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The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignment effective January 3, 2023:

  • Katie Jarvis, administrative intern at River’s Edge appointed assistant principal at River’s Edge.

New Assignments effective as soon as possible:

  • Steffany Ellsworth, Support Services Lead in Information Systems appointed Support Services Manager in Information Systems.

New Assignments effective February 21, 2023:

  • Derek Bennett, administrative intern at Mountain Ridge High appointed assistant principal at West Jordan High, replacing Howard Griffith who is retiring.
  • Curtis Hagen, Staff Assistant at Auxiliary Services appointed assistant principal at Mountain Ridge High, replacing Derek Bennett.
  • Tim McConnell, retired administrator in Park City School District appointed assistant principal at Ridge View Elementary.

New Assignments effective July 1, 2023:

  • Michael Hutchings, assistant principal at West Jordan High appointed principal at West Jordan High, replacing James Birch who is retiring.
  • Rachel Hill, administrative intern at West Jordan High appointed assistant principal at West Jordan High, replacing Michael Hutchings.
  • Tamara Rajczyk, consultant in Special Education appointed principal at South Valley, replacing Rita Bouillon who is retiring.
  • Jennifer Ludlow, principal at West Jordan Elementary appointed principal at Oquirrh Elementary, replacing Shauna Worthington who is approved for a Sabbatical leave.
  • Abram Yospe, principal at Columbia Elementary appointed principal at Foothills Elementary, replacing Cherie Wilson who is retiring.
  • Keith Klein, principal at Etna Elementary in Lincoln County School District in Afton, WY appointed principal at Columbia Elementary, replacing Abram Yospe.
  • Vaega Toilolo, administrative intern at Bingham High appointed assistant principal at an assignment TBD.
  • Russell Stephenson, administrative intern at Joel P. Jensen Middle and Oquirrh Hills Middle appointed assistant principal at an assignment TBD.
  • Jessica Wilson, administrative intern at South Hills Middle and South Valley appointed assistant principal at an assignment TBD.
  • Jessica Hayes, administrative intern at Child Development Center appointed assistant principal at an assignment TBD.
  • Thyme Meleisea-Vea, administrative intern at Oak Leaf Elementary appointed assistant principal at an assignment TBD.
  • Angela Solum, assistant principal at Riley Elementary in Salt Lake School District appointed assistant principal at an assignment TBD.
  • Janae Young, administrative intern at Aspen Elementary appointed assistant principal at an assignment TBD.

Feb. 2023 Language & Culture Services NewsletterThe full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

Celebrate Black History Month!
Taking a month out of the year to celebrate and recognize Black History, does not mean it's not important the other 11 months of the year. February is given to us to truly reach out and learn something new that we hadn’t known before. American and World history is so vast that as Dr. John Henrik Clarke states, “What we call Black history truly is the missing pages of world history.” The fact that many countries celebrate Black History demonstrates the many perspectives that should be honored when sharing pieces of the story in the History books. I always find myself in the habit of reading a historical story and wondering, “I wonder what was happening with the rest of the country during this time? What were the families from other cultures doing during that time? People suddenly don’t disappear when the Great Depression happened, but the schoolbooks certainly omitted a lot of people.”

Black History Month isn’t just for Black People to learn and engage with information. It’s for everyone. Half of the things we interact daily with were and are created by Black People: gas masks, protective mailboxes, the stoplight, automatic elevator doors, blood banks, home security systems, refrigerated trucks, the super soaker, tissue holders, clothes dryer, folding chairs, golf tea…. I could go on, Google can help you finish this exhaustive list. Because of that fact, everyone should take the time to learn about the people and culture behind the inventions.

The one thing I do each year is find an area that I want to learn more about surrounding Black History. The information is so vast, and I always received the Civil Rights information in school that I wanted to learn more beyond the struggle of gaining our alienable rights that were already bestowed upon Americans. Each year, I find a focus: famous Black poets, Black entrepreneurs, eras like the Harlem Renaissance or Motown.. each time I learn something new. I challenge everyone to do this. What do you not know too much about? With the amount of information on Google and YouTube, the possibilities are endless. If it still overwhelms you, simply go through the National Museum of African American History and Cultures website. This national treasure that is seated in DC has a plethora of information. Learn, grow, and know Black History is American History.

