense of urgency?
  • Does it sound too good to be true and are they playing on your emotions?

If any of these statements are true, then you may have a phishing email on your hands. Please report any activity that appears to be a scam or phishing to

Always think before you click and reach out to Information Systems for help if you have any doubts about the legitimacy of an email.

For information regarding legal liability protection for school district employees, please review the following:

Legal Liability Protection  for Public School Employees
You and your public school have broad liability coverage through the State Risk Management Fund, hereinafter the “Fund.” 

Lawsuits are defended by the Litigation Division of the Utah Attorney General’s Office.

You have coverage through the Fund if a civil claim or a civil lawsuit for damages is brought against you for acts or omissions occurring:

  • during the performance of your duties, 
  • within the scope of your employment, or 
  • under color of authority, 

You may have the following rights under the Governmental Immunity Act of Utah: 

  • to have any lawsuit defended by an attorney at no cost to you, and 
  • to have any settlement or judgment paid on your behalf.

To secure these rights you must: 

  • Immediately notify your school of any claim or lawsuit not to exceed 60 days;
  • Immediately forward to your school all legal documents served on you;
  • Make a written request to your school for defense and indemnification within ten days after service of a lawsuit; and
  • Cooperate in the subsequent investigation and defense, including to make an offer of judgment if requested.

Your rights to defense and payment of claims or judgments do not cover acts or omissions involving:

  • Fraud; 
  • Willful misconduct; 
  • Impairment due to your use of alcohol or drugs; or 
  • False testimony under oath.

Criminal and Occupational Defense Protection
The Fund does NOT provide an attorney or pay for attorneys’ fees incurred in defending a criminal case; or occupational licensing matter (i.e. Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission); nor does it cover or pay for any fines, fees, or any other costs assessed in a criminal case or occupational licensing matter.

However, as a public-school employee, you may have the right under Utah Code 52-6 to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs from your employing school if the indictment or information is quashed, dismissed or results in an acquittal, unless it is quashed or dismissed on motion of the prosecuting attorney. This statute applies if the criminal charges are filed against you for acts or omissions occurring during the performance of your duties, within the scope of your employment, or under color of authority,

Additional Insurance Options

Civil Liability Coverages Civil coverage not provided by Governmental Immunity Act Fund Criminal Defense Coverages
State Risk Fund

Coverage for employees is generally consistent with the Utah Governmental Immunity Act and the statutory limitations of liability. Primary coverage includes General Liability; Auto Liability; Employment Practices Liability; Errors & Omissions; Directors & Officers; and Faithful Performance, generally with limits of $10 Million per occurrence.

N/A No criminal defense coverage.

For additional information about your rights please see the following: The Utah Governmental Immunity Act, Utah Code 63G-7; Reimbursement of Criminal Defense Costs, Utah Code 52-6; Your Risk Manager or Business Official; or The Utah State Division of Risk Management 4315 S 2700 W Taylorsville, Utah 84129 (801) 957-7170

If you have any questions, please contact Bonnie Brennan, Director of Insurance Services, 801-567-8285 or

Required literacy classes are now available for registration for new teachers and teachers moving to a new grade level.

If a teacher is moving grade levels and has already taken any of the trainings, they DO NOT need to take them again. If a teacher has completed Wit & Wisdom training for any grade level, they do not need to repeat the training.

To register for classes, go to Classes can be found by searching for the class titles or clicking on the direct links below. Please be sure that all new teachers are aware of the different trainings that they will need for their grade level and the dates that they are being offered. These are currently the only offerings for these classes this year. New teachers should sign up for one date for each training listed under the grade level they will be teaching. In-service rate will be paid for Heggerty and MSRC classes taken outside of contracted hours. Substitutes will be provided for all classes taught during contracted hours. A stipend of $600.00 will be paid to teachers for the completion of the in-person and online book work for LETRS training.

Training for Really Great Reading is not listed because teachers have been emailed a link and that training is completed online. A stipend $300.00 will be provided upon completion of Really Great Reading training.

