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Ballet West Performances FlyerBallet West is again providing free presentations of the following ballets in the Capitol Theater:

  • Pictures At An Exhibition (Grades 4-12)
  • The Nutcracker (Grades 1-12)
  • Cinderella (Grades 2-12)
  • Fairy Tale Theater: Alladin (Grades 1-12)
  • The Rite of Spring (Grades 5-12)
  • Works From Within (Grades 5-12)

Each program begins with an educational introduction and is followed by a portion of the repertoire currently being performed for the general public.

Further information may be found at Ballet West Student In-Theatre Performances and in the link below.

Transportation fees and bus scheduling are to be taken care of by individual schools. Neither Ballet West nor the Teaching and Learning Department will cover transportation costs.

If any of your teachers are interested in having their classes attend any of the performances, please have them contact Sydney Hamblin at or 801-567-8296. Seating is limited and performance slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis.

Money Saving Ideas FlyerHow can you easily save money for yourself and our health plan?
There are so many ways that we can all be good consumers and keep our overall plan costs down. In the long run, this will save you money and avoid higher premium costs in the future.

  • Take advantage of preventive visits on both your medical and dental plans. If issues are caught early, there is an increased chance of a positive outcome and lower costs for both you and our health plan.
  • Always ask for generic drugs.
  • Talk to your pharmacist and ask if there is a lower cost options available that they would recommend.
  • If you need the name brand prescription, take advantage of CRX International. (Web ID: JORDANSD)
  • Take advantage of mail order or 90 day fill at Walgreens.
  • If you are on a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blocker such as Humira, ask your pharmacist about the biosimilars and if they are right for you.
  • Use the cash back program with PEHP. Opt to get care at a clinic instead of a hospital and get cash back. Please see the tutorial on the Insurance website.
  • Know Before You Go” – Take a few simple steps beforehand to get the right care at the best value to avoid unnecessary large bills.
  • The “Latest and Greatest” drug on the market doesn’t mean it is right for you. These drugs are usually very expensive and have not proven there are additional benefits over the drugs that have been out there for years. Talk to both your physician and pharmacist for the lowest, most effective option for you.
  • Move your body! Regular physical activity, even in low doses, is proven to reduce overall costs, reduce stress, increase happiness and overall wellbeing.

If you have found other ways to save money, please let Insurance Services know and we will feature it in a future JEM.

Group Member Portal Overview FlyerThere have been issues with getting our new Renaissance dental physical cards mailed to you prior to Sept. 1.  You are now enrolled in their system and can access your member information via their member portal.

Please use this information to create an account and download your card if you need it prior to receiving it in the mail.  You can also contact Insurance Services if you need assistance 801-567-8046.  Thank you.

Renaissance Member Online Portals
MyRenBenefitsManager: For employees who are part of an employer-sponsored plan, MyRenBenefitsManager makes it easy to view and manage your benefits information.

Myrenbenefitsmanager Features:

  • Review Coverage: View your profile, review coverage and access certificate information.
  • Real-Time Benefit Information: See your coverage levels, deductible information, and remaining annual maximum amount.
  • Claims: View claims transactions and payments. Submit life and disability claims with access to claims status updates, including claim examiner notes.
  • ID Cards: View, download and print your ID card.
  • Provider Search: Access to our provider search tool to find the right provider in your area.

Sept. 2024 Important Payroll Info FlyerPayroll Due: 9/4
View Your Paycheck: 9/21
Payday: 9/25

Labor Day Critical Days: 8/30 & 9/3
As per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG: Employees may be docked for using annual leave on a Critical Day unless the leave reason is listed as an exception in policy. If applicable, the reason & the policy exception must be written in the time off description box. View the Critical Days FAQ here

Secondary Parent Teacher Conferences: 9/25 & 9/26
As per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG: Annual/Personal leave shall not be used during Parent Teacher Conferences. If Parent Teacher Conference is missed, a leave day (sick or No Pay) should be entered on the Comp Day 9/27

Elementary Professional Development Day: 9/27 - No Students

Sub Payroll Deadlines

  • Pay Period: 8/20-8/30
    Due: 9/3
    Payday: 9/10
  • Pay Period: 9/3-9/13
    Due: 9/13
    Payday: 9/25

SCHOOLS: Please ensure subs are verified weekly

True Time Deadlines
Pay Period: 8/5-9/1
EMPLOYEES: Please submit your time sheets at the end of each week
APPROVERS: Please approve time sheets weekly for accuracy

Smart Goals
As educators write goals, remind them to be SMART. View a video about SMART goals by viewing the video below and by reviewing the linked flyer. Additional resources may be found at

