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If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after the Critical day around Fall Recess for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Critical Days Window
Fall Recess (Licensed) Oct. 24-27, 2023 Oct. 20 and 30, 2023 Sept. 9 – Sept. 19, 2023
Fall Recess (All 242, 245 Contracts) Oct. 26-27, 2023 Oct. 20 and 30, 2023 Sept. 11 – Sept. 21, 2023
Fall Recess (206 Contracts) Oct. 24-27, 2023 Oct. 20 and 30, 2023 Sept. 8 – Sept. 18, 2023
Fall Recess (180, 184, 187, Contracts) Oct. 23-27, 2023 Oct. 20 and 30, 2023 Sept. 8 – Sept. 18, 2023
  • Licensed - Personal Leave Before & After Holiday
  • ESP - Personal Leave Before & After Holiday

Special Education & Middle School Mathematics Endorsement FlyerSalt Lake Community College and Utah State Board of Education (USBE) are partnering to provide math courses required for special education licensed teachers seeking a Special Education Mathematics Endorsement. Participants will be able to finish their endorsement while attending classes specifically designed for Special Education teachers teaching secondary math to special education students. General Education teachers looking to earn a Middle School Math Endorsement may also take these courses, if space is available.

  • SUPPORTIVE: Cohort model comprised of other Special Ed teachers - grab a colleague and attend together.
  • APPLICABLE: Time in class to reflect on how your learning will impact the development of IEP’s and classroom instruction.
  • AFFORDABLE: SLCC invoices USBE for your tuition*. No upfront cost required to register. You must pass with "C" or better.
  • ACCESSIBLE: Courses offered in a hybrid model: live webinar and online. Instructors are available each week for one-on-one support, if needed.
  • MEETS REQUIREMENTS: A Middle School Math Endorsement requires Math 2030 (Pre-Calculus), Math 2100 (Calculus), Math 2110 (Foundations of Geometry), Math 2120 (Foundations of Statistics), and Math 2130 (Foundations of Algebra)

Login into MySLCC. If you are a new student you must register at and follow these instructions:

  • AREA OF STUDY: Social & Behavioral Sciences, Education and Human Services
  • ACADEMIC GOAL: Taking credit courses to earn a degree or certificate
  • PROGRAM OF STUDY: Transition to Teaching/ARL (CA)
Dates Course # Course Title CRN Cost
Sept 05 - Dec 07 Math 2030 AR Precalculus for Secondary Teachers 45132 $700*
Sept 05 - Dec 07 Math 2130 AR Algebra for Secondary Teachers 45133 $425*

Educator Directed PD Pro Hours FlyerTeaching and Learning (T&L) is here to help you with your 32 hours of educator-directed learning.  You'll find lots of great classes, workshops, and conferences that can provide you with the learning and hours you'll need to meet the 32-hour stipend requirement.  Contact T&L with questions - Michelle Williams at 801-567-8365.

    Math PD
    Elementary Science PD
    Secondary Science PD
    Sept. 22: Secondary Virtual Writing PD 1:00-3:00 email for more info
    Elementary Literacy PD
    Sept. 12 (2 Hours): History of Antisemitism in Europe. 3:15 on Zoom
    Sept. 26 (2 Hours): Environmental Cooperation as a Path to Peace in the Middle East at 4:00 PM on Zoom
    Nov.11 (8 Hours): Utah Council for the Social Studies Fall Conference 8-3 at Mount Jordan Middle School
    Digital Learning PD
    Mar. 19/20 (16 Hours): Utah Coalition for Educational Technology (UCET) Conference at Salt Palace Convention Center

The Herriman Family Engagement Center is now open. Language & Culture Services is excited to have parents of ML and newcomer students come and get support.

English classes are offered on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5-8 p.m. and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11 a.m.

Please feel free to print these flyers and post them in your school.

Aug. 2023 WGU Community Partner HighlightWestern Governors University doesn’t think educators should only be recognized during Teacher Appreciation Week. During the final weeks of last school year, WGU’s strategic partnerships managerMelissa Jensen demonstrated the online university’s lasting gratitude for the individuals shaping students’ lives in the Jordan School District.

