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While schools are on dismissal, ISC orders may only be taken by phone or email. The ISC employees will be happy to fill orders. Only ISC employees will be permitted to complete projects. After ISC orders are completed, they will be delivered to schools.

The phone number for the ISC is 801-567-8740, and the email address is

All paychecks that are not direct deposited will temporarily be mailed to your address on file in Skyward. This will take effect today, March 13th, until further notice.

To avoid possible delays in receiving your paycheck, please log in to your Skyward Employee Access to verify that your address is correct, or to make any changes to your address.

  1. Log in to Skyward Employee Access (call 801-567-8737 for login assistance if needed)
  3. PERSONAL INFORMATION (under Employee Information heading)


  • View and/or change your address online:
    • ADDRESS (under Demographic heading)
  • View and/or change your address by telephone:
    • Call Human Resources at 801-567-8150

Direct Deposit

  • View and/or change your direct deposit online:
    • DIRECT DEPOSIT (under Payroll heading)
  • Paper Direct Deposit Authorization form:
    • Call the Payroll Department at 801-567-8154, or email
    • Do NOT email your completed Direct Deposit authorization


  • View your W4 information online (you cannot change your W-4 online):
    • W4 INFORMATION (under Payroll heading)
  • Paper W4 Form:
    • Call the Payroll Department at 801-567-8154, or email
    • Search for 2020 W-4 Form online
    • Do NOT email your completed W4


  • View your W2 online
    • W2 INFORMATION (under Payroll heading)
    • VIEW W2 FORM button
  • Paper Copy of W2:
    • Call the Payroll Department at 801-567-8154

Dear Teachers,

It is time to submit applications for the K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software Grant, which is intended to provide schools with access to math personalized learning software programs to improve student outcomes in mathematics literacy. The deadline for the grant is March 27, 2020. This application must be submitted at the school level, but needs to be signed by Amy Kinder, in the Teaching & Learning Department, and an Instructional Technology Specialist. Only ONE submission per school is allowed.

Please work with your administration and technology coach to determine how this grant could be used to provide software licenses to enhance the mathematics instruction taking place in your building. Funding is limited, so the Utah STEM Action Center asks that we are intentional in choosing the product(s) and number of licenses for the product(s) requested.

Please be aware that if the licenses provided through this grant are not used or are under- utilized by a school, they may be revoked. In addition, Jordan School District may be barred from applying for this grant in the future.

To be effective, here are the recommendations for the use of each product:




Usage Recommendations

Curriculum Associates



30-49 minutes per week plus 70-100% pass rates




Five lessons per week

McGraw-Hill ALEKS 3-12 1 hour per week OR 5 topics per week
MIND Research Institute ST Math K-8 K-1: 60 minutes per week
2-8: 75 minutes per week

Imagine Learning

Imagine Math

K-Algebra 1/ Geometry

Quarter 1: (Sept-Nov 2016)
5+ lessons completed

Quarter 2: (Dec-Feb 2017)
10+ lessons completed

Quarter 3: (Mar-May 2017)
15+ lessons completed




30 minutes per week OR 3 subtopics mastered per week

The mathematics personalized learning software has been shown to have a significant impact on student achievement for those students who met the recommended weekly usage.

We are required to choose from the approved vendors and products in the table above. Please contact the vendors with any questions about the products in which you are interested. They are more than happy to assist you and will often offer additional services to your school if they know that you are applying for the K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software Grant.

Here are links to the vendors’ websites with more information about what they are offering:

Thank you for all that you do for our students. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Noelani Ioane, MS
Mathematics Content Teacher Leader

Youth Mental Health First Aid FlyerThis is an 8-hour training that is being offered for all employees providing certification.

Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is for adults to teach how to help adolescents and young adults who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it helps trainees identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

  • Saturday, March 21, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building, Room 113
  • To register, contact Sharon Steadman at 385-235-0322

Meet the Stars at FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention With Discounted Tickets for Jordan School District Employees, and Family Members! FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention will take place on September 17-19, 2020 at the Salt Palace Convention Center.

