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Simplifying Medicare & Social Security Workshop FlyerSeniorBenefits Insurance Services is presenting a Simplifying Medicare & Social Security Workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 9 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. in the Presentation Room at the Auxiliary Services Building.

Don’t Tackle Medicare & Social Security Alone
You have a team of experts ready to remove obstacles, answer questions, and help you through Medicare & Social Security enrollment... for free.

Come with Questions, Leave with Answers
Attend this 90-minute live workshop for an interesting way to learn about Medicare & Social Security, and how to use them.

Most common Questions

  • How much does Medicare cost?
  • Who is eligible and when do I apply?
  • How does it work with Social Security?
  • What are Parts A, B, C, & D?
  • What are the differences between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans?

ETT Winter Spring 2024 FlyerEffective Teacher Training (ETT) is available for two more cohorts this school year! Seats are limited and fill quickly, so learners need to register on JPLS as soon as possible.

Beneficial for: All general education and special education teachers Also welcome: Specialists, mental health providers, ESPs

Topics include:
Antecedents, behavior basics, class-wide and individual interventions, increasing academic effectiveness, data-based decision making, students with unique needs, and personal wellness.

This 7-week course will be offered online in an asynchronous format. Learners will engage with content and activities via Canvas. *Although pacing is flexible, participants must complete the first module within the first week, or their spot will go to someone on the waitlist.

Cohort Dates Course  Section Register by
Winter 2024 Jan. 22 - Mar. 11 101914 128001 Jan. 18
Spring 2024 April 1 - May 20 101914 128002 Mar. 28

1 USBE credit is available at no cost for licensed employees who complete the course.

Note for instructional coaches: You can request to be an observer in the course instead of registering as a learner.

Please email Melanie Dawson or Katie Jarvis if you are interested.

REMINDER: There is a 30 day window at the beginning of the school year and then the window shortens to 10 school days for your school to begin the "Task Manager" process and for Language & Culture Services and Evaluation, Research & Accountability to test and enter scores into Skyward.

The attached cards are for quick reference but as always please reach out to Nicole Woodburn at 801-567-8124 if you have questions.

Jan. 2024 Blomquist Hale Workshop FlyersBlomquist Hale has three workshops coming up in January! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below. 

  • Topic: Mental Health for Men and Prevention of Depression
    Date: Jan. 15
    Time: 10 – 11 a.m.
    Location: Online!
  • Topic: EMDR 101 Basics
    Date: Jan. 29
    Time: 12 – 1 p.m.
    Location: Online!
  • Topic: Manhood and How to Find That Identity
    Date: Jan. 31
    Time: 4 – 5 p.m.
    Location: Online! 

To register for any of our upcoming workshops, please visit our website at

Teacher Well Being FlyerSign up for a free educator well-being course and earn re-licensure hours and college credit! Space is limited! 

Jordan District educators are invited to participate in our 2024 FREE Educator Well-Being Continuing Ed Courses for administrators, teachers, counselors, and specialists. This course is an opportunity for all JSD employees to address their own well-being by exploring practical strategies associated with connection, happiness, self-care, conflict resolution, growth mindset, problem-solving, and more! Participants will collaborate, learn from, and connect with other educators throughout the District as they work towards meeting their own wellness goals.

This course is FREE for JSD employees and Winter, and Summer sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited for this great opportunity!

The class will meet on Thursdays from 4:00-5:30 over Zoom:

  • Jan. 11, 18, 25
  • Feb. 1, 8, 15, 20
  • March 7, 14, 21

Participants can earn continuing education, lane-change, and re-licensure hours from SUU (up to 3 college credits).

Sign up using the link below and share this information with professionals in your schools who may be interested in this opportunity.

2024 What I Wish You Knew FlyerThe Jordan Ethnic Advisory Committee and Language and Culture Services cannot wait to see you at the annual "What I Wish You Knew Conference." This year the conferences will be acknowledging and highlighting our amazing administrative assistants.

  • Where: Bingham High
  • Time: 8 a.m. -12 p.m.
  • Date: Jan.16, 2024
  • What: To gain an understanding of what our EL/ML and students of color need from us as educators.

Special Education Transition Fair FlyerSpecial Education is excited to announce an in-person, Special Education Transition Fair for 2024 and would love for you to join us! There will be over twenty community resources attending to help answer any post-secondary questions for our students and families.

