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The JSD Aspiring Coach Pathway has been designed as a co-hort for educators who do not currently have a coaching assignment at their school, but are interested in extending their career pathway towards instructional coaching practice. 

These new endorsement classes are offered after contract time and involve the completion of college level coursework in addition to demonstrated skills and competencies in instructional coaching practice. The endorsement classes will be mixed, with educators from each instructional grade level welcome to attend.

Currently this co-hort of endorsement classes is offered to any interested Jordan School District certificated personnel. NOTE: Prerequisites for the endorsement may be accomplished concurrently with the endorsement courses and competency pathway, but must be completed prior to being eligible to apply for the endorsement posting on the educator license.

  • Current professional license (secondary, elementary, Special Education)
  • 5 years of classroom teaching experience or equivalent
  • Instructional coaching experience or school level teacher leadership experience (e.g. department chair, mentor, etc.)
  • Experience providing instruction and professional learning to adult educators
  • 3 consecutive years of effective or higher rating on UETS according to LEA rating system or equivalent
  • At least 1-year full-time employment in the Utah Education System


Registration for the Aspiring Instructional Coach Endorsement courses will open in Jordan Professional Learning System (JPLS) on June 1, 2022. Course details are included on the following page.

Aspiring Instructional Coach Endorsement Class Schedule
Meeting Time:     4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Location:     Auxiliary Services Building | 7905 South Redwood Road, West Jordan, Utah 84088

Class Requirement #1: Foundations of Instructional Coaching (section #117290)
Session 1 - Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022
Session 2 - Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022
Session 3 - Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022
Session 4 - Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2022

Class Requirement #2: Adult Learning Theory
Session 1 - Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023
Session 2 - Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023
Session 3 - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Session 4 - Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Class Requirement #3: Instructional Design and Assessment
Session 1 - Fall 2023 TBA
Session 2 - Fall 2023 TBA
Session 3 - Fall 2023 TBA
Session 4 - Fall 2023 TBA

Principals have been encouraged to prioritize attendance for building coaches on these dates as they plan their building schedules. Current instructional coaches and those employees who have been given coaching assignments for the 2022-2023 school year should prioritize these training dates as well. The ICI will continue to offer assigned coaches job embedded professional development and options to earn the coaching endorsement during the contract day.

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2022:

  • Bonnie Brennan, client service consultant at Cigna appointed Director of Insurance Services Department replacing Cheryl Matson who is retiring.
  • Natalie Gleave, teacher at Granite Elementary in Canyons School District appointed assistant principal at Eastlake Elementary School replacing Adrienne Yancey who is being transferred.
  • Heather Handy, assistant principal at West Valley Elementary in Granite School District appointed 0.5 FTE assistant principal at Bluffdale Elementary School.
  • Douglas Pinkal, assistant principal at Providence Hall Charter School appointed assistant principal at Antelope Canyon Elementary School replacing Joshua Sullivan who is being transferred.
  • John Sassman, assistant principal at North Pole High School in North Pole, Alaska appointed assistant principal at Midas Creek Elementary School replacing John Scovill who is being transferred.
  • Molly Morgan, intern assistant principal at Monroe Elementary in Granite School District appointed assistant principal at Elk Meadows Elementary School replacing April Thompson who is being transferred.
  • Kimberly Andersen, assistant principal at Providence Hall Charter School appointed assistant principal at West Jordan Elementary replacing Ami Shah who was transferred.
  • Joshua Brothers, teacher specialist in Teaching and Learning appointed assistant principal at Terra Linda Elementary School replacing Jarom Airhart who is being transferred.
  • Hallie Myler, intern assistant principal at Eagle Bay and Orchard Elementary in Davis School District appointed assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary replacing Angie Hamilton who was transferred.

