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This is a drive-thru event. Students and their families are invited to attend the fair closest to their home.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
West Jordan Middle School
7550 S. Redwood Road
4:30-6:30 pm

Thursday May 13, 2021
Copper Mountain Middle School
12106 S. Anthem Park Blvd.
4:30-6:30 pm

Families will receive District and community resources. Refreshments will be served.
For more information contact:
Krista Mecham | | 801-567-83 21
Toni Brown | | 801-567-8907

Dear Educators,
We would like to share a new professional learning opportunity with you called Utah Microcredentials. This resource is supported and funded by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and is available to all educators in Utah’s public education system, including teachers, instructional coaches, paraprofessionals, counselors, related service providers, administrators, and other educators.

Microcredentials acknowledge all the different types of professional learning that educators do, both formal, traditional courses and independent, self-directed learning. Realizing that educators are continually honing their craft, Utah Microcredentials provides a way to recognize that learning. Microcredentials represent instructional skills and concepts. A microcredential is competency-based recognition that the holder has demonstrated effective and consistent use of the target skill or concept as a part of their practice. Microcredentials are not earned through seat time, assignments, or tests. They are earned by submitting the required evidence for a specific microcredential on the target skill or concept.

Each Utah Microcredential is worth a 0.5 USBE credit, which may be used for relicensing and for salary changes in certain districts/charters. The cost for each is $20. Earning microcredentials is also a way to demonstrate leadership. Posting earned microcredentials on your webpage, social media, and even outside your door is an invitation to share your skills with others. For more information, you can use these resources:

  • A narrated video that provides an overview of microcredentials,
  • The UEN website for Utah’s Microcredentials,
  • A one-pager of the most frequently asked questions about microcredentials.

You can start earning Utah Microcredentials on MIDAS. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to supporting learning for our Utah students.

Teaching Summer School?Summer School Elementary Mathematics Resources

The following guide has been designed for teachers to use as a resource when planning summer school mathematics interventions. Teachers who will be supporting our students during summer school are encouraged to check out the Summer School Sample Schedule document. More information will be provided during the summer school training on May 19 and 21.  

If you have any questions or need additional support please contact or

  • Summer School Mathematics Training and Registration Information

Early Numeracy Assessment

Utah Legislators have found value in the data provided by the early learning reading screening assessment and have mandated an early learning mathematics screening assessment, beginning Fall 2021. (House Bill 114)

Key Points: 

  • District to establish an early learning plan that includes early literacy and early mathematics (HB 114)
  • USBE to provide a mathematics benchmark assessment in grades K-3. 
  • USBE has selected Acadience Math assessment. Learn more on the Acadience Math K–6 page. 
  • USBE will provide Accadience Math training. 
  • More details will be forthcoming.

Reminder! Open Enrollment Dates are ChangingOpen Enrollment is May 15, 2021 through June 15, 2021 for an effective date of September 1, 2021.

Online Insurance Enrollment System
InfinityHR/Arcoro ( will be used for all benefit eligible employees to make benefit elections offered at Open Enrollment and for newly eligible employees. InfinityHR is also used to make changes due to qualifying events throughout the plan year.

All benefit eligible employees will login to the InfinityHR enrollment system to verify dependents, add beneficiary information and make open enrollment elections. Instructions below.

Health Insurance Benefit Changes
In an effort to maintain a comprehensive offering of benefits, while at the same time keeping premiums at the current level, the following changes will be made for 2021-22:

  • Premiums: No Employee Premium Increase. Premium sheets are located on the District Insurance Department webpage.
  • Medical: Reducing the out of pocket maximum on the Value plans from $6,600 individual /$13,200 family to $5,000 individual and $10,000 family.
  • FSA: Health Care Account maximum remains $2,750. If you wish to participate in flexible spending, you must elect new amounts for your flexible spending account each year. FSA election amounts do not roll over from year to year. Administrative fee of $2.81 will be paid by the District if you elect $1,200 or greater.
  • Prescriptions: Preferred insulin copayments capped at $75 per 90-day supply through the Express Scripts Patient Assurance Program. Preferred insulins are Humalog, Humulin and Lantus.

