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Native American PD FlyerThe Native American Program is excited to invite Dr. Dusty Jansen, an Attorney and Judge in the tribal court systems and a professor at UVU, to present at the Auxiliary Services Building (entrance C) on May 10th, 2023, from 4:30 - 6  p.m. Licensed employees will be paid an in-service rate and will receive licensure points. Administrators are encouraged to attend and are required to sign up! We have limited slots available.

IRS Tax Withholding Estimator helps people get ready for the 2024 filing season; make sure withholding is right on 2023 paychecks

The Internal Revenue Service today suggested taxpayers who filed or are about to file their 2022 tax return use the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator to help update the amount of tax to have taken out of their 2023 pay.

The IRS says now is a good time to use this online tool. The Tax Withholding Estimator, also available in Spanish, can help people adjust how much is withheld and could put more cash in their pocket or help them avoid a tax bill for 2023.

The Tax Withholding Estimator offers workers, retirees and the self-employed a step-by-step guide to effectively tailor the amount of income tax they have withheld from wages, pension and other income. It’s especially useful after a major life change such as marriage, divorce, home purchase, the birth or adoption of a child or a big change in income.

Benefits of using the Estimator
For employees, withholding is the amount of federal income tax taken out of their paycheck. Workers can use the results from the Tax Withholding Estimator to determine if they should complete a new Form W-4 and submit it to their employer. For example, checking withholding can:

  • Ensure the right amount of tax is withheld and prevent an unexpected tax bill or penalty at tax time.
  • Determine whether to have less tax withheld from each paycheck, boosting take-home pay and reducing refunds at tax time.

What records are needed?
The Tax Withholding Estimator’s results are only as accurate as the information entered. To help prepare, the IRS recommends taxpayers gather:

  • Their most recent pay statements and, if married, statements for their spouse.
  • Information for other sources of income.
  • Their most recent income tax return.

Withholding or estimated payments?
Income taxes must generally be paid as taxpayers earn or receive income throughout the year, through either withholding or estimated tax payments. If the amount of income tax withheld from one’s salary or pension is not enough, or if they receive other types of income such as interest, dividends, alimony, self-employment income, capital gains, prizes and awards, they may need to make estimated tax payments.

In 2023, taxpayers who receive more than $600 in income from third-party settlement organizations, including popular payment apps, may receive Form 1099-Ks. Individual taxpayers can use the IRS online Interactive Tax Assistant to see if they’re required to pay estimated taxes. Good recordkeeping is key.

People with complex tax situations should instead use the instructions in Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax. This includes taxpayers who owe alternative minimum tax or certain other taxes and people with long-term capital gains or qualified dividends.

April 2023 Literacy Matters NewsletterThe Literacy Matters Newsletter has the latest literary updates. Be sure to read this edition to stay connected with literacy. This newsletter includes:

  • New Resources in Really Great Reading - Really Great Reading continues to add more resources to meet the needs of students and teachers. Countdown has new sound story animations. Also, there are new Blast extension unit lessons, The lessons focus on additional vowel teams, r-controlled vowels, and consonant -le pattern. The new resources can be found in the Supplemental Resources on the online tool.
  • Fluency Routine - Good news!  - The 5-day fluency routine is now available for second graders! There are detailed lesson plans for each HD Word decodable passage. Lessons for units 1-7 and 20-32 are available on our Elementary Literacy website under programs - Really Great Reading - HD Word Fluency Routine Units 8-19 lessons will be added soon!
  • Geodes and RGR Alignment - Check out this alignment guide created by Really Great Reading to help teachers know how the Geodes book sets align to the RGR phonics scope and sequence.

