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PEHP Cost Tools InformationFind Quality Care & Best Value
Finding quality care at the right place is important. PEHP has several cost comparison tools that help you shop for the best providers and the best value. To get started, log in to your PEHP account and click “Find Providers & Costs” in
the top menu.

Find and Compare Providers
Under the “Find a Provider” tab, you can search for doctors and other healthcare providers in your network, see and compare
cost information, and read reviews from other PEHP members. Plus, you can see how often a doctor refers lab work to a costly hospital or lower-cost independent lab.

Find and Compare Healthcare Facilities
Under the “Find a Facility” tab, you can search for healthcare facilities (e.g. hospitals, clinics, surgical centers) in your network, and see and compare cost information.

These cost comparison tools are just one way PEHP strives to make healthcare costs transparent, so you decide where to go for the best care and value.

Compare Medical Costs & Find Cash Back Opportunities
Under the “Compare Medical Costs” tab, you can search by medical services. You’ll see cost information for services based on past claims PEHP processed. Your search results will display common services based on the treatment you entered to give you a better idea of total costs at different locations where the service has been performed. For each location, you’ll see a list of providers who have performed your desired treatment. Compare providers and costs to seek quality care and great value.

Look for cash back opportunities offered by PEHP for certain medical services performed by lower-cost providers. The amount of cash back can range from $50 to $2,000. You’ll see a cash back indicator next to the location categories and provider names. To qualify for cash back, you must contact PEHP at 801-366-7555 or via the secure Message Center before receiving services. To learn more, visit

Dec. 2022 Incidental Learning NewsletterThe JSD Teachers for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Team has created a monthly newsletter.  The full newsletter for December can be found at the link below. Stories include:

  • Ambient Noise
    You just heard the classroom door close. As a hearing person, you glean information from this. You learn that someone just entered or exited the room. Maybe this means it’s okay to use the restroom… or someone is going home sick… or a service provider has taken a student out of class… What information would you be missing if you never heard this noise?
    You hear students whispering in the corner of the room. Perhaps they are telling a joke… maybe sharing answers on the quiz… maybe they are poking fun at someone… What information is being missed if you don’t have access to this conversation?
  • Incidental learning
    Incidental learning happens any time a student gleans information beyond the learning outcome. Because DHH students don’t overhear conversations, they miss out on a lot of incidental learning. Thus, it is vital that no question be considered inappropriate. You may be the only exposure the student has had to this information.
  • Closed Captioning
    Just a friendly reminder to make sure all videos are accessible by turning on closed captioning or subtitles.

The Central Warehouse has KN-95 masks available to any district employee that would like them. They come in boxes of 40 for adults and 100 for youth. If you would like a box, please go through your school/department administrative assistant to place an order through Skyward inventory. The details are as follows:

  • Mask KN95 Adult - #5800861; 40 Masks per box
  • Mask KN95 Child - #5800862; 100 Masks per box

Warehouse personnel will deliver to the front office on your regularly scheduled stockroom order day, so please indicate in your notes who is requesting them. You can also request a will call pick up if that is more convenient for the employee to pick them up at the ASB.


Dec. 2022 ML Monthly MemoThe holiday season is here! We are all excited to celebrate and relax with our families and friends over our long winter break. This is a great time to talk to students about traditions they do celebrate with their families--whether they fall in this month or not. Enjoy the season!