Culture Corner Set up a culture consultation!
Contact our Culture, Diversity, and Parent Outreach specialists to set up a consultation for you, your PLC, or your school. The CDO team can support you in the following ways:

  • Support for critical conversations (You are planning on a lesson that you anticipate will include critical conversations)
  • Training on critical conversation facilitation
  • Have the culture and diversity team come teach a lesson
  • Small group pull-out (no more than 10)

ELLevation Tips & Tricks
Teachers can easily add Activities to their Favorites folder for future viewing and lesson planning. There are two ways to favorite an Activity:

  1. While browsing: click the Favorite button located at the bottom left of each Activity card.
  2. In an Activity: click the Favorite button found on the left of the top bar.

After an Activity has been favored, you can access it by clicking on the left navigation slide-out menu.

ELD Lead Celebration
This month we are highlighting Angie Larson with Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle school! She is in her first year as an ELD lead and has done an excellent job of creating online content accessible to all students. She makes sure every student at the virtual middle school is getting the support they need to find success through their online learning. Thank you, Angie for being such a great example to your students and to our district!

Reflective Questions

  • What helps my students feel cared for and appreciated?
  • What can I do to show them how they are cared about?
  • How are my students represented in my curriculum and classroom?
  • How do I celebrate my student's diverse backgrounds?

Feb. 2023 EMI Health NewsletterCheck out the Feb. 2023 EMI Health newsletter. Stories include:

  • Life’s Essential 8 - Getting enough sleep? A duration of seven to nine hours daily for adults, and more for children, is considered necessary for good health, according to the American Heart Association’s (AHA) new Life’s Essential 8. Because of sleep’s importance to our well-being, the AHA has added healthy sleep to its previously seven key components of heart health.
  • Snacks vs. Treats - Three daily meals may not keep you energized all day, but snacks help fill the hunger gap. Despite criticism from the dieting community, snacks are a good idea science supports.
  • Focus on Your Food - Instead of scarfing down copious amounts of food between meals, choose nutritious snacks and eat them mindfully. That means enjoying snacks without distractions, such as your TV, smartphone or computer screen. Choose a snack- sized bag or serve yourself a portion on a plate or bowl, rather than eating out of a family-size box or bag, which may cause you to mindlessly overeat past your fullness cue. Serving yourself helps with portion control. Remember to enjoy every bite.
  • Lessons in Monotasking - Do you often have trouble focusing on mental tasks without getting distracted? You’re not alone: Harvard Business has reported that the average person is mentally distracted or interrupted every 40 seconds while working a computer. Social media, shopping, videos, games and other online options are designed to hold your attention — with a major cost to your focus and productivity.

Dear Employees,

Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication supporting students and their education in Jordan School District. To promote personal wellness for our employees, Friday, February 10, will be our second annual Health and Wellness Day for employees, students, and families. You can review all the Health & Wellness Day information at

2023 Employee Health & Wellness Day PosterWhat is Wellness Day?

An opportunity for JSD employees to prioritize their personal wellness by being: 

  • Curious: using the day to try something new or learn a new strategy that could enhance your personal and professional wellness.
  • Intentional: proactively planning to meet your unique wellness needs.
  • United: spending time building relationships and strengthening work connections.

Please know the District will be providing a Health and Wellness curriculum directly  to parents and students so employees can take the day to focus on their own Health and Wellness. For information on this curriculum, visit

As an employee, you can choose to participate in Health and Wellness Day in one of three ways. 

  • You can use the time to catch up. There will be no required meetings or student interactions on February 10. School meals and busing will not be provided
  • We will have optional resources available throughout the day to help you focus on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We will be sponsoring both virtual and in-person activities designed to help you connect with other employees and focus on your wellness. There will be a Wellness Day Challenge sheet provided with suggestions for personal wellness activities. Participants who submit their challenge sheet will be entered into a drawing for great prizes including a vacation from GetAway Today!
  • You can choose to access annual leave or vacation time to take the day off without worrying about getting a substitute. Absences will not count against no-pay-day limits and low absence incentive thresholds.

The Health and Wellness Day is for every employee. The Board has allocated funds for each school and department to provide a breakfast or lunch for employees during the week of February 6 - 10.

In addition, between February 10 and February 16, we have arranged with SWIG for each employee to receive one free menu item when you show your badge at any SWIG location in Jordan District boundaries. If you prefer a hot beverage like coffee or hot chocolate, fill out the request form at:

Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to students and education.

Swig FlyerAs part of the 2023 Health & Wellness Day, Swig week will run from Feb. 10-16. Every JSD employee will be able to receive one free menu item when you show your Employee ID badge at the location of your choice.

