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Don’t Miss Out on Open Enrollment | May 15 – June 30

All benefit eligible employees will need to login to the InfinityHR enrollment system to verify dependents, add beneficiary information, make open enrollment elections, enroll in Flexible Spending and confirm H.S.A. payroll deductions. Instructions below

Open Enrollment Tips

FSA and Dependent Care
If you wish to participate in flexible spending or dependent care, you must elect new amounts for your flexible spending account each year using the online enrollment tool Amounts do not roll over.

H.S.A. Contributions
Please go on online using the online enrollment tool to verify H.S.A. payroll deductions. If you do not enter your monthly deduction, it will revert to $0. If you already have a direct deposit on file with payroll you do not need to complete the Direct Deposit section.

Benefit Statement Confirmation
Be sure you receive a Confirmation Statement after you review and confirm your elections.Open Enrollment Dialog Box

  • Open Enrollment Highlights and Directions for Enrolling in Your Benefits

The federal government recently issued temporary guidance related to flexible spending accounts

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic congress recently expanded eligible expenses to include over the counter medication without a prescription and feminine hygiene care products. If you have any questions about what is covered on FLEX, give PEHP Flex Department a call at 801-366-7503.

Members may use any flexible spending account balances beyond the original deadline. Anyone using a medical (FSA) or a dependent care flex plans will have until December 31, 2020 to spend any unused amounts at the end of the plan year and until March 31, 2020 to submit claims. For example, the plan year ends August 31, 2020, and a member had excess FSA funds that they couldn’t use in the last few months due to COVID-19 closing many medical services, that member could use any excess funds between September 1 and December 31, 2020 without forfeiting any unused amounts under the “use it or lose it” rule. Any unused amounts after December 31, 2020 will then be forfeited to the plan.

In addition, members may change, or revoke any flexible spending account elections at any time during the calendar year 2020. This means you can stop your deductions going forward. However, if you have already spent the funds your will not be allowed to cancel the plan. For example, if a person has elected more than the person can reasonably spend on dependent care, they may change their election at any point on a prospective basis during the calendar year. No amounts are allowed to be refunded.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many educators who requested authorization for a background check were unable to get fingerprinted before the expiration date on the form.  The form normally expires after 60 days. The Utah State Board of Education has a contingency in place to allow educators to use these authorization forms, regardless of the expiration date.  There is no need for the educator to get a new form.

Frequently Asked Questions
License Changes starting July 1, 2020

Q: I have a current Level 1, 2 or 3 Utah Educator License?
Your license automatically becomes a Professional Educator License.

Q: I have an expired Level 1, 2 or 3 Utah Educator License?
When you renew your Utah Educator License, it will be renewed to a Professional Educator License. Until then it will reflect the level you had when it expired.

Q: How do I renew my expired level 1, 2 or 3 Utah Educator License?
Level 2 and 3 licenses renew online at Educator Licensing Online. Level 1 licenses renew through the Licensing Department. Please contact USBE Licensing at 801-538-7740 for details.

Q: I am currently in ARL what happens to my license?
If your ARL license is not expired and you have a current assignment in CACTUS, your ARL license will automatically convert to an Associate Educator Level.

If your ARL license is expired but you are active in the program, please contact ARL as soon as possible at or 801-538-7740 to determine next steps.

Q: I have an APT License what happens to my license?
If your APT license is not expired and you have a current assignment in CACTUS, it will automatically convert to an Associate Educator License.

All other APT licenses expire June 30, 2020.

Q: I have a Level 1 or 2 Local Education Agency (LEA)-Specific License, what happens to it?
These licenses will expire on June 30, 2020 regardless of the expiration date noted in CACTUS. Please contact your LEA (employing district or charter school) to find out future steps.

Q: I have an International Guest Teacher license?
Your license automatically becomes a Professional Educator License with the same expiration date.

Utah State Board of Education – FAQ Licensing Changes on 7/1/2020 – ADA Compliant 5/2020 page 2

Q: I am in the ARL program to add a new license area of concentration/endorsement to my existing Utah Educator License?
On July 1, if your standard Utah Educator License is current, it will automatically become a Professional Educator License. The license area of concentration you are earning will become an Associate Area of Concentration and the endorsement will become an Associate level Endorsement.

Q: I have a State-approved Endorsement Plan (SAEP) in an endorsement?
The endorsement will become an Associate Endorsement with the same expiration date.

