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Christmas for KidsJordan Education Foundation and Christmas for Kids has an opportunity for you to help bring Christmas joy and it is COVID-19 friendly.  Over 400 Jordan School District secondary students, who deserve an amazing Christmas, have been selected to receive a $115 shopping spree at Walmart (3590 W. Jordan Parkway) in South Jordan just off Bangerter Highway.  The students have already shopped online and we have their list.

Volunteers are needed Monday through Thursday (Dec 7-10) to do the actual shopping. Sign up at to come to this Walmart, pick up the shopping list for a student at the north doors of the store, receive a $115 gift card, and do the shopping.

The student will NOT be there. It will just be you and whoever you bring with you to have this great, magical experience. After you check out, the items will be bagged and tagged for the student to pick up on Saturday morning. On Saturday, Dec. 12, the students will drive through the garden shop area and we will deliver their Christmas bags to their car.

Contact the Jordan Education Foundation office if you have any questions. We need about 400 volunteers so sign up and let your neighbors and friends also know.

Check out the Dec. 2020 Be Well newsletter. Stories include:

  • Save Time for Exercise: Finding time for fitness activities can be challenging for folks with work and family demands. First, consider the rewards of regular exercise: protecting your health and feeling your best. Second, make exercise a priority. Third, don’t make excuses with every little interruption that comes along.
  • Warning: Be heart smart when shoveling snow: It can significantly stress your cardiovascular system — similar to being at peak exercise during a stress test.
  • Vaccines are vital: Before the 1950s, serious diseases, including polio, measles and diphtheria, sickened hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. Thousands died each year. Fortunately, with vaccines these diseases now occur rarely in the U.S.
  • Better Breakfast Menu: Do you ever start the day with a sugary donut but feel hungry about an hour later? The food you choose at breakfast can set your energy level and hunger cues for the whole morning, so make smart selections.
  • Tame the Seasonal Craze: Holiday shopping, cooking, decorating and festivities are fun but can also cause stress. Exhaustion, occasional family squabbles and feelings of sadness when things don’t always go as planned can dampen holiday spirits.
  • Annual Safe Gift Guide: This year, the world seems to be focusing on safety more than ever, so giving the gift of safety is one that many people may choose.

To receive the monthly Be Well Newsletter via email and check out back issues, please visit the EMI Hope Health Newsletter page.

Zoom Settings for SecurityZoom Bombing can happen when a hacker/attacker spoofs the meeting ID and joins the meeting uninvited and proceeds to disrupt the meeting by sharing their screen with inappropriate images, sending files, sending profanity laced chats etc.

To protect yourself from zoom bombing please follow the following process.

  1. Use a Unique ID by using the Generate Automatically instead of using your Personal Meeting ID (PMI), also do not post your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) on social media, use calendar invites or email.
  2. You may want to require a password to join your meeting.
  3. You can require a waiting room.
  4. Make sure that only the host can share their screen.
  5. Create an invite only meeting
  6. Lock your meeting once they start
  7. You can also kick someone out or put them on hold.
  8. There are options to disable participants camera, prevent animated GIFs as well as other files, you can also stop private chat messages.
  9. Additional options include mute participant, mute upon entry.

URS Individual Retirement Planning Sessions are now available through video conferencing or over the phone.

Meet one-on-one with a URS Retirement Planning Advisor for custom retirement guidance. The format will be identical to in-person sessions previously offered throughout the state.

We can answer questions and provide advice about your retirement benefits such as:

  • Which Tier 2 benefit should I choose?
  • How much should I save?
  • Which retirement savings plans (401(k), 457(b), IRA, Roth IRA) are right for me?
  • Which investments are right for me?
  • How much will my pension pay me in retirement?

Go to for more information about Individual Retirement Planning and how to sign up for a session.

The Teaching and Learning Literacy department is offering one final round of training for the Multisyllable Routine Card (MSRC) program from 95% Group.

Teachers who have implemented this program have been excited with the results that they are seeing. Some of the comments have been, "Where has this been my whole career?"  "Why haven't I known about this until now?"  "This was so easy to implement and has such a big impact!"

If you have not yet been trained we hope that you will sign up for one of the final training dates.  Please register on JPLS.  The Course Title is "95% Group Multisyllable Routine Cards (MSRC) 3rd-6th Grades" and the course number is 101525.  The final training dates are:

  • Wednesday December 2nd - 4:00-7:00 (off contract - teachers will be paid)
  • Friday December 4 - 8:00-11:00 (on contract - teachers will not be paid)
  • Friday December 11 - 1:00-4:00 (on contract - teachers will not be paid)

Event banner
Healthy Holidays - Maintain Don't Gain
November 16th - January 4th

The holidays can be a busy time of year. Maintain your health throughout all the festivities with tips and resources to help you eat wisely, stress less and keep moving!