Participating Locations:
Oquirrh - 11528 S 4000 W #101, South Jordan
Trail Crossing - 5462 W Daybreak Pkwy., Ste H1, South Jordan
South Jordan - 1573 W 11400 South, South Jordan
West Jordan - 3173 W. 7800 South W, West Jordan

Hours of operation for all four locations:
Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m - 9:30 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. - 10:30 p.m, Sunday - Closed

Substitutes may obtain a JSD Honorary ID badge from a receptionist at the District Office from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Soft drink not your thing? 
Sign up for a free coffee or hot chocolate from 7-Eleven at

Many career roles require a working knowledge of the law, but 3 years of law school may be out of reach. The University of Utah Master of Legal Studies (MLS) program offers a cutting-edge curriculum that immerses students in the law and the intricacies of the U.S. legal system without investing three years to earn a J.D. Bolster your legal acumen and advance in your current role or expand your employment prospects in a wide range of professions. Priority application deadline is April 1st. Final application deadline is June 30th.

The University of Utah college of law also offers "microcredentials" in specific skills areas, including STANDALONE MEDIATION TRAININGS. We currently offer two microcredential courses in mediation that qualify individuals to be court-rostered mediators. Information can be found here.

Watch the informational videos below to learn more about this exciting program! Questions? Contact us at

View Our Past Webinars:

Sign up for future informational webinars

Each year, the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals (UAESP) gives the Jordan Association of Elementary School Principals (JAESP) the opportunity to celebrate elementary principals for the great work they are doing in their schools. Principals may be nominated for awards in the following categories:

  • Rookie of the Year
  • Innovator of the Year
  • Community Leader of the Year
  • Student Advocate Principal of the Year
  • Instructional Leader of the Year
  • Principal Mentor of the Year

Recipients of the National Distinguished Principal of the Year and Assistant Principal of the Year have already been chosen and will be recognized soon.

If you feel that a principal has done exceptional work in one of these areas, we invite you to nominate them for an award through this survey. 

All nominations are due Feb. 10, 2023. Please remember this is for elementary principals only. The following principals are ineligible to be nominated, because they have received an award during the last three school years:

Garett York, Theresa Christensen, Tiffany Smith, Ross Menlove, Megan Cox, Cherie Wilson, Odette Desmarais, Buddy Alger, Shauna Worthington, Courtney Titus, Bobbie Nixon, Jennifer Ludlow, Ann Pessetto, Laurie Goodsell, Suzie Williams, Ken Westwood, Aaron Ichimura, Amanda Edwards, Nick Hansen, Joel Pullan, Ronna Hoffman

After all nominations have been received, the JAESP board will present the awards to each recipient at their own school. Recipients will then be eligible for state level awards in the same category through UAESP.

Thank you for taking time to nominate exceptional elementary principals!

ParaPro Assessment FlyerHow To Become “Highly Qualified” and Receive a Lane Change Increase

ParaPro Testing is optional for most school locations but required for all Title I school locations. Applicants/Employees interested in working at a Title I school may contact the Title I school principal for additional testing options.

Tank you to principals/assistant principals, directors, JESPA volunteers, HR assistants and the Office of Communications for promoting and participating in the first Jordan School District Job Fair! It was a great success, as it resulted in the hiring of numerous new applicants for open positions throughout the District. A total of 207 households were in attendance and a total of 59 applications were completed in Frontline during and after the Job Fair. We are certain there will be more applications completed in the near future as a result of the Job Fair.

A special thanks to Oquirrh Hills Middle for hosting this event and also to those who served as interpreters. The success of this event was due to the efforts of many individuals and groups. Thank you all again for your contributions.

Feb. 2023 Moreton & Company Health Insights NewsletterThis month’s newsletter focuses on heart health through positive habits and informed decision-making. We’ll take a look at hypertension and the damage that smoking can do, and give you helpful tips through our Healthy Habits Calendar. Take charge of improving your health with our 4-week walking challenge and a heart-smart Kale & Red Quinoa Soup recipe. Click below for your copy of February’s health insights.

  • Paycheck iconPayroll Due: Feb. 2
  • Direct Dep Changes by: Feb. 9
  • View Pay Check: Feb. 22
  • Pay Day: Feb. 24

True Time Deadlines

  • Date Range: Jan 2 – Feb 5
  • Employee Submittal: Feb 8
  • First Approval: Feb 10
  • Final Approval:Feb 14

Health & Wellness Virtual Day - Feb 10
All employees must record a leave day if absent.