Jensen visited the faculty and staff – including host and substitute teachers – at four Jordan schools and celebrated the many ways they are impacting student success.

Silvercrest Elementary - Keeping It Poppin' With A Popcorn Machine - The team at Silvercrest Elementary received a fantastic surprise in the form of a brand-new popcorn machine. As school resumes, the aroma of freshly popped corn will fill the air, adding to the atmosphere of excitement for the coming year. Silvercrest was selected to receive the gift as part of a special Teacher Appreciation giveaway sponsored by WGU.

Copper Hills High - Energizing Educators With An Expresso Machine - Recognizing the importance of caffeine-powered educators, Copper Hills High School received an incredible espresso machine. That gift allows the teachers and staff to brew up a perfect cup of coffee and remain energized for the upcoming school year. Like the popcorn popper at Silvercrest, the espresso machine was a prize in the WGU Teacher Appreciation giveaway.

Blackridge Elementary & Hayden Peak Elementary - Honoring Host Teachers - Even the best teachers need help from more seasoned staff members. That’s why Jensen gave a special shout out to the faculty hosting preservice educators during their demonstration teaching. At Hayden Peak Elementary,Kristen Jarmen received special recognition, as did Jennifer Lofgren at Blackridge Elementary. Both Kristen andJennifer received gift baskets from WGU for their work as host teachers and helping ensure the pipeline of well-trained educators remains strong across the school district.

Both Kristen and Jennifer received gift baskets from WGU for their work as host teachers and helping ensure the pipeline of well-trained educators remains strong across the school district.

Celebrating Substitute Teachers - Acknowledging the importance of substitute teachers, four gift baskets were specially prepared and awarded to substitute teachers within the Jordan School District.Substitute teachers play a crucial role in maintaining continuity when regular teachers are absent, and their dedication deserves recognition.

Jensen thoughtfully curated the gift baskets as tokens of appreciation from WGU, honoring the vital role substitutes play within the educational ecosystem.

Annual WIDA Notifications FlyerThe 2023 ESSA Updated English Learner (EL) Exit criteria has been approved. Please review your 2022 WIDA ACCESS results and exit all students who received a minimum overall composite score of 4.2 and a minimum score of 3.5 in the speaking domain. Exit letters, based on the updated exit criteria, must be sent within the first 30 days of the LEAs school year.

Teacher-parent-students conferences must be completed by the conclusion of the LEA’s scheduled fall conferences. Students that were exited with a composite of 5.0 or higher in the spring will remain exited. More information will be provided in upcoming listserv memos and in meetings.

Things to adjust:
Class schedule
ESL study skills course
Placing students in the correct LA course
Placing students in any concurrent AP courses that they have applied and
qualified for

How do you print the letters?
Check out how to create and print the letters through ELLevation here.

Mailing letters home is usually delegated to a secretary/registrar with enrollment access
with the help of ELD Leads if needed.

  1. Make 2 physical copies of each ML's 2023 WIDA Scores (Delivered personally
    by the Evaluation, Research, & Accountability department)
  2. Print Letters from ELLevation (be sure to save a copy to student profiles for
    your records)
  3. Print labels for MLs and prepare envelopes
  4. Mail letters and scores to families in English and their home language
  5. Place 2nd copy of scores in students' permanent files


Google LogoWe are excited to announce Google Single Sign-On for both students and teachers for the following products:

  • HMH ED (Growth Measure)
  • Think Central
  • iReady
  • Beanstack

Once students and teachers are logged into their Google account, they will be able to navigate to these products through the “waffle” - Google Apps button. (Just like they already do for Canva, Canvas, Yuja, etc.) This change is already in effect. 

Attached you will find login instructions. If teachers receive an error message when trying to login, please have them reach out to the Help Desk. 