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

  • Teaching Strategies - A successful classroom is one in which students feel known, appreciated, and comfortable taking emotional and intellectual risks. That requires intentional planning and consistent messaging by the teacher.
  • Culture Corner - What are some fun holiday traditions (or just fun traditions) that your students practice in their home, or back in their home country? Engage your students in conversation about the traditions they practice, whether it is for a 5 minute chat at the beginning or end of class or through an activity that they get to share with their classmates. This allows you to strengthen the relationship and create a space where all students feel welcome and appreciated as they are.
  • ELLevation Tips & Tricks - Choose the "Strategies" tab from the upper right top dropdown list, and click "Activities." You will see a wide range of activities & strategies that you can use with all your students (English and Spanish graphic organizers included!).
  • Reflective Questions - How is my student feeling in my classroom? Do they look scared, comfortable, or disengaged? Are they sitting next to a buddy they can ask a question in their home language? Do they feel comfortable tapping me on the shoulder if they have to go to the bathroom? Do they know how to ask to use the bathroom?
  • ELD Lead Celebration - This month we are highlighting Alisha Wheeler at Copper Mountain Middle School. If you ask anyone at the middle school, or anyone at all who has worked with her, they will all say the same thing: She is amazing, brilliant, and a wonderful advocate for her ML students. As an instructional coach and ELD Lead, she works tirelessly to support her teachers in supporting their ML students and she has a wealth of information that even the most veteran teachers learn from. She is a safe space for both staff and students as they work to learn from each other. THANK YOU, ALISHA!

  • Piggy bank standing on money401k/403b/457 Elective Deferral Limit
    $30,000 - catch up limit $7,500 (age 50 or over)
  • Traditional and Roth IRA Contribution Limit
    $7,500 - catch up limit $1,000 (age 50 or over)
  • Health Savings Account (HSA) Contribution Limit
    $3,850 single coverage
    $4,850 - catch up limit $1,000 (age 55 or over)
    $7,750 family coverage
    $8,750 - catch up limit $1,000 (age 55 or over)
    Your election amount can be changed at any time throughout the year so if you want to take advantage of the tax savings and are enrolled in the STAR High Deductible Health Plan, complete this form and send it to Payroll.
  • HSA Direct Deposit Authorization

4th Quarter 2022 Blomquist Hale Newsletter CoverThe Blomquist Hale Newsletter for the quarter has arrived.  In this issue, you will find articles on:

  • Blomquist Hale App - We are excited to announce our NEW phone app! You can now download the Blomquist Hale app to your smart phone! The Blomquist Hale app gives you direct access to mental health resources such as webinars, informational handouts, articles and more!
  • Blomquist Hale YouTube - Did you know that you can access over 100+ workshop recordings on our YouTube page? To access these videos, simply search Blomquist Hale on YouTube.
  • How Well Do You Manage Stress? - The holidays can be filled with good food, celebrations, parties and wonderful music. It can also be a time of stress. Take a quiz that is a quick measurement of your ability to resist stress.

Effective January 1, 2023, Kroger Pharmacies (Smith's) will no longer be part of the network of pharmacies that are offered through Express Scripts. You will be receiving notification from Express Scripts with additional pharmacy options in your area. They have a comprehensive network of pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart to provide close access for most individuals.

Kroger and Express Scripts are unable to come to an agreement on their standard terms and conditions, including market competitive rates. Many times, these issues work themselves out before the effective date. If that happens, we will update you.

Nov. 2022 ML Monthly MemoWelcome to the Language & Culture Services Teacher Specialist Newsletter – The ML Monthly Memo! Our goal is to have one place that updates you on important information all staff should know and help to share tips and tricks for working with our district's incredible multilingual learners (ML)! We welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out to your teacher specialist with any questions or concerns. We are here for you and the students!

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

  • ELLevation Tips and Tricks - Under the student's profile, click on the "Can Dos" tab. You will see what your student can do for each modality and level of their English. Bonus-Look at the "Successive Descriptors" to help them set goals for language growth.
  • Teaching Strategies - Visuals: Both images and videos can be incredibly helpful to students learning English. Pre-Teach Vocabulary: Say the word, have students repeat it, model use of the word, have students practice using it, and use visuals to help students fully understand the new word. Utilize graphic organizers.
  • Culture Corner - With Thanksgiving coming up, it is important to remember that not all of your students celebrate or know about the holiday. Make sure you are giving all students the space to share about their own country's or culture's traditions and celebrations while discussing our upcoming holiday and break. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get to know your students even better!