Enrollment guide, premium sheets, carrier information, certificates and notifications (i.e. CHIP, Medicare D Creditable Coverage) are available for review on the District Insurance Department webpage ( If you require assistance in accessing the webpage you may contact the insurance office (contact information below).

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) is a document, required to be made available by Health Care Reform. The purpose of the SBC is to provide information to help employees compare health plans. The SBC is available on the District Insurance Department webpage. A paper copy will be provided upon request. If you have any questions regarding the SBC, please contact a member of the Insurance Department for clarification.

Please familiarize yourself with the benefits in the master policy. A copy will be mailed to your home at the beginning of the new plan year and will also be available on the District Insurance Department webpage (

Jordan School District Department Contact Information

Arcoro Enrollment System - Instructions for enrolling in your benefits online
If you have previously logged into the system you can start this process on step 3 in order to log in for open enrollment.

  1. You will receive two emails from the system: The first email is an account verification email that will provide a username and include a link to verify your account.  You can setup your password by clicking the "Verify Account" button.
    The second email will outline the enrollment window dates and provide the URL for the Arcoro site.
  2. Once you have created a new password, you can use to access the site
  3. Once you are in the site you will see the login box. You will use the username that was emailed to you and the password that you just created to log in.  Once you enter your username and password and click "Sign In," you will be logged into the site.
    • If you have forgotten your password you can click on "Forgot your password" which will email you a link to reset your password.
    • If you have forgotten your username you can click on "Forgot your username" which will email you a link that will allow you to follow a process to get your username.
  4. Once you have logged into the Acoro system, you will be taken to the your company's home page.  From here you will see "New Hire Event or Open Enrollment Event" in the drop down box, click "Begin Event" to make your elections.

  • 2021-22 Open Enrollment Highlights

May 2021 Be Well CoverCheck out the May 2021 Be Well newsletter from EMI. Stories include:

  • Deciphering Medical Studies - Nearly every day we read or hear about the results of new medical studies. The amount of information is overwhelming and coverage varies among news outlets. Some research is groundbreaking, while other studies add to many years of scientific inquiry.
  • Rethink Kid Food - Check any restaurant children’s menu and the selection will look much the same: burgers, pizza and chicken fingers. While familiar and delicious, these foods offer little nutritional value. They provide more salt and fat than children require, and rarely contain enough fiber or vegetables.
  • Balancing Act - Work and Family We’ve all heard it’s important to have a work-life balance. But figuring out how to achieve it isn’t always easy.
  • Blood Pressure Ranges Explained - It’s important to know your blood pressure numbers and what they mean. After all, high blood pressure raises the risk for stroke, heart attack, kidney disease and dementia.

To receive the monthly Be Well Newsletter via email and check out back issues, please visit the EMI Hope Health Newsletter page.

The Wellness Bus FlyerThe Wellness Bus (TWB) is a community health initiative that helps people manage and prevent prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes.  TWB provides FREE, FAST and SAFE blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol screenings, in addition to nutritional counseling. Screenings include:

  • Blood (Sugar) Glucose
  • Blood Pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)

The wellness bus can be found at the following locations on these day:

  • MONDAYS 9AM - 1PM: West Valley City Redwood Recreation Center 3060 S Lester St., West Valley City
  • TUESDAYS 3- 7PM: Glendale Sorenson Unity Center 1383 S 900 W, Salt Lake City
  • WEDNESDAYS 3- 7PM: Kearns Kearns Library 4275 W 5345 S, Kearns
  • THURSDAYS 3- 7PM: South Salt Lake Central Park Community Center 2797 S 200 E, So. Salt Lake
  • 1ST & 3RD FRIDAYS OF THE MONTH 10AM - 2PM: Provo Community Action Services 815 S. Freedom Blvd, Provo
  • 2ND & 4TH FRIDAYS OF THE MONTH 10AM - 2PM: Ogden Marshall White Community Center 222 28th St, Ogden

Check out the Wellness Bus flyer, website and social media using the following links:

JA Inspire - Student Participates in conference onlineJA Inspire Virtual Career Expo is Junior Achievement’s capstone career development program for 9th-12th grade students brought to life by our region’s employers. Using virtual technology, JA Inspire 2021 is a career expo event filled with local businesses and higher education exhibits providing downloadable career information and exhibitor videos.

