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A proposed USBE rule change would have required the District to count the Health & Wellness Day as a teacher professional development day. The 2024-25 calendar was created and approved with this rule change in mind. The rule change was ultimately not passed, which allows the District to continue to count the Health & Wellness Day as a virtual instruction day AND frees up an allowed teacher professional development day to be used elsewhere in the year.

To reduce the impact on students and employees, the following change was approved by the Jordan Board of Education:

  • Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 had been previously scheduled as a parent conference compensatory day for secondary schools and a regular school day for elementary schools. This day will now be a teacher professional development day for elementary schools. No students will attend school on this day.
  • Friday, Oct. 4, 2024 had been previously scheduled as a regular school day for secondary schools and as a parent conference compensatory day for elementary schools. This day will now be a teacher professional development day for secondary schools. No students will attend school on this day.

This change allows for an additional teacher professional day for teachers while also creating more consistent days off for students and families.

Updated calendars can be accessed at the link below.

Spring 2024 LCS NewsletterWe are excited to share our ML Memo with you. In this newsletter, we have important dates, ML parent nights along with SIOP and ELLevation tips and resources. We hope that as you continue to support students you will gain insight in our cultural corner about Ramadan and celebrate our teacher spotlight.

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

  • WIDA Testing Done - You should have scores by beginning of May! Consider Giving your MLs a WIDA-style formative assessment at the end of Q3 & Q4.
  • Educator Spotlight - Dawn Torres at Columbia Elementary has done a great job working with the ML's at her school. She has gone over WIDA data and created Pull out groups that she works with daily. She has started working with these students using a curriculum that focuson speaking and listening. Over all, Dawn is doing amazing at supporting teacher and ML students.
  • ELLevation Tips - The resource center offers a plethora of articles that you can read to learn more about effectively using the dashboard, student list, student profile, forms, activities, and much more.
  • Culture Corner - On March 11, we entered the Islamic holy month. Here are some things to keep in mind:
    • Fasting: Ramadan is a month of fasting, reflection, and community. Students observing may not eat or drink from dawn until sunset. Please be mindful of students who are fasting. Avoid scheduling food-related activities and provide a quiet space for them during lunch if possible.
    • Prayer Times: Students may need to perform Salah (prayer) during school hours. Allowing flexibility for these brief prayer times shows great support.
    • Tiredness: Be aware that students might be more tired than usual due to early morning and late-night meals. Adjusting physical activity expectations can be helpful.
    • Inclusion: Encourage class discussions about cultural diversity and inclusion. This fosters a supportive environment for all students.
    • Tests & Homework: During Ramadan, students might find it challenging to study late at night. Consider flexible deadlines or additional support.

Empowering Parents Conference FlyerHealth & Wellness is hosting a parent event on April 10 at Riverton High School. This conference-style event aims to bring together professionals and education experts in the field of mental health and well-being to share their knowledge, insights, and research with parents in our JSD communities. This event aims to help parents to be best equipped to support their children with well-being.

We will offer resource booths near the entrance of the school from 5:30 - 6 p.m. and throughout transition time for parents to gain insight and information on helpful resources.

We will offer three 30-minutes sessions between 6 - 8 p.m. to maximize learning for parent participants. Some sessions will repeat more than once.

Topics will include best practices, research insights, or information that would be useful to parents of school-aged children. Including mental health issues in the schools and associated issues (bullying, stress, perfectionism, social pressures, etc.), risk, prevention, grief, resilience and ways in which parents can help support their students.

Please share the attached flyer and encourage parents in your communities to attend!

Heroes Among Us FlyerJordan School District invites all faculty, students, and families to Heroes Among Us to hear the inspiring stories of remarkable individuals who have shown unwavering dedication to our community. Join us at West Jordan Middle from 5-7 p.m. on April 3rd to hear our speakers share their struggles, successes, and life lessons. Bring your questions about mentoring, career paths, and internship opportunities for your students.

Pizza dinner will be served! RSVP below to secure your spot! 

Please see the attached flyer for more information! 

Insurance Services will be sending out emails if you don't have a beneficiary listed in InfinityHR (Arcoro), the online enrollment system.  It would be a great help if you could go into InfinityHR and verify your beneficiaries are correct.  You can find out the information you need by going to the Insurance Services page.  So if you get an email from us, don't be surprised.

March 2024 T&L NewsletterCheck out the attached flyer for the latest updates from Teaching & Learning for March.  Learn about March conferences, Sign Up for Upcoming PD, and Learn about Important Updates from the T & L team.

Each year, principals are recognized by the Jordan Association of Elementary School Principals (JAESP). We congratulate these principals for their excellence in school leadership.

  • Distinguished Principal of the Year - Jennifer Ludlow
  • Distinguished Assistant Principal of the Year - Veronica Holyoke
  • Community Leader Principal of the Year - Tiffany Smith
  • Student Advocate Principal of the Year - Candie Checketts
  • Rookie Principal of the Year - Jerilyn Schaffer
  • Instructional Leader Principal of the Year - Jessica Stowe
  • Mentor Principal of the Year - Ken Westwood
  • Innovator Principal of the Year - Suzie Williams

March 2024 Blomquist Hale Workshop FlyersBlomquist Hale has two workshops coming up in March! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below.