If you have any questions regarding classes or the registration process, please contact:

Brittney Eldredge

For Elementary Teachers Only:  Many elementary schools are moving towards adopting Canvas as their learning management solution (LMS), in lieu of Google Classroom.  To help elementary teachers in facilitating the change in LMS, we will be launching district created templates for elementary classrooms.  These templates are customizable to meet your individual classroom needs and are meant to help teachers have an online classroom option.

For teachers who already use Canvas, you can import your prior course content and overwrite the district templates.  These templates will be launched on Monday Aug. 5th.  Any updates made in Canvas prior to Aug. 5th will be overwritten when the templates are launched, so please wait to move your content into Canvas until after Monday Aug. 5th.  Please contact Digital Teaching and Learning with any questions or concerns.

After Aug. 5 all elementary teachers will be able to import prior content to their Canvas courses.  To help you import your content and remove the district template please watch the video linked here.

Jordan Health & WellnessCelebrating "Wellness Welcome Week" with three ways to participate:

  • The Wellness Welcome Challenge: The Wellness Team has put together a Wellness Welcome Bingo card to help you stay motivated and kick the year off with your wellness in mind starting with the very first week. Use this link to view the Bingo card.
    • After completing your Bingo card fill out this form to enter our drawing with individual and school/department prizes!  
  • Virtual Lunch n Learns: Build your wellness muscles while you eat lunch! There will be two sessions for each topic, depending on your lunchtime preference. Sessions will repeat each day at both 11:30 a.m.  and1:00 p.m. 
    • Sign up to get a Zoom Link and a reminder or use the link below at the scheduled time.


  • Self-Regulation Strategies for Students (and you too!) - Zoom Link
  • Creating Regenerative Rituals for Personal Wellness - Zoom Link
    • Early Eaters - 11:30 - 12:00
    • Late Lunchers - 1:00-1:30

Aug. 15

  • Conquering Your Calendar - Zoom Link
  • 4 Simple Strategies for Daily Fulfillment - Zoom Link
    • Early Eaters - 11:30 - 12:00
    • Late Lunchers - 1:00-1:30
  • In-person Wellness Experiences
    • Yoga: Begin or end your day with mindful movement and relaxing meditation. Sign up to receive a schedule of various yoga offerings throughout the District that will improve your wellness.
    • Quieting Your Mind With Calming Strategies: Visit a wellness center to experience how and why these spaces work and learn how to incorporate these skills into your daily routines. Sign up to receive more information.

We are proud to be part of the Jordan School District and wish you a healing summer vacation. We look forward to starting the year fresh and prioritizing our wellness from the start!

Sign up for a free educator well-being course and earn re-licensure hours and college credit! Space is limited! Jordan District educators are invited to participate in our 2024 FREE Educator Well-Being Continuing Ed Courses for administrators, teachers, counselors, and specialists. This course is an opportunity for all JSD employees to address their own well-being by exploring practical strategies associated with connection, happiness, self-care, conflict resolution, growth mindset, problem-solving, and more! Participants will collaborate, learn from, and connect with other educators throughout the District as they work towards meeting their own wellness goals. This course is FREE for JSD employees and Winter, and Summer sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited for this great opportunity!Sign up for a free educator well-being course and earn re-licensure hours and college credit! Space is limited! 

Jordan District educators are invited to participate in our 2024 FREE Educator Well-Being Continuing Ed Courses for administrators, teachers, counselors, and specialists. This course is an opportunity for all JSD employees to address their own well-being by exploring practical strategies associated with connection, happiness, self-care, conflict resolution, growth mindset, problem-solving, and more! Participants will collaborate, learn from, and connect with other educators throughout the District as they work towards meeting their own wellness goals.

This course is FREE for JSD employees and Winter, and Summer sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited for this great opportunity!

Participants can earn continuing education, lane-change, and re-licensure hours from SUU (up to 3 college credits).

Sign up using the link below and share this information with professionals in your schools who may be interested in this opportunity.

Aug. 2024 PD Conference FlyerThe district-wide professional development day is on Aug. 13, 2024.

