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April 2023 EMI Health Newsletter

April 2023 EMI Health Newsletter CoverCheck out the April 2023 EMI Health newsletter. Stories include:

  • Exercise Goofs - Regular exercise is one of the best habits you can maintain to protect your health, mentally and physically. Make the most of your workout goals, and avoid common exercise mistakes.
  • Hunger Cues - The advice to eat according to your hunger cues, or “eat when you feel hungry, but stop when you feel full,” is popular in nutrition circles. It’s a more intuitive way of eating compared to diet culture’s dogma of counting calories or following a rigid meal plan.
  • Peer Pressure: Not Just for Kids - The term peer pressure might call to mind children or teens who try to copy those around them, but we can be swayed by our peers at any age. Sometimes it’s intentional. We may strive to imitate others we admire or seek to gain their approval. Or we subconsciously act like those around us. If others are eating or drinking to excess, for example, this copycat behavior can be a problem.
  • Humor Me!  - Humor can do far more than make you smile or laugh. Why did the banana go to the doctor? He wasn’t peeling well. Yes, that’s corny. But whether humor is silly or sophisticated, what makes you smile and even guffaw can benefit your health.