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National School Lunch-Hero Day FlyerJoin us in celebrating our awesome lunch staff on National school Lunch Hero Day on Friday, May 3!
When we say school nutrition professionals are heroes, we mean it! That's why we celebrate them every spring with the National School Lunch Hero Day. Join schools across the country that are recognizing the difference these team members make for every child who comes through their cafeteria.

WGU Admin Professionals Day FlyerGet Ready for Administrative Professionals Day: The Power-Up Edition! It's our moment to honor the empowerment maestros: executive assistants, secretaries, and all admin pros. They're not just the glue; they're the driving force!

Are you an admin pro ready to flex your muscles and show all that you can do? WGU is offering an exclusive scholarship to amplify your skills and supercharge your career.

Know an admin champion who's a force of nature? Nominate them, and let WGU transform this Admin Pros Day into a celebration of their unstoppable spirit!

JEF Challenge Obstacle Course Run FlyerThe Challenge Obstacle Run is a family-friendly fundraising obstacle course run open to all ages and created to make a difference in Jordan District Classrooms! Sponsored by local businesses and Jordan Education Foundation, 100% of proceeds go directly toward Classroom Grants benefiting students & teachers in Jordan District!

The Challenge Run is open to the community with participation from all 67 of our schools.

The run begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 11 and ends with a (free), fun family festival with lots of free giveaways. You can participate in any one of the events (Obstacle Run, Festival, Fundraising) or in all three! Bring your family and friends and neighbors for a super fun day!

  • Saturday, May 11
  • 9 a.m.
  • Veterans Memorial Park, West Jordan

Come see what all the fun is about!  For more details and to register online, visit:

Spring 2024 Work Based Learning NewsletterWhat's happening in Work Based Learning?  Spring is bursting with Work-Based Learning activity! From CTSO competitions to New programs and teachers, targeted small group field trips, teacher awards and more! There’s so much to celebrate as we wind down another year. Even so, let us know how we can support you whether it’s this year or next. Read on to check it out!  Here's what's inside:

  • ACTE Awards
  • WBL Field Trips
  • 7 Craig Cottle’s Retiring Party
  • CTSO Nationals
  • New Teachers
  • KUTV
  • Upcoming Events
  • Important Dates
  • CTE Social Media Links
  • Contact WBL

Digital Teaching and Learning is thrilled to announce the launch of Elevate Computer Science: Engaging Utah’s Educators in Preparing Future Leaders. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is offering scholarships to participate in their award-winning professional learning opportunities at no cost for Utah educators. Get ready to revolutionize teaching and learning in your classroom through innovative uses of technology to make learning awesome!

Read more below and complete this short form by April 26, 2024 to launch your professional learning journey! Upon completion, educators can receive stipends of up to $1,000!

Participants will be able to select one (or more!) of the following professional learning experiences:

ISTE Certification

  • ISTE Certification is an internationally recognized credential for educators who have demonstrated mastery of the ISTE Educator Standards and implemented innovative uses of technology to transform learning
  • Complete 40 hours in instructor-led professional learning over 10 weeks, and then will curate your portfolio that includes artifacts and reflections aligned to the ISTE Educator Standards over six months.
  • UT educators will receive a $1,000 stipend for successful completion

ISTE Artificial Intelligence Course

  • Self-paced, instructor-led online course introducing educators to AI for learning and its application in the classroom (15 hour course)
  • UT educators will receive a $65 stipend for course completion
  • Course Dates: 10/07/24 - 12/09/24 or 02/10/25 - 04/06/25

ISTE Computational Thinking Course

  • Self-paced, instructor-led online course designed to deepen your understanding of Computational Thinking and develop strategies for integrating Computational Thinking across subject areas and grade levels (15 hour course)
  • UT educators will receive a $65 stipend for course completion
  • Course Dates: 9/26/24 - 11/16/24 or 01/13/25 - 03/13/25

ISTE Computational Thinking Pathway

  • Open to educators who have completed the ISTE Computational Thinking Course
  • Earn up to three Computational Thinking microcredentials
  • UT educators will receive up to $225 in stipends for completing the CT pathway
  • Pathway Dates: 11/23/24 - 04/06/25 or 03/22/25 - 09/30/25

Take the first step on your professional learning journey today by completing this short application form by April 26, 2024! Please note that completing this form does not guarantee admission. We have a limited number of scholarships and stipends available. We will be making selections and inviting applicants to register for program(s) on or before May 10, 2024.