Q: My SAEP expires on Oct 1, 2020 and I can’t take the required courses this summer because of COVID-19?
Check our website after August 31, 2020 to complete and submit an SAEP Endorsement extension request.

Q: I have a restricted license area of concentration or endorsement what will happen to it?
These license areas and endorsements will expire on June 30, 2020. Please contact your LEA (employing district or charter school) to find out future steps.

Q: Why did my license area of concentration change?
As of July 1, 2020,

  • Elementary (K-6) and Elementary (1-8) are being combined into one license area Elementary Education, which will qualify you to teach grades Kindergarten-Grade 8.
  • Middle and Secondary Education are being combined as Secondary Education.
  • Communications Disorders (K-12) has been renamed Audiologist.
  • Administrative/Supervisory (K-12) has been renamed School Leadership.

If you have any other questions, please contact USBE Licensing at 801-538-7740 or

Greetings Utah Educators and Leaders!

As we move into “The Near Future,” services are becoming more available; educator-related services are included!  Specifically, fingerprinting services and testing services are now opening!  Hooray!!!

Some fingerprinting locations have started processing fingerprints on a limited basis.  Please encourage educators who need to complete a background check to call ahead to verify hours and operation precautions, such as wearing a face mask.  If your LEA is doing fingerprinting, please work to establish policies and procedures, including the use of appropriate PPE (gloves, masks, etc.), to keep your employees and those you serve safe.

ETS has announced the Praxis® tests at home solution in response to closures of testing centers. Registration for the first wave of tests begins on May 15 with the first test administration taking place on May 18.  While not all of the content assessments will be offered in the first wave of tests at home, most will be available by June 1st.  ETS’ COVID-19 website has been updated with some key information regarding the at home solution.

As you encourage your educators to meet requirements for licensure, including background checks and testing, the Educator Licensing team is optimistic that these adjustments will help educators become appropriately licensed prior to the upcoming school year.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  I know that many changes to licensing (an already complicated arena) lend itself to more questions.  We are here to help you support teachers!

Thank you for all that you do to support Utah’s students and teachers!  We will charge into “The New Future” together!

Kindest regards,
Malia Hite, Ed.D.
Educator Licensing Coordinator
Teaching & Learning   |  Utah State Board of Education

Enrollment elections will be made using our online enrollment tool.  Please use the directions for enrollment and highlights documents below to login and complete your enrollment.

The following changes may be made during the open enrollment period.

  • Enroll in a new insurance plan
  • Change or cancel an existing insurance plan
  • Add or cancel members from an existing plan
  • Flexible Spending elections (new elections must be made each year you wish to participate)

White MarigoldsSouth Valley Greenhouse will be open Tuesday, May 12 and Thursday, May 14 from 8 am -  1 pm.  It is a curbside sale.  You will stay in your car and we will give you an order form.  Then we will pull your order and bring it to your car and you will pay in the parking lot.  Attached is a copy of the order form.

Resilient Utah MessageGovernor Gary R. Herbert has declared May 2020 Utah Resilience Month provides a simple approach that parents can incorporate to help address social-emotional needs of their children.

He has asked parents to review the Utah Resilience Month Parent Packet #1.  There are articles, videos and other resources to help parents and students navigate all the ups and downs they may face at this time and in the future.

All 6th-grade teachers are invited to attend a short webinar on May 8th.  If your school is new to the Open Up (Illustrative) Curriculum they should attend the 11:00 am webinar.  If they have already been using the Open Up resources curriculum they should attend the 1:00 pm webinar.  (Registration information attached.)

New 1st Year 2nd - 3rd Year

During the webinar, we will share information about the resources that have been ordered for your school and explain the professional development schedule for the upcoming year.

As a result of the soft closure, we have made some adjustments to the training schedule.  The first is that the math grant will be used to pay for a limited number of registrations (at least one per school) to a high-quality summer online professional workshop offered through Open Up resources.  This will be a great opportunity for JSD teachers to engage with curriculum developers and join a nation-wide professional learning community.  The registration information is attached to this email and will be clarified during the May 1st webinar.  Next, teachers not selected or unable to attend the summer training will be provided an alternate training experience.  The training schedule will be reviewed during the webinar.

The Hive

Thank you again for all you are doing to support the incredible efforts of our super-hero educators.  They are amazing!  I have loved hearing from so many of them as they have made the shift to online instruction. I am blown away by their creativity, their caring, and their genuine concern for their students.