  • Week 1: The Scents & Sounds of the Holidays - Prepare for the upcoming season with a plan and a healthy holiday meal.
  • Week 2: All is Calm, All is Bright - Create a more serene you by giving yourself the gift of self-improvement.
  • Week 3: Tis the Season to be Freezin’ - Get “winterized” by preparing your home and immune system for the colder weather.
  • Week 4: Making Spirits Bright - Enhance the well-being of others by serving and discovering new strategies for a happier holiday season.
  • Week 5: Even if “The Weather Outside is Frightful” - Stay active this holiday season indoors or outdoors.
  • Week 6: The Best Present is Family Presence - Connect with your past and experience a heart-warming holiday season.
  • Week 7: For a Better & Brighter Future - Set your New Year’s resolutions with a positive mindset for better health in the new year.
  • Week 8: To All a Good Night - Reward yourself for the healthy habits you created during this challenge and put an eventful 2020 to bed!

Wellness challenges are email based, self paced educational programs that focus on areas of well being. Often used to jump-start personal goals, challenges can help you take charge of your health.

To register now, please visit the following link:

Thank you,
PEHP Wellness

Leading the ELS Task ForceDo you know who your school’s ELD teacher lead is? (It might be the Instructional coach and it might not be). We will be meeting with all school level ELD leads on Fri. Nov. 20th, via zoom, from 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Even if you are not the ELD lead, we encourage the instructional coach to attend.

  • Zoom Meeting: https:/
  • Meeting ID: 825 0735 1859
  • Passcode: 799772

  • Payroll Due: 11/3/20
  • Last day to change direct deposit accounts: 11/10/20
    ** Please let Payroll know of any changes to your account after this date. Any bank account changes will affect your check on payday.
  • Paychecks available for viewing in Employee Access: 11/21/20
    ** Strongly recommended
  • Payday: 11/25/20
  • District Office will be closed for Thanksgiving Recess: 11/26-11/27/20

True Time Deadlines for Pay Period
10/5/20 – 11/1/20

  • Employee Final Submittal: 11/4/20
  • First Approval: 11/6/20
  • Final Approval: 11/10/20

Please inform new True Time employees of these deadlines.

Thanksgiving Recess

  • *YRE, 242, 245 contracts: Nov 26-27
    *These employees must record a leave day if not in attendance on Nov 25th (Traditional school principals may use a vacation day as this is a non-student day)
  • Traditional, 206 contracts: Nov 25-27

As per DP335(B): Employees who have not been approved by Human Resources for using an annual/personal day before and after a holiday may be docked (certified $131 or classified 40% of their daily rate). Please refer to policy for further clarification.

Parent/Teacher Conference

  • Traditional Elem (Comp Day Nov 13) Nov 9-12
  • YRE Tracks A,B,C (Comp Day Nov 7) Nov 2-6
  • YRE Track D (Comp Day Nov 21) Nov 16-20

As per DP335 NEG: Licensed employees may not use a personal or annual leave day if absent from parent teacher conferences. They may use a sick day or a no-pay day if applicable. The absence should be entered on the comp day.

Jersey Mike's App Fundraiser FlyerJordan Education Foundation has partnered with the Jordan Landing Jersey Mike's location for a fundraiser.  Order online or on the Jersey Mike's app using promo code JEF30 on Oct. 21 - Oct. 28—and Jersey Mike's will happily donate 30% of your sale in support of Jordan Education Foundation. Enjoy some great subs and help Jersey Mike’s support this worthy cause.

PEHP Oct. 2020 FlyersThe October Workout Warrior will encourage and motivate you to be active in the great outdoors and enjoy the cooler weather and fall colors. Hiking is a perfect way to stay fit so fall in love with cool weather fitness! A lot of us don’t like to walk during the hot summer months, but now is a great time of year to start a walking group at work. Gather some co-workers and take that much needed break. If you are working from home, don’t forget to do get away from your computer screen and move your body. It will thank you! Registration and information about the Happy Hiking October Workout Warrior is can be viewed below.

One of the best antidotes for stressful situations for a rough year is laughter. We need to laugh and find humor in life now more than ever. The October Wellness Challenge will focus on the physical, emotional, and social benefits of laughter. Join the Laughter, It’s No Joke Wellness Challenge by using the registration link on the in the PDF below. Let’s all work to make the last part of this year happier and more light-hearted. Laughter is the best medicine!