Sept. 2024 Evaluation NewsletterInterim Requirements

  • Self-assessment
  • 3 Goals Connected to
    • UETS
    • Previous evaluation
    • Student growth with data & Stakeholder input Administrator approval

Smart Goals

  1. Specific: Clear and precise goals that outline exactly what is to be achieved. By the end of the semester, students will increase their ability to use technology tools for math by 50%.
  2. Measurable: Goals that include criteria to track progress and determine when they are accomplished. Students will demonstrate competency of usage of technology through formative and summative assessments.
  3. Achievable: Realistic goals that can be accomplished within the given resources and constraints. Students will be provided with targeted instruction and opportunities to practice with real-life problem solving.
  4. Realistic: Goals that align with objectives and content and are significant to the individual's or organization's success. Enhancing technology tools in math is crucial for overall academic success in future opportunities for education and work.
  5. Timely: Goals with a defined deadline to create a sense of urgency and timeline for completion. The goal will be achieved by the end of the 5. current semester.

Due Date
October 31, 2024 Beginning of the Year interims are due DUE DATE Evaluation

LCS Fall Family Fair 2024 FlyerLanguage and Culture Services is excited for the annual Fall Family Fair on Thursday, Sept. 5 from 4 - 7 p.m. at the the Viridian Event Center. All Jordan District students and their families are invited to become familiar with the District and the Community.

Special music guests, Superintendents of Rock. Our very own Superintendent Anthony Godfrey is a member of the band. Come out with your family, the food trucks, win prizes, and get to know the school community.

EyeMed FlyerYou should be receiving your new EyeMed ID cards any day now.  Please note that they are in a plain white envelope so please keep your eyes out.

Your ID card is not required but we know this may bring piece of mind.  You are able to access your member information on the Member Web or the EyeMed Members App.  This information is also available on the Insurance Services website.

The instructions on how to access your account can be found below.

Eye Med - How to Enjoy Your Own "Eye Site"
Your vision plan is like a friendly smile - it doesn't do any good if it's hidden away. Member Web at is here, there and everywhere. It's your vision plan control center. A place to manage the details of every visit and every claim. Instantly. Easily. Smile-ly.

Start managing your benefits in a few easy steps:

  1. Visit and click on Member Login.
  2. If you're a new user, click on Create an Account.
  3. Register using your member ID or the last four digits of your social security number (You'll get an email asking to confirm your account.).*
  4. Finish setting up your new account with your email address
    and a password (To keep it secure, we list some password "musts.").
  5. Come back anytime to change your password, email address and billing preferences (It's all under Manage Profiles.).

Log in 24/7 to:

  • View your benefit details
  • Confirm eligibility
  • Check claim status
  • Print replacement ID cards
  • Locate a provider
  • Schedule an appointment online**
  • View health and wellness information
  • Get special offers

See the good stuff
Register on or grab the member app (App Store or Google Play) now.

* Depends on how your benefit administrator entered you into the system.
** Most, but not all, network providers offer this.

This information is available broadly and is not plan or state specific. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.

Please contact Insurance Services if you have any questions at 801-567-8146 or

All Licensed and ESP Employees

  • Aug. 21 - Aug. 27 Elementary Schools
  • Aug. 20 - Aug. 26 Secondary Schools
  • Aug. 20 - Aug. 26 District Offices & Auxiliary Services

Per District policy, annual or personal leave days may not be used during the first five days of school, unless the leave reason is listed in policy as an exception. If any of the exceptions do apply, you must provide both the leave reason and the policy exception in the time off description. If these exceptions are not applicable, your annual or personal leave day will be changed to a no-pay day as per policy.

7. Annual leave shall not be taken during the first five (5) days that students are in school except under the following conditions:

  1. To attend the wedding of a near relative including child, father, mother, brother, sister, grandchild, grandparents or same to one’s spouse or any other person who is a member of the same household as the employee.
  2. To attend to personal or business matters which require the employee’s attendance and scheduling is beyond the employee’s control.
  3. First year employees who notify their supervisor in writing that they are ill.

Elementary Administrators and Teachers,
We previously sent instructions and a tutorial on how to access the new Wit and Wisdom 5th Grade Module 1 and Student Handouts. 

In order to streamline the use of these materials, the Teaching and Learning Department will be printing handouts for lessons 13-35 in Module 1 for use with all 5th grade students. Schools can use the published workbooks that they should have received, for the first 12 lessons of Module 1. 

Module 0 will take approximately one week. The first 12 lessons of Module 1 should take approximately 3 weeks. This schedule should allow 4 weeks to get the materials printed and delivered to schools.

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to 

Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work.