All licensed personnel are required to select and attend a keynote speaker in the morning and are required to attend a corresponding session to their assignment in the afternoon.

If you haven't already registered for a morning keynote:

  1. Please choose and register for a keynote speaker using this link. Keynote speakers are NOT content specific. The topics and location information for each keynote speaker are included in the registration information. To review your selection, log into your Canvas account or review your confirmation email.

Review Your Assigned Afternoon Grade Level/Content Area Schedule

  1. Please review the following flyer to see the lineup of presenters at your content area location. The afternoon breakout sessions on Aug. 13, ARE specific to content area and grade level. You do not need to pre-register for the afternoon breakouts. You will have time to eat lunch and transition to your content location after the morning keynote.

Important Payroll Aug. 2024 FlyerPayroll Due: Aug. 2
View Your Paycheck: Aug. 21
Payday: Aug. 23

First Five Days of School:
Aug. 21 - 27 Elementary Level
Aug. 20 - 26 - Secondary Level

As per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG: Annual/Personal leave shall not be taken during the first five days that students are in school unless listed as an exception in policy. If applicable, an explanation of the policy exception must be written in the time off description box.

Welcome New Hires!
Please visit the Payroll website for important information:


  • Time Off Information - Employees are allocated new Annual leave days on July 1st each year. At the end of each school year, any unused Annual leave days will rollover into sick days on June 30th. Sick days are to be used for your own personal health reasons unless approved by Human Resources for critical family leave.
  • How to request time off
  • Critical Days

True Time Deadlines:
Pay Period July 1, 2024 - Aug. 4, 2024
Employee Final Submittal: Aug. 7, 2024
First Approval: Aug. 9, 2024
Final Approval: Aug. 13, 2024

Insurance Services wants to make everyone aware that there is a scam going around that is targeting PEHP clients. If you receive a text from PEHP stating your enrollment has not been completed, please ignore and delete it. These texts are not from PEHP and do not respond in any way.

Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact Jordan Insurance Services at 801-567-8146.

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave on a Critical Day before/after Labor Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Critical Days* Window
Labor Day Sept. 2, 2024 Aug. 30 & Sept. 3, 2024 July 20 – July 30, 2024

*Critical Days are the first student attendance days before or after a school holiday. If a non-student attendance day falls before or after a school holiday, the Critical Day is the day before or after that non-student attendance day when students are in attendance.

  • 2024-25 Licensed Annual/Personal Leave Taken on a Critical Day
  • 2024-25 ESP Annual/Personal Leave Taken on a Critical Day

July 2024 Health InsightsCheck out the July 2024 Moreton & Company Health Insights newsletter. Stories include:

Work-Life Balance - In our rush to “get it all done” at the office and at home, it’s easy to forget that as our stress levels spike, our productivity plummets. Stress can affect our concentration, make us irritable or depressed, and harm our relationships.

The Power of Self-Care - Self-care is the practice of intentionally engaging in activities that positively impact mental, physical, and emotional well-being. It directly correlates to mental health, as selfcare techniques can create healthy coping mechanisms for unavoidable stressors in everyday life.

Health Benefits of Hobbies - A hobby is any activity that you frequently do for pleasure during your leisure time. This could include creative, athletic, and intellectual activities. Giving quality time to activities that you enjoy also helps your performance in your professional life. It improves your creative problem-solving abilities and helps you build better relationships with your coworkers by making you more empathetic.

July 2024 Important Payroll Info FlyerPayroll Due: July 2
Payday: July 25

Direct Deposit Changes: Submit by July 10
View Your Paycheck: July 20

If you do not have direct deposit your check will be held in the Payroll Department at the District Office for pickup

To sign up for or update your direct deposit you can do so via Employee Access: Direct Deposit Instructions

True Time Deadlines:
Pay Period June 3 - June 30
Employee Final Submittal: July 3
First Approval: July 5
Final Approval: July 9
Independence Day July 4 - District Offices Closed
Pioneer Day July 24 - District Offices Closed

We are writing to inform you of an important update to our professional learning registration system, JPLS. Starting with the 2024-25 school year, we will be transitioning from JPLS to Canvas Catalog for all in-district professional development class registration and transcript records for those classes.