New Administrative Intern Assignments:

  • Katlyn Jarvis, behavior specialist at River’s Edge assigned administrative intern at River’s Edge School replacing Melanie Dawson who was transferred.
  • Teresa Rossetti, instructional coach at Southland Elementary assigned administrative intern at Rosamond Elementary School replacing Allyson Stovall who is being transferred.
  • Vandalyn Romney, instructional coach at Daybreak Elementary assigned administrative intern at Welby Elementary School replacing Jennifer Smith who is being transferred.
  • Thyme Meleisea-Vea, teacher at Elk Meadows Elementary assigned administrative intern at Oak Leaf Elementary School replacing Nathan Price who is being transferred.
  • Elsa Brooke Franks, teacher at Terra Linda Elementary assigned administrative intern at Copper Canyon Elementary School replacing Jennifer Smith who is being transferred.
  • Janae Young, teacher at Bluffdale Elementary assigned administrative intern at Aspen Elementary School replacing Jarom Airhart who is being transferred.

Transfers effective July 1, 2022:

  • Joshua Sullivan, assistant principal at Antelope Canyon and Bluffdale Elementary transferred to Herriman Elementary School replacing Frank Preston who is being transferred.
  • Jarom Airhart, assistant principal at Aspen and Terra Linda Elementary transferred to Fox Hollow Elementary School replacing John Scovill who is being transferred.
  • John Scovill, assistant principal at Fox Hollow and Midas Creek Elementary transferred to Falcon Ridge Elementary School replacing Cathryn Ford who is being transferred.
  • Jayme Gandara, assistant principal at Jordan Ridge and South Jordan Elementary transferred to Foothills Elementary School replacing Baylee Lansford who is being transferred.
  • Cathryn Ford, assistant principal at Falcon Ridge and Hayden Peak Elementary transferred to Golden Fields Elementary School replacing Adrienne Yancey who is being transferred.
  • Jennifer Smith, assistant principal at Copper Canyon and Welby Elementary transferred to Hayden Peak Elementary School replacing Cathryn Ford who is being transferred.
  • Adrienne Yancey, assistant principal at Eastlake and Golden Fields Elementary transferred to South Jordan Elementary replacing Jayme Gandara who is being transferred.
  • Allyson Stovall, assistant principal at Rosamond and Southland Elementary transferred to Southland Elementary School.
  • April Thompson, administrative intern at Elk Meadows and Monte Vista Elementary appointed assistant principal at Monte Vista Elementary School.
  • Nathan Price, assistant principal at Oak Leaf and Mountain Point Elementary transferred to Mountain Shadows Elementary School.
  • Frank Preston, assistant principal at Daybreak and Herriman Elementary transferred to Daybreak Elementary School.
  • Baylee Lansford, assistant principal at Blackridge and Foothills Elementary transferred to Blackridge Elementary School.
  • Aubri Moench, assistant principal at Jordan Hills and Riverton Elementary transferred to Jordan Hills Elementary School.
  • Veronica Holyoke, administrative intern at Mountain Shadows and Oakcrest Elementary appointed assistant principal at Oakcrest Elementary School.
  • Kimberly Ranney, assistant principal at Rose Creek Elementary transferred 0.5 FTE to Bluffdale Elementary School replacing Joshua Sullivan who is being transferred.

Thank you for all you have done to make this a great school year. We have appreciated the opportunity to work with you throughout the year, doing essential work supporting the growth and development of the District’s 56,000 students. We hope that each of you will have a chance to recharge during the summer months and know how grateful we are for your contributions and dedication to education.

We will be having a drawing for up to 200 employees to win a 4-visit pass (a $200 value!) to Ahhhsome Relaxation, which is located across from the District Office in Jordan Landing. Use this link to enter the drawing! We will have our first drawing on Friday, June 10th. 