FanX® Salt Lake Comic Convention™ and Jordan School District are teaming up and giving YOU, our valuable employees and your family members, a chance to get discounted up to 35% OFFyour tickets to FanX® Salt Lake Comic Convention™ 2020!

Buy tickets on the Fan X site and use FANX20JORDAN (all caps) at checkout. Use this link to find out more about the ticket options. This promo code will expire on February 29, 2020, at 11:59 PM.

Note: You must first choose the tickets to purchase and then enter the FANX20JORDAN to see the discount.

FanX® Salt Lake Comic Conventions™ are Dan Farr Productions annual events, and are now the most attended conventions in the state of Utah and are some of the largest pop culture conventions in North America. Past events have attracted celebrities like Stan Lee, Chris Evans, Mark Hamill, Jeremy Renner, Elijah Wood, Dick Van Dyke, Tom Felton, Jason Momoa, Matt Smith, Sir Patrick Stewart, Buzz Aldrin and many, many more.

*Discount offer is for Jordan School District employees, family members and friends only. Offer valid on Multipasses, Single Day, Gold and VIP passes. Tickets will not be mailed out after the shipping deadline.

FanX Tickets on sale now

This is a reminder for all fifth-grade teachers. Friday, Feb. 14, 2020 is the last day to register for the March 6 social studies professional development "Engaging Students in Social Studies/Civic Engagement" to be held at the ASB auditorium.  You'll receive a stipend and relicensure credits for attending, plus a tub of hands-on materials.  Please email to save a slot.  We encourage 5th grade teams to attend together.

Dear Teachers,

Please find below links to applications for the USTAR Math and Science courses. The deadline for the courses to be offered this summer is Friday February 21, 2020.

If you have any questions please contact Jane Harward or Noelani Ioane.

Thank you for all that you do for our students.

Teaching & Learning - Math & Science

2020-21 Applications

  • Applications for Courses to be offered Summer 2020 – due date is Friday February 21, 2020
    • Gearing Up for 7th Grade Mathematics
    • Gearing Up for 8th Grade Mathematics
    • Gearing Up for 8th Grade Honors Mathematics
    • Gearing Up for Secondary Math 1
    • Summer Math or Science Core Course
    • Summer Short Math or Science Course 
  • Applications for Courses to be offered during 20-2021 school year – due date is Friday March 27, 2020
    • AP Course Review or Lab
    • Math Counts
    • School Year Short Course
    • Science Olympiad Team
    • STEM Fair Mentoring


Elementary Teacher – Teacher Wellness Focus Group Invitation
Our District’s Health and Wellness Specialist, McKinley Withers, is conducting a research study on teacher wellness through the University of Utah. He is looking for research participants for focus groups to better understand how school leaders can support improved conditions for enhanced teacher wellness.

The Elementary School Teacher Wellness Focus Group will meet on Wednesday, February 20th   from 4-6pm. If you are interested in participating, please review the information below, and email McKinley Withers for additional information.

Focus group participation for this research will be limited to current elementary school teachers who have 7 or more years of experience as a classroom teacher. If you choose to participate in this focus group, you will volunteer between two and four hours to share your valuable insights and experiences as a classroom teacher–specifically related to how school leaders have, or could, promote your experience of wellness. With an understanding of teacher’s perceptions of what has had a positive impact on their workplace wellness, school leaders will be better equipped to provide meaningful interventions and creative approaches to improve a teacher’s sense of overall well-being.

As a participant you will be asked to respond to a series of questions in a face to face meeting with up to 7 other participants who are also classroom teachers in Jordan School District. These questions will be focused on what school leaders have done well or could do to improve your experience of workplace wellness.

Middle School Teacher – Teacher Wellness Focus Group Invitation
Our District’s Health and Wellness Specialist, McKinley Withers, is conducting a research study on teacher wellness through the University of Utah. He is looking for research participants for focus groups to better understand how school leaders can support improved conditions for enhanced teacher wellness.

The Middle School Teacher Wellness Focus Group will meet on Tuesday, February 18th from 4-6pm. If you are interested in participating, please review the information below, and email McKinley Withers,, for additional information.

