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The following are new administrative assignments:

  • New Assignments effective Feb. 1, 2022:
    • Shana Mondragon, assistant principal at Mountain Shadows Elementary and Oakcrest Elementary transferred full-time to Oquirrh Elementary, replacing Jerri Crawford.
    • Veronica Holyoke, administrative intern at Sunset Ridge Middle transferred to Mountain Shadows Elementary and Oakcrest Elementary, replacing Shana Mondragon.
    • Elizabeth Pollock, assistant principal at Rosamond Elementary and Ridge View Elementary, transferred full-time to Ridge View Elementary.
    • Allyson Stovall, assistant principal at Southland Elementary transferred to Rosamond Elementary and Southland Elementary.
  • New Assignments effective July 1, 2022:
    • Sally Wilde, administrative intern, appointed assistant principal at a location TBD.
    • April Thompson, administrative intern, appointed assistant principal at a location TBD.
    • Veronica Holyoke, administrative intern, appointed assistant principal at a location TBD.

Dear JSD Educators,

The District will open a new elementary school in Herriman beginning in August, 2022.  Applications for the Team lead positions are now being accepted. For information regarding positions available in Phase A, a position advertising schedule, position descriptions and instructions on how to apply, visit the JSD Job Postings at the New School page.

Additional compensated work for certain positions may be required prior to the beginning of the contract year.

JSD educators interested in applying for current or future positions must submit an application​using Frontline Recruiting and HiringWhen searching for open positions, please ensure you are searching in the “Internal Applicants” section. Please see the attached tutorial for application instructions.  External applications for licensed positions will be accepted after JSD educators have been give first consideration.

For assistance in submitting an application in Frontline, please contact the Human Resources at 801-567-8224.  For questions regarding positions at the new school, please contact Principal Ronna Hoffman at

Jordan School District (JSD) is committed to finding, hiring and retaining the very best employees possible. We are looking for bus drivers, custodians, nutrition service workers and certain Facilities positions! Historically, some of our top talent is found through referrals from people who already work in the JSD. JSD currently has several positions that need to be filled. We would like to encourage JSD employees to share information about employment opportunities and at the same time reward employees for doing so.

The Employee Referral Program is one in which we hope all district employees will participate. The goal of this program is to help hire staff in “hard to fill” ESP positions effective February 1, 2022.  For information about this program, please visit the following website.

iSEE Extravaganza FlyerCome to West Jordan Middle School on Jan. 31 from 4:15 - 6:15 p.m. to learn more about the Informal Science Education Enhancement (iSEE)Partners in Utah!

iSEE programs serve K-12 teachers and students by providing programs that allow them to experience and practice science skills while gaining a deeper understanding of science concepts. 

  • 2 Relicensure points offered for participation!

Each organization will present their resources for about 20 minutes. The conference-like format will allow teachers to experience 4different iSEE partner programs and schedule school visits! 

1st Quarter 2022 BH Newsletter CoverThe Blomquist Hale Newsletter for the quarter has arrived.  In this issue, you will find articles on:

  • Your Mind & Body  - The mind and the body are linked together. So, if you want to feel good mentally and physically, exercise is very beneficial and is a great place to start. You can’t ignore your physical body and expect to feel good mentally in your daily life.
  • How to Make it Happen  - How do we follow this 30-minute recommendation with all the other things we need to do daily? Exercise must become a priority in our lives if we are going to consistently receive the benefits that exercise offers.
  • Why Exercise is so Important - We have all heard that daily exercising is important. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that we get 150 minutes of exercise every week. If you break that up into a daily minute total then working out for 30 minutes a day, five days a week would meet that recommendation.

We have five events scheduled for the month of February! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below. Please forward this email to your employees.