Action Required: To ensure a smooth transition, we ask each teacher to take the following steps by June 30, 2024:

  • Log into JPLS and download an archive of your transcript
  • Save these records in a secure location for your reference

Why This Change? This decision was made after careful consideration to enhance our professional learning experience. Canvas Catalog offers a more user-friendly interface for end users and provides additional features that we believe will significantly benefit our teachers.  We understand that change can be challenging, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Detailed instructions on downloading your transcript from JPLS is available using the link below.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to Chris Westra in Teaching and Learning, or Jared Covili, Admin - Digital Teaching and Learning,

Q3 2024 Blomquist Hale NewsletterThe Blomquist Hale Newsletter for the quarter has arrived. In this issue, you will find articles on:

  • Spending Time With Family: It’s Time To Unplug - Nowadays, there are many distractions in our world. Life can feel crazy. We are all trying to juggle work, school, social activities, growing to-do lists and of course cell phones and screen time. In todays world, access to phones, tablets, laptops, and smart TV’s is easier than ever. Our lives are lived through multiple screens, each demanding our time and attention, even as we complain that we don’t have enough to give. Whether we are posting on social media sites, checking our emails, playing games or watching entertainment - we are glued to our digital devices.
  • The Importance of Spending Time Together - The benefits of spending time with your family is hard to ignore, which is why it is crucial to make family time a priority. Not only does it have a positive effect on your child’s mental health, but it also makes a real difference in their general well-being and academic performance. Below are a few additional benefits to consider.
  • Fun Activities - Check out 25 ideas for fun activities you and your family can do this summer.

If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Insurance Services at 801-567-8146 or

July 2024 Blomquist Hale Workshop FlyersBlomquist Hale has two workshops coming up in July! See attached for the workshop flyer and details outlined below.

  • Topic: Financial Wellness: Navigating Stress, Budgeting, and Healthy Habits
    Date: July 15
    Time: 12 – 1 p.m. MT
    Location: Online!
  • Topic: Road Rage
    Date: July 23
    Time: 12 – 1 p.m. MT
    Location: Online!

To register for any of our upcoming workshops, please visit the BH workshop website at

If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Insurance Services at 801-567-8146 or

WarriorsFest FlyerThe Utah Warriors Rugby team is holding the "WarriorsFest" on June 28 at America First Field. They are attempting to break the record to create the world's largest beach ball pit. Proceeds are going to Primary Children's Hospital. The Warriors are trying to get 15,000 people at this event which will be on national TV.

As part of their efforts, the Warriors are offering $10 tickets for the Jordan School District employees.  There will also be live music, a pre-game fanfest, world class rugby, fireworks, and more!  To get tickets, use the link below.

Do you have an Apple ID using your district email address?
Your Apple ID is your Apple account for App Store downloads, iCloud storage, and other Apple services.  Not all staff with an Apple device have an Apple ID.  Only staff who have used the App Store, iCloud or other Apple services have an Apple ID.  Some Staff are using an Apple ID that they created using their district email address.  These Apple IDs are in the format of  Despite the fact that these Apple IDs are using your district email address, these are personal Apple IDs that are managed by Apple and not Jordan School District.  You will no longer be able to use your district email address for these Apple IDs.  If you have an Apple ID using your district email address, then you will be receiving an email from Apple instructing you to choose a different email address.

What to expect if you want to continue using this Apple ID:

  • Wait for the email from Apple before updating your email address.
  • Choose an email address that is not your district email address.
  • Previous purchases and iCloud data will not be affected.

What to expect if you DO NOT want to continue using this Apple ID:

  • You can ignore the email from Apple and any notifications you receive over the next 60 days.
  • Previous purchases and iCloud data associated with this Apple ID will become unavailable.

Who Can I Contact?
If you have any questions, please contact your building IT Support Technician or the Information Systems help desk at 801-567-8737.