Focus group participation for this research will be limited to current middle school teachers who have 7 or more years of experience as a classroom teacher. If you choose to participate in this focus group, you will volunteer between two and four hours to share your valuable insights and experiences as a classroom teacher–specifically related to how school leaders have, or could, promote your experience of wellness. With an understanding of teacher’s perceptions of what has had a positive impact on their workplace wellness, school leaders will be better equipped to provide meaningful interventions and creative approaches to improve a teacher’s sense of overall well-being.

As a participant you will be asked to respond to a series of questions in a face to face meeting with up to 7 other participants who are also classroom teachers in Jordan School District. These questions will be focused on what school leaders have done well or could do to improve your experience of workplace wellness.

Teaching and Learning is excited to introduce Multisyllable Routine Cards for all 3-6 grade teachers. This is a short daily routine that can be implemented similar to Heggerty in K-2 grade.

Please see the attached flyer and pick a date to attend. The first three sessions are already full and the others are filling up quickly so register soon. Teachers will receive all materials needed to implement the program as well as receive in service pay for attending.

Please contact Mandy Thurman (ext: 88119) with any questions.

Infinity Directions for EnrollingAll employees are required to access the new online enrollment system to verify dependents, add beneficiary information and elect or waive additional benefits.  Directions for accessing the online enrollment system can be found in the attached PDF files below.

You can enroll in the following benefits Feb. 3 - 18 at for a March 1 effective date.

  • Life
  • Accidental Death & dismemberment
  • Aflac Accident
  • Aflac Critical Illness
  • Aflac Hospital Advantage

All benefits are offered on a guarantee basis which means no health questions! Please visit starting on Feb. 3 to get started.

Attention JSD Educators,

Hidden Valley Middle in Bluffdale will open in August, 2020.  Applications are now being accepted for the positions outlined below (Phase A):

  • Head Counselor (To begin February, 2020)
  • Media Specialist (To begin March, 2020)
  • Department Chairs (To begin August, 2020)
    • CTE
    • English
    • Fine Arts
    • Math
    • PE/Health
    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • World Languages
  • The following department chair positions have been filled at the principal’s discretion:
    • Special Education

The new elementary school in West Jordan will also open in August, 2020.  Applications are now being accepted for the positions outlined below (Phase A):

  • Team Leaders (To begin August, 2020)
    • Kindergarten
    • 1st grade
    • 2nd grade
    • 5th grade
    • 6th grade
    • Special Education
  • The following team leader positions have been filled at the principal’s discretion:
    • 3rd Grade
    • 4th Grade

Additional compensated work for certain positions may be required prior to the beginning of the contract year.

JSD educators interested in applying for the positions listed above ​must submit ​an application​ using Skyward "Employee Access".  Please see the attached tutorial for application instructions.  External applications will be accepted after JSD educators have been give first consideration.

For information regarding a position advertising schedule, position descriptions and instructions on how to apply, visit the Work At Jordan Job Postings at the New Schools page.

For assistance in accessing Skyward Employee Access, please contact the Help Desk at 801-567-8737.  For questions regarding positions at Hidden Valley Middle School, please contact principal Shawn Mcleod at

New Online Insurance System FlyerAll employees will need to access the new system to verify dependents, add beneficiary information and elect or waive additional benefits.

Enroll in the following benefits as of  February 2020:

  • Life
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment
  • Aflac Accident
  • Aflac Critical Illness
  • Aflac Hospital Advantage

All benefits are offered on a guarantee basis which means no health questions!

Watch for more details.

Painting For the Pantries FlyerWest Jordan Women in Business is teaming up with That Paint Thing for a night of dining, painting, and prize drawings. 100% of the event proceeds will be donated to Jordan Education Foundation to be used for the Principal's Pantries throughout the Jordan School District.

The event will be held on Feb. 7 from 6 - 9 p.m. at  Jordan Hills Elementary. Use the links below to purchase tickets.  For questions, call the West Jordan Chamber at 801-970-3671