Fall is the perfect time for healthy and hearty soups. Don’t forget to add a lot of fresh vegetables to your soup to increase the nutritional value and boost your immune system. Have you checked out all the delicious soups and other healthy recipes on our Test Kitchen page of the PEHP Website? Use the following link to explore all the delicious recipes, or maybe submit your own recipe for others to enjoy.


Due to the District Office closing for Fall Recess at the end of the day on Thursday, Oct. 22, and not returning until Monday, Oct. 26, the Payroll Department is making the following recommendations:

  • If you need to close your bank account, please call Payroll immediately.
  • If you are a True Time employee, make sure your time is submitted.  If you are a True Time approver, please make sure all time is approved.
  • Paychecks are available for viewing in Employee Access on Tuesday, Oct. 20.

Please review your pay check and call Payroll immediately with any questions or concerns.  (801) 567-8155. 

If you need help logging into your Employee Access, call the help desk at 801-567-8737.

  • Payday is on Oct. 22nd.

The Payroll Department will resume work on Oct. 26, 2020 and will be available if you have any questions.

Thank you for your efforts in assisting Payroll.

The Utah Department of Health, under the direction of Governor Herbert, has approved adjustments to the 14-day quarantine. Students and employees who have been quarantined due to an in-school exposure, while wearing a mask, may return to school if they are symptom-free, and have a negative test result after day 7 of quarantine. The test may be taken on day 7. State officials and medical experts indicate that this new guidance aligns with the best medical practice. 

The following are key points provided by the State:

  • Masks are effective at preventing transmission in classroom settings
  • This only applies to mask on mask exposure
  • Only applies to exposures that occurred in school
  • % of individuals who will develop symptoms do so on: 
    • Day 7 -75%, 
    • Day 9 - 90% 
    • Day 11- 95%
    • Testing picks up positive cases two days before symptoms onset; therefore, testing on day 7 means there is less than a 10% chance that an individual will contract after day 7
  • This is for individual exposures, and does not pertain to the threshold recommendations for classroom or school virtual learning 

The COVID-19 School Manual will be updated to reflect this change but the change takes effect immediately. 

Please carefully read the attached Low Risk Test and Return guidance document found below.  

More information will be forthcoming as it becomes available.  

Reimagine Teaching FlyerThe CARES Act Reimagine Teaching program is providing $200 Amazon gift cards to teachers and administrators who sign up for the program by Oct. 1 and complete it by Dec. 1. Heres how does it works:

  1. Sign Up by Oct. 1 to qualify and get updates
  2. Search Workshops & Programs and other Professional Learning Resources.
  3. Complete four clock hours of professional learning between June 1 - December 1, 2020.
  4. Submit Proof of completion such as a certificate, email from the instructor, or department letter.
  5. Accept recognition - $200 Amazon gift card (limited quantity available)

MACU Scholarships & Grants PageFor many educators, the 2020-21 school year presents unique challenges. Dedicated teachers are reexamining their lesson plans, tools, and teaching methodologies to ensure they are making an impact on their students—whether they are virtual, hybrid, or in-person but distanced.

Mountain America Credit Union wants to help teachers make that impact. Grants are specifically-designated for items or projects that have a long-standing impact and that support classroom learning (as opposed to school-related clubs or activities). Online applications are due by Oct. 9, 2020, and winners will be announced by Oct. 31, 2020.

Employees of the Jordan School District:

Department of Health LetterIn light of increasing COVID-19 cases in Salt Lake County, the Utah Department of Health (UDOH), the Salt Lake County Health Department (SLCoHD), and your school district have created an option for employees of the school district to get free COVID-19 testing. This testing will be available for a limited period of time based on available lab capacity.

Plans are already in place to test people with symptoms and people who have had close contact with confirmed cases. These people will receive a testing certificate from their school with instructions on how to be tested at any of the 70 testing locations statewide.

We understand employees who do not feel sick and who have not had close contact with a confirmed case may still wish to be tested, too. The school district has partnered with the UDOH and the SLCoHD to provide this testing for you.

Beginning Tuesday, September 29, any district employees who want to be tested can be tested. Each district has its own referral code to access this free testing. Your district’s referral code is 40014.

To be tested, please go to, fill out the required demographic information, and then provide your referral code when prompted to do so. You will then be able to schedule testing at any of the TestUtah locations (there are four in Salt Lake County). Once you select a location, date, and time for your test, TestUtah will provide you a QR code which you will take to the site at your assigned date and time. You will be tested free of charge and will be notified by text and/or email when your results are available. If you test positive, you will need to notify your school and also let the public health investigator who contacts you know that you are an employee of the district.

If you have any questions about using this referral code to sign up for testing, please contact the COVID-19 information line by chat at or by phone at 1-800-456-7707.