Substitute Deadlines | Semi Monthly

  • Date Range Jan. 16 - 31
  • School Deadline: Feb 1
  • Dept Deadline: Feb 2 (noon)
  • Pay Day: Feb 10
  • Date Range Feb 1-15
  • School Deadline: Feb 16
  • Dept Deadline: Feb 17 (noon)
  • Pay Day: Feb 24

School Holidays

  • Washington & Lincoln Day Recess: Feb 20

As Per DP335(B) and DP335 NEG:  Contracted employees who have not been approved by Human Resources for using an annual/personal day before or after a holiday may be docked (licensed $144 or ESP 40% of their daily rate) unless the leave reason is listed as an exception in policy.

An explanation of exception must be written in the time off description box.

Please refer to policy for further clarification.

Parent/Teacher Conference

  • Elementary (evening): Feb 22 & 23
    (comp day Feb 24)
  • Middle & High (evening): Feb 15 & 16
    (comp day Feb 17)

Annual leave days may not be used during parent/teacher conferences.

Feb. 2023 Incidental Learning NewsletterThe JSD Teachers for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Team has created a monthly newsletter.  The full newsletter for February can be found at the link below. Stories include:

  • Concentration Fatigue - DHH students…”Require more concentration to understand what is being said. Since they are compensating for their hearing loss, they tend to exhaust their visual senses. Some students may channel their fatigue through their behavior, others may tune out. Many students will get headaches, yawn, nod off, or glance around the room to stay awake or to give their eyes a moment to relax. Be conscious of increased eye fatigue when screen time is heavily used for instruction. Allow frequent breaks.” - Michaela Pattie
  • Tricks to Try - Build in natural listening breaks. This can be done by switching between learning methods such as whole group, independent, or partner work etc. Encourage fresh air, low background noise, and minimized communication when possible.

Huntsman Cancer Institute BusAs part of the upcoming Health & Wellness Day, Insurance Services has arranged for mobile mammography appointments at the District Office and Auxiliary Service Building.

It is very important that you schedule the correct mammogram.  Intermountain will be for anyone on the Advantage Network and Huntsman will be for anyone on the Summit Network.  Even if you are not on the District's insurance, you are encouraged to call the two providers and verify that they take your insurance and take advantage of this quick and easy way to get your mammogram done.

PEHP - Advantage Network
Intermountain Healthcare - Feb. 9 & 10 - ASB | 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Please request your mobile mammography day appointment by going to the Intermountain Mobile Mammography website or calling 1-833-MAMMOGO.

PEHP - Summit Network
Huntsman Cancer Institute - Feb. 13 - ASB | 9 a.m. - 4:20 p.m. | Feb. 15 - District Office | 9 a.m. - 4:20 p.m.
To sign up for the Huntsman Cancer Institute Mammo Bus, please call the Jordan Insurance Department 801-567-8146 or stop by their area at the District Office.

If you are uninsured and low income, you may qualify for charitable vouchers run through the State Department of Health and Human Services.

2nd Grade Night Out FlyerAll second-grade teachers, coaches, and administrators are invited to join the literacy team for Second-Grade Night Out on February 1st at 4:15 at South Jordan Middle School. This month we will be talking about vocabulary instruction and best practices for second-grade teachers. Please join us for this informative and fun evening! Please share the attached flier with anyone who may be interested in attending.

Our Legacy PosterBlack History Month is a time of reflection, recognition, and rejoicing on the achievements that African Americans have made in history. Rejoicing and celebrating in the hope for a better tomorrow for all generations and recognizing the life lessons and legacy of our ancestors and be thankful for their sacrifice.

The Black Student Union and Multicultural Clubs of Jordan District invite you to a fun celebration to kick off Black History Month on Friday, Jan. 27 from 6 - 8 p.m. at Elk Ridge Middle. Dr. Tamara Stevenson, President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & C.D.O. at Westminster College is the Keynote speaker.

The final sessions of LETRS training offered by USBE are available for registration. No new sessions will be added so it is important that all teachers who are taking LETRS training through USBE register for the sessions they need ASAP.

