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With the beginning of the new school year comes new pay rates along with new deductions.  All employees are encouraged to log in to Employee Access and review their salary placement, FTE, insurance premiums, deductions, name, and *address.  This information can all be located under the EMPLOYEE INFORMATION tab.

*Reminder that checks that are not direct deposit will be mailed to your home address in Skyward.  Please make sure that your address is correct to avoid a delay in receiving your pay.

Your actual paycheck is available to view up to two (2) days prior to payday each month in CHECK HISTORY. If you have questions, please contact the following:

All paychecks that are not direct deposited will temporarily be mailed to your address on file in Skyward.

To avoid possible delays in receiving your paycheck, please log in to your Skyward Employee Access (call 801-567-8737 for login assistance if needed) to verify that your address is correct, or to make any changes to your address.

View and/or change your address online:

  • Log in to Skyward Employee Access
  • EMPLOYEE INFORMATION tab (under Employee Information heading)
  • ADDRESS (under Demographic heading)

View and/or change your address by telephone:

  • Call Human Resources at 801-567-8150

Dear JSD Employee,

Employee Rights Notice & FFCRA Leave Application Tutorial ThumbnailsThe recently passed Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) may entitle eligible employees who have worked for the District for 30 days to receive a limited amount of paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. These provisions will apply from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.  The PDF below is a FFCRA notice from the Department of Labor outlining eligibility, paid leave entitlements and qualifying reasons for leave related to COVID-19.

The PDF also contains a tutorial on how you can submit a FFCRA Leave application through Skyward Employee Access if you believe you have a qualifying reason.  If you need assistance in accessing your Skyward employee account, please contact the Information Systems Help Desk at 801-567-8737.  For questions regarding FFCRA, please review the attached notice or contact HR at 801-567-8249. 

Utah Education Network is working to provide a ZOOM Pro Plan for Educators.  Within the next two weeks you will receive an email from ZOOM with an invitation to approve a request for a new account through UEN. If you would like the Pro Plan for Zoom, you will have 30 days to approve the request.

Here's a sample of what the email will look like:

Zoom Account E-mail Sample

Getting a flu shot is an easy way to help protect you, your family and co-workers.
There is no cost to you with your insurance card. Two district clinics have been scheduled for flu shots this year (see the attached schedule). Clinics have also been scheduled at most schools. See your individual school for dates and times.

You can also go to your physician or any pharmacy that accepts PEHP insurance.

Flu Facts Flyer

Utah Retirement Systems is offering informational webinars regarding your retirement benefits.

Understanding Your Pension Tier 1 Public Employee Benefits
An overview of Tier 1 public employee pension benefit basics.Monday, Sept. 14,  2020, 4:00 p.m. » Register Now
Understanding your tier 2 choice Tier 2 Choice
This overview for employees within their first year of URS-eligible employment will help you understand your two retirement choices.Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, 11:30 a.m. » Register Now
Understanding Your Pension Tier 1 Public Employee Benefits
Including Steps to Retirement
For Those Retiring Within the Next 3 Years
An overview of Tier 1 public employee pension benefits.Friday, September 25, 2020, 1:00 p.m. » Register Now


Working Together FlyerLet's work together to keep our schools open. What we do makes a difference. Here are a few important reminders:

  • Maintain a seating chart in classrooms – It is vital to contact tracing.
  • Keep small groups together for the entire class period – Mixing small groups creates a higher risk for exposure.
  • Send students showing any COVID-19 symptoms to the office immediately.
  • Remind students to stay home if they are sick.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in compliance with the State of Utah Public Health Order, Jordan School District requires employees to wear face coverings while at work.

Jordan School District recognizes that some employees may have a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. In order to receive an exemption from the State’s face covering requirements, the included exemption form must be completed by your primary care provider and returned to June LeMaster in Human Resources.  Your request will be evaluated and if approved, alternative options will be provided.

  • Employee Face Mask Exemption Form

Families First Corona Virus Relief Act (FFCRA) Leave – Employees who are either exposed to or have contracted COVID-19 are entitled to 80 hours of FFCRA leave, above their District leave benefits and are not expected to use their own leave benefits for COVID-19 illness, unless the necessary leave goes beyond 80 hours.  In employee access, employees must enter the “other” leave code, select the FMLA reason code and enter FFCRA in their description, as per their approval email.

A tutorial for applying for FFCRA leave was made available to employees in JEM on April 2, 2020.