The Transition Fair will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 27 from 4 - 7 p.m. at West Jordan Middle School. We hope that you will be able to attend! For questions please contact Ashley Calhoun at 801-567-8208 or

6th-Grade Curriculum Reminder:
We have adopted Illustrative Mathematics housed on the Imagine Learning Platform for the 2024-25 school year. It is the same curriculum content as our current Open Up Resources program, but on a new and improved platform. All 6th-grade teachers will engage in a full-day professional learning experience on the district professional development day, April 12, 2024

K-5 Curriculum Reminder:
Due to the adoption and implementation of Wit & Wisdom, we have postponed the adoption of a new mathematics curriculum and extended our contract with Math Expressions for the 2024-2025 school year. As part of the extension plan, schools will receive consumable math books for students in grades K-2. A downloadable PDF of instructional materials will be made available for grades 3-5. Students will no longer have access to the digital platform; however, teachers will be provided a digital license and will have access to the digital components of Math Expressions. Because our current contract expires we will adopt a new K-5 mathematics curriculum in the 2025-26 school year. 

We hope that spreading these changes over two years will make implementation more manageable for teachers.

Paycheck iconSchool Holidays

  • Winter Recess/New Year’s Day - Jan. 1
    *Work resumes for all employees on Jan. 2, 2024
    (Professional Day, no students - If absent, a leave day is required in Skyward)
    Critical Days
    ESP only - Jan. 3
  • Martin Luther King Jr - Jan. 15
    Critical Days
    Licensed - Jan. 12
    ESP - Jan. 12 & 17

As Per DP335B and DP335NEG:  Licensed and ESP employees using an Annual/Personal leave day on Critical Days will be docked (Licensed $156 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason and the policy exception are written in the time off description box.

Please refer to policy for further clarification.

  • Payroll Due: Jan. 3
  • Direct Deposit Changes by Jan 9
  • View Paycheck: Jan. 23
  • Pay Day: Jan. 25

True Time Deadlines

  • Date Range Dec. 4 – Dec. 31
    *True Time should be submitted and approved weekly
  • Employee Submittal:  Jan. 3
  • First Approval: Jan. 5
  • Final Approval: Jan. 9

Substitute Deadlines

Date Range Due   Payday
Dec. 18-21 Jan. 2 Jan. 10
 Jan. 3-12 Jan. 16  Jan. 25

Grade Transmittal Day - Jan 16
All 206, 242 and 245 employees must record a leave day if not in attendance.

CRX Savings Simple & Safe FlyerCRX International is a voluntary international mail order prescription program that is available to eligible employees, non-Medicare eligible retirees and their dependents of Jordan School District currently enrolled in the Traditional Health Plan or Value Health Plan.

Brand name medications, in the original factory-sealed manufacturers packaging, are delivered DIRECT TO YOUR DOOR from certified pharmacies in Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. YOU PAY NOTHING thanks to the savings CRX brings to your plan.

For example, you can get Eliquis, Farxiga or Ibrance for $0 COPAY. Current Member Savings per 90-Day Supply: Jardiance $539 Farxiga $484.

Getting started is super easy!

  1. Check to see if a medication is offered - call CRX at 1-866-488-7874 or to view the complete formulary - and enroll online or download an enrollment form - visit (WebID: JORDANSD).
  2. Ask your doctor for a prescription for a 3-month supply, with 3 refills.
  3. Submit documentation (completed enrollment form, prescription and a copy of your photo ID).
  4. Sit back and relax…medication will be mailed direct to your home within 4 weeks!

All member copayments have been waived for this program. If you have further questions, please reach out to CRX International directly, visit the Insurance Services website or please call 801-567-8146.

Dec. 2023 Blomquist Hale Workshop FlyersBlomquist Hale has two workshops coming up in December! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below.

  • Topic: Supporting Loved Ones With Addiction
    Date: Dec. 18
    Time: 12 – 1 p.m.
    Location: Online!
  • Topic: Monthly Divorce/Separation Support Group
    Date: 3rd Thursday of Every Month – Dec. 21
    Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m. MT
    Location: Online!

ML Identification ReminderDon't forget to run your home language report. It's time to make sure all students are screened and ready to learn. Your school goal should be zero students on your report.