If you have any questions about the offerings above, please contact James Gurney at or Jared Covili at for more information.

2024 Show Up for Teachers FlyerALL Utah educators are invited to attend the annual Show Up for Teachers conference, held on July 9, 2024 at the Mountain America Expo Center. 2,000 educator attendees will gather to celebrate the power of being a teacher and get access to the latest tools and resources to take care of their personal and professional wellness.

General registration is now open for the 2024 Show Up for Teachers Conference This year's theme is "Thriving Through Connection," featuring inspiring keynote addresses by Dr.Marisa G Franco and Robyn Benincasa, along with entertainment by the talented Will Rubio.

  • 2024 Show Up for Teachers Conference Attendee Registration

Teachers and other educators whose license will expire on June 30, 2024, are encouraged to begin the license renewal process IMMEDIATELY by going to the USBE website. Reminder letters regarding license renewal information will be sent out this month to individuals with expiring licenses.

Melanie Dawson and Katie Jarvis, administrators from River’s Edge School will be leading a professional development session on foundational classroom management strategies that make a difference in any classroom. This opportunity is open to elementary and secondary teachers and ESPs in all settings.

It will be held at Herriman High School tomorrow, Friday April 12, 2024 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Please sign up on JPLS for this awesome opportunity!

JBAT Professional Development
Herriman HS- Auditorium
Course #102021
Section #128091

This is an in-person training only and will not be recorded for viewing at a later time.

2024 Blomquist Hale Workshop FlyersBlomquist Hale has two workshops coming up in April! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below.

  • Topic: 5-Week Anxiety Group
    Date: April 15 – May 13
    Time: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
    Location: Online!
  • Topic: Monthly Divorce/Separation/Singles Support Group
    Date: April 18 – December 19 (third Thursday of every month)   
    Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. MT
    Location: Online!

To register for any of our upcoming workshops, please visit our website at

USBE Survey PageThe USBE Digital Teaching and Learning Grant provides opportunities and tools for teachers in Jordan School District to address and close student achievement gaps through the use of high quality instruction that integrates technology. This survey will help us determine technology needs for the 2024-25 school year.

Use the link below to complete the end of year DTL Survey from USBE. Survey is due April 29, 2024.

Utah Waterways FlyerCentral Utah Water Conservancy District has partnered with Jordan School District to provide an Inservice that focuses on the connection between water and Utah's ecosystems. During the program educators will explore issues related to the Great Salt Lake, Colorado River, and more.

Friday, April 19, 2024 | 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. | PDC 103 at the Auxiliary Services Building

Recommended Grade Levels: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th

Hands-on Lesson Blocks Include:

  • Who Gets The Water - Exploring water law along the Colorado River
  • Will I Get Eaten - Exploring how invasive species affect native species in Utah Lake
  • Safe Salinity - Exploring how the percentage of salt in the water in the Great Salt Lake affects its ecosystems
  • Snacks
  • Enroll on JPLS
    The course #102018
    2 relicensure points
  • Utah Waterways Flyer

CRX Enrollment PostcardPlease watch your mail for a postcard from CRX International.  They are a pharmacy that allows our members to receive name brand drugs at NO COST to you.  If you are currently on a medication that qualifies for this program, you will be receiving the attached postcard in the mail.

Please don't ignore it.  This can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Please contact Insurance Services 801-567-8146 or email us at  You can also visit our website for additional information and a full list of medications that you can get through this program.

If you are a contracted employee (Benefit eligible) and need to take Annual/Personal Leave on a Critical Day before or after Memorial Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Impacted Days Window
Memorial Day May 27, 2024 May 24 and 28, 2024 April 12 – April 22, 2024
  • 2023-24 Licensed Annual/Personal Leave Taken on a Critical Day
  • 2023-24 ESP Annual/Personal Leave Taken on a Critical Day

The following are friendly reminders from the state’s testing ethics policy:

  • “Utah LEAs and Licensed Utah educators may use a student’s score from a statewide assessment to improve the student’s academic grade for or demonstrate the student’s competency within a relevant course.”
  • “Licensed Utah educators shall ensure that:
    • “Students are not penalized who have been exempted by a parent from a statewide assessment
    • “Students aren’t provided a nonacademic award for participating in or performing well on a statewide assessment
    • “Students are provided an alternate learning activity if they are exempted by a parent from a statewide assessment”