For questions or additional information regarding any JSD leave benefits, please contact:

Jane Olsen, HR Generalist
Phone 801-567-8249


Learn & Work in UTThe Teacher Education Department at Southern Utah University is so excited to announce that the application is now open for a free college credit certificate in Enriched Teaching Skills & Practices for the Professional Instructor.

This one-time, no-cost opportunity is part of the Learn and Work in Utah response to the impact of COVID-19 and its impact on current teachers and educators. Certificates are designed to stack into SUU degree programs providing a financial jump start to those with long term education goals. The certificate will equal nine credits and count for three of the four elective courses required for a Masters Degree in Education at SUU.

Sign up immediately if you are interested because space is limited. Go to for information and to apply! Or share #learnandworkinUT #suukeeplearning in your social media sites.

The target audience for our certificate is in-service teachers, aides, substitutes, and parents interested in professionally developing their skills in technology, classroom management and the law. The goal of this certificate is twofold. First, teachers and educators can access professional development opportunities in skills they critically need and second, they can apply the credits toward a master’s degree in education that will help in-service teachers receive an increase in pay.

Last night, after negotiations with JESPA and JEA, the Board of Education voted to approve changes to leave policies for all benefit-eligible employees. Below is a brief summary of what those changes mean, as well as a description of federal leave options available through December 2020.

Changes to Leave Policy

  • 6 weeks of maternity leave is available to all benefit-eligible employees.
  • 2 weeks of paternity leave is available to all benefit-eligible employees (to be taken in the first year of the child’s life).
  • Instead of receiving sick, family sick, and personal leave, employees will receive an equal amount of “annual leave” that can be used for any purpose.
  • Any annual leave days that are not used by July 1 each year will convert to sick leave.
  • All personal and sick leave accrued before July 1 remains available and unchanged.

Federal Leave Assistance through FFCRA

  • The Families First Coronavirus Response Act entitles employees to the following leave above and beyond what is offered through policy:
    • 80 hours of leave for employees who cannot work because of quarantine.
    • 80 hours of leave at ⅔ pay to care for an individual who has been quarantined.
    • 10 weeks of leave at ⅔ pay to provide child care for a child whose school or daycare has closed because of COVID-19.

Additional Information

  • A moratorium has been placed on all low-absence or no-absence incentives.
  • Teachers may be able to teach from home virtually during quarantine, avoiding the need to take leave.
  • Individuals must be employed for at least 30 days to qualify for federal leave.
  • The deadline for using vacation leave accrued during the 2019-20 school year has been extended to December 2020.

Employees should review the documents at the links below and/or consult with the Human Resources department or their supervisor before making decisions about leave. 

Policies - Licensed

Policies - ESP

STEM Grant Flyer - Students practicing chemistrySTEM Classroom Grants
The PreK-12 Classroom grant expands opportunities for idea-sharing and innovation. Utah Educators and administrators at Utah public schools can implement innovative new approaches to STEM experiences in their classroom, with their findings being shared at STEM conferences an awards event.

STEM Competition Grants
The STEM Competition Grant was designed to support Utah students, grades K-12, participating in STEM competitions throughout the state. Award amounts range between $500 to $5,000.

Classroom and Competition Grant applications now open, closing September 30th.

The purpose of the video is to welcome our new teachers to Jordan School District, introduce key personnel and department heads, and provide contact information for essential resources.

The New Teacher Induction video should be viewed by all new teachers by August 14th. The video presentation is at the principal’s discretion on date and time; however, we encourage new teachers be provided the opportunity to view the video with their assigned mentor.  For this purpose, please make sure each new teacher has been assigned a mentor by August 10th.

We also encourage all staff members to have an opportunity to view the video. You may want to include the video as part of your teacher training, or to be viewed by teams. The video lasts approximately 25 minutes.

Ongoing induction training and support will be provided by the Teaching and Learning Department. More information is coming.

Jordan School District Board of Education:


Human Resources:

Insurance Department:


Payroll Department:

Student Services:

Superintendent Dr. Anthony Godfrey:

Teaching & Learning:



Language & Culture Services is a program within Teaching & Learning that provides culturally competent educational support to schools, families, and communities of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds through program services, professional interaction, effective communication, and community collaboration.