April 2023 EMI Health Newsletter CoverCheck out the April 2023 EMI Health newsletter. Stories include:

  • Exercise Goofs - Regular exercise is one of the best habits you can maintain to protect your health, mentally and physically. Make the most of your workout goals, and avoid common exercise mistakes.
  • Hunger Cues - The advice to eat according to your hunger cues, or “eat when you feel hungry, but stop when you feel full,” is popular in nutrition circles. It’s a more intuitive way of eating compared to diet culture’s dogma of counting calories or following a rigid meal plan.
  • Peer Pressure: Not Just for Kids - The term peer pressure might call to mind children or teens who try to copy those around them, but we can be swayed by our peers at any age. Sometimes it’s intentional. We may strive to imitate others we admire or seek to gain their approval. Or we subconsciously act like those around us. If others are eating or drinking to excess, for example, this copycat behavior can be a problem.
  • Humor Me!  - Humor can do far more than make you smile or laugh. Why did the banana go to the doctor? He wasn’t peeling well. Yes, that’s corny. But whether humor is silly or sophisticated, what makes you smile and even guffaw can benefit your health.

Mental Wellness Consultations FlyerFinding mental health support can be an overwhelming task but the Employee Wellness Center is here to help!

If you or a loved one is in need of mental health services, sign up for a FREE 45 minute discussion of available mental health services for employees and their families to determine the best fit for their needs. 

Sign up for a virtual or in-person appointment with a knowledgeable clinician who can help you navigate the process. You are not alone. We are here to help. 

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2023:

  • Jessica Hayes, administrator intern at the Child Development Center appointed assistant principal at the Child Development Center.
  • Thyme Meleisea-Vea, administrator intern at Oak Leaf Elementary appointed assistant principal at Oak Leaf Elementary.
  • Teresa Rossetti, administrator intern at Rosamond Elementary appointed assistant principal at Rosamond Elementary.
  • Angela Solum, assistant principal at Riley Elementary in Salt Lake School District appointed assistant principal at Heartland Elementary.
  • Jessica Wilson, administrator intern at South Valley and South Hills Middle appointed assistant principal at South Valley.
  • Janae Young, administrator intern at Aspen Elementary appointed assistant principal at Silver Crest Elementary.

Transfers effective July 1, 2023:

  • Kim Andersen, assistant principal at West Jordan Elementary assigned assistant principal at Welby Elementary.
  • TJ Davenport, assistant principal at Rose Creek Elementary assigned assistant principal at Daybreak Elementary.
  • Natalie Gleave, assistant principal at Eastlake Elementary assigned assistant principal at Rose Creek Elementary.
  • John Sassman, assistant principal at Midas Creek Elementary assigned assistant principal at Copper Canyon Elementary.
  • Allyson Stovall, assistant principal at Southland Elementary assigned assistant principal at Eastlake Elementary.

New Elementary Administrative Intern Assignments effective July 1, 2023:

  • Holly Bagley, instructional coach at Plymouth Elementary in Granite School District assigned administrative intern at Southland Elementary.
  • Cammie Chang, teacher at Antelope Canyon Elementary assigned administrative intern at Jordan Hills Elementary.
  • Betsy Lopez, teacher at Daybreak Elementary assigned administrative intern at Aspen Elementary.
  • Lauren Nalder, instructional coach at Riverside Elementary assigned administrative intern at Midas Creek Elementary.

A notification was sent in the Jordan Employee Memos on March 2, 2023 indicating the need to submit a request for the lottery to use Annual or Personal leave for the day before/after the April 24, 2023 Mid Spring non-contract day.

Due to the nature of this new leave day, employees WILL NOT be required to request the day before/after April 24, 2023 as part of the lottery process.  Any employee requesting to use an Annual or Personal leave day before/after April 24, 2023 may do so without penalty.

Those who submitted a lottery request for April 24, 2023 will also be emailed individually.  We apologize for any inconvenience this miscommunication may have caused.

  • Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-23

Pickleball League FlyersAll JSD Employees are invited to join a JSD Pickleball League! Two options are available:

Spring Pickleball will meet on Thursdays April 13, 27, May 11, 25, June 1 from 4:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Wardle Fields, Regional Park in Bluffdale. To register, contact Andrew Lovell.

Summer Pickleball will meet in June/July at Wardle Fields, Regional Park in Bluffdale. Leagues are forming now! Scan the QR Code on the flyer to complete the survey and let your meeting time and day preferences be known. More information is coming soon.

Stress Management Support Group FlyerAll JSD Employees are invited to the FREE Stress Management Support Group at Mountain Ridge High School on Wednesdays from April 12 through May 24, 2023 from 4:15 - 5:30 p.m.