Melissa Garber
Jordan District Elementary Mathematics Specialist

Please observe the following critical deadlines regarding the financial year-end processes for the 2019-20 year. Please review these dates as they could have a major effect on your location’s ability to operate.


  • Traditional Schools

    • May 22, 2020: Last day to enter and approve FY 2019-20 Inventory Requisition (posted in current year), guaranteed delivery June 5, 2020.
    • June 5, 2020: Last day for delivery of FY 2019-20 Inventory orders.
  • All Locations

    • May 29, 2020: First day to enter next year startup orders. Use FY 2020-21 to post in next year. Use FY 2019-20 to post in current year. Any Inventory Requisitions entered on or after May 29, 2020 for delivery after June 5, 2020, enter as a FY 2020-21 Requisition.
    • June 9, 2020: Last day to enter, and for Principals to approve, any FY 2019-20 Inventory Requisitions (posted in current year). Inventory Requisitions delivered by June 24, 2020.
    • June 24, 2020: Last delivery for all non-food FY 2019-20 Inventory orders.
    • July 1, 2020: Continue entering FY 2020-21 Inventory Requisitions. Warehouses resume delivery schedules.
    • April 20, 2020: All FY 2019-20 Purchase Requisitions using the Special Ed budget must be received by the Special Ed department.
    • May 1, 2020: All Purchase Requisitions estimated to be $50,000 or more must be routed to Purchasing.
    • May 15, 2020: Begin entering FY 2020-21 Purchase Requisitions. Select FY 2020-21 to post in next year. Use FY 2019-20 to post in current year. Please enter the respective year in the description field as seen below. FY 2019-20 Purchase Requisitions can be entered through June 10, 2020. All FY 2020-21 Purchase Requisitions will not be sent to vendors until after July 2, 2020.
      Requisition Master Information
    • June 1, 2020: Last day for P-Card purchases for FY 2019-20.
    • June 10, 2020: Last day to enter, and for Principals to approve, any FY 2019-20 Purchase Requisitions (posted in current year).
    • June 12, 2020: Last day for Administrator of Schools level approvals for FY 2019-20 Purchase Requisitions. Not guaranteed after this date.
    • July 1, 2020: Continue entering FY 2020-21 Purchase Requisitions.

As always, the Accounting Department needs “verification” of receipt of goods or services immediately after delivery. What constitutes a “verification” is: 1) a PO#, 2) a signature, 3) a date, and 4) an indication whether Accounting should keep the PO open or closed, (the PO has been only partially filled or all items have been received in full). The “verification” can be on a packing slip, a copy of the PO, or a copy of the invoice.

Summer Product Received at Traditional Elementary Schools: Purchased items being delivered by vendors and received at schools over the summer break must remain in a designated holding area. When staff returns they can account for the items properly, verify and submit the proper paperwork in a timely manner to the Accounting Department. This will help eliminate confusion between the schools and vendors on the whereabouts of items delivered.

  • All Locations
    • May 15, 2020 P-Card Reconciliations due in Accounting.
    • June 1, 2020 Last day for P-Card expenditures for FY 2019-20.
  • Traditional Elementary Schools
    • June 11, 2020 All items (mileage reimbursements, NPOs, check requests, Journal Entries and “verifications”) to be paid with FY 2019-20 budgets should be entered, approved and received in Accounting by this date. Those received after this date, may be paid with FY 2020-21 budgets.
    • June 12, 2020 P-Card Reconciliations due in Accounting.
  • Secondary and Year-Round Schools & Departments
    • June 18, 2020 P-Card Reconciliations due in Accounting.
  • Secondary and Year-Round Schools
    • June 24, 2020 Last day to submit Cash Receipts and Journal Entries.


All Locations

  • June 3, 2020 Traditional Schools: All True Time submissions due. Nutrition Managers approvals due by the end of the day.
  • June 2, 2020 May Payroll due.
  • June 5, 2020 True Time 1st approvals due.
  • June 9, 2020 True Time final approvals due.
  • July 1, 2020 Begin entering FY 2020-21 time off.
  • July 1, 2020 All Locations: June Payroll due. Year Round Schools: True Time submissions due. Nutrition Managers approvals due by the end of the day.
  • July 8, 2020 True Time Submissions due.
  • July 10, 2020 True Time 1st approvals due.
  • July 14, 2020 True Time final approvals due.