Here's a video to introduce you to the LCS team.  Also, take a moment to check out our "How to Page for All things ELS" flyer below. More info can be found at

Jordan Education Foundation (JEF) CLASSROOM GRANT applications will be accepted August 1, 2020 through October 31, 2020

JEF Classroom Grants are used to fund a teacher’s innovative and creative classroom projects that enrich standard curriculum and directly enhance learning opportunities for students in Jordan School District.

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected our community in many ways and while some expected funding has been lost for this year's Classroom Grants, JEF is pleased to announce that Classroom Grants will resume this year!

Classroom Grant applications will be accepted from August 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020 or until funding is depleted.  However, actual grant awards may be received up through Friday, November 20, 2020 – OR UNTIL FUNDING IS DEPLETED.  Both the application period and the funding period will end before November 20 if JEF funds have been exhausted by eligible projects. Bottom line: APPLY EARLY!

Changes have been made to the 2020-21 grant funding amounts and grants will only be awarded until funding is depleted.  JEF will fund UP TO $250 PER TEACHER.  These allotments can be combined and put toward a larger grant amount.  For example, four teachers can combine and apply for a $1,000 Grant.  OR, four teachers can combine and apply for a grant on DonorsChoose (WITH A MATCHING OFFER) and receive up to $2,000 in materials.  In any scenario, JEF will only be able to fund $250 per teacher.  Teachers may only apply once - either individually or with a team.  We continue to encourage applying through to take advantage of matching offers.

Restrictions: The following categories are not eligible for funding: Salaries, professional development, honorariums, stipends, & educator travel.

Licensed, full-time teachers in Jordan District (Utah), including art, P.E. and music, may apply.

2020-21 Classroom Grant Application Process:

  • Step 1 Go to Create a Donors Choose account and project. Use the criteria provided within the JEF Google Form to describe your project.
  • Step 2 Go to, and select the Classroom Grants APPLY HERE link found on the front page.
  • Step 3 Provide the link to your Donors Choose project in Section 2 of the JEF Google Form. (This is how we’ll know which projects to fund).
  • Step 4 If your project does not meet Donors Choose requirements or is for materials/licenses that are not covered by Donors Choose, please complete the “APPLICATIONS NOT APPLICABLE TO DONORS CHOOSE” Section 3 of the JEF Google Form.
  • Step 5 Submit application to JEF

If you have any questions about the application or funding process, please call Jordan Education Foundation at 801-567-8125.

Summer Science PD FlyerThe Teaching & Learning Science team is offering summer science professional development classes on August 3, 2020 at the Auxilary Services Building.  There are 12 seats available in each class and unlimited online attendees. Each session is one hour long and offered multiple times between 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Specific session times will be available when you register in JPLS.

  • Intro to 3D Science & FOSS Online
    JPLS - 101611
  • Science Model Lesson (FOSS Based)
    JPLS - 101610
  • Intro to Science
    JPLS - 101612
    This session will give you ALL the information about science curriculum you can use this year! Don't miss this one!

The following are new administrative assignments:

Assignment Effective July 1, 2020:


  • Adrienne Yancey, teacher at West Jordan Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Eastlake and Golden Fields Elementary.
  • Ami Shah, assistant principal at Eastlake and West Jordan Elementary, appointed assistant principal at West Jordan Elementary.
  • Kathryn Crandall, assistant principal at Columbia and Golden Fields Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Columbia Elementary.
  • Elizabeth Felt, assistant principal at Blackridge and South Jordan Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Blackridge Elementary.
  • Kimberly Ranney, achievement coach in Canyons School District, appointed assistant principal at Rose Creek and South Jordan Elementary.


  • Sharon Jensen, principal at Valley High, appointed consultant in Student Services, replacing Mary Ann Erdmann who retired.
  • Jacinto Peterson, assistant principal at Valley High, appointed principal at Valley High, replacing Sharon Jensen who was transferred.
  • Tyler Jones, assistant principal at South Hills Middle, appointed assistant principal at Valley High, replacing Jacinto Peterson who was promoted.
  • Spencer Campbell, assistant principal at Elk Ridge Middle, appointed assistant principal at South Hills Middle, replacing Tyler Jones who was transferred.
  • Danielle Hanson, assistant principal at West Jordan Middle, appointed assistant principal at Elk Ridge Middle, replacing Spencer Campbell who was transferred.
  • Georgia Wing, assistant principal at Herriman High, appointed assistant principal at West Jordan Middle, replacing Danielle Hanson who was transferred.
  • John Vincent, assistant principal at Bingham High, appointed assistant principal at Herriman High, replacing Georgia Wing who was transferred.