  • Topic: Stress Science: Healing Your Stress Patterns & Adrenals
  • Topic: Financial Fitness
  • Topic: Doing Love: Real Love Endures
  • Topic: Better Parenting – Healing Your Inner Child Wounds
  • Topic: Anxiety Group – Teens ONLY
    • Date: Feb. 28 – March 28 (5 Weeks, Monday evenings)
    • Date: 5:30 – 7 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!
    • Register at:
    • Additional Information: This anxiety group is for teens ages 14 – 18 ONLY

Whatever your style of learning,URS is here to help you understand your retirement benefits.

  • Website: Go to for information about your pension and savings plans. Log in to myURS to manage investments, beneficiaries, and more.
  • Publications: Understand your pension, savings plans options, and more. Find publications at Or email to request printed copies.
  • Videos: Understand the basics of your retirement benefits, learn how to manage them online, and more. Go to
  • Webinars: Learn at your own computer or device. See schedule at webinars. Archived webinars are available.
  • Seminars: Held throughout the year, seminars provide an overview of your benefits and more. Go to
  • One-on-One: A URS Retirement Planning Advisor can provide custom retirement guidance. Schedule a free session at myURS at
  • Via Phone: We look forward to answering your questions. Call weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., 801-366-7700 or 800-365-8772.

The following is a member reference guide to URS resources.

If You.. Contact...
Are Retiring Within the Next Three Years* Retirement Benefits Department to request a pension estimate: 801-366-7770 or 800-695-4877
Are Retiring Within the Next Three Months Retirement Benefits Department to initiate application process: 801-366-7770 or 800-695-4877
Have Questions About
• 401(k), 457, Roth IRAs, Traditional IRAs
• investment options » rollovers » loans
Savings Plans Department:
801-366-7720 or 800-688-4015
Have Questions About Service Credit or Service Purchases Retirement Benefits Department
801-366-7770 or 800-695-4877
Need Help Accessing Your myURS Online Account 801-366-7700 or 800-365-8772
Want to Schedule a Retirement Planning Session
Note: These sessions are comprehensive and provide a projection of retirement income from all sources to help you prepare for your future retirement.
Sessions are applicable for all employees, regardless of proximity to retirement.
Go to and log in to myURS
Click the “Education” tab
Click “Individual Retirement Planning Sessions”
• Select the session to reserve appointment

* Though online calculators at can be helpful planning tools, employees retiring within three years should contact URS at the number above for an estimate.

With home tests now being made available to all households through the federal government, Jordan School District is making COVID-19 isolation leave available for all employees who test positive for COVID-19 using a home test.  Any FDA-approved home test will be accepted. 

For more information on isolation leave as well as a summary of steps an employee should take to utilize isolation leave, please refer to this previous JEM post.

Email questions regarding isolation leave to in Human Resources.

Dear Utah Educators,

Happy New Year CardAs we begin a new year, we know that thousands of you are working to make a difference in the lives of our children and, consequently, Utah's future. You chose your profession because you are passionate about enriching the lives of the students who fill your classrooms.

While this school year has again looked unlike any other, one thing remains the same. You, partnering with parents, are the driving force in equipping our children with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets necessary for success. You have risen to the challenges presented by these unprecedented times. You have quickly adjusted and are providing students with safe, supportive, and welcoming environments throughout the state.

In the coming weeks, the Utah State Board of Education (USBE} will be announcing its newly approved use of COVID-19 relief funding to create a partnership with Donors Choose where teachers apply for and decide how funds are used for their students. We have always known our greatest resource is all of you and are happy to report the passage of this proposal. We can't imagine a better way to start the New Year than by partnering with you, our individual educators, in making your classrooms the best learning environment for each child.

As we head into a new year, we as USBE Leadership, (and also as educators, public school parents, and grandparents,) thank you for the sacrifices you make for our students. We wish you a very happy and successful New Year!

With much appreciation,
USBE Board Leadership:
Mark Huntsman, Chair
Laura Belnap, Vice Chair
Cindy Davis, Vice Chair

  • Happy New Year Card from the USBE Board Leadership

2022 Healthy Utah Schedule PosterAll employees and spouses covered on the Jordan School District PEHP medical plan are eligible to participate in this health incentive program. Healthy Utah offers a free 30-minute appointment with a professional staff member, which includes these assessments:

  • Cholesterol
  • Diabetes risk
  • Blood pressure
  • Body composition

See the poster for more information on dates, times, locations and how you can set up an appointment to be screened. You can even earn a "Good For You" cash rebate just by participating!