Salt Lake Bees Employee Appreciation Night for Jordan School DistrictYou are invited to join us for a FREE night of summer fun at the Salt Lake Bees game.

Jordan School District and the Salt Lake Bees are joining forces to show appreciation to all JSD employees by offering free tickets to an upcoming Bees game against the Oklahoma City Dodgers on Thursday, August 17 at 6:35 p.m.

Kevan Sprague, the 2022 Distinguished Education Support Professional of the Year, will be throwing out the first pitch along with a Unified Sports athlete!

Here’s What You Need to Know to Participate:

  • Jordan @ Bees ShirtPlease sign up using the form below. The deadline to sign up for tickets is noon on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.
  • Free t-shirt for the first 300 employees.
  • Each employee can request 1 - 4 free tickets. *Additional tickets may be purchased.
  • Once you have signed up, you will receive more information on how to pick up your free tickets at the ballpark.

To show their appreciation, the Bees will give away a batting helmet signed by the entire team to one lucky employee at the game that night.

Hope to see you at beautiful Smith’s Ballpark to have some fun and cheer on the Bees!

The following are new administrative assignments:

  • New Assignments effective immediately:
    • Brooke Anderson, teacher specialist in Evaluation, Research & Accountability appointed Data Scientist in the Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department.
    • John Sassman, assistant principal at Copper Canyon Elementary assigned assistant principal at Herriman Elementary, replacing Shana Mondragon who resigned.
    • Kimberly Ranney, assistant principal at Bluffdale Elementary assigned assistant principal at Copper Canyon Elementary.
    • Sharra Palmer, administrative intern at Copper Mountain Middle and Mountain Creek Middle assigned administrative intern at Bluffdale Elementary.
    • Jody Long, assistant principal previously at Joel P Jensen Middle assigned assistant principal at Copper Mountain Middle and Mountain Creek Middle.

2023 Summer FOSS FlyerScience and ELA Integration
Come see all the curated and created resources to use FOSS to teach your ELA standards. In this two hour workshop we will look at how to align the science, reading, and writing standards in a way that makes sense for your classroom. We have many great resources, including science aligned informational texts and writing protocols for all grade levels! Participants will receive 2 relicensure hours for attendance.

Tuesday, August 8 - ASB - PDC Room 103 | 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM JPLS - Course #117595

FOSS for New Teachers
New to FOSS or new to Jordan? Come see all that FOSS has to offer your science classroom! FOSS and the district science specialists have so many resources to help make FOSS easy to implement. In this 2 hour class we will experience a lesson, discover how to make planning efficient, see how to organize the kit supplies, and explore the online FOSS tools. Participants will receive 2 relicensure hours for attendance.

Tuesday, August 8 - PDC 103 | 8:30 - 10:30 AM - JPLS - Course #127695
Thursday, August 10 - PDC 103 | 12:00-2:00 PM - JPLS - Course #101936

FOSS Bootcamp
Join us for a FOSS Bootcamp to help you start off the year with confidence. In this 2 hour class we will address some of the FOSS challenges, explore the more difficult pieces of the curriculum and explore all the resources the district has available to help make jumping into teaching FOSS less daunting. Participants will have time to explore their grade level manuals and ask questions with support from district specialists. Participants will receive 2 relicensure hours for attendance.

Tuesday, August 8 - ASB - Room PDC 103 | 12:30 - 2:30 PM - JPLS - Course #127696
Thursday, August 10 - ASB - Room PDC 103 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM - JPLS - Course #101936

Paycheck iconAnnual/Personal Leave Day
First Five Days of School

  • Elementary Level:  Aug. 22-28
  • Secondary Level: Aug. 21-25

As Per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG: Annual/Personal Leave shall not be taken during the first five days that students are in school unless listed as an exception in policy.

If applicable, an explanation of the policy exception must be written in the time off description box.

Please refer to policy for further clarification.

