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Handling Holiday Stress FlyerMake this season a bright and bountiful one by giving yourself the best present of all: peace of mind. Turn the holidays into a happy, stress-free time by taking care of yourself, bringing balance to your work and home life and not letting holiday worries overwhelm you.

Tips for Coping with Holiday Stress

  • Do not be perfect; be you. One of the quickest ways to holiday burnout is to set high, unrealistic expectations for yourself. Make your plans simple and your activities doable.
  • Create your wish list early. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish this holiday season. Write down your holiday goals, and list out the steps you need to take to reach them. Prioritize what is important, and get organized from the start.
  • Pace yourself. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and New Year’s can all be busy times. Remember, the season lasts for several weeks. Break your preparations into small steps so you can accomplish a little each week. Delegate responsibilities with others, and do not be afraid to ask for help.
  • Budget wisely. It is easy to buy on credit and ignore the bills until after the holidays, but spending within your means requires a disciplined approach. Set a holiday budget limit ahead of time, and determine exactly what you can afford.
  • Get into the spirit. Deck the halls. Build a snowman. If you have a tree, decorate it early. Too often adults miss out on the simple pleasures of celebrating the holidays and truly enjoying the moment.
  • Take time out for yourself. Too often the holidays feel rushed and exhausting. Unwind and pamper yourself with a break from the action. Try relaxation techniques, meditation and deep-breathing exercises. Spend one quiet evening a week away from the hustle and bustle of your hectic routine. Do something you really want to do.
  • Give of yourself. One of the best gifts you can give yourself during the holidays is self-sacrifice. Try to find time during the season to volunteer your services at a local community center, soup kitchen or charity organization. Doing things for others can bring a real sense of inner warmth and self-worth that is more valuable than all the presents piled under your tree.
  • Embrace family. Look forward to reuniting with relatives this holiday by sidestepping family pressures. Cherish the time you spend with your loved ones, and make a better effort to be as relaxed, positive and cheerful as you can.
  • Reflect on past holidays. Think back to moments you have treasured during past holiday seasons, and try to recapture the essence of what made those times special.
  • Celebrate safely. One of the keys to holiday happiness is celebrating in moderation. Give your body a gift this year by treating it with respect. Try not to overindulge in sweets and goodies. Know your limits when it comes to alcohol, and never attempt to drive if you have been drinking.
  • Make New Year’s resolutions. Setting goals challenges us to aim for higher fulfillment and self-improvement. Give yourself something to look forward to next year. Stick to these resolutions, and ask others to continue to encourage you to keep your goals.
  • Talk to someone who cares. If you feel bogged down by a case of the holiday blues, do not suffer through the season. Reach out and talk to someone you trust.

What are Critical Days?
Critical Days are the days before or after a school holiday when students are in attendance.

What if I use an Annual/Personal leave day on a Critical Day?
Employees using annual/personal leave on Critical Days will be docked on their next paycheck as listed below:

  • Licensed - $156, equivalent to 50% of the daily rate of a licensed employee on salary level one.
  • ESP - 40% of the employee’s daily rate.

Will I still be docked if I don’t need a substitute?
Yes, this is not to cover the cost of a sub.

Are there any exceptions in the policy to having my paycheck docked?
Annual/personal leave may be taken on a Critical Day without being docked for the following specific reasons:

  • Observance of religious holidays which fall on a regularly scheduled school calendar workday.
  • Family weddings of near relatives including children, father, mother, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, grandparents, or the same to one's spouse or any other person who is a member of the same household as the employee.
  • Graduations of near relatives as defined in "b." above.
  • Required court appearances.
  • Deaths not covered by DP330 NEG Bereavement Leave - Licensed.
  • Conferences and conventions which relate to the individual employee's work assignment and are not covered by DP339 – Released Time—Professional.
  • To attend to personal or business matters which require the employee’s attendance and scheduling is beyond the employee’s control.
  • First year employees who notify their supervisor in writing that they are ill.
  • Applying for the Critical Days “lottery” during the appropriate time window and being randomly selected as one of the limited number of employees allowed. Employees are only eligible for this exemption once per contract year. More information about this “lottery” request process can be found in JEM and at the HR Annual Leave page.

