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Dear Administrators and K-5 Teachers,

Jordan School District invites you to preview the Open Up Resources K-5 Mathematics curriculum, which is under consideration for adoption following the discontinuation of our current Math Expressions program. After 11 years, this transition reflects our commitment to providing the most effective educational tools for our students.

In making this decision, we took feedback from many different stakeholders, including math leads, principals, instructional coaches, and district specialists. This is something we took very seriously, and this is the next step in refining and advancing our teaching practices in mathematics, ultimately benefiting our students.

The open house will take place at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Building, Entrance D, 7905 S Redwood Road, West Jordan, Utah, on the following dates:

  • Monday, Nov. 4: 7 a.m.  - 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Nov. 6: 12 - 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Nov.13: 12  - 7 p.m.

We encourage you to explore its features, which align with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards, emphasizing mathematical reasoning, problem-solving, and conceptual understanding.

To further explore the curriculum and access additional resources online, please use the following links.

To access teacher materials, please sign up using your Jordan District email. It is quick and easy to sign up. 

Your feedback is invaluable as the Jordan School District School Board will make a final decision regarding this proposed curriculum at the Board meeting on November 26, 2024. Public comments are welcome in person or via email at the Board meetings. Email contact information for Board members can be found on our Board of Education page.

Thank you for your dedication to educational excellence and for participating in this important review process.

Sample CardsMany employees received multiple medical ID cards from PEHP.  Insurance Services have confirmed that the errors have been corrected.  Participants should have all received the correct card.  Double check to make sure your card is showing correct plan information that you are enrolled in.  Plan information can be found on the Insurance Services website. Please be aware that your ID cards will come in a plain white envelope.  This is a reminder so you don't discard them.

A copy of your ID information can always be found by logging on to the PEHP website and creating or signing into your account.  Once you are on the main page, use the drop down menu and click on "My Benefits" then "Coverage & ID Card".

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact Insurance Services at 801-567-8146 or

Nov. 2024 Blomquist Hale WorkshopsBlomquist Hale has three workshops coming up in November. See attached for the workshop flyers and details outlined below. 

  • Topic: Bio-Psycho-Social Mental Health (Presented by Levo Mind Care)
    Date: Nov. 7
    Time: 10 – 11 a.m. MT
    Location: Online!
  • Topic: Loving Yourself
  • Date: Nov. 12
  • Time: 12 – 1p.m. MT
  • Location: Online!
  • Topic: Managing How You Experience The Holiday Season  
  • Date: Nov. 13
  • Time: 12 – 1 p.m. MT
  • Location: Online!

To register for any of our upcoming workshops, please visit our website at

  • Nov. 2024 Important Payroll Information FlyerPayroll Due: Nov. 4
  • View Your Paycheck: Nov. 21
  • Payday: Nov. 25

Professional Development Day
Nov. 8 - No Students

Thanksgiving Recess
All Traditional, 206/207Contracts: Nov. 27 - 29
All 242, 245 Contracts: Nov. 28 - 29

Critical Days: Nov. 26 & Dec. 2
Applies to all Licensed & ESP Employees

As per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG: Licensed & ESP employees who have not been approved by Human Resources for using an annual/personal day on Critical Days may be docked (licensed $161 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason is listed as an exception in policy. If applicable, the reason & the policy exception must be written in the time off description box.

View the Critical Days FAQ here.

Direct Deposit is Required!
If you do not have direct deposit your check will be held in the Payroll Department at the District Office for pickup.

To sign up for or update your direct deposit you can do so via Employee Access:

Once you sign up for Direct Deposit on Skyward, please call Payroll and we will send your paycheck to your school or home.

Sub Payroll Deadlines
Pay Period: Oct. 16 - 31 Due:  Nov. 1
Payday: Nov. 10
Pay Period: Nov. 1 - 15 Due: Nov. 15
Payday: Nov. 25

True Time Deadlines
Pay Period: Oct. 7 -  Nov. 3
EMPLOYEES: Please submit your timesheets at the end of each work week
APPROVERS: Please ensure you are approving time sheets weekly for accuracy

PD for Counselors FlyerAshley Heaton, a counselor at Herriman High, will present information on scholarship opportunities for Native American students. Licensed employees will receive in-service pay and earn licensure points. Middle and High school Native American students and their families are invited to attend. Use the link below to register.

For any questions, please contact 801-567-8325 | PIZZA WILL BE PROVIDED!

URS Outside Advisors Warning FlyerIn light of over 10,000 spam emails sent to employees this week alone from advisors claiming to represent URS, we wanted to remind all employees of this message below from Utah Retirement Systems.