Dear Employees,

Beginning August 9, 2021, Jordan School District is making additional leave days available for all employees who test positive for COVID-19 and are required to isolate. This additional leave will be available through the end of the school year on June 30, 2022. Below is a summary of steps an employee should take to utilize this isolation leave.

  • The employee stays home due to illness, notifies their supervisor, and requests a substitute as needed.
  • A benefit-eligible employee records their leave time in Skyward.
  • The employee gets a COVID-19 test.
  • If the test is positive, the employee notifies their supervisor and then submits their positive test result to in Human Resources.
  • The employee will receive an email acknowledgement.
  • Leave days previously reported in Skyward from the date of the positive test result going forward will be adjusted to Isolation Leave by the District.

The employee isolates as directed by the Salt Lake County Health Department.

Isolation Leave is also available for the following situations where a positive test result is submitted as indicated above:

  • The employee never had symptoms but tests positive. The isolation period for this situation is up to 10 calendar days from the day they tested positive.
  • The employee is the caregiver of an individual in their household who is required to isolate due to a positive test result and the employee needs to care for the isolated individual.

Isolation Leave ends when any of the following occurs:

  • They are no longer required to isolate OR
  • They have utilized 10 isolation leave days OR
  • Until June 30, 2022

Part-time employees testing positive will have pay adjusted to offset average wages lost for the time they are required to isolate, or up to 10 days.

Home Tests

During the months of October, November and December, the Jordan School District teacher substitutes worked extra hours to provide coverage for teacher absences!   The willingness of our teacher substitutes to increase the number of days worked during the past several months was remarkable and greatly appreciated.

The teacher substitute bonuses were distributed to the substitutes who qualified.  If there are any questions regarding the teacher substitute bonus, please contact Juli Martin at or by phone at 801-567-8219.  

The 2021 teacher substitute bonus was so successful that it is being EXTENDED through the end of the school year, with bonuses announced each month for the following month.   For January, teacher substitutes with NO CANCELLATIONS and who qualify as outlined below, will be paid on February 10, 2022.  The January substitute tiered incentives are as follows:

  • 16 days worked in January = $275
  • 14 days worked in January = $175
  • 11 days worked in January = $100
  • 8 days worked in January = $50

Benefit eligible teacher substitutes working full time at various schools throughout the Jordan School District, DO NOT QUALIFY for the monthly substitute bonus, since they are required to work every school (contract) day.  

Please help us show appreciation to our valued substitutes for their dedication, assistance and service to Jordan School District.  

Jan. 2022 LETRS Updates

  • Ronna Hoffman is no longer the person to contact with questions regarding LETRS. Bev Griffith is the new person to contact. Her phone number is 801-567-8466.
  • REMINDER: EVERYONE MUST complete the in-person session for Unit 1 by the end of February 2022. If you haven’t signed up for a session, please do so immediately!

Please visit the LETRS Information web page for any questions you may have. It is updated regularly. Access it from the Teaching & Learning Home page or the T&L Literacy Page.

Jan. 2022 Elementary Social Studies Newsletter
Elementary Social Studies Toolbox Newsletter CoverIt is time again for the Elementary Social Studies Newsletter!  This month you can find some resources for the 130th anniversary of Ellis Island, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Did you know that last February the Utah State Legislature created a resolution on Holocaust Education in the schools?  They have asked all schools at all grade levels to teach age appropriate material about the Holocaust.  Students should not wait until they are learning about world history to learn about the Holocaust.  This month’s newsletter has a picture book lesson that could be used at all grade levels to begin teaching students about the Holocaust.