Literacy Matters Issue 4The Literacy Matters newsletter contains helpful information for teachers and administrators.  This newsletter includes:

  • Teaching Blending in Kindergarten - At this point in the school year, kindergarten students should
    receive phonics instruction in blending the sounds in closed syllables (CVC words). The Teaching Blending lessons from 95% are an effective method for teaching this skill. All schools have access to these materials.
  • Grades 4-6 Lexia Licenses Reminder - The Lexia grant is for students in grades K-3 this year. The grant is very specific; We cannot place students in grades 4-6 on Lexia through the grant, even if there are extra school licenses. At year's end, USBE will work with Lexia to determine how many licenses were used at each school. If a school chooses to place students in grades 4-6 on Lexia, they will need to purchase additional licenses for those students. For help with purchasing additional licenses, please contact Michelle Lovell for more details.
  • Walk to Read Canvas Course Survey - Click this link to access the short survey. Our team is seeking feedback on the Walk to Read Canvas course that provides Walk to Read training for paraprofessionals, teachers, and coaches. If you need access to the course, contact the teacher specialist connected to your school.

Nov. 2022 EMI Be Well Newsletter CoverCheck out the Nov. 2022 Be Well newsletter from EMI. Stories include:

  • Boost Brain Health - To reduce your risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) it may help to limit screen time that involves sitting. Excessive TV viewing and leisure time screen use have been linked to CHD. Limiting leisure screen time to less than one hour a day could help prevent more than one in ten cases, regardless of your genetic makeup, according to recent University of Cambridge research.
  • Celebrate Healthy Eating -  Holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends, and many events revolve around food. Sometimes this can be challenging for people who have special dietary needs or follow a rigid eating pattern. The influx of treats, sweets and celebrations focused on eating can be overwhelming.
  • Brain Benefits of Music - To exercise your brain, turn on some music. Research has shown that listening to music can help reduce anxiety, control blood pressure and relieve pain, as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness and memory.
  • Defusing Family Feuds - Along with a festive meal, something else can be served up this time of year — family squabbles. Long-held resentments, political differences — lots of things can boil over around the turkey platter. Plan how you’ll navigate around sensitive topics, cool down any potential arguments and steer conversations into a positive direction.

To receive the monthly Be Well Newsletter via email and check out back issues, please visit the EMI Hope Health Newsletter page.

Jordan School District Board authorizes up to four (4) full-time employees to be selected for leave.

Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical leave provides a 1-year leave for professional study. Educators who have completed at least 7 years of continuous service in JSD may apply. Employees on sabbatical leave receive one-half of their salary. Please read Policy DP333 NEG – Sabbatical Leave for complete information. Applications are reviewed by the Local Professional Improvement Committee and approved by the Board.

Educational Leave
Educators who have worked in Jordan School District for at least three (3) consecutive years may apply for an Educational Leave. Educational leaves are for continued study and must include an outline of studies along with the application. Please read Policy DP332 NEG – Educational Leave for complete information. Educational Leave is without pay.

Applications for 2023-24 Sabbatical and Educational Leaves are due Feb. 1, 2023. Additional questions can be referred to Chris Westra, 801-567-8657.

AP Educator Dinner FlyerWe want to share exciting new opportunities in Utah for teachers, campus leaders, students, and families and also take time to celebrate the great work that you are doing to provide early college opportunities in your communities.

This information is for AP teachers, AP coordinators and site education leaders who should make their dinner reservation prior to Nov. 28, 2022. See more details in the attached flier.

2023 Elementary Math Tournament FlyerPlease see below for more information about the Jordan District Elementary Math Tournament.  All schools are invited to participate!  Contact Rebecca Smith @ 801-567-8368 or Taryn Cox @ 801-567-8468 with questions you may have.