What if the reason I’m using annual/personal leave on a Critical Day is an exception in policy as listed above?
The specific reason and exception in the policy must be added in the Skyward time off description

Will I still be docked if my supervisor gives me permission and approves my time off request?
Yes, unless the reason and above listed exception is applicable and entered in the time off description

How do I know when Critical Days are?
Information regarding the use of annual/personal leave on Critical Days is posted on the Human Resources Department Annual Leave page and is sent in JEM. The Payroll Department also posts these Critical Days on their website, and sends them in JEM during the applicable months.

Fall 2023 Work Based Learning NewsletterWhat’s happening in Work Based Learning? What isn’t happening is a better question. We hit the ground running this year and haven’t stopped! We added new staff,organized 7th grade agriculture days,Pathways to Professions, and so much more. Read on to check it out!  Here's what's inside:

  • Pathways to Professions
  • Ag Days
  • New to our Team
  • Teacher/Admin. Recognition
  • Internship Successes and Workshops
  • CTE Website
  • Social Media Links
  • Advisory Board
  • Elementary WBL

Nov. 2023 Health Insights NewsletterDASH Diet: An Eating Plan For Diabetes Management
The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan is an acceptable eating pattern for people who have diabetes. In addition to promoting blood pressure control, this eating pattern has been shown to improve insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, and even being overweight/obese. This balanced approach promotes consumption of a variety of foods and is appropriate for the entire family. The appeal of the DASH eating pattern for patients is that it is also practical; it does not require special foods or supplements.

Nov. 2023 Teaching & Learning NewsletterCheck out the attached flyer or use the links below for the latest updates from Teaching & Learning for November. Learn tips and tricks, sign up for upcoming PD, and learn about important updates from the T & L team.

Dear Employees,

ZYIA Active, an active lifestyle brand located in Draper, Utah, is offering FREE brand-new clothing to all employees in Jordan School District. It is ZYIA Active’s way of saying thanks for your hard work and dedication to education.

Here’s what you need to know.

On Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. ZYIA Active is holding a Jordan School District Employee Appreciation Event. All employees are invited to the ZYIA warehouse to choose three FREE new clothing items.

  • Brand new activewear in a wide variety of sizes for women, men, and kids will be available to choose from during this event.
  • A list of clothing available for women, men and kids is on the poster below.
  • You must select your free clothing in-person at the ZYIA Active warehouse in Draper.
  • You must present a valid Jordan School District employee ID badge. Substitutes may obtain a JSD Honorary ID badge from a receptionist at the District Office from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday until Nov. 10, 2023.

WHAT: Each JSD Employee Can Select Three FREE Brand-New Clothing Items from ZYIA Active
WHEN: Saturday, Nov. 11, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. ***Employee ID Badge Required
WHERE: ZYIA Active Warehouse, 294 W. Life Science Way, Draper

Zyia Employee Appreciation Event Poster

Nov. 2023 Blomquist Hale Workshop FlyersBlomquist Hale has two workshops coming up in November! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below.  

  • Topic: Healing Trauma 101
    Date: Nov. 6
    Time: 4 – 5 p.m. MT
    Location: Online!
  • Topic: Monthly Divorce/Separation Support Group
    Date: 3rd Thursday of Every Month – Nov. 16
    Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m. MT
    Location: Online!

To register for any of our upcoming workshops, please visit our website at

Nov. 2023 ComPsych GuidanceTalksWell-Being in a New World
No matter who you are, there is one thing we can all agree on: the past couple years didn’t go as planned. The coronavirus pandemic forced organizations to shift the way they do business, adopting remote work and other strategies to meet the evolving needs of the workforce and the consumer. But there is good news: with 2023 comes the hope of positive change and new opportunities to think about the way we work and how we receive care. In this multi-part webinar series, ComPsych clinical, product and account experts will discuss the current state of workforce well-being, care best practices, and emerging approaches.

Managing Holiday Stress | Monday, Nov. 13, 2023 at Noon CT
The approaching holiday season brings many expectations. Often this makes us feel like we are being pulled in a hundred different directions. There are office parties to attend, family get-togethers to schedule, children’s holiday recitals and gifts to buy. The holidays can be one of the happiest times of the year, yet it can also be one of the most stressful. Maintaining balance and keeping stress from overwhelming you are the keys to an enjoyable holiday season. This webinar provides an overview of common stressors people encounter during the holidays, and offers “stress buster” tips to help you get the most possible enjoyment out of the season.

