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LETRS Unit 2 (60077)
For teachers in grades K-3. Below is the information about Unit 2. The last virtual session for Unit 2 will be held on May 25. Many of these sections for the months of March, April and May are either extremely low or have no enrollment whatsoever.

Please sign up for a Unit 2 virtual session ASAP because some of these sessions may be canceled by the state. Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Questions? Contact Bev Griffith at #88466 or 

DTL Webinars FlyerDigital Teaching and Learning is providing weekly webinars from three of our technology partners.  Each week you can explore the features of three of our favorite classroom tech tools.  The webinars begin at 4 p.m., are 30 minutes long, and can be accessed at the Zoom link below.  Here's the upcoming schedule:
  • March 22 - Screencastify
  • March 29 - Canva
  • April 4 - Nearpod

  • Digital Teaching & Learning Webinar Zoom 

Continuing the conversation of being curious, intentional and united, we invite you to attend this half-day conference to learn from students and parents on how we can better engage with them.

The 2022 What I Wish You Knew Conference will be held on March 25, from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m at Copper Hills High. The keynote will be given by Sarah Noll Wilson, author of Don't Feed the Elephants: Overcoming the Art of Avoidance to Build Powerful Partnerships.

Employees will be paid a $175 stipend to attend.  Register by Wednesday, March 9 at

We have three events scheduled for the month of March! See attached for Why We Sleep and Health and the Gut workshop flyers and details outlined below.

  • Topic:  Why We Sleep
  • Topic: Season Affective Disorder
  • Topic: Health and the Gut

March 2022 Blomquist Hale Workshops

It is time again for the Elementary Social Studies Newsletter!  This month you can find some resources for Women’s History Month, geography vocabulary, and financial literacy for younger grades. There are also some 3rd grade social studies activities that are tied to literacy standards.

You will find some informational texts that could be used in your Walk to Read Enrichment groups or with the entire class.  You will find: Mountains (1st grade), Currency (2nd grade), Northern Lights (3rd grade), Seraph Young: The First Woman to Vote(4th grade), Seward’s Folly (5th Grade), and The Silk Road (6th grade).

March 2022 EMI Be Well NewsletterCheck out the March 2022 Be Well newsletter from EMI. Stories include:

  • The Wonders of Walking  - You’ve been doing it since you were a toddler — and it’s now labeled as “the closest thing we have to a wonder drug,” offering important health benefits.
  • Vitamins on Your Plate - While sales of vitamin supplements continue to skyrocket, the best source of vitamins doesn’t come from a pill. It comes from your plate. The foods you eat — from vegetables to eggs to fish to whole grains — are filled with the essential vitamins your body needs.
  • Gambling Awareness Month - Gambling is a common and often harmless recreation, but not always. In fact, for 2% to 4% of Americans, the lure of gambling becomes an addiction that is toxic, causing financial and personal problems.
  • Spring Forward with Care - Plan ahead to adjust to Daylight Saving Time (DST), which begins on Sunday, March 13. It’s easy to move the clock up an hour on the night before the change, but you can’t reset your body’s internal clock that quickly.
  • Diabetes Alert Day is March 22 - About 95% of the 34 million Americans with diabetes have type 2. More than seven million are unaware they have the disease. Another 88 million have prediabetes. Diabetes Alert Day is a wake-up call to learn about your risk by downloading the free, short NIH Diabetes Risk Test.

To receive the monthly Be Well Newsletter via email and check out back issues, please visit the EMI Hope Health Newsletter page.

Here we go again!

For MARCH 2022, substitute teachers with NO CANCELLATIONS and who qualify as outlined below, will be paid on April 10, 2022.  The March tiered substitute teacher bonus incentives are as follows:

  • 18 days worked = $300
  • 15 days worked = $180
  • 12 days worked = $120
  • 9 days worked = $60

Benefit eligible substitute teachers working full time at various schools throughout the Jordan School District, DO NOT QUALIFY for the monthly substitute teacher bonus incentives, since they are required to work every school (contract) day.

Thank you again for your service to Jordan School District.

Teachers in Grades K-3: There is only 1 date left to sign up for the LETRS Unit 1 training. Sign into Midas Education for session #60068 on Feb. 28, 2022.

LETRS Unit 2 sessions will be ending on April 25. Remember to complete a Unit Course Completion Form after you have completed the online course work and attended a virtual session. You will be paid $500 per completed session.