Available at no cost to you, JA Inspire 2021 is adaptable for in-class or remote learning!

  • The JA Inspire Career Expo live event day is Tuesday, May 11, 2021 from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Students will have flexible access on the live day and extended student access for 90 days after the event.
  • On April 19th, JA will provide teachers a link to our FlipSnack Digital Student Workbook.
  • There are 5 pre-event lessons and 1 post-event lesson. The lessons are 15-20 minutes each and contain fillable PDF forms, embedded videos and a career assessment. These can be teacher led or assigned to students as self-guided.
  • Over 60 local businesses, within many of the 16 career clusters, will have virtual booths with business, higher education and career cluster information, videos, pamphlets, and more. All booths are developed by the business, just like an in-person career fair.
  • Students have the opportunity to visit as many booths as they would like. They may visit businesses within their career cluster chosen through the assessment, or they may visit others that seem interesting to them.
  • The students' virtual backpack allows them to collect information from the booths and access it at a later date. Students will have access to the entire career fair for 90 days after the event, allowing them to share information with teachers and others at home.
  • Motivational speakers and career readiness content from our booth sponsors are available live or on-demand in the auditorium.
  • A Leaderboard feature motivates students to visit booths, watch videos and download documents.
  • JA Inspire can be completed while in school or while students work remotely. It's up to you. There is no live interaction with or between students, so it is a completely safe environment for all.

  • A Teacher Training Call was held last week to demonstrate the online portal and answer questions regarding the event. It can be accessed at the following link if you'd like to check it out:
  • Please share this with any students participating.
    • JA Inspire Career Expo - Student Workbook
  • Finally, to register students, please visit the following site:
  • We will assign confidential usernames for the students to use on the live day and share those with you in May. I've also attached the Educator Manual which contains FAQs for the event.

Investment Options & Pension Basics Brochure CoversSaving Plan Options - Explains investment options and savings plans with URS 401(k) & 457(b) Plans, Roth & Traditional IRAs. You can learn about options, pick your plan, investments and enroll.

Tier 1 Noncontributory Retirement System Pension Basics - Your URS pension gives you stable income throughout your retirement. After you retire, your pension pays you monthly for the rest of your life and possibly your spouse’s. This brochure explains how to estimate how much your pension will pay.

May 2021 Workout Warrior & Monthly Challenge FlyersWorkout Warrior – The May theme is: Exercise Snacking. If you’re one who has a hard time fitting in a workout into your day, this challenge is for you. It will teach ways to get small, but beneficial bouts of exercise in throughout the day. "Exercise snacking" involves incorporating small, consistent bouts of exercise throughout the day. See if exercise snacking could work for you!

  • Register here or at
  • Track your activity
  • Report your step total at the end of the month
  • Enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card

Wellness Challenge  – Get Outside is the theme for the May challenge. Join the challenge and give your health and mood a boost by getting outside! Join us for a different outdoor activity each week and see how good you feel.

  • Week 1: Gardening
  • Week 2: Walking
  • Week 3: Biking
  • Week 4: Hiking

Wellness challenges are email based, self-paced educational programs that focus on areas of well-being. Often used to jumpstart habits and personal goals, challenges provide information, resources, and motivation to help you achieve good health.

In addition, PEHPs 2nd Quarterly WebinarKnow Your Numbers – Get Back on Track will air at noon on Monday, May 3rd.

Greenhouse Sale FlyersThe JATC South Greenhouse will be having a general public sale on Wednesday, April 28 from 3 - 5 p.m. and Saturday, May 1 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. The Greenhouse has bedding plants in all colors - petunias, geraniums, impatients, celosia, and marigolds.  It is full of vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, squash, and cucumbers.   The hanging baskets and planters, fairy gardens and succulents are blooming and ready to go.  Perennials are also on sale in 4-6 inch pots.

Jordan School District has developed an instructional plan for literacy and has adopted curricula to strengthen instruction in both Tier 1 and Tier 2 settings to support all students and address disrupted learning.

Please join us to learn about the plan, the curriculum, and the suggested daily schedule to help you prepare for the coming year.  All K-6th grade gen ed. teachers, SCSC teachers, and coaches should sign up for a two day session.  Coaches may choose which grade level session to attend.  All sessions will be held from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. in either the ASB Auditorium or Presentation Room. 