All employees are invited to attend weekly or just once in a while. Topics will rotate each week and you do not have to sign up to attend. Walk-ins are welcome! 

Please feel free to share this information (flyer attached) with your schools.

Employee Wellness Center FlyerAs part of Jordan School District’s commitment to prioritize the wellness of employees, we are proud to announce the Employee Wellness Center is NOW OPEN.

The purpose of this wellness center will be to expand opportunities for all JSD employees to improve and maintain their personal and professional wellness. The center will offer a single touch point for employee wellness information and services, mental wellness consultations, staff support groups for grief and stress management, yoga and meditation classes, and classes on strategies for enhancing workplace wellness.

For more information about the Employee Wellness Center can be found on the Health & Wellness website.

Yoga has already started and happens every Wednesday at South Hills Middle School’s Dance portable and there is plenty of parking right in front, so you don’t have to walk through the school.

Support groups sign-ups are happening now. 

On-demand wellness content is maintained on the site. Check us out! More to come because we care about you and we're here to support you!

2023 Wellness Accelerator FlyerYou are invited to a Wellness Accelerator Event at JATC South Auditorium on April 14, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.

The 2023 Wellness Accelerator is an opportunity to learn from passionate educators like you. There will be a variety of topics covered through brief, prepared table-top discussions from educators around Jordan District. Topics include wellness strategies for students and staff. Participants should plan on walking away with practical ways to enhance wellness for yourself and others!

Who should attend? You! With permission from their supervisor, Jordan School District staff committed to SEL/wellness initiatives are invited to attend.

Review the attached flyer and share with those that may be interested in attending. Sign up by using the link below, or use the QR code in the flyer. For more information, please visit 

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Memorial Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

Please note: Employees shall not be considered for paid annual leave the day before or after a school holiday more than once during any contract year.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Memorial Day May 29, 2023 April 14 – April 24, 2023
  • Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-23

SSA - How Social Security Can Help You When a Family Member DiesSocial Security touches the lives of nearly every American, including people who may need Social Security when they least expect it.

The Social Security Administration is committed to helping maintain the well-being of the people they serve, including families who suffer the loss of a spouse or parent.

Families with young children are often unaware they may be eligible for Survivors benefits. The attached factsheet contains helpful information about Survivors benefits and how to contact Social Security to file an application.  For additional information about Survivors benefits and a PDF version of the factsheet below, you may also visit

Save for the Future FlyerApril is National Financial Capability Month! The focus of this month, previously known as Financial Literacy Month, is the importance of planning for a secure financial future.

With a personal my Social Security account, you can easily review your Social Security Statement. The Statement is one of the most effective tools a person can use to learn about their earnings and future Social Security benefits. Additionally, our Plan for Retirement tool, accessible through my Social Security, allows you to see how much you could receive each month from us based on the age you might want to start receiving benefits. To learn more about this tool and other retirement savings strategies, read our Anytime is the Right time to Save for Your Future publication.

JESPA 2023 Survey QR CodeJordan District Educational Support Professionals are a critical part of Jordan District. We want to know your opinion and what is important to you.

Please take time to complete this quick survey. Please complete it only once. Just scan the QR code or use the link below and start the survey. Thanks for all you do!

April 2023 Language & Culture Services NewsletterApril showers will bring us May flowers (at least that's the hope)! A lot is happening in April -- testing season is upon us, we finish up the month of Ramadan, earth day, and Easter will soon be here. Our days are getting longer and we will soon see those flowers begin to crawl out from their winter hibernation. Hopefully, our very snowy winter will give our valley some much needed hydration and life this summer (without too much flooding). We at LCS hope you and your loved ones can enjoy the sun and the holidays this April!

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

ELLevation Tips and Tricks
Create your own dashboard or add a new tile to your current dashboard. Dashboards allow you to quickly access the most relevant and important data in Ellevation all in one place, and a Dashboard Tile is a bite-sized representation of key data about your ML students. When you first log in to ELLevation, you see our district's main dashboard, and all the different information squares are the tiles. You can create a Tile from any Student List configuration, and you can arrange one or more Tiles on a Dashboard to see relevant data points all in one place. You can customize your own ELLevation Dashboard with the Tiles of data that are relevant to you. Simply click the link or scan the QR code below for step-by-step instructions and videos to walk you through this process. Make sure you are logged into ELLevation before clicking or scanning so that it takes you straight to the help page!