If you would like another chance to win other prizes (including the prize of enhanced personal wellness), consider completing our Summer Wellness Bingo Challenge

Below are some additional free resources for employees: 

  • Educator Wellness Support Groups are offered throughout the summer and are available for all employee groups.
  • Our employee assistance program, through Blomquist Hale, continues to be available and provides free, confidential counseling services for eligible employees. Call 800-926-9619 to schedule an appointment. Blomquist Hale also offers throughout the summer.
  • Recently, the District partnered with the Cook Center for Human Connection, which offers free parent coaching for all employees where your family’s individual needs can be addressed privately and confidentially.
  • Several local businesses are offering free fitness or wellness classes, click the link to view the list, which will be updated throughout the summer if new offers become available.
  • The SafeUT app is active throughout the summer and individuals can text or call crisis services 24/7 through the app. The same crisis services are available by calling 801-587-3000.

We continue to seek ways to support you in doing this challenging but important work in Jordan School District! 

June 2022 City Creek Mortgage FlyerCity Creek Mortgage is offering a free home value report.  This report may be good for:

  • Anyone interested in pulling cash out to update their home or consolidating debt
  • Anyone interested in saving money on their monthly mortgage payment
  • Anyone who is currently paying mortgage insurance 
  • Anyone thinking about selling their home
  • Anyone thinking about buying a home
  • Anyone who lives in a home and wants an idea of what it is worth

 Scan the QR code in the flyer, use the link below or call City Creek Mortgage at 801-501-7950, & mention the City Creek Mortgage Corporate Perks Program.

Reminder! Open Enrollment FlyerThe following changes may be made during open enrollment:

  • Enroll in a new insurance plan
  • Change or cancel an existing insurance plan
  • Add or cancel members from and existing plan
  • Make FSA or Dependent Daycare elections (new elections must be made each year you wish to participate).

InfinityHR/Arcoro ( ) will be used for all benefit eligible employees to make benefit elections offered at Open Enrollment.

June 2022 Health Insights CoverWith the weather improving, it’s time to get outside! Experience the many benefits of nature with our ‘Here Comes the Sun Bingo Challenge.’ Stay safe and don’t forget your sunscreen when exploring the great outdoors, with helpful tips from the U.S. Forest Service. Click below for your copy of this month’s Health Insights Newsletter.

June 2022 EMI Be Well CoverCheck out the June 2022 Be Well newsletter from EMI. Stories include:

  • Maximize Your Core  - Core muscles connect your upper and lower body, supporting your spine, overall function and mobility, especially important as you age. The core muscles are in your back, hips, pelvis and abdominal area. Weak core muscles make you susceptible to poor posture, frequent lower back pain and muscle injuries.
  • Deciphering Juice Detox Diets - If juice bars are popping up in your community or social media feed, you’ve probably seen the claims about their detox cleanses. For about $350 per week, you can sip juices that are said to reverse aging, burn belly fat, remove toxins and aid in weight loss.
  • Make an Impact at Work - Getting to work on time, doing your job competently and being friendly with coworkers are all important. But have you considered how you can positively influence your workplace?
  • Caregivers Assisting People with Dementia - Caring for a loved one with dementia? Your first step is to understand the condition. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and is a progressive condition, as symptoms increase in severity. For most people, AD is caused by a combination of age and heredity, as well as lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over time.

To receive the monthly Be Well Newsletter via email and check out back issues, please visit the EMI Hope Health Newsletter page.

Join our Health and Wellness Team for one of our six educator wellness support groups (all employee types welcome!). Use the the following link to register and receive additional information. You are welcome to attend one, a few, or all sessions!

Coping Skills for Mental Health
Everyone goes through emotional stress. From a demanding job in education, to relationship troubles, it’s normal to experience stress that affects your mood and makes life difficult. Emotional stress can come from just going through daily life, and it can be overwhelmingly difficult to stay calm and make healthy decisions. Developing coping skills is an important tool for leading a healthy, functional life with your loved ones.

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 10 a.m. | June 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23

Managing Difficult Emotions
Working in education through a global pandemic has shown that your emotional wellness is more important than ever. We all experience intense, overwhelming emotions from time to time and they can be difficult to manage. This group will help you learn and practice emotion regulation skills so no matter the unpleasant emotion or its severity, you’ll have healthy coping skills ready to use.