This training will help you:

  • Identify ways to cope with emotional stressors of the holidays
  • Describe how to control unrealistic expectations
  • Identify your financial limits
  • Describe important health considerations

Speaker: Marci Walton, Learning and Organizational Excellence Consultant, ComPsych

Have a question or topic you would like us to cover during this or a future session? Please send to

  • Paycheck iconThanksgiving Recess
    All Traditional, 206/207 contracts:
    Nov. 22-24
    All 242, 245 contracts:
    Nov. 23-24
  • Critical Days
    All Licensed and ESP employees:
    Nov. 21 & Nov. 27

As Per DP335(B) and DP335NEG:  Contracted employees who have not been approved by Human Resources for using an annual/personal day on Critical Days may be docked (Licensed $156 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason is listed as an exception in policy.

An explanation of the exception must be written in the time off description box.

Please refer to policy for further clarification.

  • Payroll Due: Nov. 2
  • Direct Deposit Changes by Nov. 8
  • View Paycheck: Nov. 18
  • Pay Day: Nov 22

*The Payroll Department will be closed Nov. 23-24

True Time Deadlines

  • Date Range Oct. 2 – Nov. 5
  • Employee Submittal: Nov. 8
  • First Approval: Nov. 10
  • Final Approval: Nov. 14

 Substitute Deadlines

Date Range Due    Payday
Oct. 16-Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Nov. 10
Nov. 1-Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 22

The following are new administrative assignments:

  • New Assignment effective October 23, 2023:
    • Matthew Tranter, currently on a leave of absence temporarily appointed assistant principal at Copper Hills High.
  • Assignment change effective January 15, 2024:
    • Matthew Tranter, assistant principal at Copper Hills High appointed assistant principal at Herriman High, replacing John Vincent who is retiring.

2023 Solutions for Success FlyerUtah's Special Needs Conference - Helping Those With Disabilities Achieve Their Full Potential
The United Angels Foundation is hosting the 2023 Solutions for Success Conference.  The conference will be held on Saturday, Nov. 4 at 9:30 a.m. at doTERRA International, 389 S 1300 W, Pleasant Grove. Educators who attend will receive 5CEUs. Educators can receive $20 off registration by using the code: TEACH2023WAB. Scholarships are also available. Please e-mail Roxane Siggard or call 801-567-8180 for scholarship details.

The Keynote speaker is Jared Stewart, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA, ASA. Jared was named the 2011 Educator of the Year by the National Association of Private Special Education Centers, the 2018 Presenter of the Year by the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, and the 2020 Hero for Autism by the Autism Resources of Utah County organization. He currently works as Program Director for Provo Utah's ScenicView Academy.

Inclusion Matters: Educator Track
Learn about case studies and hear personal success stories about why options for inclusive opportunities benefit everyone's educational experience.

Step-by-Step: Educator Track
Learn evidence based techniques and strategies to create an inclusive classroom experience for students of all abilities. Learn to build inclusive classrooms and schools that benefit disabled students and their typical peers. Learn to use accommodations and modifications to include and empower learners of all abilities. Instruction will be given by a reading specialist to demonstrate how to help ALL children learn to read.

UAEA Registration WebsiteFall Art Conference is coming up on Nov. 4 at Corner Canyon High School. Please use the link below for registration and more information on courses, many of which are designed specifically for elementary arts integration like 'Principles of Drawing' and 'Basics of Linear Perspective.'

LCS Newcomer FlyerLanguage & Culture Services is inviting parents who are newcomers (refugee, immigrant, or asylee) to attend a parent orientation to receive information on how they can best help their child in school. Interpreters will be provided. Please distribute to your community. 

  • Location: Joel P. Jensen Middle
  • Date: Nov. 1
  • Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

For more info, call 801-567-8124 or visit

Tier 2 New Hire ChecklistAs a new Tier 2 member, you have one year from your URS enrollment date to choose either the Hybrid Option (pension) or the 401(k) Option. The Hybrid Option is the default. Follow the QR code in the flyer or go to for a checklist of simple steps to get started.

  1. Create a myURS Online Account - This is how you access and manage your URS benefits. Choose your beneficiaries as soon as possible.
  2. Learn About Your Tier 2 Choice - Watch videos to get familiar with your Tier 2 Options. Hybrid or 401(k)? A Quick Overview provides a quick look. Hybrid or 401(k)? A Detailed Discussion offers a deeper dive.
    Join a live presentation and ask questions. Get a deeper understanding of your two retirement choices.
  3. Learn About Savings Plans and Enroll - Start saving now and boost your retirement. Invest in URS Savings Plans straight from your paycheck.
  4. Schedule a One-on-One Consultation - Retirement Planning Sessions are virtual or in-person. Still have questions? Talk to a Retirement Planning advisor. 

