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Q4 2024 Blomquist Hale NewsletterThe Blomquist Hale Newsletter for the quarter has arrived. In this issue, you will find articles on:

Suicide Prevention: Why Talking About “It” Is Essential - Suicide touches all of us. Most of us have known or loved at least one person who took their life or who lives in the aftermath of losing a friend or family member to suicide. However, most of us feel very uncomfortable talking to someone about whether they are having thoughts about harming themselves.

Understanding Suicide - People who experience suicidal thoughts often don’t want to die but desperately want to escape unbearable suffering. A suicidal person can’t see any way out of their excruciating pain except through death. Despite their desire for the pain to stop, they are deeply conflicted about the act of suicide and wish there was an alternative. Most people who die by suicide talk about ending their lives prior to taking action. Thus, any mention of suicidal thoughts or plans should be taken seriously. Studies also show that hopelessness is a strong predictor of suicide. People who feel hopeless talk of unbearable feelings, a bleak future and having nothing to look forward to.

Help is Available - There is Hope! - Dial or text “988” for a 24/7 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. The Three-digit, nationwide phone number will connect you directly to the prevention and crisis lifeline. For more information, please visit:

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective January 2, 2025:

  • Odette Desmarais, principal at Westvale Elementary appointed elementary school level Administrator of Schools.
  • Angela Solum, assistant principal at Heartland Elementary appointed principal at Westvale Elementary.
  • Rachelle Smith, administrative intern at Joel P. Jensen Middle and South Hills Middle transferred as full-time administrative intern to Heartland Elementary.
  • Meredith Doleac, principal at Ridge View Elementary appointed elementary school level Administrator of Schools.
  • Molly Morgan, assistant principal at Elk Meadows Elementary appointed principal at Ridge View Elementary.
  • Stacie Thompson, administrative intern at Hidden Valley Middle and Sunset Ridge Middle transferred as full-time administrative intern at Elk Meadows Elementary.
  • Jarom Airhart, assistant principal at Midas Creek Elementary transferred as assistant principal at South Hills Middle and Sunset Ridge Middle.
  • Ami Anderson, teacher specialist in Teaching & Learning appointed assistant principal at Midas Creek Elementary.

K-5 Open Up Math Learning Series flyerWe have adopted Open Up Resources K-5 Math as our new math curriculum for the 2025-26 school year.

We are kicking off our new K-5 math adoption of Open Up K-5 Resources with a district-wide Professional Development series. All K-5 and special education teachers will engage in 2 full professional learning days with an optional planning day.

Teachers will receive TWO comprehensive professional learning sessions, delving into effective routines, math practices, and student discourse on Day One and focusing on scaffolding, engagement, and rigor on Day Two. These sessions offer evidence-based strategies to enrich your student-centered learning environment and refine lesson structures.

Additionally, there is an opportunity to sign up for an optional 3rd full day of team-based planning to integrate your new insights into the curriculum, ensuring a dynamic and inclusive classroom experience.

See the flyer below for more detailed information with a link at the bottom to sign up for training.

Dec. 2024 JPAS NewsletterHuman Resources has created a monthly JPAS Evaluation newsletter. The full newsletter for this month can be found at the link below. Stories include:

Due Date - First full evaluation cycle for provisional and probationary educators. Dec. 20, 2024

Lesson Objective - A lesson objective is a specific, measurable statement outlining what students are expected to learn and demonstrate by the end of a lesson. It guides instruction and assessment, ensuring alignment with broader educational goals.

Sample Lesson Objectives - Science: students will be able to explain the process of photosynthesis, including the roles of
Sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water, and illustrate this process through a labeled diagram. Language Arts: students will be able to identify and analyze the main theme of a short story, Providing evidence from the text to support their interpretation.
Math: students will be able to solve multi-step word problems involving addition and Subtraction of fractions, demonstrating their understanding through written explanations and diagrams.