  • Wednesdays @ 11 a.m. | June 8 - July 27 (except July 6)

Dealing With Grief and Loss
Grief and loss can affect your feelings, behavior, and how you relate to others It is also deeply personal. The way you cope depends on your personality, your relationship with the person who has passed away, and your previous experience with loss. Grief and loss not only limit the loss of loved ones, but can also encompass any kind of loss. There are common phases of loss that you might encounter and the phases will be discussed. Join our Health and Wellness Team for one of our six educator wellness support groups (all employee types welcome!). Use the QR code or THIS LINK to register and receive additional information. You are welcome to attend one, a few, or all sessions!

  • Thursdays @ 9:30 a.m. | June 9, 16 and 30

Navigating Family Relationship Challenges
Stress spills into our personal lives in many ways, affecting the quality of our relationships. When people are stressed, they become more withdrawn and distracted, and less affectionate. They also have less time for leisure activities, which leads to issues in relationships. Over time, the relationship becomes more superficial (less we-ness and involvement in each other’s lives) and couples become even more withdrawn, experiencing more conflict, distress, and alienation in the relationship. Understanding these challenges and developing coping skills is an important tool for leading a healthy, functional life with your loved ones.

  • Wednesdays @ 9:30 a.m. | June 8, 15, 22

Self-Compassion and Meaningful Self-Care
Have you ever noticed how you are very compassionate, gentle, and kind to other but struggle to do the same for yourself? If you answered yes, you aren't alone! Many of us tend to be critical of ourselves but we can learn how to silence the inner-critic and be kinder to ourselves by practicing self-compassion and meaningful self-care. Being compassionate and caring for ourselves has many possible benefits including higher resilience, more motivation, greater life satisfaction, and a decrease in stress, depression, and anxiety. Do you want to hear the best part? It doesn't take a ton of time and it isn't very hard to incorporate this into our life. This group will help give you tools to better care for yourself in a meaningful way. Let's face it, you deserve it!

  • Mondays @ 11a.m. | June 13, 20 and 27

The Gifts of Imperfection
Blend creativity, connection, and fun in this group focused on letting go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embracing who you are. Explore and practice 4 of Brené’s Brown’s Guideposts for Wholehearted Living - keys to living a more joyful, resilient, and fulfilling life. We will focus on cultivating more authenticity, courage, joyfulness, and play in your summer and beyond. Workbook included.

  • Monday & Wednesdays @ 11 a.m. | June 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22

Blomquist Hale has three events scheduled for the month of June! See below for details outlined below.

  • Topic: Anxiety Group
    • Date: June 6 – July 11 (5 Weeks - Skipping July 4)    
    • Date: 5:30 – 7 p.m. MT
    • Location: Online!
    • Register at:
  • Topic: True Intimacy – The Glue That Bonds Relationships Together Group
  • Date: June 7 – June 28 (4-Weeks)    
  • Date: 7 – 8:30 p.m. MT
  • Location: Online!
  • Register at:
  • Topic: Anger & Irritability – Part Two
  • Date: June 7    
  • Date: 2 – 3:00 p.m. MT
  • Location: Online!
  • Register at:

June 2022 Blomquist Hale Workshop Flyers

The Health and Benefits Fair has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 8, at the District Office from 3:00 to 5:30 pm

Representatives from the Public Employees Health Program (PEHP), Express Scripts, CRX International, Dental Select, Opticare, New York Life, AFLAC, Blomquist Hale, Utah Retirement Systems and others will be at the Health and Benefits Fair.

reading tree illustrationWorkshops focused on the enrichment side of Walk to Reading will be offered in June for teachers in grades 1-6.  The workshops are optional.  Teachers will be paid three hours at inservice rate for attendance.  Space is limited.  Register on JPLS.  Please see the below for dates and times specific to grade bands.

Optional Workshop | Walk to Reading - Enrichment
Join us for an interactive workshop focused on the enrichment facet of Walk to Reading.