URS Checklist & TimelineRetirement Application Checklist

You'll Need the Following:

  • Copy of birth certificate for you and, if married, for your spouse. III
  • Copy of marriage certificate, if applicable. III
  • Bank account number and routing number.
  • Your myURS login information to access the application. IV

Begin Application Process

  • Verify that your contact information is up to date. If the email address on file with URS is a work address, change it to a personal email address prior to retirement.
  • 90 days prior to your retirement date, call the Retirement Benefits Department at 801-366-7770 to begin the retirement application process. On the call, let the representative know if you plan to reinstate prior service or purchase additional service credit.
  • Once approved, access the on line retirement application by logging in to myURS at Once logged in, the application is located in the Overview tab under the Pension section. Click on the green Click to Proceed button to complete and submit your application for retirement.
  • When requesting the application, if desired, you can schedule an appointment with a retirement counselor who can assist you in completing the forms.

Completing the Application

  • The Application for Service Retirement form is where you choose a payout option, elect or decline life insurance coverage, choose or decline a PLSO option (if available), etc.
  • Complete all other retirement forms including PLSO application (if applicable), tax-withholding, direct deposit authorization, post-retirement rules, notice of termination, etc. Service Purchases and Future Service Purchases require additional paperwork and must be paid in full prior to your effective retirement date.
  • Scan or copy birth certificate(s) and marriage certificate and upload with your application. If you've requested a paper copy, send the certificates with the application via normal mail to Utah Retirement Systems, Attn: Retirement Benefits Department, PO Box 1590, Salt Lake City, UT 84110. Or you can drop off your paperwork to the Retirement Benefits Department at 560 E 200 S, Suite 240, Salt Lake City, UT.

Retirement Savings Plans (401 (k), 457(b), and IRAs)

  • Your savings plans can stay at URS indefinitely. They DO NOT have to be rolled over to an outside firm once you retire.
  • If you wish to start withdrawals from your retirement savings plans, log in to myURS at, click the Forms link, and select and complete the withdrawal form that pertains to your plan (e.g., 401 (k) withdrawal application for a 401 (k), Roth withdrawal for a Roth IRA, etc.). Call 801-366-7720 for assistance.

Steps to Retirement Timeline

Within 5 Years of Retirement

Within 3 Years of Retirement

  • Request a pension estimate from the Retirement Benefits Department on line (if available) or call 801-366-7770.
  • Review the Retirement Guidebook applicable to your system or plan, along with the other publications in the Retiring Soon section of the URS website at

12 Months Before Retirement

  • Request an updated pension estimate from the Retirement Benefits Department on line (if available) or call 801-366-7770. This is a prerequisite to receiving your retirement application. The estimate received in an Individual Retirement Planning Session does not satisfy this prerequisite.
  • If you are planning on purchasing Service Credit,I other than Future Service Credit, contact the Retirement Benefits Department at 801-366-7770 for the required forms.
  • Check with your employer regarding health insurance coverage after retirement.

3 Months Before Retirement

  • Contact the Retirement Benefits Department at 801-366-7770 for a retirement application. You can apply if you are within 90 days before and up to 90 days after your last day worked. The Retirement Benefits Department must complete a pension estimate before you will receive your application.
  • If you are planning to purchase Future Service Credit, 11 contact the Retirement Benefits Department at 801-366-7770. (Future Purchases must be completed before you file a retirement application with URS.)

1 Month Before Retirement

  • If you mailed your retirement application and haven't been notified that we've received it, call the Retirement Benefits Department at 801-366-7770.

Important Notes:

  1. The lifetime benefit is paid monthly on the last business day of the month.
  2. It can take up to 90 days from your retirement date with URS to receive your first check. Consequently, your first check will likely be larger than subsequent checks since it is paid retroactively back to your official retirement date.
  3. The first payment may be estimated. Once all service and salary are verified, your estimated benefit will be finalized, and you will receive a letter confirming your final benefit amount. The difference between the estimated benefit and the finalized benefit will be paid to you.
  4. If you selected the Partial Lump-Sum Option (PLSO), it is paid when we issue your first pension check.
  5. If your benefit check is estimated, we will only pay you 80% of your PLSO. At the time your benefit is finalized, we will pay the remaining 20%.
  6. Estimates provided by the Retirement Benefits Department in the 3 years prior to retirement are a prerequisite to receiving your retirement application. They do not project an increase in salary from raises and do not include the last six months of income. This estimate is a "conservative soft audit" of your years of service and income as it has been reported to URS from your employer and can be different than the estimate provided in the Individual Retirement Planning Sessions.