The following additional guidance may help address specific questions that arise from the part of the state’s testing ethics policy quoted above:

  • Using a student’s score from a state assessment can only improve a student’s grade – not hurt it.
  • Educators may not use a student’s score on a state assessment to determine an overall grade for the course. It can be used in conjunction with other evidence to help determine a student’s overall grade.
  • Educators may not assign participation points on students’ grades for taking a state assessment.
  • The alternate learning activity for students whose parents have opted them out of taking the state assessment can be an alternate assessment. That said, using a student’s score on the alternate assessment or activity on a student’s grade can only improve the student’s grade – not hurt it.
    • In addition, if the incentive is that a student who demonstrates proficiency on a state assessment means that they don’t have to take the class final exam, then students who have been opted out would also need two opportunities to demonstrate proficiency. For instance, if a student who was opted out demonstrated proficiency on the alternate assessment (administered while other students took the state assessment), then they wouldn’t have to take the class final exam.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions.

LCS Multilingual Family Night Flyer SampleLanguage & Culture Services is inviting parents to come out to their feeder high school to learn about English language learning in our District. Use the following links to find the flyer for your feeder school.

All events will take place at the high schools from 6:30 - 8 p.m.

LCS Virtual Training FlyerLog on to learn about the supplemental services you can use with your multilingual students. Language & Culture Services will have training for teachers grades K-6 on Imagine Learning and 7-12 on National Geographic.

My County Rec Pass FlyerSalt Lake County Parks & Recreation is offering the My County Rec Pass to Salt Lake County residents, ages 5–18. The My County Rec Pass includes free access to use Salt Lake County operated recreation centers and amenities, including:

  • 18 swimming pools (indoor and outdoor)
  • 3 ice centers
  • 2 climbing walls
  • Gyms
  • Weight rooms
  • Fitness areas
  • Walking tracks

Pre-Registration Opens: April 1 and pass activates June 1. Parents/guardians may sign up their 5–18 year old(s) at a Salt Lake County operated recreation center. Both child and guardian must register in person. Parent/guardian must bring ID or proof of Salt Lake County residency.

April 2024 Moreton & Company Health Insights NewsletterCheck out the April 2024 Moreton & Company Health Insights newsletter. Stories include:

Decaffeinating for Sleep - According to a recent survey, 94% of Americans drink caeinated beverages, with 64% consuming them daily–and 56% drinking four or more 8-ounce cups in a 24-hour timespan. The vast majority of those are coee lovers, with the consumption of soda, tea, and energy drinks trailing behind.

Screenless Sleep - The personal electronic devices that help make your daily life easier may be making your nightly rest harder. If you’re having a hard time falling and staying asleep, devices like your cellphone, TV and tablet may be to blame. Researchers at Harvard identifed three main ways that using your phone, or any electronic device, before going to bed can derail your sleep schedule.

Lowering Your Risk of Depression - A recent international study published in the Nature Mental Health journal found that certain lifestyle factors can reduce the risk of depression by 57%. This study, which examined data from nearly 290,000 people over a nine-year period, found that there are seven lifestyle factors associated with a lower risk of depression, and sleep was at the top of the list.

Lights Out Challenge - This month’s challenge invites you to go to bed at the same time for 4 days each week in the month of April. Being consistent with your sleep schedule will reset your body’s internal clock, allowing you to fall asleep easier and have more deep, restful sleep. You might even consider tracking your sleeping habits and setting goals to improve them. Throughout this challenge, you will be given some different ideas to improve sleep. Try them out, find what works for you, and establish a regular sleeping routine.

The LOG/TIMESHEET must be turned in to the school no later than April 5, 2024 so that amounts may be paid in the May 2024 paycheck. Payroll will take the information for payment from the Google Sheet.

Please make sure to total the hours listed on the Log/Timesheet and put this number on the Google Sheet. Double check to make sure ALL employees to be paid are listed and that their hours worked are correct. If you have questions please reach out to Nadine Page at x88182 or

Below you will find the original documents sent out at the beginning of the school year with all the guidelines.

Dates were revised to have Log/Timesheets due on April 1 in order to provide payment on the May payroll.