  • 1st and 2nd Grades
    • June 8 | 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. ASB PDC 101
    • June 9 | 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. ASB PDC 101
    • June 28 | 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. ASB Presentation Room
  • 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Grades
    • June 8 | 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. ASB PDC 101
    • June 9 | 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. ASB PDC 101
    • June 28 | 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. ASB Presentation Room
    • June 29 | 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. ASB Presentation Room
    • June 29 | 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. ASB Presentation Room

Kindergarten – Sessions will be offered at the kindergarten boot camp.

Teachers who choose to attend will be paid three hours at inservice rate.

  • Register on JPLS

Contact Rebecca Smith with any questions you may have: 801-567-8368 /

Aspiring Principals Academy FlyerThe BYU School Leadership Program invites educators to learn from current school, district, state, and university leaders about becoming a principal. The Academy is a great way to get a taste of school leadership and learn best practices for applying to principal preparation programs and future leadership positions. The district will cover the cost of your substitute teacher, and BYU will award a $1,000 scholarship to any participants who are accepted to and attend BYU’s Masters of School Leadership Program.

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2022:

  • Frederico Rowe, staff assistant in Teaching and Learning appointed Equity & Compliance Officer.
  • Ami Shah, assistant principal at West Jordan Elementary appointed Equity & Compliance Consultant.
  • Amanda Bollinger, staff assistant in Special Education appointed staff assistant in Teaching & Learning, replacing Frederico Rowe.
  • Brian King, principal at River’s Edge appointed staff assistant in the Special Education Department, replacing Amanda Bollinger.
  • Melanie Dawson, assistant principal at River’s Edge appointed principal at River’s Edge, replacing Brian King.
  • Angela Hamilton, assistant principal at Bastian Elementary and Butterfield Canyon Elementary appointed principal at Antelope Canyon Elementary, replacing Tami Bird who is retiring.
  • Jay Eads, assistant principal at Mountain Point Elementary and Westland Elementary appointed principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary, replacing Michelle Peterson who is retiring.
  • Amber Allen, BYU intern facilitator at Mountain Point Elementary appointed assistant principal at Bastian Elementary and another elementary to be determined.
  • Leilani Brecht, assistant principal at Silver Crest Elementary transferred to assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary and Silver Crest Elementary, replacing Angela Hamilton.
  • Nathan Price, assistant principal at Riverside Elementary transferred to assistant principal at Oak Leaf Elementary and Mountain Point Elementary, replacing Jay Eads.
  • Connie Bailey, assistant principal at South Jordan Middle transferred to assistant principal at Riverside Elementary, replacing Nathan Price.
  • Kami Taylor, consultant in Teaching & Learning transferred to assistant principal at South Jordan Middle, replacing Connie Bailey.
  • Brandon Larsen, band teacher at Herriman High appointed assistant principal at Elk Ridge Middle, replacing Shelly Gottfredson who is retiring.
  • Amy Lloyd, assistant principal at Copper Mountain Middle transferred to assistant principal at Sunset Ridge Middle, replacing Tiffany Cooke who is retiring.
  • Matt Lindsey, assistant principal at West Hills Middle transferred to assistant principal at Copper Mountain Middle, replacing Amy Lloyd.
  • Tim Brooks, assistant principal at Mountain Creek Middle transferred to assistant principal at West Hills Middle, replacing Matt Lindsey.
  • Michael Wilkey, school counselor at Herriman High appointed assistant principal at Mountain Creek Middle, replacing Tim Brooks.
  • Sally Wilde, administrative intern at Bingham High appointed assistant principal at Bingham High, replacing Jim Groethe.
  • Stewart Hudnall, assistant principal at Herriman High transferred to assistant principal at Bingham High, replacing Michael Farnsworth.
  • Michael Farnsworth, assistant principal at Bingham High transferred to assistant principal at Copper Hills High, replacing Glen Varga.
  • Glen Varga, assistant principal at Copper Hills High transferred to assistant principal at Riverton High, replacing Glen Richins.
  • Glen Richins, assistant principal at Riverton High transferred to assistant principal at Herriman High, replacing Stewart Hudnall.