  • Student Skyward
  • Families Tab
  • Jordan Program
  • Registration Reports
  • Student Language Survey Report
  • Description: HLS Report
  • Entity: Low & High should be your school ###
  • Student Selection: Non-English Students without LEP records

*** WIDA WINDOW IS Jan. 8 to March 8 - It's time to make sure all students are screened and ready.

Your school GOAL should be zero students on your report

Sign Up Now! Registration Extended - Closes Dec. 20
Registration for the 2024-25 Instructional Coaching Endorsement - Cohort 2 is open. This is only for teachers interested in future coaching opportunities. Current coaches will continue to attend training during contract time. See below for more details.

Jordan School District Aspiring Coach Pathway
2024-25 Instructional Coaching Endorsement  (Cohort 2)

The JSD Aspiring Coach Pathway has been designed as a cohort for educators who do not currently have a coaching assignment at their school, but are interested in extending their career pathway towards instructional coaching practice. 

Pathway Details:  These new endorsement classes are offered after contract time and involve the completion of college level coursework in addition to demonstrated skills and competencies in instructional coaching practice. The endorsement classes will be mixed, with educators from each instructional grade level welcome to attend.

Due to the limited number of seats, Cohort 2 will be offered with the following seating priority: 

  1. Jordan School District certificated personnel who have a principal enrollment request.
  2. Jordan School District certificated personnel who have met the prerequisites and have a principal recommendation.
  3. Jordan School District certificated personnel who will complete the prerequisites concurrently with the endorsement requirements and have a principal recommendation.


  • Current professional license (secondary, elementary, Special Education)
  • 5 years of classroom teaching experience or equivalent
  • Instructional coaching experience or school level teacher leadership experience (e.g. department chair, mentor, etc.)
  • Experience providing instruction and professional learning to adult educators
  • 3 consecutive years of effective or higher rating on UETS according to LEA rating system or equivalent
  • At least 1-year full-time employment in the Utah Education System

NOTE: Prerequisites for the endorsement may be accomplished concurrently with the endorsement courses and competency pathway, but must be completed prior to being eligible to apply for the endorsement posting on the educator license.

Tricia Ricks |
Chris Westra | 

Register using the Aspiring Instructional Coach Endorsement Courses Enrollment Form. Course details are below.

Aspiring Instructional Coach Endorsement Class Schedule

Meeting Time: 4:30 - 7 p.m.
Meeting Location: Auxiliary Services Building | 7905 South Redwood Road | West Jordan, Utah 84088

Class Requirement #1: Foundations of Instructional Coaching
Session 1 - Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024 (Auditorium)
Session 2 - Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024 (Auditorium)
Session 3 - Thursday, March 14, 2024 (Auditorium)
Session 4 - Thursday, April 11, 2024 (Auditorium)

Class Requirement #2: Adult Learning Theory
Session 1 - Fall 2024 TBA
Session 2 - Fall 2024 TBA
Session 3 - Fall 2024 TBA
Session 4 - Fall 2024 TBA

Class Requirement #3: Instructional Design and Assessment
Session 1 - Spring 2025 TBA
Session 2 - Spring 2025 TBA
Session 3 - Spring 2025 TBA
Session 4 - Spring 2025 TBA

Junior Duck Stamp FlyerFor the last 30 years, the Junior Duck Stamp Conservation Program (JDS) has engaged students from kindergarten to high school seniors in scientific and wildlife observation through the arts. The contest is part of an art- and science-based curriculum teaching wetland and waterfowl conservation. However, students may participate in the art contest only. Please feel free to visit the JDS website for more information, including contest entry and reference forms and rules.

Utah's deadline is March 1, 2024.  This is a great opportunity for students to showcase their talents and learn about North American waterfowl and wetland habitats.

Please remember these important contest criteria. 

  • Entries must be 9” x 12” and less than ¼” thick.
  • Image layout must be horizontal.
  • No signatures, words, writing, or borders on the front.
  • Artwork must be original.*
  • Scenes should depict North American Waterfowl in their natural habitat.
  • Attach (tape) the signed entry form to the back of the entry.
  • Please send entries to Jill Shannon, Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, 2155 West Forest Street, Brigham City, UT  84302.

*Please note, as a pilot program in Utah, we are accepting originally created digital artwork this year; however, there are a few extra rules and notes for these types of entries.

  • This is a Utah state level contest only. Entries cannot advance to the National Contest; thus, are ineligible for the scholarship.
  • All students who produce digital artwork must provide references for their works. Please use the reference form provided for Groups 3 and 4.
  • Include the computer program used to create the artwork on the entry form under Medium and Style Used.
  • Artwork must be the student's own creation, not completely computer or Artificial Intelligence generated.
  • Artwork must still be printable to the 9 inch by 12 inch contest standard for judging. PPI/DPI suggestion is 300.