Important Reminder for URS Members
Be cautious of any outside advisor who claims to represent URS or have expertise in URS benefits.

URS doesn’t discourage members from using third-party advisors. However, be cautious of any non-URS advisor or financial planner who claims to represent URS or have expertise in URS benefits. URS does not contract with or otherwise outsource investment advising to any third-party for any reason.

Don’t confuse third-party advisors with URS employees. URS Advisors (who are employees of URS) will only meet with you at URS, at your agency, or a nearby agency, during business hours. URS Advisors will not visit your home or set up evening/weekend appointments.

To make sure you’re acting in your best interests, talk to us first before making any decisions about your retirement benefits or moving your money out of URS Savings Plans. Schedule a free URS Individual Retirement Planning Session at

URS is a nonprofit trust, and our low fees reflect that. Our advisors never earn commissions.


  • URS Advisors can explain the basics of claiming your Social Security benefits. Be careful of advertisements that create “fear of missing out” (FOMO) of thousands of dollars by warning of a supposed “incorrect” Social Security decision.
  • A URS pension benefit is like an“annuity” in that it provides lifetime income. You likely also have a second “annuity” called Social Security (more lifetime income). Do you really need a third? Commercial annuities can have much higher costs than URS and Social Security and can be too complex to easily understand.

You can keep your funds in URS Savings Plans throughout your retirement. You’re never required to move your funds.

Utah Retirement Systems will be available for one-on-one retirement planning sessions. Scheduling will be available on the Utah Retirement Systems website on Thursday, Nov. 7 at 7 a.m.  Sessions will be held on Nov. 15 at the District Office. This is a great time to recap, regroup, and focus on retirement planning and financial wellness. Appointments fill quickly so don’t delay.

Advanced registration is required so please see the instructions below to register for an appointment on the URS website.

  1. Go to
  2. Log into your myURS account by clicking on LOGIN in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the Education Tab.
  4. Click on “Individual Retirement Planning Sessions”.
  5. Find the session that works best for you.  Select the session to reserve your appointment.
  6. Please be sure to bring your estimated annual income, retirement account statements (including non-URS), Social Security Statement (get yours at and your investor profile (take the questionnaire at myURS).

Teacher Fellowship FlyerThe Jordan Teacher Leader Fellows is searching for sixteen educators from a variety of teaching experiences and expertise. During their 2-year fellowship cohort, Teacher Leader Fellows will earn an annual $1500 stipend while engaging in a variety of professional learning experiences focused on developing skills related to the Utah Teacher Leader Roles and Utah's Portrait of a Teacher Leader.

Teachers are encouraged to apply today for this exciting new opportunity!

Nov. 2024 ESP Evaluation NewsletterHuman Resources has created a monthly ESP Evaluation newsletter. The full newsletter for November can be found at the link below. Stories include:

Due Date - New Hire ESPs are evaluated twice their first year, evaluated within 6 months of the hire date and evaluated again 6 months from the last evaluation. Contract ESPs are evaluated at least once yearly by May 31.

Performance Areas - All ESPs will be evaluated in the following performance areas.

  • Attendance & Punctuality
  • Communication Skills
  • Human Relations
  • Judgement
  • Leadership Skills
  • Planning & Organization
  • Policies & Procedures
  • Professionalism
  • Quality of Work
  • Quantity of Work
  • Safety & Security
  • Techinical Skills
  • Supervision

Ratings - Each Performance Area will be rated according to the following:

  • Exceptional
  • Strong
  • Satisfactory
  • Improving
  • Unacceptable

To view the definitions of each rating please see the ESP Evaluation Rubric.

Nov. 2024 JPAS Evaluations NewsletterHuman Resources has created a monthly JPAS Evaluation newsletter. The full newsletter for November can be found at the link below. Stories include:

Due Date Dec. 20, 2024 - All Provisional and Probationary JPAS first evaluation cycle. This includes classroom educators, teacher specialists, counselors, etc. Contact Rebecca Lee with questions at

What Are High-leverage Strategies? - High-leverage strategies are teaching practices that have a significant impact on student learning and achievement. These strategies are often research backed and focus on maximizing instructional effectiveness.

This is indicator 10 on the JPAS evaluation form.

