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Summer Safety Tips

Summer Safety TipsIt’s hot 🥵 out there! All across the state for the next two weeks, we have been issued an “excessive heat warning” alert. The Salt Lake area will be reaching numbers in the 100s and St. George is supposed to reach 116º! Please stay safe outside.

A few things we all know to do when we are out in the heat is DRINK PLENTY of H20 💧, WEAR SUNSCREEN and SUNGLASSES😎! However, see the list below for some not as commonly heard Summer Safety Tips/Facts:

  1. Avoid alcohol, soda, coffee and caffeinated beverages – they dehydrate us. Water is best every 15-20 minutes when outside.
  2. Is it heat exhaustion? Signs include nausea, profuse sweating, headache, rapid heartbeat, muscle cramps, and dizziness. Seek shade and water quickly!
  3. It takes 7-14 days for your body to acclimate to hotter temperatures. Ease into activities in the heat.
  4. Suntanning causes damage to your DNA and prematurely ages skin. With Utah’s high elevation, it’s easy to get burned. According to Huntsman Cancer Institute, Melanoma skin cancer accounts for 4% of all skin cancer diagnoses, but 70% of all skin cancer deaths.
  5. Umbrellas are not just for rain. Carry one with you for when you need shade but it’s not easily accessible.