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Jordan District offers classes for a Gifted & Talented Endorsement, with a new cohort beginning in August 2024.  A GT endorsement can benefit all teachers and all students in all classrooms!

Contact Rebecca Smith in Teaching & Learning for any additional questions ( 88368).

U of U Summer Workshop for Paraprofessionals FlyerThe University of Utah is offering an online summer workshop focused on behavior management for paraprofessionals. The workshop will be held on June 1 from 9 - 11:30 a.m, or 12:30 - 3 p.m. Both meeting times will cover the same content. Please choose the time that works for you! Space is limited to 25 participants for each session. Register today to reserve your space!

2024 Open Enrollment Flyer2024-25 BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT
Open Enrollment is held from May 15, 2024 - June 15, 2024.  Please join us for one of the open enrollment meetings.  We are trying something new this year and will have several throughout the District.  We will also be holding a virtual meeting if that is your preference.  There will also be a recording on the insurance website by May 20, 2024.  It is very important for you to know the upcoming changes prior to making your elections.

More information will be coming soon.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to Insurance Services 801-567-8146 / and we will be happy to assist you.

KEEP Exit administration for the 2023-24 school year is still required by the state through the end of this year.  The KEEP Exit window is scheduled during the end-of-year kindergarten testing days, which are Monday, May 20 through Friday, May 24 with a make-up testing date of Friday, May 31.  However, the official state test administration window opens Monday, May 6 and ends on the last day of school.

Data entry into the Data Gateway is due by Saturday, June 15.  Those who are administering the KEEP Exit (including kindergarten teachers and classroom aides) should have been trained.  Test administrators can access training in one of two ways:

The KEEP Exit materials included with this notification are:

Printed materials for the KEEP Exit are also available by emailing Ben Jameson with the quantity needed.  Ben may also be contacted for any Data Gateway account or data entry issues.

Teachers enjoy high quality and convenience: AP Institute sessions are now offered Online and/or in-person locally.

Intermountain AP Summer Institute is the only institute of it's kind held in the state of Utah. 2024 marks the 14th year of operation as a College Board endorsed training. APSI offers the highest quality professional development in 18 content areas. Speak with your principal about how they may choose to sponsor your registration and stipend for this training opportunity.

June 2024 Intermountain Advanced Placement Summer Institute FlyerJune Session Information
The first summer Institute sessions will be held on June 10 - 13 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.  There will be sessions on the following subjects:

  • Art and Design
  • Art History
  • Calculus AB
  • Comparative Government (June 11-14) Computer Science Principles
  • English Language and Composition English Literature
  • German Language and Culture Human Geography
  • US Government (June 11-14) US History
  • Music Theory
  • World History - Modern

Registration & Details

APSI Online FlyerJuly 2024 Sessions
The second summer Institute sessions will be held on July 9 - 12 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.  There will be sessions on the following subjects:

  • Art and Design
  • Biology
  • Calculus AB
  • Calculus BC
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese Language and Culture
  • Computer Science Principles
  • English Language and Composition
  • English Literature and Composition
  • Environmental Science
  • Human Geography
  • Physics 1
  • Precalculus
  • Psychology
  • Spanish Language and Culture
  • Statistics
  • US History
  • World History

Registration & Details

Mobile Mamogram FlyerDid you miss the Mobile Mammogram back in February? If so, you have another chance to get an appointment, but don’t wait!! This is a very convenient way to get your necessary mammogram.

  • Tuesday, May 28th 2024 at the ASB (7905 S Redwood Rd, West Jordan, UT)
  • There are appointments available from 7:30am - 5:30pm
  • To schedule an appointment:
    • Go to
    • After you have logged on, you will click on the “Book Appointment” button.
    • Find your location or clinic name and click on it (Jordan School District).
    • Find the month that your clinic is scheduled for (May 28,2024).
    • It should automatically come up with your appointed date.
    • Click on the time you would like to schedule your appointment.
    • Please fill in all of the information being sure to use your phone number and email. This will ensure you will receive your reminders.
    • Click on “Finalize Appointment”, this will set the automatic reminders.
  • ** There is a new guideline concerning Covid 19 shots. Ladies are no longer required to wait 4 weeks after receiving their Covid Vaccine or Booster **

For questions, contact Insurance Services at 801-567-8285 or

May 2024 Moreton & Company Health Insights NewsletterCheck out the May 2024 Moreton & Company Health Insights newsletter. Stories include:

Working For Mental Health - A new nationwide study indicates that workplace policies that provide employees with security and flexibility boost overall well-being–while encouraging workers to seek health services when they need it. Employment is a recognized determinant of health, and different aspects of a job can be beneficial or harmful to mental health. Published in the journal JAMA Network Open, the study found that employed adults with greater job flexibility and higher job security were less likely to experience serious psychological distress or anxiety.