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage MonthWe invite you to celebrate and learn about our Asian Heritage and Pacific Islander friends and community. The term “Asian and Pacific Islander” includes all people of Asian, Asian American or Pacific Islander ancestry who trace their origins to the countries, states, jurisdictions and/or the diasporic communities of these geographic regions. The month of May is set aside in the US to observe the groups of people from this community and their contribution to our world.

Juneteenth Utah FlyerJunteenth, also known as June Nineteenth, is a holiday that marks the day in 1865 when Union troops arrived in Texas more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation to tell remaining enslaved African Americans that the Civil War had ended and that they were free. The holiday has been celebrated by Black Americans since the late-19th century.

Juneteenth has been celebrated in Utah for the last 33 years in the African American community. There are events, flag raising ceremonies, picnics, and many more. Please share the information with your school community and students.

Please share this information with your school community and students.

Looking for coding credit this summer? 
Students are invited to attend a five-week Code to Success Program. High School students can receive Web Development Credit, which fulfills the Digital Studies graduation requirement. Middle School students can receive Creative Coding credit. More information and registration can be found at

K- 3 Teachers,

The USBE has now scheduled MORE LETRS virtual sessions for Units 3-8 during the summer. If you are working “faster” on the units, then you may sign up for the “fast track” classes. If you attend a virtual session in the summer (on non-contract time) then you can be paid for 7 hours at your hourly rate. Please fill out a timecard, have your principal sign it, and then send it to Teaching and Learning.

The links for the sessions are listed below:

Please contact Bev Griffith with any questions at #88466 or

When to Request
An employee who wishes to take a personal leave day before or after a holiday and does not wish to either pay the cost of the long-term substitute (Licensed) or lose 40 percent of a day’s pay (Education Support Professionals), must make the request through the Human Resource Department during the window. If approved, you must give prior notification to your principal or supervisor at least one day in advance of the leave day.

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

Windows for holiday requests are listed below:

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Independence Day July 4, 2022 May 20 – May 30, 2022
Pioneer Day July 25, 2022 June 10 – June 20, 2022
Labor Day Sept. 5, 2022 July 22 – Aug. 1, 2022
Fall Recess (All 242, 245 Contracts) Oct. 27-28, 2022 Sept. 12 – Sept. 22, 2022
Fall Recess (180, 184, 187, 207, 206 Contracts) Oct. 24-28, 2022 Sept. 9 – Sept. 19, 2022
Thanksgiving Recess (242, 245 Contracts) Nov. 24 - 25, 2022 Oct. 10 – Oct. 20, 2022
Thanksgiving Recess (All 180, 184, 187, 207, 206, Contracts) Nov. 23 - 25, 2022 Oct. 9 – Oct. 19, 2022
Winter Recess (180, 184, 187, 206, 207,  Contracts) Dec. 22, 2022-  Jan. 2, 2023 Nov. 7 – Nov. 17, 2022
Winter Recess (242, 245 Contracts) Dec. 26, 2022 - Jan. 2, 2023 (245 works Dec 27-29) Nov. 11 – Nov. 21, 2022
Martin Luther King Jan. 16, 2023 Dec. 2 – Dec. 12, 2022
President’s Day Feb. 20, 2023 Jan. 6 – Jan. 16, 2023
Spring Recess (All 242, 245 Contracts) March 30-31, 2023 Feb. 13 – Feb. 23, 2023
Spring Recess (180, 184, 187, 207, 206 Contracts) March 28-31, 2023 Feb. 11 – Feb. 21, 2023
Mid-Spring Recess April 24, 2023 Mar. 10 – Mar. 20, 2023
Memorial Day May 29, 2023 April 14 – April 24, 2023