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Second Grade Wit & Wisdom Updates

There have been some updates in Module 3 of Wit & Wisdom for second-grade. Please see below for details.

2nd Grade Wit & Wisdom Module 3 Options
Wit & Wisdom offers an optional version of 2nd grade Module 3 with revised narrative writing craft instruction.

  • Changes were made to Focusing Question arcs 3, 4, 5, and the End-of-Module task. The content for the modules is the same. It's only the craft (writing) instruction that has changed.
  • Great Minds has provided a Revised Narrative Instruction One-Pager and Crosswalk.
  • The optional module teacher manual is only available digitally.
  • Jordan District will provide resources for both versions on the W&W Toolkit, and Great Minds has digital resources for both.
  • Second grade teachers are encouraged to choose which option works best for their students. To enable collaboration, school teams should choose the same option.

Here is a brief comparison of the two versions:

Original Version Optional Version
  • Digital or print Teacher Edition
  • All student handouts are in paper student books and on district W&W Toolkit.
  • Print assessments (district W&W Toolkit)
  • FQ Tasks 3, 4, 5 and EOM:  narrative writing from first-person perspective of Ruby Bridges or Sylvia Mendez
  • Digital Teacher Edition
  • Will need to print some student handouts (available on the district W&W Toolkit)
  • Print assessments (district W&W Toolkit)
  • FQ Tasks 3, 4, 5 and EOM: autobiographical narrative writing about students' own educational experience.

Screenshots of the affected writing assessments are included in the document below.