Below are some examples of high leverage strategies. You may also access this list on the JES website at

  • Think -Pair-Share
  • Purposeful Note Taking
  • Summarizing Jigsaw
  • Compare/Contrast Visuals
  • Use of Manipulatives
  • Movement-based Learning Hypothesis Making/Testing
  • Pre-assessment
  • Problem Solving Activities
  • Quick-write
  • Brainstorming
  • Use of Graphic Organizers
  • Multi-media Representations
  • Real-life Connections
  • I Do, We Do, You Do Drawing
  • Concept Maps
  • Peer Feedback
  • Peer Teaching
  • Read Aloud
  • Modeling Academic Language
  • Individual Practice
  • Advanced Organizer
  • Flexible Groupings
  • Cause/Effect Analysis
  • Guided Practice
  • Outlines
  • Adjusting Instruction

Prescription Drug Reimbursement FormIf you are doing your due diligence and trying to take advantage of the variety of programs that are offered in the prescription drug industry, we have a solution for you.  Did you find a prescription cheaper if you don't use Express Scripts?  Complete the Prescription Drug Reimbursement Form below and send it to Express Scripts along with the original pharmacy receipt and your cost will be applied to your Rx Deductible and/or Out-of-Pocket Maximum.

The form can be found on the Express Scripts website once you login.  You can also find it on the Insurance Services website or by using the link below.

Please contact Insurance Services with any questions.  We can be reached at | 801-567-8146.

IncludEd in Schools 2024The Health & Wellness team is thrilled to invite you to IncludEd in Schools, taking place on Nov. 2, at Westminster University in Salt Lake City, Utah. This year, we are proudly celebrating our women in education, and we would love for you to join us at this event!

IncludEd in Schools is a day dedicated to celebrating, connecting, and uplifting our education community. The conference kicks off with registration and a vibrant Community Resource Fair at 10 a.m., where you can connect with local organizations such as our Teacher Fellows and Bolder Way Forward, along with many other valuable resources.

We’re excited to feature a dynamic keynote address titled “Unstoppable” by Charlene Lui, the Executive Director of the National Association for Multicultural Education. With over 30 years in Utah education, Charlene will set an inspiring tone for our day filled with motivation and insightful discussions.

After the keynote, our IncludEd Talks will showcase impactful research from three of our talented Utah educators:

  • Susie Estrada: "Can't Hold Us Down"
  • Caroline Smith: "Confident"
  • Rebecca Powell: "Run the World (Girls)"

After a lunch break, enjoy a special performance of EllaMental by Plan B Theatre, highlighting the struggles of a young girl navigating big feelings in a post-COVID world.

In the afternoon, choose from a variety of breakout IncludEd workshops

  •  "Open Your Heart" Restorative Practice Circles with Chelsie Acosta, Jennifer Newell, and Lamar Spotted Elk (2 sessions available)
  • "Rise Up" Equal Opportunity in Education with Holly Bell & Amanda Darrow
  •  "What Was I Made For?" Suicide Prevention & Safe Messaging with Ash Fletcher-Garcia
  • "Roar" Empowering Girls Through A Bolder Way Forward with Deborah Lin
  •  "Not Your Barbie Girl" Title IX: Then and Now with Holly Bell

The day will conclude with our awards for excellence in educational equity and Amanda Darrow’s closing message, “End Game,” reflecting on our experiences and offering motivation as we wrap up the conference.

Finally, unwind at our social event, "Rhythm is Gonna Get You," featuring live music from Red Shot Pony, where you can celebrate the connections made throughout the day.

If you have any questions about the conference, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

To register visit: IncludEd in Schools 2024.

If you would like to nominate an educational equity champion in your school or community, please visit IncludEd Champion in Educational Equity

We look forward to seeing you there!

Dear Employees,

Skyward Login ScreenThis is a friendly reminder about the upcoming requirement to use your JSD Google account to log in to Skyward Student. As previously announced in JEM, this change will enhance security and streamline your login process. 

Key Dates:

  • Friday, Oct. 11, 2024 - Google login is required for all staff with a JSD Google account in the Skyward Finance system.
  • Friday, Nov. 1, 2024 - Google login will be required for all staff with a JSD Google account in the Skyward Student system.

Two Easy Methods to Login to Skyward Using Google

  • Navigate to the Skyward login screen and select the “Staff Login with Google” button. If you are already logged in to your JSD Google account, you will be immediately logged in to Skyward. If you are not already logged in to your JSD Google account, you will be taken to a Google login screen where you will need to login to your JSD Google account. 
  • After logging in to your JSD Google account, click the waffle menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Scroll down and select “Skyward Finance” or “Skyward Student”.

Need Assistance?
If you encounter any issues or have questions, please contact the Information Systems help desk at 801-567-8737. 

Thank you for your cooperation.

Dear Employees,

Communicating effectively to employees when there is an emergency or other event that impacts the workplace is vital.  That is why we are asking all employees to update their contact information in Skyward Employee Access.

It is important for you to know that in the future, along with voice messages and emails, we will be sending text messages to employees who choose to receive a text.