Mental Well-Being - Your mental well-being includes how you think, behave, and feel. It helps you cope with stress, relate to others, and make decisions. According to the WHO, there is no specific definition of mental well-being, but it is generally accepted that, while it includes mental health, it goes far beyond treating mental illness.

Selecting A Mental Health Professional - Selecting the right provider for your needs is an important decision that should be made carefully. Since mental health professionals all have different roles, it’s important to understand what each can offer.

2024 Canvas Bootcamp FlyerEducators! Gear up and fall into Canvas bootcamp. Canvas bootcamp is the ultimate training ground where educators can transform their canvas skills with every click!

All Sessions are self-leveled. Teachers choose their canvas comfort level each session. So, whether you’re a one star beginner or a three star pro - there’s a level for everyone!

  • June 6, 2024
  • Auxiliary Services Building
  • 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • $100 stipend available
  • Course #101688 in JPLS

LCS Fall 2024 Endorsement FlyerRegistration for the Fall 2024 ESL endorsement class will be open May 6 on the Language and Culture Services website. Registration will close when full, so sign up quickly. These classes will be asynchronous. For additional questions, please contact Language and Culture Services.

  • Competency Based Endorsement
    • 15 Credits for possible lane changes
    • One year commitment
    • Virtual modules with once a month meetings
    • Coaching Support
    • Free enrollment
    • Capstone Project due at the end of endorsement
    • 50 slots available (2 cohorts)
  • University Credit Available
    • Credit must be paid for by student ($69 per 3 credit class)
    • SUU partnership

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and an opportunity to promote mental health resources to support student, staff, and family wellness.

May is a great time to foster open conversations about mental health through community events, sharing information, and highlighting resources available to your students and families at your schools. Here are some events and resources that educators may benefit from being aware of:


  • Live On Utah Playbook is one of the best toolkits for suicide prevention in schools.
    • Discussion Guide for Educators: This guide will give you the tools and talking points to educate youth about preventing suicide.
    • Student Worksheet pairs with the discussion guide, it is for students to complete.


  • Bingham Walk 4 Hope
    May 4 at 9am
    Help Bingham High School’s Hope Squad promote healthy minds, healthy bodies, and to highlight the fact that together we are “A Force of 1”! Start at Bingham High and will make a loop with stops at SoJo Middle and Jordan Ridge Elementary. Resource tables with information about mental and physical health will be available for families at each stop.
    Saturday May 18th, 2024
    Veterans Memorial Park
    1985 W. 7800 S
    West Jordan, UT 84088

SafeUT and HMHI Offerings (and recordings!)

Use this link for more information

    May 5 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm (via Zoom)
    Thursday, May 12 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm (via Zoom)
    Thursday, May 19 | 6:00 - 7:30 pm (via Zoom)

URS Retirement is Real FlyerAmid rising inflation and economic uncertainty, a secure retirement is becoming further out of reach for most Americans.

But, thanks to the substantial retirement benefit your employer funds on your behalf every paycheck, you’ve got a huge advantage.

Your URS benefits can be a gamechanger for your future. They far exceed what most workers in the private sector receive and are richer than even what most other states offer.

For perspective, nearly all public pension plans in the U.S. require employees to contribute out of their own pocket. The average employee contributions are 6.3% for employees with Social Security benefits and 9.0% for those without.

Stay engaged with your employer’s retirement benefits – they’re too valuable to neglect!

Paycheck iconMemorial Day Recess
May 27, 2024

Critical Days
Licensed & ESP - May 24 & 28

As Per DP335B and DP335NEG:  Licensed and ESP employees using an Annual/Personal leave day on Critical Days will be docked (Licensed $156 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason and the policy exception are written in the time off description box.

Please refer to policy links above, or use the Critical Days FAQ for further clarification.

Last Five Days of School
May 29 - 31

As per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG:  Annual/Personal leave shall not be taken during the last five days that students are in school unless listed as an exception in policy.

  • Payroll Due: May 2
  • Direct Dep Changes by May 9
  • View Paycheck: May 22
  • Pay Day: May 24

True Time Deadlines
Date Range Apr 1 – May 5
*True Time should be submitted and approved weekly

  • Employee Submittal: May 8
  • First Approval: May 10
  • Final Approval: May 14

Important - Last Day of School
If May 31 is an employee's last working day, all True Time must be submitted and approved by the end of the day.

Substitute Deadlines

Date Range  Due Payday
April 16-30 May 1 May 10
May 1-15 May 16 May 24

Teachers, administrators, and psychologists who began LETRS training in 2021-22 should have completed all unit classes and online bookwork on or before May 24, 2024. Those interested in receiving the stipend will need to have completed the required classwork and online bookwork and submitted this Google Form by May 24, 2024. After May 24, 2024 stipends for this cohort will no longer be available.

