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LCS Nov. 2022 Newsletter

Nov. 2022 ML Monthly MemoWelcome to the Language & Culture Services Teacher Specialist Newsletter – The ML Monthly Memo! Our goal is to have one place that updates you on important information all staff should know and help to share tips and tricks for working with our district's incredible multilingual learners (ML)! We welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out to your teacher specialist with any questions or concerns. We are here for you and the students!

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

  • ELLevation Tips and Tricks - Under the student's profile, click on the "Can Dos" tab. You will see what your student can do for each modality and level of their English. Bonus-Look at the "Successive Descriptors" to help them set goals for language growth.
  • Teaching Strategies - Visuals: Both images and videos can be incredibly helpful to students learning English. Pre-Teach Vocabulary: Say the word, have students repeat it, model use of the word, have students practice using it, and use visuals to help students fully understand the new word. Utilize graphic organizers.
  • Culture Corner - With Thanksgiving coming up, it is important to remember that not all of your students celebrate or know about the holiday. Make sure you are giving all students the space to share about their own country's or culture's traditions and celebrations while discussing our upcoming holiday and break. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get to know your students even better!