  • Topic: Monthly Divorce/Separation/Singles Support Group
    Date: March 21 – Dec. 19 (third Thursday of every month)   
    Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. MT
    Location: Online!
  • Topic: Self-Love
    Date: March 25
    Time: 12 – 1:00 p.m.
    Location: Online!

To register for any of our upcoming workshops, please visit our website at

Evaluation, Research & Accountability wanted to provide some clarification around calculation device and visual representation accommodations on the Summative RISE Math assessment.

Calculation Devices
When it comes to the use of calculation devices or computation tables as an accommodation on the RISE Math assessment in grades 3-6, school administrators, testing coordinators and special education caseworkers should take note of the following stipulations from the Utah Participation and Accommodations Policy:

“All students are allowed to use the online calculation device when it is embedded during the allowed segments of a math assessment… For students in grade 6, the use of a handheld calculation device or printable computation table is considered an accommodation and may be provided (based on need documented in the IEP) during the allowed segment of the assessment.  For students in grades 3-5, the use of a handheld calculation device or printable computation table is not allowed during any segment of the math assessment.  If provided, the test must be reported as modified, and the student will receive a score of non-proficient and be considered a non-participant for accountability” (see page 40).

While Embrace allows caseworkers to input a calculator accommodation for students on the Summative RISE Math assessment (with a footnote calling attention to the Utah Participation and Accommodations Policy), it is still not an allowable accommodation on the RISE Math assessment.

The policy also states, “During instruction, it is important to determine whether the use of a calculation device or computation table is a matter of convenience or a necessary accommodation.  It is also important to know the goal of instruction and assessment before making decisions about the use of calculation devices or computation tables.  In some cases, calculators may be adapted with large keys or voice output (talking calculators).  Examples of calculation devices are calculators, slide rules, and abacuses.  Examples of computation tables are number lines and multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction charts” (see pages 40-41).

For more information on calculation devices, please see USBE’s guidance document.

Visual Representations
Please note that computation tables are not visual representations as defined in the Utah Participation and Accommodations Policy.  Visual representations “are manipulatives such as cubes, tiles, rods, blocks, models, etc.  They may be used on all sections of the mathematics assessment if they are included in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan” (see page 55).

Please contact Kassidy Towery ( in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions about RISE accommodations.

The dates for the Jordan School District High School Graduation exercises for Copper Hills High School, West Jordan High School, and Valley High School are scheduled for Wednesday, May 29, 2024.  Graduation exercises for Bingham High School, Herriman High School, Kings Peak High School, and Mountain Ridge High School are on Thursday, May 30, 2024. Graduation plans and times will vary from school to school.

Principals and Directors are encouraged to provide flexibility to parents or grandparents requesting the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremonies of family members.

Licensed employees are responsible for requesting a substitute through the Frontline Absence Management System, if applicable.  In the blue “Notes to Administrator” box, the employee should add “graduation” along with his/her relationship to the graduate.

For additional assistance, please contact the Sub Office at 801-567-8219.

LCS Newcomer Parent Orientation Meeting FlyerLanguage & Cultural Services is holding a Newcomer Parent Orientation Meeting & Open House on Wednesday, March 6 from 11 a.m to 1 p.m. at the Copper Mountain Middle School FEC Portable, behind the school.

Please share this flyer with students and parents who are new to our country. They can come and learn what Jordan Schools District can offer their family. There will be information, sign-ups, and community resources, all for FREE!

For more information, please email or visit the L&CS website.

Seal of Biliteracy FlyerCalling All Bilingual Teachers, Admin, & Staff! Show your students that being Multilingual is a superpower by earning a Seal of Biliteracy.

Can you speak, read, & write one of these languages?
Arabic, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swahili ,Yoruba

Language not Listed?
Visit this link below to view other languages & approved tests.

Once you receive your passing test results, apply on the Global Seal website to submit your test scores and proof of proficiency in your first language. From there, the Global Seal Team will handle the rest and mail you your certificate once it is ready

For additional questions, please email

Dec. 2023 ELD Meeting FlyerOur next ELD meeting is March 7 in the Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium from 1-3 p.m. We also have work groups for secondary at 12:30 p.m. and elementary at 3:00 p.m. There will be resources, tools and strategies shared. We also have an ELD Meeting scheduled May 9. The sub code 7628 is for a half day only.

Please give time during your faculty meetings after for your ELD lead to share the information. Administrators, this meeting is optional for you, but please encourage and support your ELD lead in coming. We will have the Digital Learning team coming to share ideas and resources.

For additional questions, please contact your Teacher Specialist or Michelle Love-Day in Language and Culture Services.

JEAC Open House FlyerThe Jordan Ethnic Advisory Committee is holding an Open House for staff, students, and families. Come and meet our student leaders in our multicultural clubs. Bring your ideas of what is working in JSD and celebrations of what is going well in your school.

