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Due to the District Office closing for Winter Recess at the end of the day on Friday, Dec. 20, and not returning until Jan. 2, 2020, the Payroll Department is making the following recommendations:

  1. If you need to close your bank account, please call Payroll immediately.
  2. Paychecks are available for viewing in Employee Access on Wednesday, Dec 18.
    Please review your pay check and call Payroll immediately with any questions or concerns.  (801) 567-8155.
    If you need help logging into your Employee Access, call the help desk at 801-567-8737.
  3. Payday is on Dec. 20.

The Payroll Department will resume work on Jan. 2, 2020 and will be available if you have any questions.

Thank you for your efforts in assisting Payroll.

The following are new administrative assignments. As of January, all elementary schools will have a half-time or full-time assistant principal. We anticipate that administrative appointments for Hidden Valley Middle School and the new elementary school in West Jordan will be announced in January.

  • Assignments Effective Jan. 21, 2020

    • Brian Rambadt, teacher at Fort Herriman Middle, appointed assistant principal at Sunset Ridge Middle School, replacing Caleb Olson.
    • Jody DeLand, computer technology teacher at South Jordan Middle School, appointed assistant principal at a location to be determined.
    • Jennifer Jarrard, teacher specialist in Special Education, appointed assistant principal at a location to be determined.
  • Assignments Effective Jan. 6, 2020
    • Jay Eads, teacher specialist in Teaching & Learning, appointed assistant principal at Mountain Point & Westland Elementary Schools.
    • Michelle Kilcrease, consultant in Teaching & Learning, appointed assistant principal at Copper Canyon & Mountain Shadows Elementary Schools.
    • Ross Menlove, administrator on special assignment in Teaching & Learning, appointed as a part time assistant principal at Ridgeview Elementary School.
    • Allyson Stovall, administrator on special assignment in Teaching & Learning, appointed assistant principal at Southland & Welby Elementary Schools.
    • Jerri Crawford, assistant principal at Southland & Oquirrh Elementary Schools, appointed as a full time assistant principal at Oquirrh Elementary School.
    • Angela Jones, assistant principal at Golden Fields & Heartland Elementary Schools, appointed as a full time  assistant principal at Heartland Elementary School.
    • Franco Preston, assistant principal at Bastian & Welby Elementary Schools, appointed assistant principal at Bastian & Majestic Elementary Schools.
    • Garett York, assistant principal at Columbia & Westvale Elementary Schools, appointed as a full time assistant principal at Westvale Elementary.
    • Kathryn Crandall, intern assistant principal in Granite School District, appointed assistant principal at Columbia & Golden Fields Elementary Schools.

If you have questions about your Medicare and Social Security benefits, please join us for this important presentation that will give you the facts you need about future benefits.

The presentation will be held on Jan. 8, 2020, 6 p.m. at the Auxiliary Services Building Presentation Room. For questions, please contact the Insurance Department at 801-567-8255.

Upcoming presentation flyer - details in post and PDF

If you are looking for an opportunity to support the Jordan Education Foundation’s annual “Christmas for Kids,” this is one option.

Jersey Mike's is having a fundraiser to benefit “Christmas for Kids” Monday evening, Dec. 9 from 4-6 p.m.  Patrons can receive a free sub with any donation of $5 or more. All proceeds go toward “Christmas for Kids.”

Foundation Fundraiser with Jersey Mike's

Before Using a Link, Take Another Look

Use caution before clicking on links you have received through email or instant messenger. Even if the link text looks like a URL, the link could be going somewhere else. Instead, move your mouse pointer over the link without clicking on it. Look at where the link is going in the status bar. If the link is not going where it should be or is pointing to a file (such as a .exe), don’t click on the link.

Valued Licensed Employee:

The Human Resource Department is contacting you with important information regarding upcoming events and opportunities.

Teachers and other educators whose license will expire on June 30, 2020, are encouraged to begin the license renewal process IMMEDIATELY by going to the USBE website. Personal letters regarding license renewal information have already been sent out. Keep in mind that there is no background cost to the employee.

EARLY NOTIFICATION (Resignation/Retirement)
Employees resigning/retiring at the end of the current contract year that gives official early notification of resignation/retirement will be eligible for a tiered incentive. To qualify, the notification must be submitted online on or before the following dates:

  • Dec. 15, 2019 $500.00
  • Jan. 15, 2020 $300.00
  • Feb. 15, 2020 $200.00

The incentive will be paid on the last regular paycheck. Notifications of resignation/retirement received after the dates listed above will not qualify for an incentive. The official District resignation/retirement notification form is found in Skyward Employee Access under Task Processes. Please see District policy DP318 for more detailed information regarding resignations. If you do not know your Skyward username or password please contact the Help Desk at 801-567-8737.