Money IconThe District Office will be closing for Winter Recess at the end of the day on Monday, Dec. 23 and will not return until Thursday, Jan. 2. To avoid any delays in receiving your paycheck during this break, the Payroll Department is making the following recommendations:

  1. If you need to close your bank account, please call Payroll immediately.
  2. Paychecks are available for viewing in Employee Access on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Please review your paycheck and contact Payroll immediately with any questions or concerns at 801-567-8154 or email  Instructions are attached on how to view your paycheck. If you need help logging into your Employee Access, please call the help desk at 801-567-8737.
  3. If you are a True Time employee, instructions are attached on how to view your True Time to make certain it has been approved and processed by Payroll.
  4. Payday is on Dec. 20, 2024.

Fall 2024 Work Based Learning NewsletterWhat's happening in Work Based Learning? On Oct. 1 & 2 we welcomed over 4,500 7th Grade Students to the Bastian Agricultural Center in South Jordan to learn about agriculture careers. Students watched sheep being shorn, learned about different types of tractors, and tasted fresh produce. Special thanks to our incredible FFA students. Read on to check it out!  Here's what's inside:

  • New to our Team
  • Elementary Career Lessons
  • YouScience
  • Safety Tips & Tricks
  • Internships
  • WBL Events
  • Social Media Links

Registration for the 2024 EdTech Cohort is now open. The new cohort courses will begin January, 2025.

To register for our new cohort, use the link below.

Jordan District provides the Educational Technology Endorsement Program (ETEP) in partnership with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), Utah Education Network (UEN), and Southern Utah University (SUU).

It is a 1.5-year program that focuses on the following goals:

  • Enhance teacher instructional practices by using technology seamlessly in classrooms
  • Emphasize project-based learning, constructivist approaches, and student-centered classrooms
  • Enrich instructional effectiveness
  • Increase student academic achievement

BYOB Bingo CardThe Health and Wellness Team invites employees to Build Your Own Wellness Bingo (BYOB) Card, designed to enhance your well-being over Winter Break. We will guide you through possible ideas that address different aspects of our wellness on our Instagram (@jordanhealthandwellness) during the first week of December. Print off the template and follow along.

Be sure to enter your Winter Break BYOB Card for a chance to win a prize!

We wish you a healthy holiday season and a hopeful New Year!

Teaching and Learning - Dec. 2024 NewsletterCheck out the links below for the latest updates from Teaching & Learning for December. Learn Tips and Tricks, Sign Up for Upcoming PD, and Learn about Important Updates from the T & L team.

The Jordan Credit Center is hiring instructors of asynchronous virtual courses for original credit, grade replacement credit, and credit recovery. The number of instructors will be based on student enrollment. Only internal JSD candidates will be considered.

Accepting only current licensed, contracted educators. See complete Frontline listing for more details (JobID 11096). Applicants must start an application profile and state they are current employees before they will be able to see the posting.

  • Date applications close: Dec. 11, 2024
  • Date positions begin: Jan. 2025

Dec. 2024 DHH NewsletterThe JSD Teachers for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Team has created a monthly newsletter.  The full newsletter for this month can be found at the link below. Stories include:

Ambient Noise - You just heard the classroom door close. As a hearing person, you glean information from this. You learn that someone just entered or exited the room. Maybe this means it’s okay to use the restroom… or someone is going home sick… or a service provider has taken a student out of class… What information would you be missing if you never heard this noise?

You hear students whispering in the corner of the room. Perhaps they are telling a joke… maybe sharing answers on the quiz… maybe they are poking fun at someone… What information is being missed if you don’t have access to this conversation?

Incidental Learning - Incidental learning happens any time a student gleans information beyond the learning outcome. Because DHH students don’t overhear conversations, they miss out on a lot of incidental learning. Thus, it is vital that no question be considered inappropriate. You may be the only exposure the student has had to this information.

Closed Captioning - Just a friendly reminder to make sure all videos are accessible by turning on closed captioning or subtitles.

Each year, the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals (UAESP) gives the Jordan Association of Elementary School Principals (JAESP) the opportunity to celebrate elementary principals for the great work they are doing in their schools. The categories are:

  • Distinguished Principal of the Year
  • Distinguished Assistant Principal of the Year
  • Rookie of the Year
  • Innovator of the Year
  • Community Leader of the Year
  • Student Advocate Principal of the Year
  • Instructional Leader of the Year
  • Principal Mentor of the Year

If you feel that an elementary principal or assistant principal has done exceptional work, we invite you to nominate them for an award by clicking on the link below.