  • When: March 6, 2024
  • Where: JATC South
  • Time: 4:30-6:30 p.m.
  • Come and meet our student leaders in our multicultural clubs.
  • Bring your ideas of what is working in JSD and celebrations.

We are a committee successfully educating, supporting, and empowering the Jordan School District community by moving the ‘equity work’ from theory to practice, and developing district policies with a strong equity lens.  Questions or concerns?  Send us a message at

Paycheck iconSpring Recess
Traditional, 206 day contracts: March 26-29
242, 245 contracts: March 28-29

Critical Days
Licensed & ESP: March 22 & April 1

As Per DP335B and DP335NEG:  Licensed and ESP employees using an Annual/Personal leave day on Critical Days will be docked (Licensed $156 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason and the policy exception are written in the time off description box.

Please refer to policy links above, or use the Critical Days FAQ for further clarification.

Grade Transmittal Day
All Levels: March 25
All 206, 242 and 245 contract employees must record a leave day if not in attendance.

  • Payroll Due: March 4
  • Direct Dep Changes by March 10
  • View Paycheck: March 21
  • Pay Day: March 25

True Time Deadlines
Date Range Feb 5 – Mar 3
*True Time should be submitted and approved weekly
Employee Submittal: March 6
First Approval: March 8
Final Approval: March 12

Substitute Deadlines

Date Range Due Payday
Feb. 16-29 March 1 March 8
March 1-15 March 15 March 25

2024 Literacy Promise Conference BrochureMark your calendar and save the date to attend the Literacy Promise Conference. There are some fantastic presenters in attendance this year that you will not want to miss.

T & L will pay for up to three individuals from each school to attend the Literacy Promise Conference held on March 20 - 22. This can include administration, coaches or teachers. Schools are not required to participate or may choose to send less than three individuals. Responses will be accepted through March 8. Please click on the link below and fill out the form to list the individuals who will be paid for through T&L. If your school would like to send more than three individuals, registration can also be done at the school or individual level using the QR link on the enclosed flyer.

The conference is March 20 - 22, 2024 at the Utah Valley Convention Center in Provo, Utah.

Dustin Jansen, attorney and judge in the tribal court systems and a professor of American Indian studies at UVU, presented on Native communities and cultures last year. On popular demand, we are bringing back the recording of that PD on March 7, 2024, at the ASB presentation room (Main entrance, entrance C)  from 4 to 6 p.m. Professor Jansen will be back in person on April 11 to continue with part II of his last year's presentation. If you missed his first presentation last year, this is an excellent opportunity to watch the recording and prepare for his in-person part II presentation in April. All licensed employees will receive 2 hours of in-service pay and licensure points. Admins are encouraged to attend.

March 2024 Kindergarten Night Out FlyerKindergarten Night Out will be held on March 14, 2024 in the ASB Presentation Room at 4:15 p.m. All teachers, coaches, and administrators are invited!

Are you ready to knock your math teaching stategies out of the park? The elementary math specialists would love to have you join our lineup for an exclusive training session focused on building a strong. foundation in number sense for our young learners. Let's cover all our bases to ensure our students hit a home run in early mathematics!

Please sign up on JPLS ASAP. Collaboration will be held from  5:15 - 6:15 p.m.

Please see the attached flier and share it with anyone who may be interested in coming to this event.

Resilient Utah Tribute AwardsNominations are now open! Each year education organizations and individuals are selected based upon their exemplary efforts in building student resilience in their schools, homes and communities.

The Education Tribute Award is a prestigious honor presented annually by the state-wide program  The Education Tribute Award nominations will be gathered during “Resilient Utah Month” in March 2024. All nominations need to be completed online no later than Thursday, March 28, 2024. For Questions text Barbara Smith at 801-560-6511.

Nomination categories include:
Outstanding High School
Outstanding Middle School
Outstanding Elementary School
Outstanding Parenting Organization
Outstanding Secondary School Teacher
Outstanding Elementary School Teacher
Outstanding Wellness Professional
Outstanding Administrator

Awards will be announced and delivered to each school location by a member of the ResilientYOU Board in April. The recipients will be announced on KUTV Channel 2, in addition to being publicized through social media and educational networks. Recipients will also be honored on May 9th at the event, “Utah Prevention Day with the Salt Lake Bees” at Smith’s Ballpark during the Opening Ceremony in front of 10,000 students and teachers. Award recipients will receive an honorary plaque

EdCamp UT 2024 Flyer Join Jordan Teaching & Learning for an exciting day of learning and collaboration at EdCamp UT 2024! This in-person event is a must-attend for educators passionate about sharing ideas and exploring innovative teaching practices.

Get ready to connect with like-minded professionals and dive into engaging discussions that will inspire and empower you in your educational journey.

  • Who: Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Mentors, Admin
  • When: Feb. 24, 2024
  • Time: 8 - 3 p.m.
  • Where: Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building (7905 S. Redwood Road, West Jordan, UT 84088, Entrance A)
  • Breakfast & Lunch provided