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Jan. 2021 Be Well Newsletter

EMI Jan. 2021 Be Well NewsletterCheck out the Jan. 2021 Be Well newsletter from EMI. Stories include:

  • Have You Got Your Back? Or has your back got you with ongoing pain? If so, you have lots of company. Back pain is a very common reason people seek health care and miss work or everyday activities.
  • What’s the best weight-loss strategy? There’s no single plan that’s right for everyone, since weight control involves many factors including diet, exercise, behavior, hormones, medication, genetics and access to quality care.
  • January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Cervical cancer is largely preventable with vaccination and routine screening.
  • Alzheimer’s is not just a disease of old age. About 200,000 Americans under the age of 65 have younger-onset Alzheimer’s, a neurodegenerative disease that weakens the memory and other cognitive and emotional functions, which worsen over time.
  • Liquid Meal Replacements: Pros and Cons It’s a busy day and you don’t have time to stop to eat. Is a meal replacement shake the right answer? Meal replacements are liquid drinks or snack bars that are formulated to copy the nutrients found in a meal.
  • How do I know if I have depression? We all get sad or down on occasion, but true depression lasts for at least two weeks, with symptoms occurring almost daily.
  • Give January a Boost Some people feel a bit blue when the holidays are over and the new year starts.
  • COVID-19 and Cold Symptoms Compared Could your sore throat and stuffy nose be a cold, the flu — or possibly COVID-19? If you’re at high risk for complications from the coronavirus or flu, especially if you have a cough and fever, don’t guess. Call your health care provider. However, there are some differences between cold, coronavirus and flu symptoms that are helpful to know.
  • HPV Vaccine: Did You Know? Why isn’t the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination routinely recommended for everyone older than 26 years? The HPV vaccine is less beneficial for people older than 26; one reason is adults between ages 27 and 45 usually have already been exposed to HPV.
  • January is Blood Donor Month. Blood donations are especially needed this time of year. The American Red Cross requires more than 13,000 blood donations daily to keep the U.S. blood supply ready to meet medical needs. However, cold weather leads to fewer donations.

To receive the monthly Be Well Newsletter via email and check out back issues, please visit the EMI Hope Health Newsletter page.