Please check each session for the location. Teachers will be compensated with a $600 stipend upon full completion of the two day session. Please see the Literacy Launch Packet for dates and agenda. Sessions will be offered  in the fall for teachers not attending in the summer. Substitutes will be provided. Dates for fall sessions to be determined.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program to help households struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, and virtual classrooms.

About the Emergency Broadband Benefit

Emergency Broadband BenegitThe Emergency Broadband Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute $10-$50 toward the purchase price.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.
Who Is Eligible for the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program?
A household is eligible if one member of the household meets at least one of the criteria below:

  • Qualifies for the Lifeline program;
  • Receives benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch program or the school breakfast program, including through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision, or did so in the 2019-2020 school year;
  • Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year;
  • Experienced a substantial loss of income since February 29, 2020 and the household had a total income in 2020 below $99,000 for single filers and $198,000 for joint filers; or
  • Meets the eligibility criteria for a participating providers' existing low-income or COVID-19 program.

When Can Families Sign Up for the Benefit?
The program has been authorized by the FCC, but the start date has not yet been established. The FCC is working to make the benefit available as quickly as possible.

Check out the Broadband Benefit Consumer FAQ for more information about the benefit and please continue to check this page for program updates.

  • ELS Parent Night Flyer2019-2020 WIDA scores will be used for ESL students who did not take this year's test. Please assure parents they do not need to opt out of the program if students were not tested. Thank you for your efforts with WIDA testing this year.
  • Please complete the monitoring forms for 4th Quarter for levels 5 and 6.
  • The LCS Culture and Diversity Team is hosting an online open house called “The Giraffe Club." Parents are invited to come see what we talk about to students in grades K-6.   The meetings will be held on Friday, April 9 at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m and Thursday, April 15 at 4 p.m.  The Zoom Meeting ID is 885 2800 7188.  The passcode is 386422.

UServeUtah Youth CouncilThe UServeUtah Youth Council is a youth-led advisory council that advocates for youth engagement in volunteerism, plans impactful projects in the community, and works with our commission to inform statewide public policy. Youth council members attend monthly meetings (currently held virtually), and upon successful completion of their service, they will receive a certificate and letter of completion from the Lt. Governor to help them gain employment or admission to higher education.

This is a great opportunity for civically-minded students to network with a wide range of professionals and other students from across the state, and a great addition to a resume or to a graduate school/future higher education application.

Each youth council member leads a community engagement project for a cause they are passionate about, with the support of UServeUtah staff. Past projects include environmental/recycling initiatives, the creation of a community garden, recruitment of volunteers for local nonprofits, serving refugees in the community, and more!

Students ages 16-22 have the opportunity to serve on the 2021-22 UServeUtah Youth Council. Selected youth council members will serve from September of 2021 through July of 2022.

We are accepting applications now through April 19th. Interested students can apply here. Please feel free to share this opportunity with any students who may be interested in participating, and please reach out to Wendy Carrigan with any questions.

Thank you!

  • Apply to the 2021-2022 UServeUtah Youth Council

USBE Math Progressions

STEM Action Center Grants
Math Personalized Learning Grant
The K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software Grant provides schools and districts with access to a selection of math personalized learning software programs to improve student outcomes in mathematics literacy. Please click on the link to review available programs, features, and results. 

  • Applications due for JSD signatures April 14, 2021.
    Michael Heaps Technology
    Amy Kinder Mathematics
  • Applications due to the STEM Action Center on April 16.  

Professional Learning Grant
This program focuses on locally identified needs associated with STEM learning for K-12 teachers. These efforts connect thousands of teachers to opportunities to create valuable STEM-based curricula and teaching practices. Funded activities include coaching, mentoring, self-reflection, off-contract work, and effective professional learning communities (PLCs).

  • Applications due for JSD signatures April 12, 2021. (Signatures vary depending on the project. Please see grant application and determine the appropriate administrators: Michael Heaps for Technology, School Principal, Superintendent)
  • Applications due to the STEM Action Center on April 16. 