The dates of the Teacher Transfer Fairs below are for current Jordan School District teachers seeking a new teaching opportunity! The transfer fair will be combined for both elementary and secondary teachers. Please have copies of your resume available to distribute. Your District ID badge is required. Come explore your options!

Transfer Fair Elementary and Secondary
Feb. 19, 2020
Elk Ridge Middle School (gym)
3659 9800 S,
South Jordan, UT 84009
4:00-6:30 p.m.

Schools who have “hard to fill” or “known vacancies” for 2020-21, may advertise those positions immediately by contacting HR. These positions will be posted for a minimum of five working days before hiring.

  • “Hard to fill openings” include math, special education, psychologists, SLP’s, DLI, physics, chemistry, biology, earth systems, integrated science, agriculture, computer programming, health science, auto & diesel technology, Title 1, engineering, and
  • Feb. 19 - Feb. 28 Teacher Transfer Fair & Early Transfer Window
  • March 2, 2020- General Hiring & Transfer Window

Good news! The STEM Endorsement Incentive Program (STEM EIP) application is now open for ALL remaining applications for the 2019-2020 school year. This includes applications for teachers who plan to take STEM EIP courses during the Spring Semester as well as those who have completed courses between July 1, 2019 and December 30, 2019 who did not already submit an application. This application cycle is OPEN NOW and will close on DEC 4, 2019.

*Qualifications for educators:

  • Public educator on a current teaching contract.
  • Course(s) is required for one of the approved STEM Endorsements.
  • Course(s) must be at least 3 credit hours from an accredited institution of higher education.
  • Submitted course(s) must have a grade of C or better.
  • Elementary Endorsement Course(s): Tuition and materials reimbursement of up to $500 per course. If you are pursuing an elementary endorsement, contact your district or charter curriculum director for more information.
  • Secondary Endorsement Course(s): Tuition and materials reimbursement of up to $1200 per course.
  • Transcript must be attached showing course(s), credit hours, and grade(s).
  • Course(s) highlighted on transcript.
  • Receipt(s) must be attached showing tuition and material costs.
  • Course must be taken during the Spring of 2020 and completed prior to June 30, 2020.*
    *For this application cycle only, you may also apply if you missed the Sept. 27 application deadline and have completed a course AFTER July 1, 2019 or are currently taking a course during the Fall of 2019.

* Please look over the Frequently Asked Questions Document for common questions and answers. If you have additional questions, please contact Jane Harward.

If you want to apply for this STEM Reimbursement, please complete the Google Form.

  • Teacher Application

The income tax withheld from bonus income is often more than the income tax withheld from your regular pay. The IRS withholds tax on your bonus income by applying your regular tax rate to your combined salary and bonus income.  Although your regular rate is applied in this scenario, combining your salary and bonus on one check could put you in a higher withholding bracket, causing the tax allocated to your bonus to actually be higher than the regular rate.

IRS Withholding Calculator
Gather your most recent pay stub and use the IRS Withholding Calculator on the IRS website to estimate the number of allowances you should claim.  The calculator asks for an estimate of the federal income tax withheld from your pay to date, including bonuses.  Estimate that the amount withheld from your bonus will be 25 percent.  If the calculator results show you should adjust your W-4 allowances, you’ll see a message with the number of allowances to claim on line 5 of your W-4.

How to Complete Your W-4 Form
The Form W-4 can be downloaded from the IRS or Payroll Department’s website.  Complete sections 1 through 3 with your name, address, Social Security number and marital status, and calculated withholding adjustments.  This form must be turned in to the Payroll Department to take effect.  Please do not email this form.

CAUTION:  If you choose to change your W-4 form for a bonus payment, it is critical that you understand the possible tax implications.  Remember to submit a new W-4 form with your regular withholding allowances after you receive the bonus income.  If you fail to change your allowances back, you could have insufficient withholding for the rest of the year, which could result in a hefty tax bill when you file your next tax return.  Changing your tax withholding for a pay period is always an option, but you should make sure that you have the right information to ensure that your reporting goes as smoothly as possible.  The withholding on the W-4 affects your entire paycheck, not just the bonus.

Each year the Jordan Education Foundation partners with the South Jordan Chamber and Walmart to provide a modest holiday shopping experience for deserving middle & high school students in our District.

This year the event will take place on December 14 at 7 a.m. at the Walmart Supercenter in South Jordan. We are in need of caring, adult chaperones who can be at the event and take a student around the store to shop for some of their needs and wants.  Chaperones will need to arrive at the event at 6:30am.

If you are interested, please sign up at  Thank you!

Please take a moment to share your feedback and preferences regarding proposed Jordan School District calendars for the upcoming school year. The calendars include options for shorter or longer fall, winter, and spring recesses throughout the year as well as different school start dates.