  • May 15 – June 30 Open enrollment for September 1 effective. Enrollment elections will be made using our new online enrollment system - InfinityHR

Information will be sent in JAM and JEM as it becomes available.

Any questions regarding deadlines, please contact either Kurt Prusse, Purchasing Director, 801-567-8701 or Michael Heaps, Information Systems Director, 801-567-8737

The following are new administrative assignments:

Assignment Effective June 1, 2020:

  • Amy Adams, assistant principal at Riverside Elementary, appointed principal at Fox Hollow Elementary, replacing Kevin Pullan who is retiring.

Assignments Effective July 1, 2020:

  • Jill Durrant, consultant of Preschool/Child Development Center, appointed Administrator of Schools – Elementary, replacing Laura Finlinson who is retiring.
  • Kristy Whiteside, principal at Daybreak Elementary, appointed consultant of Preschool/Child Development Center.
  • Leslie Ewell, assistant principal at Foothills Elementary, appointed principal at Daybreak Elementary.
  • Amanda Bollinger, principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary, appointed consultant in the Special Education department, replacing Julie Brown who is retiring.
  • Michelle Peterson, principal at Falcon Ridge Elementary, appointed principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary.
  • Theresa Christensen, assistant principal at Eastlake Elementary, appointed principal at Falcon Ridge Elementary.
  • Kaleb Yates, assistant principal at Herriman & Midas Creek Elementary, appointed principal at Jordan Hills Elementary.
  • Kristie Howe, assistant principal at Oakcrest Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Antelope Canyon & Oakcrest Elementary.
  • Angela Hamilton, instructional coach at West Jordan Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Bastian Elementary.
  • Staci Moore, assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon & Jordan Ridge Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Majestic & Jordan Ridge Elementary.
  • Franco Preston, assistant principal at Bastian & Majestic Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon & Herriman Elementary.
  • Ami Shah, assistant principal at Riverton & West Jordan Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Eastlake & West Jordan Elementary.
  • Nathan Price, assistant principal at Silver Crest Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Riverside Elementary.
  • Leilani Brecht, principal at Jordan Hills Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Silver Crest Elementary.
  • Odette Desmarais, Academic Director & IB Coordinator at Providence Hall, appointed assistant principal at Foothills Elementary.
  • Brenda Anderson, assistant principal at Jordan Hills & Rosamond Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Jordan Hills & Riverton Elementary.
  • Elizabeth Pollock, assistant principal at Ridge View Elementary & teacher specialist in Teaching & Learning, appointed assistant principal at Ridge View & Rosamond Elementary.
  • John Scovill, principal at Pioneer Elementary in Idaho School District, appointed assistant principal at Fox Hollow & Midas Creek Elementary, replacing Nancy Ward who is retiring.

Arts Integration EndorsementThe USBE Arts Integration Endorsement is offered through CITES at BYU. This endorsement attaches to an elementary teaching license. The course builds capacity in 6 art forms as well as in the integration of the arts across the curriculum. Participants will experience hands-on engaged learning in dance, drama, media arts, music, visual arts and literary arts with lessons to use with elementary students. Teachers will improve their own skills in the arts as well as learn pedagogy to teach and to integrate the arts.

Cybercriminals are using the COVID-19 crisis to propagate various strains of dangerous malware, and ransomware, as well as to launch new phishing campaigns against organizations worldwide including education institutions. Cybercriminals are trying to exploit the emotions associated with this global pandemic. It is important that we do not lose track of the fundamental security controls that we have been taught. The social engineering method being used is primarily phishing e-mails, using the subject lines like:

  • 2020 Coronavirus Updates
  • Coronavirus Updates
  • 2019-nCov: New confirmed cases in your City
  • 2019-nCov: Coronavirus outbreak in your city (Emergency)
  • COVID-19

These phishing emails may look like they come from a trustworthy source, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or an individual with “Dr.” in their title, etc. These phishing emails may contain links to a fake email login page or may have attachments with malware or ransomware. These attachments could be named something like coronavirus- or COVID-19- or even “President discusses budget savings due to coronavirus with Cabinet.”

If you receive one of these emails do not click on links or open attachments. Take a screenshot, if possible and send it to Information Systems at

Every Friday, Blomquist Hale Solutions will be sending out the webinar recordings from that week. Here are three separate webinars related to COVID-19.