To update your contact information in Skyward Employee Access:

  1. Log in to the Skyward Finance System at
  2. Select “Employee Information” from the tabs at the top of the page.
  3. Select the “Personal Information” link.
  4. Select the “Request Changes” button.
    • Under ‘ Home’ enter the phone number where you would like to receive voice calls.
    • Under ‘Mobile’ enter the phone number where you would like to receive text messages.
  5. Select the “Save” button.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to enhance and improve emergency communications to all employees.  Non-emergency communications will continue to be sent to your email address.  If you have any questions, please contact the Information Systems Help Desk at 801-567-8737.

Update Your Emergency Contact Info in 5 Steps

2024 Fall Break Bingo CardWhether you’re traveling or staying in town over the break, the Health & Wellness Team invites you to intentionally nurture your well-being during the break.

Join us in playing Fall Break Bingo! Find a way to incorporate different aspects of wellness and mark each activity you try on the Bingo sheet, aiming to get 5 in a row. Doing so will enhance your Fall Break and set you up for more success when you return from the break.

When you get Bingo, scan the QR code or use the link to enter our giveaway for EARLY ACCESS to some exciting activities on Wellness Day on Friday, Feb. 7, 2025.

Participate by using the links below and share this information with others you work with who may be interested in this opportunity.

Wit & Wisdom Workshops FlyerTeaching & Learning will be hosting a series of Wit & Wisdom workshops for teachers and coaches. The workshops are a great place to learn tricks and tips for planning and implementation and it is a time to get answers to all of your Wit & Wisdom questions. Participants can join one session, or come to multiple sessions. Teachers will earn 2 relicensure credits for each session attended. USBE credit will be offered to teachers who attend at least seven sessions.

  • For K-6 teachers
  • Use towards 32 educator-directed hours
  • Each session will consist of training, planning, and collaboration time with other teachers
  • Earn 2 relicensure credit hours for each session, OR
  • Earn 1 USBE credit by attending at least seven sessions
  • All sessions are held at the ASB 4:15 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Session Dates
    • Thursday, Oct. 17
    • Thursday, Nov. 21
    • Wednesday, Dec. 4
    • Thursday, Jan. 16
    • Wednesday, Feb. 5
    • Wednesday, Mar. 5
    • Wednesday, April 9
    • Thursday, May 15

Headspace - Recharge your lifeHeadspace offers free access to K-12 (primary-secondary) teachers and supporting staff in the US. Whether you’re feeling inspired to connect more with your students or you’re looking for a new way to bring calm to your classroom, Headspace can help students build healthy habits that last a lifetime. Better focus, less stress, and happier thoughts are just a few minutes away.

Recharge Your Life - Plug into the power of mindful technology in October
Technology has the power to make our busy lives easier. But it can also keep us distracted from other important things happening around us. Rethink your relationship with technology this month to form healthier habits with your devices, know when to take breaks from using them, and embrace living in the present moment.

  • Putting Down Our Phones - Andy explains why tech can amplify the noise in our minds and seems to stress us out so much. Watch now.
  • Devices and Sleep - Try this mindful exercise during the day to help control the way your devices keep you awake at night. Wind down.
  • Stretch Your Attention Span - Kevin Hart quickly breaks down how being less dependent on technology can have its benefits. Tune in.
  • Take a Tech Break - Build rituals that add meaning and joy to your life with expert guidance from author Casper ter Kuile. Step back.

Sign up for Monthly Live Events
Join Headspace for live monthly meditations and quarterly workshops to support mindfulness in your everyday life.

Exciting Scholarship Opportunity for Future Teachers
WGU has deepened its partnership with Jordan School District to now include the Pathway to Become a Teacher Scholarship. This scholarship offers new students or returning graduates the opportunity to further their education at WGU. The scholarship, worth up to $5,000, will help cover some of the costs of tuition to become teachers.

WGU will provide these scholarships to be used exclusively by students who want to continue on their path to becoming teachers in any of WGU's Teachers College degree programs leading to teacher licensure.

We are truly excited about this opportunity and wanted to make sure all employees were aware of it.

For more information, you can visit the WGU Pathway to Become a Teacher Scholarship page.

Best regards,
Human Resources

WGU Back To School Scholarship Opportunity FlyerConquer Your Future - Special Scholarship Opportunity From WGU
Going back to school doesn’t have to derail your lifestyle or your budget when it’s with Western Governors University. As a new student, you may be eligible for a scholarship which can be applied to WGU’s already affordable tuition.

With our widely respected degree programs in business, IT, education, and healthcare—plus 24/7 access to courses and tests—WGU provides the flexibility and affordability to conquer your future.

Back to School Scholarship - Valued at up to $2,500
Apply by Dec. 15, 2024

Learn More