The first submission deadline for this year’s Secondary Literature Selection meetings is September 4, 2024. Any full length novel that a teacher would like to use in the classroom must be on the district’s approved list. Teachers may send submissions to the attention of Brandee Bergum in Teaching and Learning. Submission directions and forms can be found here: Secondary Literature Selection Process Our secondary approved lists can be found here: JSD Approved Literature Lists

Lit. Selection Dates 2024-25

Book Submission Deadline Middle School Meetings High School Meetings
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024 Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024 Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2025 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025 Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025 Tuesday, March 4, 2025 Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 Tuesday, April 29, 2025 Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Due to a delay in printing, the first Wit & Wisdom book called My Five Senses by Margaret Miller has not yet arrived. However, the literacy teacher specialists have created a digital book which will be used in place of My Five Senses for this year only. The digital book aligns with all the lessons in the teacher manual.

Teachers can use the digital book and the lessons for whole-class instruction to avoid printing and copying the book. The digital book can be accessed directly on Canva, and also on the elementary literacy website under programs, and then under Wit and Wisdom.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Michelle Lovell or Mandy Thurman.

Utah Opera & Musical Theatre Art Training Workshop FlyerUtah Festival Opera & Musical Theatre presents a Teacher Paint Party: Art Training Workshop
Teachers,  come learn how to facilitate GINORMOUS scenery for original opera projects or murals for any type of backdrop!

  • Minimal amount of time.
  • Connects to the Utah Fine Arts Core Standards and group cooperative learning!
  • You need not be an artist!
  • Come and learn washes, perspective,
  • shading, highlighting and many more techniques!!

Be prepared to create! Wear clothes that wear paint well.

  • Cost: $0
  • Date: Sept. 13, 2024
  • Time: 4 - 7 p.m.
  • Location: Majestic Arts Academy, Jordan SD 7430 S. Redwood Road West Jordan, UT 84084

Questions: | Relicensure points available through MIDAS

An OBC Teacher Training Workshop and an Art Training Workshop will also be held at Eaglecrest Elementary in Lehi.  For more information, please view the Art Training Workshop flyer packet below.

WGU Scholarship Opportunity FlyerGoing back to school doesn’t have to derail your lifestyle or your budget when it’s with Western Governors University. As a new student, you may be eligible for a scholarship which can be applied to WGU’s already affordable tuition.

With our widely respected degree programs in business, IT, education, and healthcare—plus 24/7 access to courses and tests—WGU provides the flexibility and affordability to conquer your future.

WGU is institutionally accredited—the highest form of accreditation— by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).

Learn more at or call 866-225-5948.

URS Retirement Presentation Schedule FlyerLet URS help you understand your benefits and plan a bright future. Whether you're age 20 or 90, whether you have three months or 30 years until retirement... This is for you.

Come learn about your URS benefits. Open to ALL full and part-time employees. Each session will cover URS savings plans along with Tier 1 and Tier 2 pension systems. All sessions will be from 4 – 5:30 p.m. and held in the media center.

  • Oquirrh Hills Middle | Monday, Sept. 16, 2024
  • Sunset Ridge Middle | Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024
  • South Hills Middle | Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024
  • Joel P. Jensen Middle | Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025
  • South Jordan Middle | Thursday Feb. 20, 2025
  • Mountain Creek Middle | Monday March 10, 2025

We are excited to announce that Jordan School District employees (and spouses) can now sign up for an Ahhhsome Relaxation membership at a significant discount!!  Open enrollment is now thru the end of September 2024 so don’t delay!!  To learn more about Ahhhsome Relaxation, please visit our website.

There are two membership options:

  1. The INDIVIDUAL membership gives you 24/7 unlimited access to Ahhhsome Relaxation for the exclusive discounted price of only $50/month!
  2. The INCLUSIVE membership gives you 24/7 unlimited access to Ahhhsome Relaxation and also includes 4 credits per month that can be used for either Halo therapy sessions or to bring a guest during staffed hours.  Exclusive discounted price of only $75/month!

Ahhhsome Relaxation has made the sign-up process easy and convenient through their online membership portal. Please follow the link below to sign up:

After you complete the registration form you can either call Ahhhsome Relaxation at 801-590-3737 to schedule your initial visit or a member of the Ahhhsome staff will call you to schedule.  On your first member visit they will review your wellness concerns, help you learn about the equipment, how to use everything at Ahhhsome and set up your 24/7 access on your phone.  If you would prefer to sign up at Ahhhsome, please call 801-590-3737 to schedule an appointment.

Ahhhsome Relaxation and Jordan School District are thrilled to offer these benefits to you and look forward to supporting your health and wellness journey. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ahhhsome Relaxation at 801-590-3737.