  • Payroll Due: Aug. 2
  • Direct Deposit Changes by Aug. 11
  • View Paycheck: Aug. 23
  • Pay Day: Aug. 25

True Time Deadlines

  • Date Range: July 3 – Aug. 6
  • Employee Submittal: Aug. 9
  • First Approval: Aug. 11
  • Final Approval: Aug. 15

Science Writing Cohort FlyerOur elementary science specialists will be offering a Science and Writing Integration PD opportunity for a limited number of teachers. The deadline for teachers to sign up is Friday, Aug. 11.

Looking for help integrating science and writing?
This 2023-24 Science and Writing Cohort will take educators on a teaching journey to help students consistently write exemplary 5 paragraph essays using the FOSS focus questions. Participation in this cohort will satisfy the 32 hours of Educator Directed Paid Time!

Cohort Requirements

  • In-person - 2 hours: 3 times (August, September, November)
  • Virtually - 1 hour: 4 times (August, October, November, January)
  • Individual Implementation - 22 hours (August - April)

The 32 hours will cover a guided implementation of the writing process as it connects with your science curriculum. Time is allotted for grading and extra planning that might be required. From August through part of November you will be asked to have your students write 7 times (these are not full five paragraph essays). From November through April your students will need to complete 10 five paragraph essays.


The final sessions for Unit 8 training are now available on MIDAS. Please note that this is the last training that will be offered for those who are taking their training through USBE. USBE has set Sept. 15 as the date that everything should be completed by. If there are teachers who have missed previous units, it is recommended to complete the training for unit 8 at this time. Units can be completed out of order if necessary. Below is the registration information:

  • Unit 8, MIDAS #60790 (General Registration) March 2023 through Sept. 2023
  • No additional unit 8 sections will be added after this unit has ended.
  • MIDAS enrollment link

Please note that educators are responsible for ensuring that their MIDAS transcripts are accurate.  Any inquiries pertaining to transcripts that are missing USBE credit for the LETRS state initiative, must be emailed to and must include the following information:

  • Educators full name (no abbreviations or nick names please)
  • CACTUS ID number
  • LETRS Unit they are missing credit for
  • Date of training
  • Copy of the email that includes their Certificate of Attendance

Aug. 2023 Health Insights CoverFrom improved sleep to dementia prevention, a simple increase in your exercise levels can have a major impact on your body and mind. Get details on the connection between exercise and health—and discover how simple the change can be—in this month’s Health Insights.

Use the link to download this month’s Health Insights.

Wellness Welcome FlyerYou are invited to join us for our first annual Wellness Welcome!
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Byron McClure will be joining us for this exciting event on August 10th, at JATC-South. Dr. Byron McClure is a nationally renowned educational leader and author.
Also, due to popular demand, there will now be two sessions offered, both will be at JATC-South
  • Session One: Creating a Culture of Connection. This session will be focused on Tier One, universal strategies for connections. A stipend may be available for licensed attendees and individuals who sign up will be given more information about this potential stipend as the event gets closer.
  • Session Two: Restoring Connections. This session will be focused on tier two and three strategies for restoring connections. The target audience for session two is school administrators and mental health professionals.

Aug. 2023 Blomquist Hale Workshop Flyers
We have two workshops coming up in August! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below.

  • Topic: Monthly Divorce/Separation Support Group
    • Date: 3rd Thursday of Every Month – Aug.17
    • Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!
  • Topic: The Battle With Fear
    • Date: Aug. 28
    • Time: 1– 2 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!

To register for any of our upcoming workshops, please visit our website at

Our community is invited to come and explore opportunities to Grow with
Jordan at the JSD Job Fair on Wednesday, August 16 from 6 – 8 p.m. at
Oquirrh Hills Middle School.

Find out about openings for educators, special education, counselors, school
bus drivers, classroom assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers, substitute
teachers and more. A representative from all schools and departments
throughout the district with open positions will be in attendance.

To help you know what to expect and prepare accordingly, we are providing this quick list of recommendations and reminders.