USBE Updates  -- More information will be available following the Utate State Board or Education meeting on April 8, 2021

Legislative Funding Updates

Early Learning Literacy and Mathematics Updates

Funding was reinstated to fulfill the purposes outlined in House Bill 114 in the 2020 General Session. The bill includes the following:

  • Establish an early learning plan that includes early literacy and early mathematics 
  • Administer a grant program for professional learning for early elementary educators
  • Administer a grant for license applicants taking an examination on reading
  • Provide a mathematics benchmark assessment in grades 1-3 (K is optional). USBE staff have already begun work to select a vendor and expect that a contract will be prepared for Board consideration during their April 8, 2021 meeting. More information will be coming but we will be administering the assessment beginning in the fall of 2021.

Assessment Updates
The 2021 legislative session has come to an end and now is the time to begin sorting through and implementing the associated changes. Of particular interest to assessment and accountability is S.B. 184S03 which includes, among other things, the following changes:

The state board is not required to identify schools not achieving state-established acceptable levels of student performance as described in Subsection (2)(b) for the 2020-2021 school year.

The state board is not required to assign to each school an overall rating in 2020-2021

The state board shall collect but is not required to publish the information described in Subsection (1) related to the 2020-2021 school year.

This bill, in addition to the addendum and waiver the USBE submitted to the U.S. Department of Education address the Board’s directive to “relieve schools from federal and state accountability determinations based on the 2020-2021 assessments.” You may be aware that on March 8, 2021 the U.S. Department of Education released an optional waiver template for accountability, school identification, and related reporting requirements that was not previously available. USBE staff are currently reviewing this new option to determine if a recommendation should be made to the Board to maintain the current addendum and waiver requests or resubmit, using the newly released template.

General Legislative Updates

  • USBE legislative tracker with status and links for each bill
  • HB 2 Public Education Budget Amendments—the main money bill for this session.  This is where you can see where new funding has been established for newly passed programs

Jordan School District School Counseling has partnered with Granite School District, Salt Lake Community College, and the Utah Department of Workforce Services to hold the ChamberWest Job Fair.  The Job Fair will be held on Friday April 9, 2021 at Granger High School.  It will be student focused from 2 - 4 p.m. and open to the community from 4 - 6 p.m. District students can get more information by contacting their school’s Counseling Center.

Chamberwest 2021 Job Fair FlyerAre You Looking for a Job? Your New Career Could be Just Around the Corner

If you are looking for a new job or a first-time career, please join us for the free COVID friendly JOB FAIR.

The JOB FAIR will be held on Friday April 9, 2021 at Granger High School in West Valley City:

  • Student Focused from 2 – 4 p.m.
  • Open to the Community from 4 – 6 p.m.

For More Information, please visit

Dear Jordan Employees,

Niki GeorgeI wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to each of you. My name is Niki George and I was recently elected to represent District 6 on the school board. This is specifically the Western edge of West Jordan with all my schools feeding into Copper Hills High School. 

By way of introduction, I am a special education teacher, having worked in both severe and mild/moderate classrooms. I was raised here in Utah, and attended the University of Utah until receiving my Master’s Degree. I taught until I had my first child, and then became a stay-at-home mom for ten years while my children were home. I have four children attending elementary school in the district. During this time at home, I experienced education from a new perspective, volunteering in classrooms, on the PTA, and in the School Community Council. This was also the time when I began attending school board meetings. I have been a lover of public education through each step of my life, beginning with my own school experience, and the names of my own teachers, held reverent to this day. When my youngest was nearly old enough to go to first grade and thus full school days, I began to wonder what life would look like next. I took a job teaching and decided to run for Jordan School Board. 

I know something of the joy and difficulty that comes along with working with children. I believe strongly in the potential of public education and want to contribute to that process. This is the work of love, and will never be successful unless people from many backgrounds come together to create real solutions. I know that my knowledge is inadequate to make important school board decisions, and so I rely on the contributions and perspectives of many people to be successful. I welcome your thoughts and feedback. Please feel free to contact me at or 801-694-8576. Thank you for the contributions you make to the lives of children. While we may never reach levels of fame and fortune, we will live forever in the minds of the students whose world was expanded because of a teacher. I look forward to working with you and thank you for the effect that you have had on my own children in your efforts to affect the lives of children in the Jordan School District.