Jordan District Elementary Math Tournament @ Daybreak Elementary

  • Date: April 7, 2023
  • Time: Approximately 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Registration: Registration forms and detailed information will be entered in JAM in January 2023.
  • Entry Fee: Gifted and Talented will cover all registration fees.
  • Transportation: Schools are responsible for transporting students to the event.
  • Teams: Teams are composed of five high-level math students from grades 4, 5, or 6. Most teams are composed of 6th grade students. However, 4th and 5th grade students commonly attend and do well. The number of teams schools can send depends on interest. Participating schools can usually send 2-3 teams.
  • Format: The tournament has 2 rounds—individual and team. All students compete in both rounds. Each round has 10 questions.
  • Supervision: Adult chaperones and scoring help are required from each participating school.
  • Lunch: All participants and adult helpers bring their own lunches.
  • Preparation: Practice complex problem solving. After registration, schools will receive practice problems from previous tournaments.

Show Up for Teachers FlyerBelow is a note from First Lady Abby Cox about an upcoming virtual symposium on Nov. 12 that will continue the conversation about educator wellness. We hope you will be able to attend and share this opportunity with any educators in your circle!

Hello Friend,

Thank you for your continued support of teachers as an Educator Advocate. As a team, we are constantly striving to uplift and sustain the educators of Utah. We received great feedback from our first ever in-person conference this summer and are so grateful for your participation. I have included the impact report from that event that contains specific feedback from the participants. I hope you will be able to take a look.

I want to continue the conversation around educator well-being and mental health in an online virtual symposium on the morning of Saturday, Nov. 12. As an Educator Advocate, you are welcome to attend, and encouraged to share this opportunity with the educators in your life. This three-hour symposium will include incredible speakers, a panel discussion with legislative and policy leaders, and a live Q&A session with a licensed therapist.

Thanks to our partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah State Legislature, this symposium is free to attend for all Utah educators and staff. USBE will offer three relicensure points to qualified attendees. Attendees can register to join us on Nov. 12 at 8:30 a.m. by going to

Utah First Lady Abby Cox

  • Kindergarten Night Out will be held on Nov. 9 at 4:15 p.m. in the ASB auditorium. Kindergarten teachers, coaches and administrators are invited to attend.
  • First-Grade Night Out will be held on Nov. 16 at 4:15 p.m. in the media center of South Jordan Middle. First-grade teachers, coaches and administrators are invited to attend. 
  • The last sessions for LETRS training for Unit 4 through USBE for teachers who started LETRS training last year will be held on Nov. 4, 9, and 30. The Midas course number is 60079. Please remind teachers to sign up for a training if they have not done so already. The book work and online work should be completed prior to attending the full-day training. 
  • The Information Systems department will be changing the usernames and passwords for Lexia on Nov. 7. If there are any questions about this process, please contact Michelle Lovell.

Professional Development on Nov. 4 | Afternoon PD options for teachers from the Gifted & Talented program in the Teaching & Learning department.

Join us on Zoom for a session specific to secondary or elementary teachers.


  • Differentiation in Secondary School: Strategies to Engage All Learners
    Planning a lesson/unit is much like planning a road trip from one city to another. This session will provide teachers with strategies for the creation of differentiated tasks - tasks that are designed with different routes to the same destination!
  • Facilitator: Frankie Walton
  • Target Audience: Middle & High School Teachers
  • Time: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
  • Zoom Link
  • Meeting ID: 865 5200 4517
  • Passcode: 277148
  • Contact: Frankie Walton @ 801-567-8319


  • ByrdseedTV: Lessons That Get Kids' Brains Sweating!
    Looking for lessons full of rigor and engagement that take very little time to prepare? Join us for an interactive, hour-long workshop to explore a resource available to all teachers in Jordan District.
  • Facilitators: Rebecca Smith and Taryn Cox
  • Target Audience: Teachers in Grades 3-6
  • Time: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
  • Zoom Link
  • Meeting ID: 881 6057 5638
  • Passcode: 794090
  • Contact: Rebecca Smith @ 801-567-8368

New York Life FlyersNew York Life offers programs for all Jordan School District benefit eligible employees. These services include employee assistance, wellness support, financial, legal & estate support.  If you have any questions, please contact Insurance Services. Check out the flyers below for more information.