  • Parenting 101: COVID-19 Pandemic Video Recording
  • Stress & Anxiety During COVID-19 Workshop Recording
  • Keeping Your Relationship Strong During Quarantine – Couples Workshop Recording

  • Payroll Due: including all March absences and approvals: 4/2
  • Last day to change direct deposit accounts: 4/12
    ** Please let Payroll know of any changes to your account after this date.
    Any bank account changes will affect your check on payday.
  • Paychecks available for viewing in Employee Access: 4/22
    ** Strongly recommended
  • Payday: 4/24

True Time Deadlines for Pay Period 3/2/20 – 4/5/20

  • Employee Final Submittal: 4/8/20
  • First Approval: 4/13/20
  • Final Approval: 4/14/20

All paychecks that are not direct deposited will temporarily be mailed to your address on file in Skyward. This will take effect March 13th until further notice.

To avoid possible delays in receiving your paycheck, please log in to your Skyward Employee Access to verify that your address is correct, or to make any changes to your address.

Dear Jordan District Employees,

Below you will find a message from the USBE.  We wanted to share with you the most recent information that has been shared with us.  While there is a disruption to some of the normal processing that takes place in new hiring, renewals, and upgrades in teacher licensing there is still much that can be done with people working at home. If you are trying to do any of these things and are struggling to make progress please let us know and we will see what we can do to help you move forward.  We would encourage you to make what progress you can because when all of these offices are up and running they will be inundated with people trying to get their licenses in good status.  Thank you for your help in moving forward and we hope that you and your families are safe and well!!

These are unprecedented times in education.  The anxiety related to closures, pending deadlines, and unmet requirements for educator licensing is real.  Testing centers, fingerprinting services, and as of this morning, the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) have all suspended public services.

As you may be aware, this poses significant impacts to educator licensing in Utah.  The following groups of educators with immediate and urgent impacts are the following:

  • Educators seeking initial licensure in Utah
    • Recent education graduates
    • New to the profession (Associate Educator License)
    • Out-of-State Applicants
    • International Guest Teachers
  • Returning educators with expired licenses
  • Educators whose license expires June 30, 2020
  • Educators on an SAEP who need to take a content test for license and/or endorsement (SAEPs expire October 1st)

The licensing staff at USBE is working to identify all the issues at hand and find practical and legal solutions.  Educator licenses will still expire June 30, 2020.  However LEAS  will have until October 31, 2020 an additional two weeks to fully license educators.  This gives additional time for educators to count toward funding in the Legislative Salary Adjustment.  The new licensing requirements are currently scheduled to go into effect on July 1, 2020; we are extending the CURRENT educator renewal requirements (R277-500) to October 31, 2020. 

In the table below, we have specified each of the individual solutions for different educator groups with respect to licensure.

Educator Group Concern USBE Solution
Educators seeking licensure Background checks; Working with Utah BCI to determine a process for background checks
Content testing; Content requirement completed before November 1, 2020
License expires 6/30/2020 Background checks License renewal requirements counted up to November  1, 2020
Need content test for license/endorsement Content testing Content requirement completed before November 1, 2020

Hopefully, educators will be able to complete all testing requirements and background checks prior to October 31, 2020.  We are working with Utah BCI to find ways for educators to obtain a current background check.  We are monitoring all activities closely.  It is possible that even these accommodations will need to be adjusted.

We are communicating these adjustments to educators who are directly affected.  Should you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Malia Hite, Ed.D.
Educator Licensing Coordinator

Teaching & Learning   |  Utah State Board of Education

Please take the time to review the following time-sensitive Action Item.
As schools transition from a Year-Round (YRE) to a traditional schedule, select employees may be required to transition to a traditional pay frequency (September to August) if they have not yet done so.

Pay Schedule Option Tutorial for Year-Round Transition
Use the above link if you are a Licensed or Support Professional at Fox Hollow Elementary on a YRE pay schedule and have not requested to change to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year. You must transition to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year.

Pay Schedule Option Tutorial for Year-Round Transportation
Use the above link if you are a Bus Driver or Bus Attendant on a YRE pay schedule and have not requested to change to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year. You must transition to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year.

Pay Schedule Option Tutorial for Year-Round Schools
Use the above link if you are a Licensed or Support Staff employee currently assigned to a YRE school and have not requested to change to a traditional pay frequency. You have the option of remaining on a YRE pay frequency, or transitioning to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year.

If you have further questions, contact HR at 801-567-8150.