Teaching Strategies Supporting Newcomers
As intimidating as it may be for teachers to have students new to the country with no English, imagine how scary it is for your new student. Here are a few things you can do to help your newcomers feel welcome:

  • Expect culture shock and a silent period for the student (a period where no talking happens at all).
  • Know that a smile, kind tone, and welcoming body language from you and other students go such a long way in helping your new student feel welcome.
  • Give them flashcards with survival words/phrases (with a translation in their home language, if possible). Things like asking for the bathroom or needing a drink or food can help them navigate their new experience.
  • At the secondary level, work with all the student's teachers to develop similar greetings, goodbyes, and other phrases to use with the child. This helps them to understand the language more quickly and feel secure. When they know what to expect, it is one less thing they need to worry about in their new environment.
  • Give them time to process what is being said and to respond. Use visuals whenever possible and repeat new language when possible.
  • Talk to your new student one-on-one every day. Repeat the same phrase so that they learn it more quickly.

Culture Corner
The "Racial Justice Challenge" organized by the YWCA begins April 17th. The challenge runs through the month of April to help raise awareness of systemic racism. It is "designed to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits, particularly those dealing with issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership. The Challenge works to foster personal reflection, encourage social responsibility, and motivate participants to identify and act on ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination. Daily challenge activities (reading an article, listening to a podcast, reflecting on personal experience, etc.) are posted in the Challenge app and website, allowing participants to connect with one another, discover how racial and social injustice impact our community, and identify ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination."

Reflective Questions

  • How does my identity shape my thinking, values, and understanding of the world?
  • How do my student's identities shape their thinking, values, and understanding of the world?
  • Where might our understandings conflict?
  • What learning have I done this year to better understand myself, my teaching, and my students?

ELD Lead Celebration
April Winegar is a teacher and ELD lead at WJHS. She is passionate about teaching, and works hard to implement programs that support the MLs at her school. She started up a Task Force long before we began doing it district-wide. She has a New ELD Lead folder with great information that she shares with new ELD Leads to guide them in their role. She goes above and beyond to promote and recruit students for the Seal of Biliteracy, and she is always striving to improve the ELD culture school-wide. But most of all, her students know she cares. She is always smiling, always willing to help, and one of the kindest people you will ever meet.

Paycheck iconSchool Holidays

  • Mid Spring Recess April 24

As Per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG:  Contracted employees who have not been approved by Human Resources for using an annual/personal day before or after a holiday may be docked (licensed $144 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason is listed as an exception in policy.

An explanation of exception must be written in the time off description box.

Please refer to policy for further clarification.

  • Payroll Due: April 4
  • Direct Dep Changes by April 9
  • View Paycheck: April 20
  • Pay Day: April 25

True Time Deadlines | Date Range March 6 – April 2

  • Employee Submittal: April 5
  • First Approval: April 7
  • Final Approval: April 11

Professional Development Day (No students attend)

  • All Levels: April 21

April 2023 Health Insights CoverDebt and poor spending habits can affect our financial well-being and limit our resources and options. But did you know that your financial well-being can affect your mental and physical health? Find out how these are tied together - and what you can do to start on the path towards better financial habits. Use the link below for your copy of Health Insights.

April 2023 Blomquist Hale Workshop FlyersBlomquist Hale has four workshops coming up! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below.

  • Topic: Parenting Your Adult Children – Part II
    • Date: April 11
    • Time: 2 – 3 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!
  • Topic: New Ways to See & Treat Addictive Behavior
    • Date: April 17
    • Time: 12 – 1 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!
  • Topic: What’s the Deal With Opiates?
    • Date: April 26
    • Time: 12 – 1 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!
  • Topic: Anxiety Group (Monday’s)
    • Date: May 8th – June 12
    • Time: 5:30 – 7 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!

To register for any of our upcoming workshops, please visit the Blomquist Hale Workshops page.