You will also find some informational texts that could be used in your Walk to Read Enrichment groups.  You will find: Farmers (1st grade), Saving Money (2nd grade), Recycling (3rd grade), Claire Ferguson: Utah’s First Female Sheriff (4th grade), Trail of Tears (5th Grade), and Johannes Gutenberg (6th grade).

Don’t forget to sign up for the picture book drawing.

Jan. 2022 Be Well CoverCheck out the Jan. 2022 Be Well newsletter from EMI. Stories include:

  • New Year’s Health Check - Hoping to achieve better wellness in the new year? Move into 2022 by looking forward to strengthening your physical and mental health. This is where an annual exam can be vital for detection and prevention of medical problems.
  • Seasonal Flavors -  It’s a smart idea to add more vegetables and fruit to your diet, yet about 90% of Americans fall below the recommended intake for vegetables, and 80% don’t eat enough fruit. Aim for two and a half cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit per day.
  • Protect Your Online Life - Technology is part of our daily life, but unfortunately, Search for the HTTPS and lock symbol in the web address; it means there are always people who are looking to hack our systems, that the connection between your web browser and the website server are encrypted.
  • Have the January blahs got you down? - Maybe you’re tired after the holidays, you’ve packed on some extra pounds or watched once-enthusiastic New Year’s resolutions disappear. Take heart and take action to avoid the blahs.
  • Relief for Relationship Fatigue -  Keeping relationships vibrant and healthy after several years is not always easy. Stress, whether it comes from separation from one’s extended family, job loss or other changes, can make it even more difficult to keep a relationship humming along smoothly.

To receive the monthly Be Well Newsletter via email and check out back issues, please visit the EMI Hope Health Newsletter page.

We have four events scheduled for the month of January! See attached for workshop flyers and details outlined below. Please forward this email to your employees.

  • Topic: Technologies & Families
  • Topic: Anxiety Group (Mondays)
    • Date: Jan. 17 – Feb. 14
    • Date: 5:30 – 7 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!
    • Register at:
    • Additional Information: Each week, Group #1 and Group #2 will cover the same information. Participants only need to register for one group, but have access to attend either one that week (whichever is more convenient for their schedule).
  • Topic: Addiction & The Brain
  • Topic: Anxiety Group (Fridays)
    • Date: Jan. 21 – Feb. 18
    • Date: 5:30 – 7 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!
    • Register at:
    • Additional Information: Each week, Group #1 and Group #2 will cover the same information. Participants only need to register for one group, but have access to attend either one that week (whichever is more convenient for their schedule).

Here are recent updates to the testing locations in Salt Lake County. These locations can also be found on the Salt Lake County Health Department website and the Utah Department of Health testing map.

South Hills Middle School
13508 4000 W, Riverton, UT 84065
Monday through Friday
3:45 to 6:00 p.m.
Testing in portable by bus circle at south end of the school.

(Due to Winter Break no testing will be done from December 20th to January 2nd)

Salt Lake Public Health Center
610 South 200 East
Monday through Friday
9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ENTER FROM 200 EAST under "TB Clinic" sign. Park on street or in lot west of building. DO NOT ENTER on west side.

Rose Park Elementary
1105 West 1000 North
Monday through Friday
2:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Testing in back room near Intermountain Health Care's Family Health Center. Park on 1000 North and walk in.

(Due to Winter Break no testing will be done from December 20th to January 2nd)

Thomas Jefferson Jr. High
5850 South 5600 West
Monday through Friday
2:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Testing in seminary building on NE corner of property. Park in school or seminary lot.

  • Person inserts coin in piggy bank401k/403b/457 Elective Deferral Limit
    $27,000 - catch up limit $6,500 (age 50 or over)
  • Traditional and Roth IRA Contribution Limit
    $7,000 - catch up limit $1,000 (age 50 or over)
  • Health Savings Account (HSA) Contribution Limit
    $3,650 single coverage
    $4,650 - catch up limit $1,000 (age 55 or over)
    $7,300 family coverage
    $8,300 - catch up limit $1,000 (age 55 or over)