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Social Emotional Learning Teacher Leader Opportunity

Dear JSD Classroom Teachers,

You are invited to apply to be a Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Teacher Leader for the 2022-23 school year! SEL Teacher Leaders will be primarily responsible for supporting student social and emotional learning efforts for our District. Please refer to the information below for specifics:

Social Emotional Learning Teacher Leaders - 10 per level (elementary, middle, high) 

  • Support student social and emotional learning
  • Apply by completing this brief form
  • Will meet quarterly with District SEL Specialists (meeting times TBD)
    *Sub will be provided for workday meetings

Duties include: consult on social and emotional learning implementation districtwide, develop website content, review curriculum options, support classroom lesson planning

How are they selected? Teachers are invited to apply by completing this form. Ten teacher leaders will be selected for each level. 

There are 30 SEL Teacher Leader positions available, 10 per level (elementary, middle, high). Please complete this brief form to submit your application by Sept. 2, 2022