The feedback submitted by you through this survey will be used by the Calendar Committee to help inform the creation of future calendars. The survey will close on Monday, November 18th, at 11:59 P.M.

Please use the link below to access the survey


Additional information about the calendar development process and current school calendars is available at

Thank you again for sharing your feedback!

Need to Know - Who do you call when issues arise?You are invited to share the following information about the upcoming Jordan Parent University.

This event is free and open to the public and is focused on who do you call when issues arise.

  • A panel discussion with teachers, counselors, and administrators.
  • Receive guidance and resources to help parents with various issues facing students.
  • Possible topics include: academics, social emotional, school issues, class credits, nutrition, transportation, etc.

Jordan Parent University will be held Thursday, Nov. 21 from 7 – 8 p.m. at Mountain Creek Middle, 5325 W. Bingham Rim Road, South Jordan.

You have questions, we have answersTeachers, please enjoy short 30-minute modules on PD Bites from ALS! See the attached flyer for details. If you don't see a bite that you want, please let us know what you would like, and we'll cook one up, just for you!

Visit ALS PD Bites at and sign up through JPLS.

  • Free and easy to use
  • Complete at you own pace
  • Receive relicensure credit
  • SIOP and ESL ideas you may have forgotten
  • Go-to strategies and instruction for English Learners and ALL students

Call Tammy Fulmer at 801-567-8306!

In partnership with USBE, the Utah Education Policy Center, and with support from the Governor’s Office of Education, the Utah Teacher Fellows are collecting data on teacher mentoring & retention in Utah classrooms to inform state policy.

To participate, please check your email for one titled, " Utah Educator Career and Pathway Survey Invitation."  The survey will take approximately 15 minutes or less to complete. Your responses are confidential. Your identity will not be disclosed in any oral or written reports.  Your participation in this survey is voluntary. By taking the survey, you will provide essential information that informs policy and practice in Utah.

If you don't see this email, please check the email address listed in CACTUS and make sure it's current: Whatever email address is listed in CACTUS is where the survey went. If you update your email address in CACTUS, a new link to the survey can be sent to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Andrea Rorrer or Dr. Yongmei Ni at the Utah Education Policy Center at 801-581-4207 or or

The following administrative assignments made by District administration:

  • Karl McKenzie, teacher specialist in the Special Education Department, appointed assistant principal at Kauri Sue Hamilton School, effective Nov. 4.
  • Scott Festin, senior planner/demographics at Wasatch Front Regional Council, appointed Planning & Enrollment consultant in the Student Services Department, effective as soon as possible.
  • Garrett York, intern assistant principal at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Granite School District, appointed elementary assistant principal - assignment to be determined,  effective as soon as possible.
  • Caleb Olson, assistant principal at Sunset Ridge Middle School, be appointed Planning & Enrollment consultant in the Student Services Department, effective as Jan. 17, 2020 or as soon as possible.

Come join Utah Retirement Systems for an informational webinar on your retirement benefits.  The following webinars are available in November, and December for URS members to attend:

Tier 2 Choice
If you’re within the first year on the job, you’ve got a big decision for your financial future. This webinar will help you understand your retirement choice between the Tier 2 Hybrid Retirement System and the Tier 2 401(k) Option.
November 12, 2:00 p.m. » Register Now

Tier 2 401(k) Option
This is an overview of your benefit if you have selected the Tier 2 401(k) Option and have more than one year of service.
December 5, 11:00 a.m. » Register Now

Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8-hour training for adults to teach how to help adolescents and young adults who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it helps trainees identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

Date: Oct. 21, 2019
Time: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building,
Room 113, 7905 S Redwood Road, West Jordan
Cost:  FREE!

To register: contact Sharon Steadman or 385-285-0322

Free Social & Emotional Wellness Screening for StudentsJordan School District is offering offering free free Social & Emotional Wellness Screening for Students (Ages 10-18) on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at Heartland Elementary, with appointments every 30 minutes between 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.

  • At each event, licensed professionals will:
    • Discuss possible mental and behavioral health needs for your child.
    • Connect students and families to community resources.
  • These screenings are by appointment only. Space is limited.
    • Screening process takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.
    • Interpreters will be available upon request.
    • Food & drinks will be provided.

Visit to schedule an appointment or contact Holly Todd at 801-567-8194 or

Supercast - The Jordan School District Podcast

Getting the Forecast Right Can Bring More Sunshine Into Your Child’s Life
How can parents help manage the fear and uncertainty that comes with a new school year, new environments and new friendships?

Superintendent Anthony Godfrey sits down with JSD Health and Wellness Specialist McKinley Withers to talk about managing change in our child’s life and offers some ways to help overcome the social health crisis we are seeing in students today.