This survey closes on Dec. 11, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave on a Critical Day before or after the MLK recess for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Critical Days Window
Martin Luther King
Licensed & ESP
Jan. 20, 2025 Jan. 17 and 22, 2025 Dec. 7 – Dec. 17, 2024
  • Licensed Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday
  • ESP Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday

Save the Date! - Show Up for Teachers ConferenceFirst Lady Abby Cox and the Ivory Foundation are dedicated to supporting and advocating for Utah's educators throughout the year. The pinnacle of their efforts is the annual Show Up for Teachers Conference, where teachers come together to empower and celebrate the education community.

The 4th Annual conference, focused on educator mental health and well-being, will be held on July 10, 2025 at the Mountain America Expo Center.

Full-time educators throughout Utah are invited to register beginning on March 3, 2025.

Christmas for KidsJoin us on Saturday, Dec. 7 at the South Jordan Walmart for a day filled with holiday joy and generosity. This year, more than 700 of our deserving middle and high school students have been selected to participate in this heartwarming event and we need chaperones to help them shop.

Each student will receive $150 (tax-free) to spend on items they need and want. You can help make this day truly special by volunteering as a chaperone, guiding students as they shop while enjoying some holiday cheer.

Time slots are available every 30 minutes starting at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7. Your support will make a lasting difference in the lives of students and help create cherished holiday memories for both students and their chaperones.

Please see the link for more details and to register for a time slot.

A Note from Utah First Lady Abby CoxDear Teacher Friends,

Thank you for your incredible dedication in the classroom, our community, and your homes. I deeply appreciate your efforts in every aspect of your lives – not only for your students, but for everyone in your sphere of influence. As the busy holiday season approaches, I hope you find joy and support in your connections with colleagues, family, and friends.

My teacher training has given me a glimpse into the challenges you face daily, and I'm committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to thrive. My goal is to empower you, ignite your resilience, and positively transform the narrative surrounding the teaching profession.

As we look ahead to the 2025 legislative session, I encourage you to reach out to your local legislators and build relationships with them. Share your personal stories, classroom successes, and ideas for how they can support you. By collectively sharing the positive impact educators have on our state, we can forge strong alliances with policymakers and community leaders.

Wishing you a joyful and rejuvenating Thanksgiving season.

Abby Cox

Important Payroll Information – Dec. 2024Payroll Due: Dec. 3
view Your Paycheck: Dec. 18
Payday: Dec. 20 
The Payroll department will be closed Dec. 24, 2024 - Jan. 1, 2025

Winter Recess
All Traditional, 206/207 Contracts: Dec. 23, 2024 - Jan. 3. 2025
All 242 Contracts: Dec. 24, 2024 - Jan. 1, 2025
All 245 Contracts: Dec. 24 - Dec. 26 & Jan. 1, 2025 (245 works Dec. 27, 30, 31)

Critical Days: Dec. 20, 2024 & Jan. 6, 2025
Applies to all Licensed & ESP Employees

As per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG: Licensed & ESP employees who have not been approved by Human Resources for using an annual/personal day on Critical Days may be docked (licensed $161 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason is listed as an exception in policy. If applicable, the reason & the policy exception must be written in the time off description box.

When Entering Time Off
Please use the date range feature if requesting more than one day off. If you don’t use the date range, please enter only one day per date entry.

Per DP324 Sick leave is only to be used for yourself. If you need to take a day off work for a sick child or spouse, you must use an annual day.

Sub Payroll Deadlines
Pay Period: 11/16-11/30 Due: 12/2 Payday: 12/10
Pay Period: 12/2-12/13 Due: 12/13 Payday: 12/20
SCHOOLS: Please ensure Subs are verified weekly

True Time Deadlines
Pay Period: 11/4-12/1
EMPLOYEES: Please submit your timesheets at the end of each work week
APPROVERS: Please ensure you are approving time sheets weekly for accuracy Important Payroll Information December 2024

The Payroll Department would like to remind all employees to submit a new Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Certificate, if your filing status, other income, deductions, or credits have changed or will change for the next year.  Also, employees should submit a new Form W-4 if they made a mid-year change based on their use of the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator available at These mid-year changes may under or over withhold for the next full calendar year.

