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Blomquist Hale Newsletter – Prevail Over Your Panic Attacks

Blomquist Hale Newsletter CoverThe Blomquist Hale Newsletter for the 4th Quarter has arrived.  In this issue, you will find articles on:

  • Prevail Over Your Panic Attacks: Panic attacks are a set of mostly physical symptoms that are triggered by worry, fear or dread. The intensity of the physical symptom adds fuel to an overwhelming sense of anxiety.
  • The Physical Symptoms of Panic: All fears have a common component: The Perception of Threat. When we feel threatened, the hypothalamus, a tiny organ or organelle in of our brain, sends a signal to the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to prepare our body to survive the attack.
  • Panic Attacks...CREATE YOUR OWN!: You can cause physical symptoms of panic in your body by doing this simple exercise: Set a timer for 90 seconds. During the 90 seconds, breathe three times harder or faster than normally. Don’t stop until the end of the 90 seconds. Take a few minutes and scan your body for any of the signs or symptoms of panic attacks.
  • Learn to Control Panic: Fear of experiences is a trigger that is acquired after an initial attack. You can become fearful of having another panic attack, or what you think might happen if you have another attack: choking, dying, or heart attack.