Please see the 2023-24 Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program and Art Contest brochure for the complete contest criteria.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Louise or Steve Brown or me via the emails or phone numbers listed below.

We look forward to seeing all the original artwork by March 1, 2024.

Steve Brown | 435-783-2221
Louise Brown | 435-901-1254
Utah Junior Duck Stamp Volunteer Coordinators

Jill Shannon | 435-265-2267
MTA Park Ranger | Utah State Coordinator - Federal Junior Duck Stamp

Christmas Carol Sing AlongThe Larry H. & Gail Miller Family is excited to welcome the community to the annual free Christmas Carol Sing-Along Event featuring The National Parks. Guests will enjoy performances from national recording artists, The National Parks, and guest emcee, Yahosh Bonner of the Bonner Family. Music will be provided by the West Valley Symphony of Utah, under the direction of Donny Gilbert. Sterling Poulson will be our guest conductor. Santa Claus and the Jazz Bear will also stop by to join in on the festivities.

  • WHEN: Monday, Dec. 11, 2023 at 7 p.m.
  • WHERE: Delta Center | 301 S Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84101
  • WHAT: Larry H. Miller Holiday Concert and Community Sing-Along event | Free to the public | Holiday treats and complimentary gift coupons while supplies last | Song lyrics provided via QR code and displayed throughout the show

  • Delta Center Events | 39th Annual Larry H. Miller Christmas Carol Sing-Along

Dec. 2023 Teaching & Learning NewsletterCheck out the attached flyer or use the links below for the latest updates from Teaching & Learning for December. Learn tips and tricks, sign up for upcoming PD, and learn about important updates from the T & L team.

Dec. 2023 Language & Culture Services NewsletterWelcome back to another exciting school year! A lot is happening this quarter. Winter is closely approaching us, along with all the holidays. Daylight savings has made our days seem shorter.We will soon start to see colder weather, and hopefully some rain and snow.

We at LCS hope you and your loved ones can enjoy this holiday season that is quickly approaching us.

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

  • ELLevation Tips and Tricks - Did you know??? If you have an activity that you like, you can choose the Example tab, and select a grade level and content area. It will then give you ideas for incorporating that activity into your lesson!
  • Culture Corner - Teaching about different cultural holidays helps promote awareness, acceptance and diversity in our classrooms. How can you incorporate more culture in your classroom? November: Native American Heritage Month December: Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hannukah
  • Teaching Strategies - Have you ever used the Magic Switch setting on Canva? This allows you to translate a document that was made within Canva by a click of a button. You can choose from 130 different languages. Also, it allows you to translate certain part of your document, while other parts can be in a different language. This really allows educators to translate documents for our ML students easily.
  • Reflective Questions - How much do I really listen to my learners? Do I engage in active observation in my classroom, paying attention to subtle nuances and dynamics among my learners? In my interactions with my learners? Can I describe my own cultural conditioning? For example, what cultural values affect how I behave and communicate with others? What are some of my core beliefs and how have they been culturally influenced?
  • ELD Lead Celebration - Heidi Rivera is a kindergarten teacher & ELD Lead at Riverton Elementary. She works closely with the ML students and helps them develop language proficiency and prepares them for WIDA. She has done a great job of creating a sense of belonging among the ML students and has contributed to a great sense of community and culture among Riverton Elementary.

The postings for next year's BYU CFA for Elementary are now open.  It is required that you apply for both the internal Jordan School District posting, found on AppliTrack, and the BYU posting on Yjobs.


  • Bachelor's degree required, Master's preferred
  • Public school teaching experience in grades K-6. Experience as a mentor/cooperating teacher to teacher candidates
  • Submit application to Jordan job posting
  • Attach three letters of recommendation
  • Attach a current resume or vita, AND
  • Submit application to BYU Yjobs posting

Applications are due by 5pm on Friday, Jan. 5, 2024. For additional information about this position please see the description on BYU Yjobs.

Don't take the bait! Watch this catchy video to learn how to NOT get caught by a phishing attack!  Here are some helpful hints to avoid getting hooked:

  • Verify the sender's identity with a 2nd method of communication.
  • Remember, phone numbers and email addresses can be spoofed.
  • Report suspicious emails to or call the help desk at 801-567-8737.