Niki George

  1. Report from West Jordan Secondary Schools on West Jordan Feeder Grant
    Action: For the next meeting, the Board requested that the staff report on the history of Title I funding, how it is currently being used at elementary schools and why it is not being given to secondary schools; information on EARS funding, how it started and how it works.
    Action: The Finance Committee was directed to begin exploring other funding opportunities outside of Title I to continue some of the support that West Jordan secondary school principals are requesting.
  2. Review of ESSER II Application (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund)
    Action: Staff instructed to place this on the next agenda for formal Board approval.
  3. Discussion on School Fees 2021-22
    No action taken.
  4. Friday Schedule Survey
    Action: Direction to the committee which was formed to study the Friday schedule to report at the next meeting on the direction of the committee and a realistic timeline for bringing back recommendations. Committee was charged to study direction, timeline, demographic concerns, results by school, data to evaluate, USBE approval, concerns and ways to increase support, instructional delivery and how to meet the needs of all students.
    Action: Staff instructed to post the survey results on the JSD website and emphasize that no decision has been made.
  5. Updates to Administrative Policy DP380 Maternity/Paternity Leave
    Action: Direction to staff to broaden DP380 to include leave for adoption (currently part of the sick leave policy).
  6. Discussion on Board Communication/Connection to Stakeholders Action: Board members agreed to discontinue Board letters, continue streaming meetings, research software to provide links/timestamp for start of each agenda item/topic; and begin a written summary by staff, corrected by Board then sent out in JEM by Friday following the meeting. Bryce will lead efforts to check into requirements for storing video streaming and make recommendations for sending out the summary.
    Action: Board voted to participate in summer parades and directed Superintendent Godfrey to coordinate the arrangements. An invitation was extended to Superintendent, Associate Superintendent and Business Administrator to participate in parades without obligation to do so.
  7.  Scope of Jordan Ethnic Advisory Committee
    Action: Board agreed that the initial focus of the Committee be narrowed to people of color (employees, students and families); the need for other potential groups will be explored at another time.
    Action: Superintendent given assignment to invite leadership of JEAC for introduction at the next Board meeting.
  8. Discussion on Funding Source for Overbudget 2021 Summer Projects
    Action: Board voted to request the full amount of RDA funds in the JSD account held by South Jordan City; use $2.26 million to pay for overage on 2021 summer projects with direction to staff for the balance of RDA funds to be held in a separate line item by JSD for future projects.
  9. Review of Threshold for Board Approval on Purchases in Policy BP178 Purchasing Provisions
    Action: Board direction to the Finance Committee to review policy BP178 for appropriateness of Board approval threshold.
  10. Professional Development Board Book Study
    No action taken.
  11. Update on Pandemic Response
    Action: Board direction to Superintendent to use threshold of 2% or 30 active cases, whichever is higher, two days in a row before JSD “test to stay” process is implemented.
    Action: Board direction to not seek parent permission slips for “test to stay” until a school gets close to the threshold; left to the discretion of the Superintendent to determine when it is necessary.
    Action: Board authorized the Superintendent to discontinue daily pandemic report to Board; to be a notification alert only if a school is trending upward, prior to sending out parent permission slips or advisory letter to parents. Dashboard on website to continue updates as they are currently.
    Action: Board voted to add a tenth option to the list of choices so high schools may hold graduation at a third-party venue, if desired, available and restrictions allow. A public process (survey or School Community Council) is required of the school prior to making this decision.
  12. Board Reports and Comments
    Action: Authorization to send thank-you letter to legislators.

We are excited to announce the State Legislature has authorized a COVID-19 Bonus for employees. To qualify, employees must have started work by December 1, 2020, and must still be employed by the District.

The legislature provided the bonus for school-based Education Support Professionals, Licensed Employees, and Administrators. Through a cooperative effort, the Board of Education, JESPA, and JEA have made it possible for employees who are not based at a school to receive a bonus as well. As a result, all FTE based (non-miscellaneous) employees will receive the bonus on their March 25, 2021 paycheck.

The amount of the bonus is proportional to the employee’s full-time equivalent status (part-time or full-time) multiplied by $1,000 for Education Support Professional employees and $1,500 for Licensed and Administrator employees. Substitutes, athletic coaches, and sweepers do not qualify for the bonus.

On behalf of the Legislature, the Board of Education, and the children we have all served these past several difficult months – thank you!