Prior to the Fair Recommendations

  1. Share the Job Fair information with your friends, family, neighbors and anyone who might be interested.
    Date: August 16th, 2023
    Time: 6pm to 8pm
    Location: Oquirrh Hills Middle School 12949 S 2700 W, Riverton, UT 8406
  2. Start your application profile in Frontline. This will save you time as you apply for positions at the fair and after. A tutorial can be found on our website.
  3. Prepare your resume; upload it to your Frontline application.
  4. Prepare a list of references, including phone number and email. You will be asked to include your most recent supervisor. We recommend that you contact your references in advance to let them know they may be contacted by phone or electronically. Upload their contact information to yourFrontline application.

Day Of Fair

  1. Be prepared to interview. Dress accordingly. Prepare questions that you may have about positions or locations. Bring a pen/pencil and notebook in case you want to take notes or write down contact information.
  2. Enter the Oquirrh Hills Middle Parking lot on the Southwest end of the lot.
  3. Enter the building through the main (West) entrance. You will be greeted inside by a member of the Human Resources team who will provide you a card on which you can write down job numbers/positions you are interested. You will then be directed to the Job Fair.
  4. The Job Fair will be in the gym (Elementary) or cafeteria (Secondary and District Departments)and bathrooms are available in between the two areas. If you have any issues please locate a member of the Human Resources team to assist you. They can be identified by their black HR Squad t-shirts.

During the Fair

  1. Each school and department will have their openings identified at their table. Proceed to the tables with positions you may be interested in.
  2. We encourage you to clarify whether you are considering applying or have already applied for a position at their location.
  3. If you want to apply for a specific position, you will be directed to the lab. Computers will be limited, we recommend you complete your Frontline profile in advance. **If you have already completed your application profile in Frontline, applying for a new position will only take a few button clicks.**
  4. You may be interviewed by a principal/director or schedule an interview for another date and time.
  5. Reference checks are required before offering a position. Be prepared to provide references to principals/directors, if you are their top applicant.


Current JSD educators cannot transfer at this time. Please attend theTeacher Transfer Fair.

Full time/benefited JSD Education Support Professionals (ESP) may attend the job fair to explore open positions and meet principals. However, to be considered for posted positions, the employee must submit an application inFrontline. The hiring process will be completed when feasible.

Part time ESP employees are eligible to apply for all open positions.

The following are new administrative assignments:

  • New Assignments effective July 1, 2023:
    • Julianna Wing, administrative intern at Bingham High appointed assistant principal at Copper Hills High.
    • Sharra Palmer, teacher at Hayden Peak Elementary assigned administrative intern at Copper Mountain Middle and Mountain Creek Middle.
    • Karen Moore, administrative intern at Joel P. Jensen Middle assigned administrative intern at Joel P. Jensen Middle and South Jordan Middle.
    • Jacob Rollins, teacher at Copper Hills High assigned administrative intern at Bingham High.

Summer Safety TipsIt’s hot 🥵 out there! All across the state for the next two weeks, we have been issued an “excessive heat warning” alert. The Salt Lake area will be reaching numbers in the 100s and St. George is supposed to reach 116º! Please stay safe outside.

A few things we all know to do when we are out in the heat is DRINK PLENTY of H20 💧, WEAR SUNSCREEN and SUNGLASSES😎! However, see the list below for some not as commonly heard Summer Safety Tips/Facts:

  1. Avoid alcohol, soda, coffee and caffeinated beverages – they dehydrate us. Water is best every 15-20 minutes when outside.
  2. Is it heat exhaustion? Signs include nausea, profuse sweating, headache, rapid heartbeat, muscle cramps, and dizziness. Seek shade and water quickly!
  3. It takes 7-14 days for your body to acclimate to hotter temperatures. Ease into activities in the heat.
  4. Suntanning causes damage to your DNA and prematurely ages skin. With Utah’s high elevation, it’s easy to get burned. According to Huntsman Cancer Institute, Melanoma skin cancer accounts for 4% of all skin cancer diagnoses, but 70% of all skin cancer deaths.
  5. Umbrellas are not just for rain. Carry one with you for when you need shade but it’s not easily accessible.