The Blomquist Hale Newsletter for the 4th Quarter has arrived. In this issue, you will find articles on Managing Holiday Stress, 5 Ways to Relax Over The Holidays, and Family Fun For The Holidays.
Author: communications
Jersey Mike’s Oct. 2020 Fundraiser
Jordan Education Foundation has partnered with the Jordan Landing Jersey Mike's location for a fundraiser. Order online or on the Jersey Mike's app using promo code JEF30 on Oct. 21 - Oct. 28—and Jersey Mike's will happily donate 30% of your sale in support of Jordan Education Foundation. Enjoy some great subs and help Jersey Mike’s support this worthy cause.
Health and Wellness Tips
The October Workout Warrior will encourage and motivate you to be active in the great outdoors and enjoy the cooler weather and fall colors. Hiking is a perfect way to stay fit so fall in love with cool weather fitness! A lot of us don’t like to walk during the hot summer months, but now is a great time of year to start a walking group at work. Gather some co-workers and take that much needed break. If you are working from home, don’t forget to do get away from your computer screen and move your body. It will thank you! Registration and information about the Happy Hiking October Workout Warrior is can be viewed below.
One of the best antidotes for stressful situations for a rough year is laughter. We need to laugh and find humor in life now more than ever. The October Wellness Challenge will focus on the physical, emotional, and social benefits of laughter. Join the Laughter, It’s No Joke Wellness Challenge by using the registration link on the in the PDF below. Let’s all work to make the last part of this year happier and more light-hearted. Laughter is the best medicine!
Fall is the perfect time for healthy and hearty soups. Don’t forget to add a lot of fresh vegetables to your soup to increase the nutritional value and boost your immune system. Have you checked out all the delicious soups and other healthy recipes on our Test Kitchen page of the PEHP Website? Use the following link to explore all the delicious recipes, or maybe submit your own recipe for others to enjoy.
Fall Recess Payroll Information
Due to the District Office closing for Fall Recess at the end of the day on Thursday, Oct. 22, and not returning until Monday, Oct. 26, the Payroll Department is making the following recommendations:
- If you need to close your bank account, please call Payroll immediately.
- If you are a True Time employee, make sure your time is submitted. If you are a True Time approver, please make sure all time is approved.
- Paychecks are available for viewing in Employee Access on Tuesday, Oct. 20.
Please review your pay check and call Payroll immediately with any questions or concerns. (801) 567-8155.
If you need help logging into your Employee Access, call the help desk at 801-567-8737.
- Payday is on Oct. 22nd.
The Payroll Department will resume work on Oct. 26, 2020 and will be available if you have any questions.
Thank you for your efforts in assisting Payroll.
Updated Quarantine Practices
The Utah Department of Health, under the direction of Governor Herbert, has approved adjustments to the 14-day quarantine. Students and employees who have been quarantined due to an in-school exposure, while wearing a mask, may return to school if they are symptom-free, and have a negative test result after day 7 of quarantine. The test may be taken on day 7. State officials and medical experts indicate that this new guidance aligns with the best medical practice.
The following are key points provided by the State:
- Masks are effective at preventing transmission in classroom settings
- This only applies to mask on mask exposure
- Only applies to exposures that occurred in school
- % of individuals who will develop symptoms do so on:
- Day 7 -75%,
- Day 9 - 90%
- Day 11- 95%
- Testing picks up positive cases two days before symptoms onset; therefore, testing on day 7 means there is less than a 10% chance that an individual will contract after day 7
- This is for individual exposures, and does not pertain to the threshold recommendations for classroom or school virtual learning
The COVID-19 School Manual will be updated to reflect this change but the change takes effect immediately.
Please carefully read the attached Low Risk Test and Return guidance document found below.
More information will be forthcoming as it becomes available.
LCS Fall 2020 Newsletter
Cares Act $200 Reward Program for Teachers and Administrators
The CARES Act Reimagine Teaching program is providing $200 Amazon gift cards to teachers and administrators who sign up for the program by Oct. 1 and complete it by Dec. 1. Heres how does it works:
- Sign Up by Oct. 1 to qualify and get updates
- Search Workshops & Programs and other Professional Learning Resources.
- Complete four clock hours of professional learning between June 1 - December 1, 2020.
- Submit Proof of completion such as a certificate, email from the instructor, or department letter.
- Accept recognition - $200 Amazon gift card (limited quantity available)
Mountain America Credit Union Offers Grants to Educators
For many educators, the 2020-21 school year presents unique challenges. Dedicated teachers are reexamining their lesson plans, tools, and teaching methodologies to ensure they are making an impact on their students—whether they are virtual, hybrid, or in-person but distanced.