Questions? Check out the LETRS Information site on the Teaching and Learning website.

COVID-19 Booster Clinic FlyerA COVID-19 booster clinic will be held in the Oquirrh Hills Middle Gymnasium on Wednesday, February 23 from 4 - 7 p.m. A limited number of doses will be available on a first come, first served basis.

The following vaccines will be available:

  • Pfizer for children 5-11 years old
  • Pfizer for 12+ years old and up
  • Moderna for 18+ years old and up

COVID-19 Booster Clinic Flyer

Jordan School District is offering several paid administrative internship openings for the 2022-23 academic year. Some positions are available immediately. Please refer to the details below:

  • Selected applicants will be interviewed.
  • Assignments are for 1-year only, with no guarantee of a permanent administrative position.
  • Internal applicants, if selected, will be treated as an employee on a leave of absence for the current school year. Internal applicants chosen as an intern will have the right to return to a comparable licensed position at the end of the internship.
  • Applicants must:
    1. be enrolled in a university administrative/leadership program, OR
    2. Have a current in state or out-of-state administrative license, OR
    3. be in the JSD Administrative Pool.
  • Administrative Interns are paid on a teacher salary schedule – 187-day contract plus 10 additional days. A night stipend will be added according to level.Assignment locations are to be determined.

We are thrilled with the number of Jordan teachers who have been accepted for the Donors Choose/USBE Classroom Grant.  As teachers look to purchase technology as part of the classroom grant,  please remember that not all devices work on the Jordan network.  Before purchasing a device or software, please have your teachers check with their digital learning specialist to ensure that purchased equipment will be allowed on the network.  For questions, please reach out to Jared Covili, Consultant for Digital Teaching and Learning.

ISTE Technology Bootcamp FlyerGet ready for Bootcamp! Join Digital Teaching and Learning for an eight-week online course to help you improve your technology skills!  This course is designed to introduce teachers to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Educator Standards and to provide them with practical ideas for meeting these standards with technology enhanced activities. 

Each week, we will cover a different standard from ISTE and provide teachers with two different options for meeting that standard. Sign up today in JPLS using class #101879!

It is time again for the Elementary Social Studies Newsletter!  This month you can find some resources for Black History Month and Presidents’ Day. A 5th grade team also reached out asking for help on some specific social studies literacy activities tied to the core standards.  Those activities are included in the newsletter.

You will also find some informational texts that could be used in your Walk to Read Enrichment groups.  You will find: Mount Rushmore (1st grade), Presidents’ Day (2nd grade), Role of the President (3rd grade), Jane Elizabeth Manning James: A Black Pioneer (4th grade), Frederick Douglass (5th Grade), and Nelson Mandela (6th grade).

Blomquist Hale has received additional interest in their COVID-19 related webinars.  They have been posted on YouTube for employees to watch.

Anxiety & COVID Re-Adjustment

Mental Health – COVID

FAQ for COVID – Kids Edition

Parenting – COVID Pandemic

Leadership During COVID

Happiness During COVID

Don’t Quarantine Your Love (Couples Workshop During COVID)

Self-Care During Stressful Times

ESP Survey FlyerEducational Support Professionals,

You are a critical part of Jordan District. We want to know your opinion and what is important to you.

Just scan the QR code and start the survey. Please only complete it once.

Thanks for all you do!

Feb. 2022 Newsletter CoverCheck out the Feb. 2022 Be Well newsletter from EMI. Stories include:

  • Your Heart: Sleep on It - Are you getting enough sleep? A third of adults don’t meet the minimum seven hours of bedtime sleep daily to maintain good overall health, and good cardiovascular health in particular.
  • Winter Warm-Ups - When the temperature drops, it’s comforting to snuggle up with warm foods and drinks. There are many great recipes that you can cook in winter, and you won’t mind being stuck inside when the aroma from the kitchen entices your taste buds.
  • Burnout Busters - Don’t ignore job burnout; find ways to relieve it. Burnout can impact your physical and emotional health, reduce your ability to do your best work and impact your personal life, too. That’s why recognizing the signs and taking action to bust burnout before it busts you is important.
  • Are You at Risk of Iron Deficiency? - Iron is an important mineral that plays a role in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. A study shows that iron deficiency anemia is on the rise in the U.S., according to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition in July 2021

To receive the monthly Be Well Newsletter via email and check out back issues, please visit the EMI Hope Health Newsletter page.