  • Unit 5, MIDAS #60810 (General Registration) Aug. 2022 through Feb. 2023
    No additional unit 5 sections will be added after this unit has ended.
    MIDAS #60810 enrollment link
  • Unit 6, MIDAS #60788 (General Registration) Oct. 2022 through April 2023
    No additional unit 6 sections will be added after this unit has ended.
    MIDAS #60788 enrollment link
  • Unit 7, MIDAS #60789 (General Registration) Jan. 2023 through June 2023
    No additional unit 7 sections will be added after this unit has ended.
    MIDAS #60789 enrollment link
  • Unit 8, MIDAS #60790 (General Registration) March 2023 through Sept. 2023
    No additional unit 8 sections will be added after this unit has ended.
    MIDAS #60790 enrollment link

Save the Date - Grow with Us Job FairExplore endless opportunities in education at the Jordan Job Fair on Wednesday, Jan. 25 from 6 – 8 p.m. at Oquirrh Hills Middle.

Find out about openings for school bus drivers, classroom assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers, substitute teachers and more. A representative from all schools and departments throughout the district with open positions will be in attendance.

Healthy Utah PosterStart 2023 by learning how healthy you are! Participate in a Healthy Utah testing session. All employees and spouses covered on the Jordan School District PEHP medical plan are eligible to participate in the health incentive program. Healthy Utah offers a free appointment with a professional staff member.

  1. Get Started - Go to and log in to your member account. If you haven’t created an account previously, you will need your PEHP identification number to create your username and password.
    Once you are logged in click on the Wellness drop down tab. Select “Register for Testing Sessions”. There you are able to schedule a testing session. You can also call Healthy Utah at 801-366-7300 to schedule an appointment.
  2. Get Checked - All employees and spouses covered on the Jordan School District PEHP medical plan are eligible to participate in the health incentive program. Healthy Utah offers a free 30 minute appointment with a professional staff member, which includes these assessments:
    • Cholesterol
    • Diabetes risk
    • Blood pressure
    • Body Composition

    After you receive your biometrics / lab results from Healthy Utah, and take the Health Assessment, you can earn $50 for the “First Steps” annually. You can also see if you’re eligible to receive the $50 “Good for You” rebate.

  3. Get Involved - Participate in a health rebates & the educational opportunities. Step 4 - Stay Fit Participate in a health challenge or other Healthy Utah activity or service.

Here is the Healthy Utah 2023 Testing Schedule:

  • Jan. 20 | District Office Room 129 | 12 - 4 p.m.
  • Feb. 3 | Oakcrest Elementary 1 - 5 p.m.
  • Feb. 10 | Auxiliary Services Building North Auditorium | 1 - 4 p.m.
  • Feb. 15 | Mountain Creek Middle School 1 - 4 p.m.
  • March 8 | Aspen Elementary 12 - 4 p.m.
  • March 15 | Kauri Sue Hamilton 2:30 - 5:30 p.m.

NYL Support Service FlyersNew York Life has partnered with ComPsych to provide financial, legal, estate, and wellness support.  All benefit eligible employees can call 800-344-9752 and tell the customer service representative you are with Jordan School District to receive assistance.  Alternatively, you can go to and use the Web ID: NYLGBS to access resources online.

Jan. 2023 Literacy Matters NewsletterThe Literacy Matters Newsletter has the latest literary updates. Be sure to read this edition to stay connected with literacy. This newsletter includes:

  • Walk to Read Extension Group Support - Our wonderful Gifted and Talented department has created a folder of tips and supports for the resources that were given to schools, such as Jacob's Ladder, Vocabulary Ladders, Byrdseed TV, etc. We encourage coaches and teachers to take a look! If you would like more support, please reach out to Taryn Cox for more training. GT-Walk to Read- Extension Resources.
  • 95 Percent Group - Great news! The Phonics Lesson Library decodable passages are now available to download and print! Coaches can find them by logging in to and clicking on the related PLL. We have also downloaded them into a shared folder for easy access: Decodable Passages. These can be used to supplement the phonics chip kit lessons in Walk to Read or to provide extra practice in classrooms or other WTR groups.
  • Zoom Q&A Meetings for Coaches - The district literacy team will be hosting optional monthly Zoom meetings for coaches who have questions relating to literacy instruction and assessment. Our next meeting will be Monday, January 23rd at 2:00. Coaches can submit questions beforehand via this survey.
  • 6th Grade Acadience & Growth Measure - To facilitate 7th grade reading class placement, middle schools have asked that 6th graders complete MOY Acadience and Growth Measure assessment by Jan. 6.