Mountain America Credit Union wants to help teachers make that impact. Grants are specifically-designated for items or projects that have a long-standing impact and that support classroom learning (as opposed to school-related clubs or activities). Online applications are due by Oct. 9, 2020, and winners will be announced by Oct. 31, 2020.
COVID-19 Testing for District Employees
Employees of the Jordan School District:
In light of increasing COVID-19 cases in Salt Lake County, the Utah Department of Health (UDOH), the Salt Lake County Health Department (SLCoHD), and your school district have created an option for employees of the school district to get free COVID-19 testing. This testing will be available for a limited period of time based on available lab capacity.
Plans are already in place to test people with symptoms and people who have had close contact with confirmed cases. These people will receive a testing certificate from their school with instructions on how to be tested at any of the 70 testing locations statewide.
We understand employees who do not feel sick and who have not had close contact with a confirmed case may still wish to be tested, too. The school district has partnered with the UDOH and the SLCoHD to provide this testing for you.
Beginning Tuesday, September 29, any district employees who want to be tested can be tested. Each district has its own referral code to access this free testing. Your district’s referral code is 40014.
To be tested, please go to, fill out the required demographic information, and then provide your referral code when prompted to do so. You will then be able to schedule testing at any of the TestUtah locations (there are four in Salt Lake County). Once you select a location, date, and time for your test, TestUtah will provide you a QR code which you will take to the site at your assigned date and time. You will be tested free of charge and will be notified by text and/or email when your results are available. If you test positive, you will need to notify your school and also let the public health investigator who contacts you know that you are an employee of the district.
If you have any questions about using this referral code to sign up for testing, please contact the COVID-19 information line by chat at or by phone at 1-800-456-7707.
Important Payroll Information: New Pay Rates and Deductions
With the beginning of the new school year comes new pay rates along with new deductions. All employees are encouraged to log in to Employee Access and review their salary placement, FTE, insurance premiums, deductions, name, and *address. This information can all be located under the EMPLOYEE INFORMATION tab.
*Reminder that checks that are not direct deposit will be mailed to your home address in Skyward. Please make sure that your address is correct to avoid a delay in receiving your pay.
Your actual paycheck is available to view up to two (2) days prior to payday each month in CHECK HISTORY. If you have questions, please contact the following:
- Help Desk 801-567-8737 (For Employee Access login and password)
- Payroll 801-567-8154
- Insurance 801-567-8146
- Human Resources 801-567-8150
All paychecks that are not direct deposited will temporarily be mailed to your address on file in Skyward.
To avoid possible delays in receiving your paycheck, please log in to your Skyward Employee Access (call 801-567-8737 for login assistance if needed) to verify that your address is correct, or to make any changes to your address.
View and/or change your address online:
- Log in to Skyward Employee Access
- EMPLOYEE INFORMATION tab (under Employee Information heading)
- ADDRESS (under Demographic heading)
View and/or change your address by telephone:
- Call Human Resources at 801-567-8150
No Cost Employee Assistance Plan
To register for our no cost online webinars, please go to:
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Information
Dear JSD Employee,
The recently passed Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) may entitle eligible employees who have worked for the District for 30 days to receive a limited amount of paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. These provisions will apply from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. The PDF below is a FFCRA notice from the Department of Labor outlining eligibility, paid leave entitlements and qualifying reasons for leave related to COVID-19.
The PDF also contains a tutorial on how you can submit a FFCRA Leave application through Skyward Employee Access if you believe you have a qualifying reason. If you need assistance in accessing your Skyward employee account, please contact the Information Systems Help Desk at 801-567-8737. For questions regarding FFCRA, please review the attached notice or contact HR at 801-567-8249.
ZOOM Pro Plan for Educators
Utah Education Network is working to provide a ZOOM Pro Plan for Educators. Within the next two weeks you will receive an email from ZOOM with an invitation to approve a request for a new account through UEN. If you would like the Pro Plan for Zoom, you will have 30 days to approve the request.
Here's a sample of what the email will look like:
It’s Time to Get Your 2020 Flu Shots!
Getting a flu shot is an easy way to help protect you, your family and co-workers.
There is no cost to you with your insurance card. Two district clinics have been scheduled for flu shots this year (see the attached schedule). Clinics have also been scheduled at most schools. See your individual school for dates and times.
You can also go to your physician or any pharmacy that accepts PEHP insurance.
Webinar Opportunities To Learn More About Your Retirement Benefits
Utah Retirement Systems is offering informational webinars regarding your retirement benefits.