  1. See Purchasing Service Credit brochure.
  2. See Purchasing Future Service Credit brochure.
  3. See your applicable Retirement Guidebook at for a list of all acceptable proof-of-age documents.
  4. If you have forgotten your myURS username and/or password, please call URS at 801-366-7770 or 801-366-7720.
  5. If you prefer, you can request the application be mailed to you, but doing so may delay the application process and the time it takes to receive your first pension check.

Digital Citizenship PD SampleDigital Citizenship Week is Oct. 16–20, and the Digital Teaching and Learning team is excited to share some resources with you to celebrate six areas of digital citizenship mastery.

  • Positive Online Behavior
  • Using Technology Responsibly
  • Protecting Private Information
  • Using Reliable Sources
  • Passwords that Protect
  • Understanding the Impact of Digital Interactions

DTL has created a new page of resources to help your teachers and students demonstrate appropriate digital citizenship skills.  On our site, you’ll find a level-specific list of short lessons and learning activities that teachers can use each day as part of Digital Citizenship Week.

CRX International Enrollment PageInsurance Services has partnered with CRX International for prescription medication safety and savings. Sourced in federally-designated countries, brand-name medications are shipped straight to you in their sealed, original packaging. You pay nothing thanks to the exceptional savings CRX International brings to your health plan when you use this optional program. It’s just that simple.

All member copayments have been waived for this program. If you have further questions, please reach out to CRX International directly, visit the Insurance Services website or please call 801-567-8146.

Opera by Children FlyerThe Opera by Children Teacher Training workshops, as well as the implementation processes and performances, are FREE of cost to schools and provide relicensure points (and/or credit once completing an opera with the class) in professional development from USBE.

  • Participation in OBC requires a full day of creating an original opera and unpacking the process to reveal the core curriculum and fine art curriculum accomplished in this group collaboration process. OBC teaches tools for ease of application of the OBC process and create a plan for our three professional mentors in the genres of Drama, Art and Music to work alongside trained new OBC teachers at the beginnings of each important step in the process within the classroom.
  • OBC also has a Painting Ginormous section that is fun for any teacher interested in providing a larger than life painting experience. This truly allows an OBC trained teacher the ability to understand what is happening and to work side by side with our art mentor while visiting the classroom.

Workshop Schedule

  • Friday, Nov. 3 | 4-7p.m. | Art Paint Ginormous Workshop at Majestic Elementary Arts Academy | Section ID : 114533
  • Saturday, Nov.4 | 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m | Full Opera by Children Teacher Training at Majestic Elementary Arts Academy | Section ID : 114344
  • To set up a workshop in your area contact Pam Gee directly, but teachers who wish to join in any of the settled sessions may register using the Google Form found through this link as they become available on the noted dates:

BYU Masters of Education FlyerHave you been considering a master's degree? Meet faculty and ask questions to learn if BYU can help you reach your career goals. This thesis program can help prepare you to improve your practice as a teacher, fill roles for educational improvement in your school or district, understand educational issues and equity, and pursue advanced scholarship.

  • Oct 26 at 5 p.m.
  • zoom meting: 953 0530 4278 | password: 862600
  • rsvp:
  • 2 year, summer intensive thesis program
  • Cohort model
  • Affordable, low tuition
  • Mentoring and networking opportunities
  • Research-based program

2023 Apple Crunch Day FlyerApple Crunch Day is coming up on Thursday, October 19th. This is a great opportunity for us to increase our students’ exposure to local produce here in Utah. We have purchased fresh apples from Pyne Farms in Payson to celebrate this day and share apples district wide.

As part of the promotion, in addition to fresh apples, our department will provide your kitchen managers with activity pages, fun nutrition facts and a video that can be shared with your teachers and school community. Take this opportunity to make the most of Utah's Apple Crunch Day!

Here are some great apple facts:

  • Apple trees can live 100 years
  • 0ver 2,500 different types of apples are grown in the USA
  • An average apple contains 10 seeds
  • The science of growing apples is called pomology
  • Apples float because they are 25% air
  • On average, a person eats 65 apples a year
  • Apples are a great source of fiber