Teachers, administrators, and psychologists who began LETRS training in January 2024 should have completed all in person classes and online book work for units 1-4 by May 24, 2024. Those who have completed these requirements will receive their stipend on the June payroll. No further action will be required for this cohort.

(This does not effect employees on the URS Tier 1 plan or Tier 2 Defined Contribution plan)

URS Tier 2 HandoutYou’ll be required to make a member contribution equal to 0.7% of your salary to fund your benefit in 2024-25.

As a member of the Tier 2 Public Employees System who has chosen the Hybrid Option, your employer pays the equivalent of 10% of your salary to fund your benefit.

If the yearly, actuarially determined cost to pay future benefits – the pension contribution rate – is less than 10%, you get the difference in the form of an employer-paid 401(k) contribution. This has been the case since the system was created by the Utah State Legislature in 2011.

The system was also designed so that if the pension contribution rate exceeds the employer contribution, the member must contribute from their paycheck to help fund the benefit.

*Effective July 2024, the pension contribution rate will increase into the range to require a member contribution equal to 0.7% of your salary.

This means you will have to pay a small amount from your paycheck to fund your Tier 2 Public Employee Hybrid Option benefit beginning July 2024. Your employer will automatically deduct this contribution each paycheck.

Example of What You’ll Pay Out-of-Pocket
These examples provide a perspective on how much you’ll contribute after-tax to help fund your benefit. Compare that small cost to the potential lifetime monthly benefit you could receive.

Sample Salary Amount deducted each paycheck if paid biweekly Amount deducted each paycheck if paid monthly For perspective, your potential lifetime monthly benefit*
$40,000 $10.77 / biweekly $23.33 / monthly $1,750 monthly benefit
$60,000 $16.15 / biweekly $35 / monthly $2,625 monthly benefit
$80,000 $21.53 / biweekly $46.67 / monthly $3,500 monthly benefit

*For illustrative purposes only. This example assumes a 35-year career and yearly 3% salary increase.

Who is impacted by this change?
This change applies to members in the Tier 2 Public Employees System in the Hybrid Option. You’re in the Tier 2 system if you were hired on or after July 1, 2011 without previous URS service credit. Check with your employer or log in to myURS at to find out which system is yours.

Your benefit is the Hybrid Option if you elected it, or were defaulted into it, after your 12-month decision period following your hire date. Because of state and federal law, you are unable to change your election after 12 months. Members who chose the 401(k) Option (Defined Contribution Plan) aren’t impacted.

What do I need to do to pay my contribution?
Nothing. Your employer will automatically deduct this contribution from your paycheck.

When will I begin contributing?
The 0.7% member contribution will be automatically deducted after-tax from your first paycheck on or after July 1, 2024. If you’re a school employee with a contract that starts September 1, the contribution will go into effect on your first paycheck after September 1, 2024.

Why are member contributions now required in my system?
This system was designed to require member contributions if costs to fund projected future benefits exceed a certain level. The projected costs have increased substantially recently, largely due to greater than expected salary increases among Utah public employees after 2020. Because the amount of your retirement benefit is tied to your salary, bigger raises will lead to larger monthly payouts in retirement. To ensure that your benefit is well-funded, URS, in consultation with our actuaries, increased the pension contribution rate ( above the amount that employers are required to pay each pay period to fund your benefit. Contribution rates are re-evaluated yearly and may change from year-to-year, depending on the projected costs of future benefits. To better understand contribution rates and their impact on your retirement benefit, go to

URS is offering a free webinar will explore how the Tier 2 system is designed to ensure adequate funding and why member contributions will be required.

June 13 at 10 a.m. | July 16 at 2 p.m.
Register at

2024 Salt Lake Bees Teacher Appreciation NightOn May 11, the Salt Lake Bees are are holding an appreciation night for teachers, staff and faculty. All JSD employees who present their ID badge at the box office will receive two free tickets and 50% off additional tickets (up to 6 additional tickets). For those who want to redeem this offer online go to and use the promo code: INSPIRE

The Bees will be playing against the Sacramento River Cats on Saturday, May 11 at 6:35 p.m. at Smith's Ballpark.  We hope to see you there!

