USBE Math Progressions
STEM Action Center Grants
Math Personalized Learning Grant
The K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software Grant provides schools and districts with access to a selection of math personalized learning software programs to improve student outcomes in mathematics literacy. Please click on the link to review available programs, features, and results.
- Applications due for JSD signatures April 14, 2021.
Michael Heaps Technology
Amy Kinder Mathematics
- Applications due to the STEM Action Center on April 16.
Professional Learning Grant
This program focuses on locally identified needs associated with STEM learning for K-12 teachers. These efforts connect thousands of teachers to opportunities to create valuable STEM-based curricula and teaching practices. Funded activities include coaching, mentoring, self-reflection, off-contract work, and effective professional learning communities (PLCs).
- Applications due for JSD signatures April 12, 2021. (Signatures vary depending on the project. Please see grant application and determine the appropriate administrators: Michael Heaps for Technology, School Principal, Superintendent)
- Applications due to the STEM Action Center on April 16.
USBE Updates -- More information will be available following the Utate State Board or Education meeting on April 8, 2021
Legislative Funding Updates
Early Learning Literacy and Mathematics Updates
Funding was reinstated to fulfill the purposes outlined in House Bill 114 in the 2020 General Session. The bill includes the following:
- Establish an early learning plan that includes early literacy and early mathematics
- Administer a grant program for professional learning for early elementary educators
- Administer a grant for license applicants taking an examination on reading
- Provide a mathematics benchmark assessment in grades 1-3 (K is optional). USBE staff have already begun work to select a vendor and expect that a contract will be prepared for Board consideration during their April 8, 2021 meeting. More information will be coming but we will be administering the assessment beginning in the fall of 2021.
Assessment Updates
The 2021 legislative session has come to an end and now is the time to begin sorting through and implementing the associated changes. Of particular interest to assessment and accountability is S.B. 184S03 which includes, among other things, the following changes:
The state board is not required to identify schools not achieving state-established acceptable levels of student performance as described in Subsection (2)(b) for the 2020-2021 school year.
The state board is not required to assign to each school an overall rating in 2020-2021
The state board shall collect but is not required to publish the information described in Subsection (1) related to the 2020-2021 school year.
This bill, in addition to the addendum and waiver the USBE submitted to the U.S. Department of Education address the Board’s directive to “relieve schools from federal and state accountability determinations based on the 2020-2021 assessments.” You may be aware that on March 8, 2021 the U.S. Department of Education released an optional waiver template for accountability, school identification, and related reporting requirements that was not previously available. USBE staff are currently reviewing this new option to determine if a recommendation should be made to the Board to maintain the current addendum and waiver requests or resubmit, using the newly released template.
General Legislative Updates
- USBE legislative tracker with status and links for each bill
- HB 2 Public Education Budget Amendments—the main money bill for this session. This is where you can see where new funding has been established for newly passed programs