The documents below only include the handouts for lessons 13-35, as the physical Module 1 workbook can still be utilized for lessons 1-12.  There are a few handouts that have minor changes such as a title difference from the original handouts in the physical workbook. You could choose to exclude printing these pages and use the handouts in the physical workbooks. Two PDFs are included below to give choice in printing one with all the handouts and one with limited handouts with the pages that had minor changes excluded. The handouts left out in the limited handouts document are:

  • Handout 13B - Use Handout 29B in physical workbook
  • Handout 13C - Use Handout 29C in physical workbook
  • Handout 15B - Use Handout 31B in physical workbook
  • Handout 20B - Use Handout 24B in physical workbook - Have students cross out the word surrender  and change it to encounter
  • Handout 22A - Use Handout 13A in physical workbook (minor sentence change)
  • Handout 26A - Use Handout 22B in physical workbook
  • Handout 27A - Use Handout 23A in physical workbook
  • Handout 30C - Use Handout 28B in physical workbook 

Aug. 2024 DHH Tips for TeachersThe JSD Teachers for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Team has created a monthly newsletter.  The full newsletter for August can be found at the link below. Stories include:

Reverberation - Reverberation is the way sound bounces in an environment. It makes hearing difficult because it smears speech. The chart below gives a visual representation of what hearing sound is like with increased reverberation.

Improving Acoustics - Use FM/audio devices. Close windows/doors. Use sound absorbing items like bookshelves, cork boards, drapes, carpet. Put rubber or tennis balls on chair legs. Good lighting also helps.

Closed Captioning - Just a friendly reminder to make sure all videos are accessible by turning on closed captioning or subtitles.

ParentSquare for TeachersDrumroll, please… Our district is using ParentSquare, the communication superhero your parents have been clamoring for! This tool is your new sidekick for connecting with families, sending a quick text, sharing epic student moments (think adorable pics), and rallying the troops through creative newsletters and posts. It’s already set up - so get ready to level up your parent engagement game, including texting parents in their preferred language!

How Do I Get There from Here?
Getting started is simple - Just visit, login using your Jordan District Google account and you’re officially connected to awesome classroom communication. ParentSquare works its magic on any device, so whether you’re a phone wiz, a laptop lover or tablet-trained, you’re good to go! Download the free mobile app for iOS or Android, or use ParentSquare from a web browser at

What Can I Do with ParentSquare?
As a teacher, you have the ability to send both Posts and Direct Messages to your classroom’s families. Both options can be sent through email or text and can be translated to the parent’s preferred language. You can include calendar events to a post, allowing parents to quickly add events to their personal calendar, and even RSVP to your events. Parents can access messages via the ParentSquare app, however, those who do not register their account will still receive a text and email with your messages. Parents who do create an account can interact with your classroom by viewing photos, leaving comments on posts (only visible by you), messaging teachers, and managing their communication preferences.

Where Can I Learn More?
Transform yourself into a ParentSquare Pro! Access Teacher Training 101, self-paced modules, that can be completed in under 30 minutes. Be sure to select “Start Course.” After completing this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Login and navigate ParentSquare
  • Make changes to your notification settings and set office hours
  • Add events to the class calendar
  • Create posts and direct messages
  • Access support and training resources

In addition, you can click on the question mark in the upper right corner within ParentSquare to search comprehensive help articles, see what’s new, or connect with ParentSquare’s amazing support team. If you find that your account, classroom, or parent contact data is incorrect, please reach out to the Information Systems help desk at 801-567-8737.

Headspace - Enbrace the changeHeadspace offers free access to K-12 (primary-secondary) teachers and supporting staff in the US. Whether you’re feeling inspired to connect more with your students or you’re looking for a new way to bring calm to your classroom, Headspace can help students build healthy habits that last a lifetime. Better focus, less stress, and happier thoughts are just a few minutes away.

Embrace the change - Learn how to navigate it in August
Change can happen in an instant, but how you respond to it makes all the difference. For August, we’re helping you explore different ways to approach changes in your life with acceptance, strength, and the ability to keep moving forward.

  • The Nature of Change - Meditate on how nature evolves and your relationship to it with a sense of ease and well being. Get connected.
  • Fleeting Nature of Life -  Develop a greater understanding of how life changes from moment to moment and feel the freedom that comes from it. Let change in.
  • Approaching Change - Change brings about strong emotions. Use this visualization exercise to help you adapt to it with a wiser perspective. Move through it.
  • Feeling Powerless - Learn to stay focused and grounded when you’re feeling overwhelmed by current events or everyday life. Find your center.

Sign up for monthly live events
Join Headspace for live monthly meditations and quarterly workshops to support mindfulness in your everyday life.