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Winter 2024 Digital Teaching and Learning Classes

DTL Winter Tech Classes can help you improve your technology skills by learning about one of the following programs: Adobe Creative Cloud Express, Google Workspace, Nearpod, Canva, Mastery Connect, Canvas, and SchoolAI. These classes are online, with coursework completed online through Canvas.

There are stipends available as you complete the technology courses and integrate the tools in your classrooms and buildings. Teachers can earn $200 by completing the technology course and certification. There is an additional $350 stipend for working with your Digital Learning Specialist to teach a tech-enhanced lesson in your classroom. Finally, you can earn an additional $250 by leading a Tech PD training in your building. Limits Apply*

Contact Jared Covili, Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant, at or 801-587-8191 with questions.

Apply for participation today.

*Classes are limited to 20 participants. Must have an active teaching license. Teachers cannot already have a certification in the desired technology program. Applicants can only take one class for the stipend program and cannot have participated in our previous rounds (2022, 2023) of courses. Stipends only apply to classes taken in Jordan School District during the 2023-24 school year.