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments and Transfers effective for the 2024-25 school year:

  • Lisa Jackson, assistant principal at Fort Herriman Middle assigned principal at Oquirrh Hills Middle.
  • Ann Pessetto, principal at Silver Crest Elementary assigned principal at Westland Elementary.
  • Patty Bowen, principal at Copper Canyon Elementary assigned principal at Silver Crest Elementary.
  • Bobbie Nixon, principal at Herriman Elementary assigned principal at Copper Canyon Elementary.
  • Laurie Goodsell, principal at Westland Elementary assigned principal at Herriman Elementary.
  • Michelle Putnam, assistant principal at Bingham High assigned assistant principal at Mountain Ridge High.
  • Rufine Einzinger, assistant principal at Copper Hills High assigned assistant principal at Bingham High.
  • Janilee Mullen, assistant principal at Riverton High assigned assistant principal at Copper Hills High.
  • Kyrstin Wingert, administrative intern at Mountain Ridge High appointed assistant principal at Riverton High.
  • Britnee Eng, administrative intern at Herriman High appointed assistant principal at Valley High.
  • Mindy Lokey, assistant principal at Valley High assigned assistant principal at Fort Herriman Middle.
  • Jennifer Jarrard, assistant principal at Oquirrh Hills Middle assigned assistant principal at South Hills Middle.
  • Joshua Ricks, assistant principal at South Jordan Middle assigned assistant principal at Oquirrh Hills Middle.
  • Brian Rambadt, assistant principal at Sunset Ridge Middle assigned assistant principal at South Jordan Middle.
  • Joshua Stott, assistant principal at Joel P. Jensen Middle assigned assistant principal at Sunset Ridge Middle.
  • Karen Moore, administrative intern at Joel P. Jensen and South Jordan Middle appointed assistant principal at Joel P. Jensen Middle.
  • Sharra Palmer, administrative intern at Bluffdale Elementary appointed assistant principal at Kauri Sue Hamilton School.
  • Aubri Moench, assistant principal at South Hills Middle assigned assistant principal at Juniper Elementary.
  • Amber Allen, assistant principal at Bastian Elementary assigned assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary.
  • Kasey Dahl, assistant principal at Ridge View Elementary assigned assistant principal at Bastian Elementary.
  • Jarom Airhart, assistant principal at Jordan Ridge Elementary assigned assistant principal at Midas Creek Elementary.
  • Thyme Meleisea-Vea, assistant principal at Oak Leaf Elementary assigned assistant principal at Jordan Hills Elementary.
  • Trudy Jack, assistant principal at Majestic Elementary assigned assistant principal at Hayden Peak Elementary.
  • Veronica Holyoke, assistant principal at Oakcrest Elementary assigned assistant principal at Bluffdale Elementary.
  • April Thompson, assistant principal at Riverton Elementary assigned assistant principal at Oakcrest Elementary.
  • Shauna Worthington, administrator returning from sabbatical leave assigned assistant principal at Riverton Elementary.
  • Heather Handy, assistant principal at Bluffdale Elementary assigned assistant principal at Aspen Elementary.

New Administrative Intern Assignments effective for the 2024-25 school year:

  • Daniel Call, teacher at Summit Academy assigned administrative intern at Copper Hills High.
  • Megan Daly, counselor at Hidden Valley Middle assigned administrative intern at Mountain Ridge High.
  • Ivie Erickson, teacher at West Jordan Middle assigned administrative intern at Bingham High.
  • Travis Foster, teacher at West Jordan High assigned administrative intern at Riverton High.
  • Markie Harper, counselor at Copper Hills High assigned administrative intern at Herriman High.
  • Derek Winder, counselor at Copper Mountain Middle assigned administrative intern at West Jordan High.
  • Andrea Call, CTE teacher at Bingham High assigned administrative intern at West Hills Middle and West Jordan Middle.
  • Rachelle Smith, teacher at Oak Leaf Elementary assigned administrative intern at Joel P. Jensen Middle and South Hills Middle.
  • Stacie Thompson, teacher at Golden Fields Elementary assigned administrative intern at Hidden Valley Middle and Sunset Ridge Middle.
  • Aimie Rizzuto, teacher at Aspen Elementary assigned administrative intern at Jordan Ridge Elementary.
  • Megan Hamilton, teacher specialist in the Teaching and Learning Department assigned administrative intern at Blackridge Elementary.
  • Toni Lasater, teacher specialist in the Teaching and Learning Department assigned administrative intern at Oak Leaf Elementary.
  • Denise White, instructional coach in Canyons School District assigned administrative intern at Majestic Elementary.

Salt Lake Shred Educator Night FlyerAll Jordan School District employees are invited to the Salt Lake Shred Educator's Night on April 27 the Zions Bank Stadium in Herriman. The Salt Lake Shred is a men's professional ultimate frisbee team that plays in the Ultimate Frisbee Association.

All employees get in free. Just show your District ID badge at the ticket booth. Ultimate frisbee is a fast-paced sport full of incredible athletics feats; if you've never been to a game, this is the game to come to! Shred will be facing out-of-region opponents, the DC Breeze. To learn more about the team, you can visit the link below.