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Policy Reminders – Please Read

Below are three policies and a quick reminder of the Advanced Learning Placement For Students (ALPS) program and twice exceptional students.  Please read through them to refresh your memory.

AS94 – Student Discrimination and Harassment - Jordan School District is committed to providing an educational environment that is free from illegal harassment and other forms of discrimination based upon sex, race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, gender, creed, age, citizenship, or disability.

AS98 – Bullying, Cyberbullying and Hazing -  Jordan School District is committed to providing a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect. Clearly Offensive Conduct:  That conduct, be it verbal or nonverbal, which when perceived in its overall context, would be taken by a reasonable person, similarly situated, to be strongly objectionable. Discrimination:  Conduct, including words or gestures and other actions, which adversely affects a student's learning environment or results in disparate treatment based upon their immutable characteristics such as sex, race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, gender, creed, age, citizenship, or disability.

AA441 – Privacy Right – Students and Family - Jordan School District Board directs the District Administration to develop policy which assures compliance with privacy requirements when certain information is obtained as part of a student's individual testing or evaluation program or as part of the general curriculum or school activity program.  This policy shall be administered according to federal and state Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) laws. Twice Exceptional (2E) Students: Twice exceptional is a term used to describe students who show advanced abilities or potential for advanced ability, as well showing evidence of one or more disabilities such as specific learning disabilities, speech and language disorders, emotional/behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, autism spectrum, or other impairments such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Jordan District and the ALPS program offers appropriate testing accommodations for twice exceptional students. Furthermore, placement decisions are in no way screened for disabilities or behavior. Jordan District is committed to providing a fair and unbiased process for all applicants to the ALPS program.