Even though the IRS does not require all employees to complete a new Form W-4 and even if your tax situation has not changed, we recommend you perform a “paycheck checkup” to see if you need to make any adjustments to your current withholding.

Please note: if you do not submit a new form, withholding will continue based on your previously submitted form, unless you are claiming exempt. If you have been claiming exempt, you must file a new W-4 at the beginning of the year by February 15, 2025 in order to maintain exempt status.

The IRS has also published General FAQs that you may find helpful as you complete the form at W-4 forms can be filed at any time in the Payroll Department and are available on or the Payroll Department website.

Federal Regulations require the district to certify the payroll of any employee being paid with federal funds. Accounting identifies employees that meet this federal criteria and prepare certification forms by location. Principals and department heads please review the attached instruction memo and look for your payroll certification email the week of Nov. 18, 2024. Certifications are due Friday, Dec. 6, 2024.

Please review your certification ASAP and contact Natalie Grange if you have any questions or concerns., ext. 88312

Federal Program Work Certification

Per Federal Office of Management and Budget Circular 2 CFR section 200.430 Compensation: entities that accept federal dollars must certify that wages charged against federally funded programs were in fact related to the federal program charged. This certification can be done by a supervisor “having first-hand knowledge” or by the employee.

The District must certify the total wages paid to an employee if the employee was paid with any federal dollars. The attached list by location shows checks issued between May 1, 2024- October 31, 2024 for any employee meeting this criterion. Your list may include an employee not paid with federal dollars at your location but may have been paid with federal dollars at a different location, as we must certify total wages.

Please review the attached list of employees meeting the above criterion at your location. Please verify the employee, account code, and check date for accuracy. If you have “first-hand knowledge” that the listed employees did/do indeed work for the listed federal program, please sign, date, and return to Natalie Grange by Friday, Dec. 6, 2024. If you do not have this “first-hand knowledge,” please ask the employee to verify and sign next to their name.

Employees not on your certification list did not receive any compensation from Federal dollars and are not required to be certified. The list may include former employees so their wages charged to a federal program can be “certified.”

The next certification process will be Nov. 2024 - April 2025 to be done in May 2025.

The safety of our students, teachers and staff is our #1 priority.  These few slides will remind all of us to slow down, be aware of our surroundings, and how we can all do our part of making the District a safe place to work.

If you have any questions, please call Insurance Services at 801-567-8146 or Brandon Conti in Risk Management at 801-567-8876.

Ice & Snow Safety - Use extra caution this winter

  • Don’t hurry
  • Wear slip-resistant footwear
  • Clean up spills immediately
  • Keep skid-resistant door mats near entrances
  • Anticipate hazards as you are walking
  • Try and keep one hand free to use handrails
  • Keep hand on handle when getting in & out of a vehicle
  • Try avoid climbing ladders in cold weather
  • Look for pathways that are clear of snow & ice

Slips, trips & falls - How to minimize your risk

  • Avoid using your electronic devices when walking
  • Assess the area prior to beginning work
  • Pay attention to outdoor footing after it rains or snows
  • Never jump from any height
  • Practice good housekeeping
  • Wear shoes that have tread for the work surface
  • Do not skip stairs when walking up or down them
  • Use “Wet Floor” signs when floors are slippery
  • If you see an unsafe condition like a broken handrail, report it
  • Slow down and take smaller steps
  • Watch where you are walking for potential trouble spots

Ladder Safety Practices

  • Always maintain at least three points of contact with the ladder: both feet and one hand
  • Make sure to tie off extension ladders when required
  • Do not place ladders on slippery or uneven surfaces
  • Do not carry materials in your hands when climbing a ladder
  • Inspect the ladder for missing or broken parts prior to use
  • Your belly button should always be between the side rails of the ladder

Reminder - The first snowfall of the season is more dangerous than subsequent snowfalls

Winter Driving

  • Slow down for wet, snowy, icy conditions
  • Avoid quick braking or acceleration
  • Find out about driving conditions before you go
  • Everytime – buckle up
  • Turn signals, brake lights and windows need to be cleared of snow
  • You should never use cruise control in winter weather conditions