Tier 1 Public Employee Benefits An overview of Tier 1 public employee pension benefit basics.Monday, Sept. 14, 2020, 4:00 p.m. » Register Now |
Tier 2 Choice This overview for employees within their first year of URS-eligible employment will help you understand your two retirement choices.Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, 11:30 a.m. » Register Now |
Tier 1 Public Employee Benefits Including Steps to Retirement For Those Retiring Within the Next 3 Years An overview of Tier 1 public employee pension benefits.Friday, September 25, 2020, 1:00 p.m. » Register Now
School Safety Reminders
Let's work together to keep our schools open. What we do makes a difference. Here are a few important reminders:
- Maintain a seating chart in classrooms – It is vital to contact tracing.
- Keep small groups together for the entire class period – Mixing small groups creates a higher risk for exposure.
- Send students showing any COVID-19 symptoms to the office immediately.
- Remind students to stay home if they are sick.
Mask Exemptions for Employees
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in compliance with the State of Utah Public Health Order, Jordan School District requires employees to wear face coverings while at work.
Jordan School District recognizes that some employees may have a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. In order to receive an exemption from the State’s face covering requirements, the included exemption form must be completed by your primary care provider and returned to June LeMaster in Human Resources. Your request will be evaluated and if approved, alternative options will be provided.
- Employee Face Mask Exemption Form
FFCRA Questions and Answers for Employees
Families First Corona Virus Relief Act (FFCRA) Leave – Employees who are either exposed to or have contracted COVID-19 are entitled to 80 hours of FFCRA leave, above their District leave benefits and are not expected to use their own leave benefits for COVID-19 illness, unless the necessary leave goes beyond 80 hours. In employee access, employees must enter the “other” leave code, select the FMLA reason code and enter FFCRA in their description, as per their approval email.
A tutorial for applying for FFCRA leave was made available to employees in JEM on April 2, 2020.
For questions or additional information regarding any JSD leave benefits, please contact:
Jane Olsen, HR Generalist
Phone 801-567-8249
Enriched Teaching Skills & Practices for the Professional Instructor Certificate
The Teacher Education Department at Southern Utah University is so excited to announce that the application is now open for a free college credit certificate in Enriched Teaching Skills & Practices for the Professional Instructor.
This one-time, no-cost opportunity is part of the Learn and Work in Utah response to the impact of COVID-19 and its impact on current teachers and educators. Certificates are designed to stack into SUU degree programs providing a financial jump start to those with long term education goals. The certificate will equal nine credits and count for three of the four elective courses required for a Masters Degree in Education at SUU.
Sign up immediately if you are interested because space is limited. Go to for information and to apply! Or share #learnandworkinUT #suukeeplearning in your social media sites.
The target audience for our certificate is in-service teachers, aides, substitutes, and parents interested in professionally developing their skills in technology, classroom management and the law. The goal of this certificate is twofold. First, teachers and educators can access professional development opportunities in skills they critically need and second, they can apply the credits toward a master’s degree in education that will help in-service teachers receive an increase in pay.
Jordan School District Leave Information
Last night, after negotiations with JESPA and JEA, the Board of Education voted to approve changes to leave policies for all benefit-eligible employees. Below is a brief summary of what those changes mean, as well as a description of federal leave options available through December 2020.
Changes to Leave Policy
- 6 weeks of maternity leave is available to all benefit-eligible employees.
- 2 weeks of paternity leave is available to all benefit-eligible employees (to be taken in the first year of the child’s life).
- Instead of receiving sick, family sick, and personal leave, employees will receive an equal amount of “annual leave” that can be used for any purpose.
- Any annual leave days that are not used by July 1 each year will convert to sick leave.
- All personal and sick leave accrued before July 1 remains available and unchanged.
Federal Leave Assistance through FFCRA
- The Families First Coronavirus Response Act entitles employees to the following leave above and beyond what is offered through policy:
- 80 hours of leave for employees who cannot work because of quarantine.
- 80 hours of leave at ⅔ pay to care for an individual who has been quarantined.
- 10 weeks of leave at ⅔ pay to provide child care for a child whose school or daycare has closed because of COVID-19.
Additional Information
- A moratorium has been placed on all low-absence or no-absence incentives.
- Teachers may be able to teach from home virtually during quarantine, avoiding the need to take leave.
- Individuals must be employed for at least 30 days to qualify for federal leave.
- The deadline for using vacation leave accrued during the 2019-20 school year has been extended to December 2020.
Employees should review the documents at the links below and/or consult with the Human Resources department or their supervisor before making decisions about leave.
Policies - Licensed
Policies - ESP